# This file contains the actual implementation of the algorithms
# MBCB package
# Algorithm design by Yang Xie et. al.
# Package implementation and maintenence by Jeff Allen
# 2008 - University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center
mbcb.parseFile <- function(sigFile, conFile, isRawBead = FALSE){
#if possible, update the progress bar. (only works if the user is using the GUI)
TryNoError(setTkProgressBar(mbcbPB, title = "Reading...", label = "Reading Data.\nThis may take a while.", 0))
#preliminary check
if (is.null(conFile) && isRawBead){
stop ("Error: In order to convert the raw, bead-level data into bead-type data you must have the signal file.")
#count the width
fWidth <- length(scan(sigFile, skip=1,nlines=1, what="raw"))
#create the list that will define the type of data I'm reading in.
types <<- list("character")
for (i in 2:fWidth) {
types <<- c(types, "numeric")
if (is.null(conFile)){
#no control file has been provided, don't import
con <- NULL
if (!isRawBead){
TryNoError(setTkProgressBar(mbcbPB, title = "Reading...", label = "Reading Signal File.\nThis may take a while.", 0))
sig <<- read.table(sigFile,sep="\t",header=TRUE, colClasses=types, row.names=1)
TryNoError(setTkProgressBar(mbcbPB, title = "Reading...", label = "Reading Control File.\nThis may take a while.", 0))
con <<- read.table(conFile,sep="\t",header=TRUE, colClasses=types, row.names=1)
warning ("WARNING: Bead-type input is still in development and will likely not function correctly.")
TryNoError(setTkProgressBar(mbcbPB, title = "Reading...", label = "Reading Control File.\nThis may take a while.", 0))
#try-catch here. If there's an error reading in via CSV, alert that they didn't click Bead-level data.
con <<- read.csv(conFile, header=TRUE)
TryNoError(setTkProgressBar(mbcbPB, title = "Reading...", label = "Reading Signal File.\nThis may take a while.", 0))
sig <- read.table(sigFile, header=TRUE, sep="\t")
TryNoError(setTkProgressBar(mbcbPB, title = "Reading...", label = "Converting to bead-type data.", 0))
#must convert to bead-type data
sig.n <- sig[sig$Code%in%con[,2],]
# print (head(sig.n))
# sigS1 <- read.table("C:/Documents and Settings/jeffreya/My Documents/School/UTS Research/Illumina Processing (08-07)/illumina/mcmc/1671586275_A_1.txt", header=T, sep="\t")
# sigS2 <- read.table("C:/Documents and Settings/jeffreya/My Documents/School/UTS Research/Illumina Processing (08-07)/illumina/mcmc/1671586275_A_2.txt", header=T, sep="\t")
# s1.n<- sigS1[sigS1$Code%in%con[,2],]
# s2.n<- sigS2[sigS2$Code%in%con[,2],]
# sigB <- rbind(s1.n, s2.n)
# sig <- aggregate(sigB$Grn, list(id=sigB$Code), median)
sig2 <<- aggregate(sig.n$Grn, list(id=sig.n$Code), median)
sig <<- cbind(sig2[,2])
row.names(sig) <<- sig2[,1]
#multi-argument returns are deprecated, must return a named list.
return (list(sig=sig, con=con))
mbcb.correct <- function(g, control, npBool=TRUE, rmaBool=FALSE, mleBool=FALSE, bayesBool=FALSE, gmleBool=FALSE, iter=500, burn=200, isRawBead=FALSE){
#by default, there is no error
error <- FALSE
#simple argument checking
if (rmaBool != 1 && rmaBool != 0)
error <- TRUE
if (npBool != 1 && npBool != 0)
error <- TRUE
if (mleBool != 1 && mleBool != 0)
error <- TRUE
if (bayesBool != 1 && bayesBool != 0)
error <- TRUE
if (gmleBool != 1 && gmleBool != 0)
error <- TRUE
if (error == TRUE){
stop ("Invalid parameters passed to the background function. All boolean values must be 1 or 0.")
