initBetaMix <- function(data = NULL, fixedNULL = FALSE, ics = NULL, alternative = "greater",
priorXi = 1, scl = 10, K = 200, mciter = 200) {
K <- 200
if (priorXi < 1) {
stop("The prior for the mixing proportions must be greater than or equal to 1.")
if (fixedNULL & !is.null(ics)) {
# Estimate alpha0,beta0 from the full data set.
d <- ics@.Data
for (i in attr(data, "cytokine")) {
d <- d[[i]]
d <- subset(, d), quote(antigen == attr(data, "control")))
# Moment estimators
mu0 <- sum(d[, "pos"])/sum(d[, "pos"] + d[, "neg"])
V <- var((d[, "pos"])/sum(d[, "pos"] + d[, "neg"]))
alpha0 <- mu0 * (mu0 * (1 - mu0)/V - 1)
beta0 <- (1 - mu0) * (mu0 * (1 - mu0)/V - 1)
if ( | {
alpha0 <- beta0 <- mu0 * 1000
beta0 <- 1000 - alpha0
pars <- try(optim(par = (c(alpha0, beta0)), function(p) {
-sum(lchoose(d[, "pos"] + d[, "neg"], d[, "pos"]) - lbeta((p[1]), (p[2])) +
lbeta(d[, "pos"] + (p[1]), d[, "neg"] + (p[2])))
}, method = "L-BFGS-B", lower = c(0.1, 0.1), upper = c(Inf, Inf)))
if (inherits(pars, "try-error") | try(pars$convergence, silent = TRUE) !=
0) {
# Moment estimators if the above fails
mu0 <- sum(d[, "pos"])/sum(d[, "pos"] + d[, "neg"])
V <- var((d[, "pos"])/sum(d["pos"] + d[, "neg"]))
alpha0 <- mu0 * (mu0 * (1 - mu0)/V - 1)
beta0 <- (1 - mu0) * (mu0 * (1 - mu0)/V - 1)
if ( |
alpha0 <- beta0 <- mu0 * 1000
beta0 <- 1000 - alpha0
} else {
alpha0 <- (pars$par[1])
beta0 <- (pars$par[2])
} else if (fixedNULL & is.null(ics)) {
d <-[, c("ns", "nu", "Ns", "Nu")])
V <- var(d[, "nu"]/(d[, "nu"] + d[, "Nu"]))
mu0 <- mean(d[, "nu"]/(d[, "nu"] + d[, "Nu"]))
alpha0 <- mu0 * (mu0 * (1 - mu0)/V - 1)
beta0 <- (1 - mu0) * (mu0 * (1 - mu0)/V - 1)
if ( | {
alpha0 <- beta0 <- mu0 * 1000
beta0 <- 1000 - alpha0
pars <- try(optim(par = c(alpha0, beta0), function(p) {
-sum(lchoose(d[, "nu"] + d[, "Nu"], d[, "nu"]) - lbeta(p[1], p[2]) +
lbeta(d[, "nu"] + p[1], d[, "Nu"] + p[2]))
}, method = "L-BFGS-B", lower = c(0.1, 0.1), upper = c(Inf, Inf)))
if (inherits(pars, "try-error") | try(pars$convergence, silent = TRUE) !=
0) {
V <- var(d[, "nu"]/(d[, "nu"] + d[, "Nu"]))
mu0 <- mean(d[, "nu"]/(d[, "nu"] + d[, "Nu"]))
alpha0 <- mu0 * (mu0 * (1 - mu0)/V - 1)
beta0 <- (1 - mu0) * (mu0 * (1 - mu0)/V - 1)
if ( | {
alpha0 <- beta0 <- mu0 * 1000
beta0 <- 1000 - alpha0
} else {
alpha0 <- pars$par[1]
beta0 <- pars$par[2]
if (!fixedNULL) {
d <-[, c("ns", "nu", "Ns", "Nu")])
V <- var(d[, "nu"]/(d[, "nu"] + d[, "Nu"]))
mu0 <- mean(d[, "nu"]/(d[, "nu"] + d[, "Nu"]))
alpha0 <- mu0 * (mu0 * (1 - mu0)/V - 1)
beta0 <- (1 - mu0) * (mu0 * (1 - mu0)/V - 1)
if ( | {
alpha0 <- beta0 <- mu0 * 1000
beta0 <- 1000 - alpha0
pars <- try(optim(par = (c(alpha0, beta0)), function(p) {
-sum(lchoose(d[, "nu"] + d[, "Nu"], d[, "nu"]) - lbeta((p[1]), (p[2])) +
lbeta(d[, "nu"] + (p[1]), d[, "Nu"] + (p[2])))
}, method = "L-BFGS-B", lower = c(0.1, 0.1), upper = c(Inf, Inf)), silent = TRUE)
if (inherits(pars, "try-error") | try(pars$convergence, silent = TRUE) !=
0) {
pars <- try(optim(par = log(c(alpha0, beta0)), function(p) {
