
# to avoid R CMD check errors we set them as NULL
is_GO <- NULL
#' Explore Gene Ontology gene sets in MIGSAres
#' \code{migsaGoTree} plots the GO tree/s present in migsaRes.
#' \code{getHeights} returns the heights of given a list of ids (GO IDs).
#' @param migsaRes MIGSAres object. It must contain at least one GO gene set.
#' @param ids character vector indicating the queried GO ids.
#' @param minHeight logical indicating if the minimum or maximum height must be
#' calculated. If it is FALSE then the longest path to the root is calculated,
#' otherwise, the shortest path.
#' @param categories vector. Each experiment category, it will print different
#' node color for each. Can have NAs. Must have length equal to number of
#' experiments, i.e. length(categories) == ncol(migsaRes)-3
#' @param categColors character. Color for each category. Must have the same
#' length as the number of different categories.
#' @param ont character. One of "BP", "CC" or "MF". Selected ontology to plot.
#' @param legendPos . Parameter passed to legend function.
#' @param treeInfo . Data.frame with GO ids as rownames, and three columns:
#' Enriched (logical), Important (logical) and Color (character). If Enriched is
#' true then it will be ploted, if Important is true then it will have another
#' shape, Color has the color name to use.
#' @param legends . Matrix with two columns, each col is a pair (lengend, color).
#' @param ... not in use.
#' @return If migsaGoTree: A list with the used data to plot. If getHeights: A
#' list with each term height.
#' @docType methods
#' @name MIGSAres-GOanalysis
#' @rdname MIGSAres-GoAnalysis
#' @examples
#' ## Lets load breast cancer results.
#' data(bcMigsaRes)
#' ###### migsaGoTree
#' ## Get the first 40 Gene Ontology gene sets results from CC.
#' goRes <- bcMigsaRes[bcMigsaRes$GS_Name == "CC", ]
#' fst40goRes <- goRes[1:40, ]
#' ## And lets plot the results GO trees.
#' \dontrun{
#' aux <- migsaGoTree(fst40goRes, ont = "CC")
#' }
#' ###### getHeights
#' ## Get the first 40 Gene Ontology gene sets IDs.
#' goIds <- bcMigsaRes[bcMigsaRes$GS_Name %in% c("BP", "CC", "MF"), "id"]
#' fst40goIds <- goIds[1:40, ]
#' \dontrun{
#' ## And lets get the heights in the GO tree structure.
#' getHeights(fst40goIds)
#' }
setGeneric(name = "MIGSAres-GOanalysis", def = function(migsaRes) {

#' @name migsaGoTree
#' @rdname MIGSAres-GoAnalysis
#' @aliases migsaGoTree,MIGSAres-method
#' @exportMethod migsaGoTree
setGeneric(name = "migsaGoTree", def = function(migsaRes, ...) {

#' @rdname MIGSAres-GoAnalysis
#' @aliases migsaGoTree,MIGSAres-method
#' @importFrom AnnotationDbi Ontology
#' @importFrom futile.logger flog.info
#' @importFrom graphics legend
#' @importFrom grDevices col2rgb rgb
#' @importFrom utils combn
#' @include MIGSAres.R
#' @include GoAnalysis.R
  f = "migsaGoTree",
  signature = c("MIGSAres"),
  definition = function(migsaRes, categories = rep(NA, ncol(migsaRes) - 3),
                        categColors = "red", ont = "BP", legendPos = "topleft") {
    stopifnot(length(categories) == ncol(migsaRes) - 3)
    - any(is.na(categories)) + all(is.na(categories))
    == length(unique(categColors)))
    stopifnot(ont %in% c("BP", "CC", "MF"))

    # we must have a cutoff for this function
    migsaRes <- setDefaultEnrCutoff(migsaRes)

    if (any(!is.na(categories))) {
      migsaRes <- migsaRes[, c(1:3, 3 + which(!is.na(categories)))]
      categories <- categories[!is.na(categories)]
    } else {
      categories[is.na(categories)] <- "Enriched"

    # get gene set names and if they are GO
    goGsets <- unique(as.data.frame(migsaResAll(migsaRes)[
      list(gene_set_name, is_GO)

    if (!any(goGsets[goGsets$gene_set_name == ont, "is_GO"])) {
      stop("No Gene Ontology gene set to plot.")