trialNames <<- colnames(g)
#the number of arrays in the data file
n.array <<- (dim(g)[2])
truesignal <<- NULL
truenoise <<- NULL
obsbead <<- NULL
obsnc <<- NULL #global because the optimization takes a function as an argument and can't pass more arguments
nbead <<- dim(g)[1] ## sample size of beadarray
SignalEst.rma <- <- SignalEst.mle <- SignalEst.bayes <- SignalEst.gam <- matrix(0,dim(g)[1],n.array)
#build the average table. Should be g[2]-1 wide (the number of trials in the dataset) and 3 tall
avgVarsNP <- avgVarsRMA <- avgVarsMLE <- avgVarsBayes <- avgVarsGMLE <- data.frame(matrix(0,3,dim(g)[2]-1))
#may be possible to optimize the memory by putting signalEst into this table as well... Shouldn't really be too memory-intensive either way...
rownames(avgVarsNP) <- c("muhat", "sigsqhat", "lenghat")
rownames(avgVarsMLE) <- c("muhat", "sigsqhat", "lenghat")
rownames(avgVarsRMA) <- c("muhat", "sigsqhat", "lenghat")
rownames(avgVarsBayes) <- c("muhat", "sigsqhat", "lenghat")
rownames(avgVarsGMLE) <- c("muhat", "sigsqhat", "lenghat")
if (is.null(control)){
#strictly do RMA background correction, nothing else.
rmaBool <- TRUE
if (npBool || mleBool || mleBool){
warning ("You cannot use MLE, NP, or Bayesian normalization without providing a signal file.")
warning ("Using RMA Normalization")
npBool <- mleBool <- bayesBool <- FALSE
for (i in 1:n.array) {
TryNoError(setTkProgressBar(mbcbPB, title = "Processing...", label = paste(round((i-1)*90/n.array), "% Complete", sep=""), (i-1)/n.array))
obsbead <<- g[,i]
##2. RMA
rma <- bg.rma(pm=obsbead)
muhat.rma <- rma$para[2]
sigsqhat.rma <- rma$para[3]^2
lenghat.rma <- rma$para[1]
SignalEst.rma[,i] <- truesig(muhat.rma,sigsqhat.rma,lenghat.rma)
avgVarsRMA[,i] <- c(muhat.rma, sigsqhat.rma, lenghat.rma)
outRMA <- outNP <- outMLE <- outBayes <- data.frame()
outRMA <- (data.frame(g[,0], SignalEst.rma))
# print(head(outNP))
return (list(RMA = outRMA, NP = outNP, MLE = outMLE, Bayes = outBayes,
AvgNP = NULL, AvgRMA = avgVarsRMA, AvgMLE = NULL, AvgBayes = NULL))
nnc <<- dim(control)[1] ## sample size of negative control
for (i in 1:n.array) {
TryNoError(setTkProgressBar(mbcbPB, title = "Processing...", label = paste(round((i-1)*90/n.array), "% Complete", sep=""), (i-1)/n.array))
rkbead <- rank(g[,i],ties.method ="first")
obsbead <<- g[,i]
sortedObsbead <<- sort(g[,i])
obsnc <<- control[,i]
##1. non-parametric <- mean(obsnc); <- var(obsnc); <- mean(obsbead)
avgVarsNP[,i] <- c(,,[,i] <- truesig(,,
if (rmaBool == 1){
##2. RMA
rma <- bg.rma(pm=obsbead)
muhat.rma <- rma$para[2]
sigsqhat.rma <- rma$para[3]^2
lenghat.rma <- rma$para[1]
