#' @title Available classification/regression methods in \code{MLSeq}
#' @description This function returns a character vector of available classification/regression methods in \code{MLSeq}. These methods
#' are imported from \code{caret} package. See details below.
#' @details There are 200+ methods available in \code{caret}. We import approximately 85 methods which are available for "classification" task.
#' Some of these methods are available for both classification and regression tasks. \code{availableMethods()} returns a character vector
#' of available methods in \code{MLSeq}. These names are directly used in \code{\link{classify}} function with arguement \code{method}.
#' See \url{} for a complete list of available methods in \code{caret}.
#' Run \code{printAvailableMethods()} to print detailed information about classification methods (prints to R Console).
#' @note Available methods in \code{MLSeq} will be regularly updated. Some of the methods might be removed as well as some others
#' took its place in \code{MLSeq}. Please check the available methods before fitting the model. This function is inspired
#' from the function \code{getModelInfo()} in \code{caret} and some of the code chunks and help texts are used here.
#' @param model a character string indicating the name of classification model. If NULL, all the available methods from \code{MLSeq}
#' is returned. Otherwise, the methods which are complete or partial matches to requested string is returned. See \code{regex} for
#' details.
#' @param regex a logical: should a regular expressions be used? If FALSE, a simple match is conducted against the whole name of the model.
#' @param \dots options to pass to \code{\link[base:grep]{grepl}}.
#' @return a requested or complete character vector of available methods.
#' @seealso \code{\link{classify}}, \code{\link[caret:modelLookup]{getModelInfo}}, \code{\link[caret]{train}}
#' @name Available-classifiers
#' @rdname Available-classifiers
#' @aliases Available-classifiers printAvailableMethods
#' @export
availableMethods <- function(model = NULL, regex = TRUE, ...){
# This function returns the available classification methods in MLSeq. Name of the methods are identical to
# methods in caret package.
# Args:
# model: a character string indicating the name of classification model.
# regex: a logical. should a regular expressions be used? If FALSE, a simple match is conducted
# against the whole name of the model.
# ...: options to pass to grepl(...)
loaded <- try({load(system.file("extdata", "availableModels.RData", package = "MLSeq"))}) # Use this for Bioconductor version
# Local files:
# Uncomment this line for loading dataset from source folder rather than installed package.
# This is useful when debugging source files.
# loaded <- try({load(paste(getwd(), "/inst/extdata/availableModels.RData", sep = ""))}) # iMAC
if (class(loaded) == "try-error"){
available_models <- NULL
} else {
if (!is.null(available_models)){
if (!is.null(model)){
keepers <- if (regex){
grepl(model, available_models, ...)
} else {
which(model == available_models)
models <- available_models[keepers]
if (length(models) == 0) {
stop("This model is not available in MLSeq.")
} else {
} else {
} else {
warning("Available models may not be loaded properly from \"MLSeq\" package.")
#' @rdname Available-classifiers
#' @export
printAvailableMethods <- function(){
Abbrev. | Description (B.C.: Binary Classification)
amdai | Adaptive Mixture Discriminant Analysis
AdaBag | Bagged AdaBoost
treebag | Bagged CART
bagFDA | Bagged Flexible Discriminant Analysis
bayesglm | Bayesian Generalized Linear Model
gamboost | Boosted Generalized Additive Model
glmboost | Boosted Generalized Linear Model
BstLm | Boosted Linear Model
LogitBoost | Boosted Logistic Regression
bstSm | Boosted Smoothing Spline
blackboost | Boosted Tree (B.C.)
bstTree | Boosted Tree
C5.0 | C5.0
rpart | CART
rpart1SE | CART
rpart2 | CART
rpartScore | CART or Ordinal Responses
cforest | Conditional Inference Random Forest
ctree | Conditional Inference Tree
ctree2 | Conditional Inference Tree
C5.0Cost | Cost-Sensitive C5.0
rpartCost | Cost-Sensitive CART
deepboost | DeepBoost
dda | Diagonal Discriminant Analysis
dwdPoly | Distance Weighted Discrimination with Polynomial Kernel (B.C.)
dwdRadial | Distance Weighted Discrimination with Radial Basis Function Kernel (B.C.)
fda | Flexible Discriminant Analysis
gam | Generalized Additive Model using Splines
glm | Generalized Linear Model (B.C.)