-sum(lchoose(d[, "nu"] + d[, "Nu"], d[, "nu"]) - lbeta(p[1], p[2]) +
lbeta(d[, "nu"] + exp(p[1]), d[, "Nu"] + exp(p[2])))
}, method = "BFGS"), silent = TRUE)
if (inherits(pars, "try-error") | try(pars$convergence, silent = TRUE) !=
0) {
V <- var(d[, "nu"]/(d[, "nu"] + d[, "Nu"]))
mu0 <- mean(d[, "nu"]/(d[, "nu"] + d[, "Nu"]))
alpha0 <- mu0 * (mu0 * (1 - mu0)/V - 1)
beta0 <- (1 - mu0) * (mu0 * (1 - mu0)/V - 1)
if ( | {
alpha0 <- beta0 <- mu0 * 1000
beta0 <- 1000 - alpha0
} else {
alpha0 <- exp(pars$par[1])
beta0 <- exp(pars$par[2])
} else {
alpha0 <- (pars$par[1])
beta0 <- (pars$par[2])
# filter out anything that has ns and nu == 0 now estimate responding, stimulated
# samples
if (alternative == "greater")
alt <- "greater"
if (alternative == "not equal")
alt <- "two.sided"
d <-[, c("ns", "nu", "Ns", "Nu")])
fisher.p <- apply(d, 1, function(x) fisher.test(matrix(unlist(x), 2, byrow = TRUE),
alternative = alt)$p)
fisher.p.w <- p.adjust(fisher.p, "fdr") < 0.05
ord <- order(fisher.p, decreasing = FALSE)
l <- length(which(fisher.p.w[ord]))
## Odd situation when all (or many) observations are significant. Taking only the
## top 10 for the null is fine, but initialization fails when computing the
## complete LL for the data since the observations assigned to the null are so
## inconsistent with the model that optim fails. The workaround, for now, is to
## use ALL observations when ALL are significant.
if (l < length(fisher.p))
l <- min(l, 10)
if (l > 1)
wh <- ord[1:l]
# We'll estimate the w's from the response rate
w <- c(1 - (sum(fisher.p.w) + priorXi - 1)/(length(fisher.p) + priorXi -
1), (sum(fisher.p.w) + priorXi - 1)/(length(fisher.p) + priorXi -
# Set the z's to the responders / non-responders called by fisher's test
z <- matrix(0, nrow = length(fisher.p), ncol = 2)
z[wh, 2] <- 1
z[setdiff(1:length(fisher.p), wh), 1] <- 1 #90% in the null component\t\t
if (alternative == "greater") {
V <- var(d[wh, "ns"]/(d[wh, "ns"] + d[wh, "Ns"]))
muS <- mean(d[wh, "ns"]/(d[wh, "ns"] + d[wh, "Ns"]))
alphaS <- muS * (muS * (1 - muS)/V - 1)
betaS <- (1 - muS) * (muS * (1 - muS)/V - 1)
if ( | {
alphaS <- alpha0 * 2
betaS <- beta0 + alpha0 - alphaS #double the mean, keep 'sample size' fixed
# f0 is the mean,sample size parameterization, both components f0m is for the
# stimulated component only f0 is defined in helperFunctions.R
if (fixedNULL) {
# upper bounds k/mu ensure sufficient sample size
pars <- try(optim(par = (c(alphaS/(alphaS + betaS), betaS + alphaS)),
function(p = par, data = d, Z = z, W = w, ALT = alternative,
MC = mciter, a0 = alpha0, b0 = beta0) f0m(p = p, d = data,
z = Z, w = W, alternative = ALT, mciter = MC, alpha0 = a0,
beta0 = b0), method = "L-BFGS-B", lower = c(1e-06, 10), control = list(parscale = c(scl,
1)), upper = c(0.9999, K/muS)), silent = TRUE)
} else {
pars <- try(optim(par = (c(alphaS/(alphaS + betaS), betaS + alphaS,
alpha0/(alpha0 + beta0), beta0 + alpha0)), function(p = par,
data = d, Z = z, W = w, ALT = alternative, MC = mciter) f0(p = p,
d = data, z = Z, w = W, alternative = ALT, mciter = MC), method = "L-BFGS-B",