SignalEst.rma[,i] <- truesig(muhat.rma,sigsqhat.rma,lenghat.rma)
avgVarsRMA[,i] <- c(muhat.rma, sigsqhat.rma, lenghat.rma)
if (mleBool == 1){
sd.alpha <- sqrt((^
mle.1stp <- optimize(liksig,*sd.alpha,*sd.alpha, maximum=TRUE,, sig=sqrt(
lenghat.1stp <- mle.1stp$maximum
##5. MLE
mle <- optim(c(lenghat.1stp,,sqrt(, liksig.all)
## in case it does not converge
if (mle$convergence>0) {warning("MLE convergence error: ","i=",i,"\n");}
muhat.mle <- mle$par[2]
sigsqhat.mle <- mle$par[3]^2
lenghat.mle <- mle$par[1]
SignalEst.mle[,i] <- truesig(muhat.mle, sigsqhat.mle, lenghat.mle)
avgVarsMLE[,i] <- c(muhat.mle, sigsqhat.mle, lenghat.mle)
if (bayesBool == 1){
##6. bayes
bayes <- bg.mcmc(iter=iter, burn=burn)
muhat.bayes <- bayes[2]
sigsqhat.bayes <- bayes[3]^2
lenghat.bayes <- bayes[1]
SignalEst.bayes[,i] <- truesig(muhat.bayes, sigsqhat.bayes, lenghat.bayes)
avgVarsBayes[,i] <- c(muhat.bayes, sigsqhat.bayes, lenghat.bayes)
if (gmleBool == 1) {
if(mleBool != 1) {
sd.alpha <- sqrt((^2 + +
mle.1stp <- optimize(liksig, lower = -
2 * sd.alpha, upper = + 2 * sd.alpha,
maximum = TRUE, mu =, sig = sqrt(
lenghat.1stp <- mle.1stp$maximum
mle <- optim(c(lenghat.1stp,, sqrt(,
muhat.mle <- mle$par[2]
sigsqhat.mle <- mle$par[3]^2
lenghat.mle <- mle$par[1]
initval <- c(lenghat.mle, muhat.mle^2/sigsqhat.mle, sigsqhat.mle/muhat.mle)
##initval <- c(,^2/,
mle <- optim(initval, liksigall.gamnoise, method = c("L-BFGS-B"), lower=0.01)
gamLeng.mle <- mle$par[1]
gamAlf.mle <- mle$par[2]
gamBet.mle <- mle$par[3]
SignalEst.gam[,i] <- estsig.gamnoise(gamAlf.mle,gamBet.mle,gamLeng.mle, sortedObsbead)[rkbead]
avgVarsGMLE[, i] <- c(gamAlf.mle, gamBet.mle, gamLeng.mle)
message(paste(i, "/", n.array, " complete."), sep="");
outRMA <- outNP <- outMLE <- outGMLE<- outBayes <- data.frame()
if (rmaBool ==TRUE)
outRMA <- (data.frame(g[,0], SignalEst.rma))
if (npBool == TRUE)
outNP <- (data.frame(g[,0],
if (mleBool ==TRUE)
outMLE <- (data.frame(g[,0], SignalEst.mle))
if (bayesBool == TRUE)
outBayes <- (data.frame(g[,0], SignalEst.bayes))
if (gmleBool == TRUE)
outGMLE <- (data.frame(g[, 0], SignalEst.gam))
return (list(RMA = outRMA, NP = outNP, MLE = outMLE, Bayes = outBayes, GMLE= outGMLE,
AvgNP = avgVarsNP, AvgRMA = avgVarsRMA, AvgMLE = avgVarsMLE, AvgBayes = avgVarsBayes, AvgGMLE = avgVarsGMLE))
mbcb.main <- function(signal, control, npBool=TRUE, rmaBool=FALSE, mleBool=FALSE, bayesBool=FALSE, gmleBool=FALSE, paramEstFile="param-est", bgCorrectedFile="bgCorrected", iter=500, burn=200, normMethod="none", isRawBead=FALSE){
if (is.null(control)){
#strictly do RMA background correction, nothing else.