    # and filter the MIGSAres object with only the GO gene sets
    actRes <- migsaRes[migsaRes[, "GS_Name", drop = !FALSE] == ont, ]

    # get the gene sets and the number of enriched experiments
    plotRes <- data.frame(id = actRes[, 1], gs_name = actRes[, 3])

    # get the real ontology, I could use GS_Name, but this is more trustable
    plotRes <- cbind(plotRes,
      ont = Ontology(as.character(plotRes$id))

    actRes <- actRes[!is.na(plotRes$ont), ]
    plotRes <- plotRes[!is.na(plotRes$ont), ]
    ontsPresent <- unique(as.character(plotRes$ont))

    # for each condition, the times it gets enriched
    enrichedPerc <- do.call(cbind, by(t(actRes[, -(1:3)]),
      categories, colMeans,
      na.rm = TRUE
    enrichedPerc[is.nan(enrichedPerc)] <- 0

    uniqColors <- lapply(categColors, function(x) {
      t(col2rgb(x) / 255)

    plotRes$colors <- apply(enrichedPerc, 1, function(actRow) {
      colors <- unlist(lapply(seq_along(actRow), function(i) {
        # we put as alpha the percentage of enrichment
        rgb(uniqColors[[i]], alpha = actRow[[i]])

    out <- data.frame(matrix(!FALSE, nrow = nrow(plotRes), ncol = 3))
    colnames(out) <- c("Enriched", "Important", "Color")
    rownames(out) <- plotRes$id

    out$Important <- FALSE
    out$Color <- plotRes$colors

    # lets create the legend
    categories <- colnames(enrichedPerc)
    legends <- do.call(cbind, lapply(seq_along(categories), function(i) {
      apply(combn(categories, i), 2, function(x) {
        aux <- mixColors(categColors[categories %in% x])
          paste(x, collapse = " "),

    acttree <- goTree(out, ont, legends, legendPos)


#' @name goTree
#' @rdname MIGSAres-GoAnalysis
#' @aliases goTree,MIGSAres-method
#' @exportMethod goTree
setGeneric(name = "goTree", def = function(treeInfo, ...) {

#' @rdname MIGSAres-GoAnalysis
#' @aliases goTree,MIGSAres-method
#' @importFrom graphics legend
#' @include GoAnalysis.R
  f = "goTree",
  signature = c("data.frame"),
  definition = function(treeInfo, ont = "BP", legends = NA, legendPos = "topleft") {
    stopifnot(ont %in% c("BP", "CC", "MF"))
    stopifnot(colnames(treeInfo) == c("Enriched", "Important", "Color"))
    stopifnot(unlist(lapply(seq_len(ncol(treeInfo)), function(i) {
      class(treeInfo[, i])
    })) == c("logical", "logical", "character"))

    treeInfo <- treeInfo[Ontology(rownames(treeInfo)) == ont, ]
    treeData <- list(treeInfo)
    names(treeData) <- ont

    graph <- createGoGraph(treeData)
    acttree <- list(graph = graph, gotree = treeData)

    # select grid depending on number of ontologies to plot
    acttree$graph <- plotGoTree(acttree, ont)

    if (!all(is.na(legends))) {
      legend(legendPos, legends[1, ], fill = legends[2, ], cex = .75)

#' @name getHeights
#' @rdname MIGSAres-GoAnalysis
#' @aliases getHeights,character-method
#' @exportMethod getHeights
setGeneric(name = "getHeights", def = function(ids, ...) {

#' @rdname MIGSAres-GoAnalysis
#' @aliases getHeights,character-method
#' @include GoAnalysis.R
  f = "getHeights",
  signature = c("character"),
  definition = function(ids, minHeight = TRUE) {
    allParents <- as.list(GOBPPARENTS)
    allParents <- c(allParents, as.list(GOMFPARENTS))
    allParents <- c(allParents, as.list(GOCCPARENTS))

    ids <- gsub(" ", "", ids)

    # for each GO id find its height
    result <- lapply(ids, function(x) {
      getHeight(x, minHeight, allParents)


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MIGSA documentation built on Nov. 8, 2020, 8:26 p.m.