
Defines functions import.default.aux import.spot.aux import.gpr.aux import

Documented in import import.default.aux import.gpr.aux import.spot.aux

## Data importation froml text files to arrayCGH objects

## Copyright (C) 2004 Institut Curie
## Author(s): Pierre Neuvial (Institut Curie) 2004
## Contact: manor@curie.fr

import <- function(file, var.names=NULL, spot.names=NULL, clone.names=NULL, type=c("default", "gpr", "spot"), id.rep=1, design=NULL, add.lines=FALSE, ...)  {
    l <- length(var.names)
    var.names <- switch(match.arg(type),
                        gpr = if (l!=5) c("Block", "Column", "Row", "X", "Y") else var.names,
                        spot= if (l!=4) c("Arr.colx", "Arr.rowy", "Spot.colx", "Spot.rowy") else var.names,
                        default= if (l!=2) c("Col", "Row") else var.names)
### read raw data (skipping header lines if necessary)
    data <- read.delim(file, skip=grep(var.names[1], readLines(file, n = 100)) - 1, as.is=TRUE, ...)
### exclude unmatched variable names from import
    data.names <- names(data)
    if (!is.null(var.names))
        var.names <- check.names(var.names, data.names, optional=FALSE)
    if (!is.null(clone.names))
        spot.names <- union(spot.names, clone.names[id.rep])  ## force id.rep to be present in spot.data
        clone.names <- check.names(clone.names, data.names)
    if (!is.null(spot.names))
        spot.names <- check.names(spot.names, data.names)
    ret <- switch(match.arg(type),
                  gpr = import.gpr.aux(data, var.names=var.names, spot.names=spot.names, add.lines=add.lines, design=design),
                  spot = import.spot.aux(data, var.names=var.names, spot.names=spot.names, add.lines=add.lines),
                  default = import.default.aux(data, var.names=var.names, spot.names=spot.names, add.lines=add.lines, design=design))
    spot.data <- ret$spot.data
    design <- ret$design
    ## sort lines of spot.data
    o <- order(spot.data$Row, spot.data$Col)
    spot.data <- spot.data[o, ]
### optional clone-level information to be kept in arrayCGH
    if (!is.null(clone.names)) {
        clone.data <- data[, clone.names]
        ## this information has to be aggregated from spot-level information to clone-level information
        if (length(clone.names) > 1)
            clone.data <- my.aggregate.data.frame(clone.data, clone.names[id.rep], function(x) {x[1]})
        else {
            clone.data <- data.frame(unique(clone.data))
            names(clone.data) <- clone.names
        arrayCGH <- list(arrayValues=spot.data, arrayDesign=design, cloneValues=clone.data, id.rep=clone.names[id.rep])
        arrayCGH <- list(arrayValues=spot.data, arrayDesign=design)
    class(arrayCGH) <- "arrayCGH"

import.gpr.aux <- function(data, var.names=c("Block", "Column", "Row", "X", "Y"), spot.names=NULL, add.lines=FALSE, design=NULL) {
    data[[var.names[1]]] <- data[[var.names[1]]] - min(data[[var.names[1]]])+1 ## "Block" now starts from 1
    Block <- data[[var.names[1]]]                     # "Block"
    Column <- data[[var.names[2]]]                    # "Column"
    Row <- data[[var.names[3]]]                       # "Row"
    max.col <- max(Column, na.rm=TRUE)                 # total number of columns per block of the array
    max.row <- max(Row, na.rm=TRUE)                    # total number of rows    per block of the array
    max.block <- max(Block, na.rm=TRUE)