rmaBool <- TRUE
if (npBool || mleBool || mleBool){
warning ("You cannot use MLE, NP, or Bayesian normalization without providing a signal file.")
warning ("Using RMA Normalization")
npBool <- mleBool <- bayesBool <- FALSE
dat <- mbcb.correct(signal, control, npBool=npBool, rmaBool=rmaBool, mleBool=mleBool, bayesBool=bayesBool, gmleBool = gmleBool, iter=iter, burn=burn)
if(normMethod=="none" || normMethod=="n" || normMethod==FALSE){
#no normalization
if (npBool){
#take the log2 transformation
dat$NP<- log2(dat$NP)
if (rmaBool){
#take the log2 transformation
dat$RMA<- log2(dat$RMA)
if (mleBool){
#take the log2 transformation
dat$MLE<- log2(dat$MLE)
if (bayesBool){
#take the log2 transformation
dat$Bayes<- log2(dat$Bayes)
if (gmleBool) {
dat$GMLE <- log2(dat$GMLE)
else if(normMethod=="quant" || normMethod=="q"){ ### Quantile-Quantile Normalization ###
if (npBool){
#take the log2 transformation
lognew<- log2(dat$NP)
#preserve row and column names. New version of normalize.quantiles loses them.
rn <- row.names(lognew);
cn <- colnames(lognew);
q <- normalize.quantiles(as.matrix(lognew))
colnames(q) <- cn;
row.names(q) <- rn;
dat$NP <- q;
if (rmaBool){
#take the log2 transformation
lognew<- log2(dat$RMA)
#preserve row and column names. New version of normalize.quantiles loses them.
rn <- row.names(lognew);
cn <- colnames(lognew);
q <- normalize.quantiles(as.matrix(lognew))
colnames(q) <- cn;
row.names(q) <- rn;
dat$RMA <- q;
if (mleBool){
#take the log2 transformation
lognew<- log2(dat$MLE)
#preserve row and column names. New version of normalize.quantiles loses them.
rn <- row.names(lognew);
cn <- colnames(lognew);
q <- normalize.quantiles(as.matrix(lognew))
colnames(q) <- cn;
row.names(q) <- rn;
dat$MLE <- q;
if (bayesBool){
#take the log2 transformation
lognew<- log2(dat$Bayes)
#preserve row and column names. New version of normalize.quantiles loses them.
rn <- row.names(lognew);
cn <- colnames(lognew);
q <- normalize.quantiles(as.matrix(lognew))
colnames(q) <- cn;
row.names(q) <- rn;
dat$Bayes <- q;
if (gmleBool) {
lognew <- log2(dat$GMLE)
#preserve row and column names. New version of normalize.quantiles loses them.
rn <- row.names(lognew);
cn <- colnames(lognew);
q <- normalize.quantiles(as.matrix(lognew))
colnames(q) <- cn;
row.names(q) <- rn;
dat$GMLE <- q;
else if(normMethod=="median" || normMethod=="m"){ ### Global/Median Normalization ###
if (npBool){
### First take log2 transformation
logsig<- log2(dat$NP)
## Get median of each array
med.logsig<- apply(logsig,2,median,na.rm=TRUE)
G<- length(logsig[,1])
## Get mean of median of array
diff.d<- med.logsig-mean(med.logsig)
## Normalize to make the median of each array the same
normSig<- logsig-matrix(rep(diff.d,G),ncol=n.array,byrow=TRUE)
dat$NP <- normSig
if (rmaBool){
#log2 transformation
logsig<- log2(dat$RMA)
## Get median of each array
med.logsig<- apply(logsig,2,median,na.rm=TRUE)
G<- length(logsig[,1])
## Get mean of median of array
diff.d<- med.logsig-mean(med.logsig)
## Normalize to make the median of each array the same
normSig<- logsig-matrix(rep(diff.d,G),ncol=n.array,byrow=TRUE) ####################################################WIDTH???