gpls | Generalized Partial Least Squares
glmnet | glmnet
protoclass | Greedy Prototype Selection
hda | Heteroscedastic Discriminant Analysis
hdda | High Dimensional Discriminant Analysis
hdrda | High-Dimensional Regularized Discriminant Analysis
kknn | k-Nearest Neighbors
knn | k-Nearest Neighbors
svmLinearWeights2 | L2 Regularized Linear Support Vector Machines with Class Weights
svmLinear3 | L2 Regularized Support Vector Machine (dual) with Linear Kernel
lvq | Learning Vector Quantization
lda | Linear Discriminant Analysis
lda2 | Linear Discriminant Analysis
stepLDA | Linear Discriminant Analysis with Stepwise Feature Selection
dwdLinear | Linear Distance Weighted Discrimination (B.C.)
loclda | Localized Linear Discriminant Analysis
Mlda | Maximum Uncertainty Linear Discriminant Analysis
mda | Mixture Discriminant Analysis
avNNet | Model Averaged Neural Network
mlp | Multi-Layer Perceptron
mlpWeightDecay | Multi-Layer Perceptron
mlpWeightDecayML | Multi-Layer Perceptron, multiple layers
mlpML | Multi-Layer Perceptron, with multiple layers
earth | Multivariate Adaptive Regression Spline
gcvEarth | Multivariate Adaptive Regression Splines
nb | Naive Bayes
nbDiscrete | Naive Bayes
pam | Nearest Shrunken Centroids
nnet | Neural Network
pcaNNet | Neural Networks with Feature Extraction
ORFlog | Oblique Random Forest
ORFpls | Oblique Random Forest (Partial least square as node model)
ORFridge | Oblique Random Forest (Ridge regression as node model)
ORFsvm | Oblique Random Forest (linear SVM as node model)
pls | Partial Least Squares
pda | Penalized Discriminant Analysis
PenalizedLDA | Penalized Linear Discriminant Analysis
plr | Penalized Logistic Regression
multinom | Penalized Multinomial Regression
qda | Quadratic Discriminant Analysis
stepQDA | Quadratic Discriminant Analysis with Stepwise Feature Selection
rbf | Radial Basis Function Network
rf | Random Forest
rda | Regularized Discriminant Analysis
rlda | Regularized Linear Discriminant Analysis
RRF | Regularized Random Forest
Linda | Robust Linear Discriminant Analysis
rmda | Robust Mixture Discriminant Analysis
QdaCov | Robust Quadratic Discriminant Analysis
rrlda | Robust Regularized Linear Discriminant Analysis
bdk | Self-Organizing Map
sdwd | Sparse Distance Weighted Discrimination
sparseLDA | Sparse Linear Discriminant Analysis
spls | Sparse Partial Least Squares
gbm | Stochastic Gradient Boosting
svmLinear | Support Vector Machines with Linear Kernel
svmPoly | Support Vector Machines with Polynomial Kernel
svmRadial | Support Vector Machines with Radial Basis Function Kernel
voomDLDA | Voom-based Diagonal Linear Discriminant Analysis
voomDQDA | Voom-based Diagonal Quadratic Discriminant Analysis
voomNSC | Voom-based Nearest Shrunken Centroids
PLDA | Poisson Linear Discriminant Analysis
PLDA2 | Poisson Linear Discriminant Analysis with Power Transformation
NBLDA | Negative Binomial Linear Discriminant Analysis
# This function gives the name of the model from caret's abbreviation.
# Burada verilen tanimlamalar bir dosya ile availableMethods() fonksiyonuna benzer sekilde kaydedilebilir.
modelDescription <- function(abbrv = NULL){
abbreviations <- availableMethods()
loaded <- try({load(system.file("extdata", "modelDescriptions.RData", package = "MLSeq"))}) # Use this for Bioconductor version
# Local files:
# Uncomment this line for loading dataset from source folder rather than installed package.
# This is useful when debugging source files.
# loaded <- try({load(paste(getwd(), "/inst/extdata/modelDescriptions.RData", sep = ""))}) # iMAC
if (class(loaded) == "try-error"){
descriptions <- NULL
} else {
return(descriptions[which(abbrv == abbreviations)])
#' @importFrom caret createFolds
foldIndex <- function(data = NULL, n = NULL, nFolds = 5, repeats = 2){
if (!is.null(data)){
n = nrow(data)
indIn <- indOut <- list()
for (j in 1:repeats){
tmpIn = createFolds(y = 1:n, k = nFolds, list = TRUE, returnTrain = TRUE)
tmpOut = lapply(tmpIn, function(x)c(1:n)[-x])
indIn = c(indIn, tmpIn)
indOut = c(indOut, tmpOut)
nms = paste(rep(paste("Fold", 1:nFolds, sep = ""), repeats),
rep(paste(".Rep", 1:repeats, sep = ""), c(rep(nFolds, repeats))), sep = "")
names(indIn) <- names(indOut) <- nms
return(list(indexIn = indIn, indexOut = indOut))
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