### add lines for empty spots if necessary ;)
    if (max.block*max.col*max.row!=dim(data)[1]) {
        if (!add.lines)
            stop("Incomplete .gpr file: number of lines does not match array design")
        else {
            print("number of lines does not match array design: adding empty lines...")
            test <- merge(data.frame(1:max.block), merge(data.frame(1:max.col), data.frame(1:max.row)))
            names(test) <- var.names[1:3]
            data <- merge(data, test, all=TRUE)
            ## new variables
            Block <- data[[var.names[1]]]                     # "Block"
            Column <- data[[var.names[2]]]                    # "Column"
            Row <- data[[var.names[3]]]                       # "Row"
    X <- data[[var.names[4]]]                         # "IMAGE_X"
    Y <- data[[var.names[5]]]                         # "IMAGE_Y"
### compute array design
    if (is.null(design)) {
        print("calculating array design...")
        ## block design was not specified by user: it has to be computed
        tmp <- aggregate(X, list(Block=Block), median, na.rm=TRUE)
        ## blocks are designed from left to right, top to bottom
        x <- tmp$x
        l <- length(x)
        y <- x[2:l]-x[1:l-1]
        ## so the first decrease in X occurs after the last block of the first row
        br <- which(y<0)[1] ## number of blocks per row
        design <- c(br, max.block/br, max.col, max.row)
    row.blocks <- design[1]           # number of blocks per row of the array
    i <- (Block+row.blocks-1)%/%row.blocks
    j <- (Block-1)%%row.blocks+1
### build "Col" and "Row" variables of the arrayCGH
    col <- (j-1)*max.col + Column
    row <- (i-1)*max.row + Row
    ## optional spot-level information to be kept in arrayCGH
    if (!is.null(spot.names)) {
        spot.data <- data.frame(col, row, data[, spot.names])
        names(spot.data) <- c("Col", "Row", spot.names) ## useful if clone.names is of length 1
        spot.data <- data.frame(Col=col, Row=row)
    list(spot.data=spot.data, design=design)

import.spot.aux <- function(data, var.names=c("Arr.colx", "Arr.rowy", "Spot.colx", "Spot.rowy"), spot.names=NULL, add.lines=FALSE) {
    d <- data[, var.names]
    names(d) <- c("ac", "ar", "sc", "sr")

### compute array design (a little easier than for .gpr files...)
    design <- as.numeric(apply(d, 2, max))
### add lines for empty spots if necessary ;)
    if (prod(design)!=dim(data)[1]) {
        if (!add.lines)
            stop("Incomplete .gpr file: number of lines does not match array design. Use 'add.lines=TRUE' to add empty lines")
        else {
            print("number of lines does not match array design: adding empty lines...")
            test <- merge(merge(data.frame(1:design[1]), data.frame(1:design[2])), merge(data.frame(1:design[3]), data.frame(1:design[4])))
            names(test) <- var.names
            data <- merge(data, test, all=TRUE)

            ## one more time...
            d <- data[, var.names]
            names(d) <- c("ac", "ar", "sc", "sr")

### build "Col" and "Row" variables of the arrayCGH
    col <- (d$ac-1)*design[3]+d$sc
    row <- (d$ar-1)*design[4]+d$sr
    ## optional spot-level information to be kept in arrayCGH
    if (!is.null(spot.names)) {
        spot.data <- data.frame(col, row, data[, spot.names])
        names(spot.data) <- c("Col", "Row", spot.names) ## useful if clone.names is of length 1
        spot.data <- data.frame(Col=col, Row=row)
    list(spot.data=spot.data, design=design)

import.default.aux <- function(data, var.names=c("Col", "Row"), spot.names=NULL, design=NULL, add.lines=FALSE) {
    ##   if (is.null(design))
    ##     stop("You must specify array design in order to import this type of data")

    d <- data[, var.names]
    names(d) <- c("Col", "Row")

### compute array design (a little easier than for .gpr files...)
    if (is.null(design))
        design <- c(1, 1, as.numeric(apply(d, 2, max)))
### add lines for empty spots if necessary ;)
    if (prod(design)!=dim(data)[1]) {
        if (!add.lines)
            stop("Incomplete .gpr file: number of lines does not match array design. Use 'add.lines=TRUE' to add empty lines")
        else {
            print("number of lines does not match array design: adding empty lines...")
            test <- merge(data.frame(1:design[3]), data.frame(1:design[4]))
            names(test) <- var.names
            data <- merge(data, test, all=TRUE)

            ## one more time...
            d <- data[, var.names]
            names(d) <- c("Col", "Row")

### optional spot-level information to be kept in arrayCGH
    if (!is.null(spot.names)) {
        spot.data <- data[, union(var.names, spot.names)]
        ##    names(spot.data) <- c("Col", "Row", spot.names) ## useful if clone.names is of length 1
        spot.data <- rename(spot.data, var.names, c("Col", "Row"))
        spot.data <- data[, var.names]

    list(spot.data=spot.data, design=design)

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MANOR documentation built on Nov. 8, 2020, 6:52 p.m.