dat$RMA <- normSig
if (mleBool){
#log2 transformation
logsig<- log2(dat$MLE)
## Get median of each array
med.logsig<- apply(logsig,2,median,na.rm=TRUE)
G<- length(logsig[,1])
## Get mean of median of array
diff.d<- med.logsig-mean(med.logsig)
## Normalize to make the median of each array the same
normSig<- logsig-matrix(rep(diff.d,G),ncol=n.array,byrow=TRUE)
dat$MLE <- normSig
if (bayesBool){
#log2 transformation
logsig<- log2(dat$Bayes)
## Get median of each array
med.logsig<- apply(logsig,2,median,na.rm=TRUE)
G<- length(logsig[,1])
## Get mean of median of array
diff.d<- med.logsig-mean(med.logsig)
## Normalize to make the median of each array the same
normSig<- logsig-matrix(rep(diff.d,G),ncol=n.array,byrow=TRUE)
dat$Bayes <- normSig
if (gmleBool) {
logsig <- log2(dat$GMLE)
med.logsig <- apply(logsig, 2, median, na.rm = TRUE)
G <- length(logsig[, 1])
diff.d <- med.logsig - mean(med.logsig)
normSig <- logsig - matrix(rep(diff.d, G), ncol = n.array,
byrow = TRUE)
dat$GMLE <- normSig
stop("Invalid normalization; must be \"none\", \"quant\", or \"median\".")
avg <- list (NP = dat$AvgNP, RMA = dat$AvgRMA, MLE = dat$AvgMLE, Bayes=dat$AvgBayes, GMLE = dat$AvgGMLE) # MUST UPDATE AVG after norm
bgCorrSig <<- list (NP = dat$NP, RMA = dat$RMA, MLE = dat$MLE, Bayes = dat$Bayes,GMLE=dat$GMLE)
printMBCBOutput (bgCorrSig, avg, rmaBool, npBool, mleBool, bayesBool, gmleBool, paramEstFile, bgCorrectedFile)
TryNoError <- function(expr)
if (data.class(result<-try(expr,TRUE))=="try-error"){}
return (result)
printMBCBOutput <- function(sig, average, rmaBool, npBool, mleBool, bayesBool, gmleBool, avgOutputFile, detailOutputFile){
#sig and average should be lists containing the data.frames with the information and should be named RMA, MLE, NP, and Bayes so that they can be indexed as average$RMA, etc.
#see the help file for more info
dete <<- detailOutputFile;
#Try to update the progressBar (if using the GUI)
TryNoError(setTkProgressBar(mbcbPB, title = "Writing...", label = "Preparing results...", .90))
error <- FALSE
#if the boolean value = T, then the value is present
if (rmaBool != 1 && rmaBool != 0)
error <- TRUE
if (npBool != 1 && npBool != 0)
error <- TRUE
if (mleBool != 1 && mleBool != 0)
error <- TRUE
if (bayesBool != 1 && bayesBool != 0)
error <- TRUE
if (gmleBool != 1 && gmleBool != 0)
error <- TRUE
if (error == TRUE){
stop ("Invalid parameters passed to the print function. All boolean values must be TRUE or FALSE.")
trialCount <- length(trialNames)
# a buffer to which we'll append the column names
OutColnamesBuffNP <- list()
OutColnamesBuffRMA <- list()
OutColnamesBuffMLE <- list()
OutColnamesBuffBayes <- list()
OutColnamesBuffGMLE <- list()
#count up the number of columns in the average file based on the presence of the boolean values
if (rmaBool + npBool + mleBool + bayesBool + gmleBool <= 0){
stop ("No methods selected to output!")