lower = c(1e-06, 10, 1e-06, 10), control = list(parscale = c(scl,
1, scl, 1)), upper = c(0.9999, K/mu0, 0.9999, K/muS)), silent = TRUE)
if (inherits(pars, "try-error") | inherits(try(pars$convergence,
silent = TRUE) != 0, "try-error")) {
stop("failed to converge estimating initial alphaS,betaS in initBetaMix")
alphaS <- pars$par[1] * pars$par[2]
betaS <- (1 - pars$par[1]) * pars$par[2]
if (!fixedNULL) {
alpha0 <- pars$par[3] * pars$par[4]
beta0 <- (1 - pars$par[3]) * pars$par[4]
} else if (alternative == "not equal") {
V <- var(d[wh, "ns"]/(d[wh, "ns"] + d[wh, "Ns"]))
muS <- mean(d[wh, "ns"]/(d[wh, "ns"] + d[wh, "Ns"]))
alphaS <- muS * (muS * (1 - muS)/V - 1)
betaS <- (1 - muS) * (muS * (1 - muS)/V - 1)
if ( | {
alphaS <- (1 - alpha0/(alpha0 + beta0)) * ((alpha0 + beta0)/2) #same mean, but half the sample size (increased variance)
betaS <- ((alpha0 + beta0)/2) - alphaS
if (fixedNULL) {
pars <- try(optim(par = (c(alphaS/(alphaS + betaS), betaS + alphaS)),
function(p = par, data = d, Z = z, W = w, ALT = alternative,
MC = mciter, a0 = alpha0, b0 = beta0) f0m(p = p, d = data,
z = Z, w = W, alternative = ALT, mciter = MC, alpha0 = a0,
beta0 = b0), method = "L-BFGS-B", control = list(parscale = c(scl,
1)), lower = c(1e-06, 10), upper = c(0.9999, K/muS)), silent = TRUE)
} else {
pars <- try(optim(par = (c(alphaS/(alphaS + betaS), betaS + alphaS,
alpha0/(alpha0 + beta0), beta0 + alpha0)), function(p = par,
data = d, Z = z, W = w, ALT = alternative, MC = mciter) f0(p = p,
d = data, z = Z, w = W, alternative = ALT, mciter = MC), control = list(parscale = c(scl,
1, scl, 1)), method = "L-BFGS-B", lower = c(1e-06, 10, 1e-06,
10), upper = c(0.9999, K/muS, 0.9999, K/mu0)), silent = TRUE)
if (inherits(pars, "try-error") | inherits(try(pars$convergence !=
0), "try-error")) {
stop("failed to converge estimating initial alpha0,beta0 in initBetaMix")
alphaS <- pars$par[1] * pars$par[2]
betaS <- (1 - pars$par[1]) * pars$par[2]
if (!fixedNULL) {
alpha0 <- pars$par[3] * pars$par[4]
beta0 <- (1 - pars$par[3]) * pars$par[4]
} ##Case where no samples are significant (ie fisher's exact test has no significant p-values)
else if (alternative == "greater") {
alphaS <- (1 - (alpha0/(alpha0 + beta0))) * 2 #twice the mean
betaS <- beta0 + alpha0 - alphaS #same sample size
# TODO figure out the right thing to do here.. initialize z and w
z <- matrix(0, nrow = nrow(d), ncol = 2)
z[, 1] <- 1
z[, 2] <- 0
w <- colSums(z)/sum(z)
muS <- mu0
} else if (alternative == "not equal") {
## non-informative? TODO also figure out the right initialization here.
alphaS <- 1.01
betaS <- 1.01
muS <- mu0
# initialize z and w
z <- matrix(0, nrow = nrow(d), ncol = 2)
z[, 1] <- 1
z[, 2] <- 0
w <- colSums(z)/sum(z)
if (alphaS < 0 | betaS < 0) {
stop("cant' initlialize in initBetaMix")
if (alpha0 < 0 | beta0 < 0) {
stop("cant' initlialize in initBetaMix")
return(list(z = z, w = w, alpha0 = alpha0, beta0 = beta0, alphaS = alphaS, betaS = betaS,
muS = muS, mu0 = mu0))
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