thisTrialName <- ""
#start at 1, because that is the first column's title
for (trial in 1:trialCount){
thisTrialName <- trialNames[trial]
if (rmaBool == TRUE){
OutColnamesBuffRMA <- c(OutColnamesBuffRMA,paste(thisTrialName,"rma", sep="-"))
if (npBool == TRUE){
OutColnamesBuffNP <- c(OutColnamesBuffNP,paste(thisTrialName,"np", sep="-"))
if (mleBool == TRUE){
OutColnamesBuffMLE <- c(OutColnamesBuffMLE,paste(thisTrialName,"mle", sep="-"))
if (bayesBool == TRUE){
OutColnamesBuffBayes <- c(OutColnamesBuffBayes,paste(thisTrialName,"bayes", sep="-"))
if (gmleBool == TRUE) {
OutColnamesBuffGMLE <- c(OutColnamesBuffGMLE, paste(thisTrialName,
"gmle", sep = "-"))
if (rmaBool == 1){
TryNoError(setTkProgressBar(mbcbPB, title = "Writing...", label = "Writing RMA Results...", .92))
sig$RMA <- format(sig$RMA, digits=3, nsmall=2)
colnames(sig$RMA) <- OutColnamesBuffRMA
write.csv(sig$RMA, paste(detailOutputFile, "-RMA.csv", sep=""), row.names=TRUE)
if (npBool == 1){
TryNoError(setTkProgressBar(mbcbPB, title = "Writing...", label = "Writing NP Results...", .94))
sig$NP <- format(sig$NP, digits=3, nsmall=2)
colnames(sig$NP) <- OutColnamesBuffNP
write.csv(sig$NP, paste(detailOutputFile, "-NP.csv",sep=""), row.names=TRUE)
if (mleBool == 1){
TryNoError(setTkProgressBar(mbcbPB, title = "Writing...", label = "Writing MLE Results...", .96))
sig$MLE <- format(sig$MLE, digits=3, nsmall=2)
colnames(sig$MLE) <- OutColnamesBuffMLE
write.csv(sig$MLE, paste(detailOutputFile, "-MLE.csv", sep=""), row.names=TRUE)
if (bayesBool == 1){
TryNoError(setTkProgressBar(mbcbPB, title = "Writing...", label = "Writing Bayes Results...", .98))
sig$Bayes <- format(sig$Bayes, digits=3, nsmall=2)
colnames(sig$Bayes) <- OutColnamesBuffBayes
write.csv(sig$Bayes, paste(detailOutputFile, "-Bayes.csv", sep=""), row.names=TRUE)
if (gmleBool == 1) {
sig$GMLE <- format(sig$GMLE, digits = 3, nsmall = 2)
# print(dim(sig$GMLE))
colnames(sig$GMLE) <- OutColnamesBuffGMLE
write.csv(sig$GMLE, paste(detailOutputFile, "-GMLE.csv",
sep = ""), row.names = TRUE)
TryNoError(setTkProgressBar(mbcbPB, title = "Writing...", label = "Writing Averages...", .99))
# print ("check1")
if (rmaBool == 1){
colnames(average$RMA) <- OutColnamesBuffRMA
write.csv(average$RMA, file=paste(avgOutputFile, "-RMA.csv", sep=""))
if (npBool == 1){
colnames(average$NP) <- OutColnamesBuffNP
write.csv(average$NP, file=paste(avgOutputFile, "-NP.csv", sep=""))
if (mleBool == 1){
colnames(average$MLE) <- OutColnamesBuffMLE
write.csv(average$MLE, file=paste(avgOutputFile, "-MLE.csv", sep=""))
if (bayesBool == 1){
colnames(average$Bayes) <- OutColnamesBuffBayes
write.csv(average$Bayes, file=paste(avgOutputFile, "-Bayes.csv", sep=""))
if (gmleBool == 1) {
# print(dim(average$GMLE))
colnames(average$GMLE) <- OutColnamesBuffGMLE
write.csv(average$GMLE, file = paste(avgOutputFile, "-GMLE.csv",
sep = ""))
# print ("check2")
b <- TryNoError(close(mbcbPB))
bg.rma<- function (pm, n.pts = 2^14){
max.density <- function(x, n.pts) {
aux <- density(x, kernel = "epanechnikov", n = n.pts,
na.rm = TRUE)
pmbg <- max.density(pm, n.pts) <- pm[pm < pmbg]
pmbg <- max.density(, n.pts) <- pm[pm < pmbg] <- - pmbg
bgsd <- sqrt(sum(^2)/(length( - 1)) * sqrt(2) <- pm[pm > pmbg] <- - pmbg
expmean <- max.density(, n.pts)
alpha <- 1/expmean
mubg <- pmbg
a.rma<- pm-mubg-bgsd^2*alpha
b.rma<- bgsd
### note: 3.992521e-22+1-1=0, 3.992521e-22+(1-1)=3.992521e-22
Ex.rma<- a.rma+b.rma*(dnorm(a.rma/b.rma)-dnorm((pm-a.rma)/b.rma))/(pnorm(a.rma/b.rma)+(pnorm((pm-a.rma)/b.rma)-1))
### Note: in Y. Xie's notation, alpha is rate; but Sherry's is length.
para<- cbind(alpha=1/alpha,mubg,bgsd)
return(list(ex.rma=Ex.rma, para=para))
bg.mcmc<- function(iter=500, burn=200){
nbead <- length(obsbead);
nnc <- length(obsnc);
if (iter <= burn){
#out of order
stop ("Iteration Count must be greater than the burn count.")
alpha <- rep(0,iter)
mu <- rep(0,iter)
sigma <- rep(0,iter)
B <- 3
G <- length(nbead)
N <- length(nnc)
accept <- matrix(0,B,iter)
acc.rate <- matrix(0,B,iter) <- matrix(0,B,iter)[,1] <- c(0.1,0.1,0.1)
accept[,1] <- rep(0,B)
acc.r <- rep(0,B)
x.sample <- matrix(0,G,iter)
mu[1] <- mean(obsnc)
sigma[1] <- sd(obsnc)
alpha[1] <- mean(obsbead) -mu[1]
for(t in 2:iter)
{ <- exp(rnorm(1,log(alpha[t-1]),[1,t-1]))
acc.u <- runif(1,0,1)
acc.r <- exp( -liksig.all(c(,mu[t-1],sigma[t-1])) + liksig.all(c(alpha[t-1],mu[t-1],sigma[t-1])) )
accept[1,t] <- acc.u < acc.r
acc.rate[1,t] <- ifelse(t > 20, sum(accept[1,(t-20):(t-1)])/20,0.5)[1,t] <-[1,t-1] * exp(0.2*(acc.rate[1,t]-0.2))
alpha[t] <- ifelse(accept[1,t] == 1,, alpha[t-1]) <- rnorm(1,mu[t-1],[2,t-1])
acc.u <- runif(1,0,1)
acc.r <- exp( -liksig.all(c(alpha[t],,sigma[t-1])) + liksig.all(c(alpha[t],mu[t-1],sigma[t-1])) )
accept[2,t] <- (acc.u < acc.r)
acc.rate[2,t] <- ifelse(t > 20, sum(accept[2,(t-20):(t-1)])/20,0.5)[2,t] <-[2,t-1] * exp(0.2*(acc.rate[2,t]-0.2))
mu[t] <- ifelse(accept[2,t] == 1,, mu[t-1]) <- exp(rnorm(1,log(sigma[t-1]),[3,t-1]))
acc.u <- runif(1,0,1)
acc.r <- exp( -liksig.all(c(alpha[t],mu[t], + liksig.all(c(alpha[t],mu[t],sigma[t-1])) )
accept[3,t] <- (acc.u < acc.r)
acc.rate[3,t] <- ifelse(t > 20, sum(accept[3,(t-20):(t-1)])/20,0.5)[3,t] <-[3,t-1] * exp(0.2*(acc.rate[3,t]-0.2))
sigma[t] <- ifelse(accept[3,t] == 1,, sigma[t-1])
e.alpha<- mean(alpha[burn:iter])<- mean(mu[burn:iter])
e.sigma<- mean(sigma[burn:iter])
## log likelihood of bead data
liksig <- function(alf,mu,sig) { ## maximization
## log likelihood of bead data AND negative control
## minimization b/c it returns (- loglik)
liksig.all <- function(para) {
alf <- abs(para[1])
mu <- abs(para[2])
sig <- abs(para[3])
loglik <- NA
if (sig > 0 && alf > 0 && mu > 0)
alfsq <- alf*alf
sigsq <- sig*sig
loglik <- -(length(obsbead)*(-log(alf)+sigsq/2/alfsq)+
sum(-(obsbead-mu)/alf+ pnorm((obsbead-mu-sigsq/alf)/sig,log.p=TRUE)) +
## estimate the true signal
esttruesig <- function(mu.est, sigsq.est, alf.est, sigest=NULL){
if(is.null(sigest)) {
a <- obsbead - mu.est - sigsq.est/alf.est
b <- sqrt(sigsq.est)
a.div.b <- a/b
##s.a.b <- mu.est/b+b/alf.est
sigest <- a+b*(dnorm(a.div.b)/pnorm(a.div.b));
list(mse=mean((sigest-truesignal)^2), rsq=cor(sigest, truesignal)^2);
#========================== simulation ==========================
truesig <- function(mu.est, sigsq.est, alf.est){
a <- obsbead - mu.est - sigsq.est/alf.est
b <- sqrt(sigsq.est)
a.div.b <- a/b
##s.a.b <- mu.est/b+b/alf.est
liksig.gamnoise <- function(theta,gamma.a,gamma.b) { ## maximization
intfun <- function(y) {
exp( (gamma.a-1)*log(y) - y/newbet - lognmlconst )
##exp( y/theta) * dgamma(y, gamma.a, scale=gamma.b)
newbet <- 1/(1/gamma.b - 1/theta)
lognmlconst <- lgamma(gamma.a) + gamma.a*log(gamma.b)
if (gamma.b<theta) {
nbead*(-log(theta)+gamma.a*(log(theta)-log(theta-gamma.b))) - sum(sortedObsbead)/theta +
sum(pgamma(sortedObsbead, gamma.a, scale=newbet, log.p=TRUE))
else {
val <- integrate(intfun,0,sortedObsbead[1],stop.on.error=FALSE)$value
sumlog <- log(val)
for (j in 2:nbead) {
val <- val + integrate(intfun,sortedObsbead[j-1],sortedObsbead[j],stop.on.error=FALSE)$value
sumlog <- sumlog+log(val)
nbead*(-log(theta) ) - sum(sortedObsbead)/theta + sumlog
liksigall.gamnoise <- function(para) { ## minimization
if (min(para)<0) {return(Inf)}
else {
theta <- para[1]
gamma.a <- para[2]
gamma.b <- para[3]
-(liksig.gamnoise(theta,gamma.a,gamma.b)+ sum(dgamma(obsnc, gamma.a, scale=gamma.b, log=TRUE)) )
estsig.gamnoise <- function(gamma.alf.est,, theta.est, obead){
intfun <- function(y) {
y*(gamma.alf.est-1) * exp(-y/newbet)
intfun2 <- function(y) {
y*(gamma.alf.est) * exp(-y/newbet)
newbet <- theta.est* -
if (<theta.est) {
sigest<- obead- newbet * gamma.alf.est *
pgamma(obead, gamma.alf.est+1, scale=newbet)/pgamma(obead, gamma.alf.est, scale=newbet)
else {
sigest<- obead - sapply(obead, function(intup) integrate(intfun2,0,intup)$value)/
sapply(obead, function(intup) integrate(intfun,0,intup)$value)
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