#Copyright (c) 2015, 2016 Genome Research Ltd .
#Author : Tallulah Andrews <>
#This file is part of M3Drop.
#M3Drop is free software : you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
#the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software
#Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later
#This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
#ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
#FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.
#You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
#this program . If not , see <>.
# Modularize this stuff more sensibly
# Plotting Functions
bg__dropout_plot_base <- function (expr_mat, xlim = NA, suppress.plot=FALSE) {
gene_info <- bg__calc_variables(expr_mat);
xes <- log(gene_info$s)/log(10);
put_in_order <- order(xes);
# fancy <- densCols(xes, gene_info$p, colramp=colorRampPalette(c("black","white")))
# dens <- col2rgb(fancy)[1,]+1L
# colours <- colorRampPalette(c("#000099", "#00FEFF", "#45FE4F",
# "#FCFF00", "#FF9400", "#FF3100"))(256) #rainbow
# colours <- colorRampPalette(c("#000099", "#00FEFF", "#FCFF00"))(256) #blue->yellow
# dens.col <- colours[dens]
dens.col <- densCols(xes, gene_info$p, colramp=colorRampPalette(c("grey75","black")))
if (!suppress.plot) {
if (!(sum( {
plot(xes,gene_info$p, main="", ylab="", xlab="", col = dens.col,pch=16, xlim=xlim, ylim=c(0,1))
} else {
plot(xes,gene_info$p, main="", ylab="", xlab="", col = dens.col,pch=16, ylim=c(0,1))
title(ylab="Dropout Rate", line=2)
title(xlab="log10(expression)", line=2)
invisible(list(gene_info = gene_info, xes=xes, order=put_in_order));
bg__add_model_to_plot <- function(fitted_model, base_plot, lty=1, lwd=1, col="dodgerblue",legend_loc = "topright") {
if (length(legend_loc) == 2) {
this_loc <- legend(legend_loc[1], legend_loc[2], fitted_model$model, xjust=1, bty="n", lty=lty, lwd=lwd, col=c(col, "white"))
if (is.character(legend_loc)) {
this_loc <- legend(legend_loc[1], fitted_model$model, xjust=1, bty="n", lty=lty, lwd=lwd, col=c(col, "white"))
bg__highlight_genes <- function (base_plot, expr_mat, genes, col="darkorange", pch=16) {
if(!is.numeric(genes) && !is.logical(genes)) {
genes <- match(as.character(genes), rownames(expr_mat));
nomatch <- sum(;
if (nomatch > 0) {warning(paste(nomatch, " genes could not be matched to data, they will not be highlighted."));}
if (nomatch == length(genes)) {invisible(cbind(c(NA,NA),c(NA,NA)))}
genes <- genes[!];
points(base_plot$xes[genes],base_plot$gene_info$p[genes],col=col, pch=pch)
bg__expression_heatmap <- function (genes, expr_mat, cell_labels=NA, gene_labels=NA, key_genes=genes, key_cells=NA) {
par_orig <- par()
if(!is.numeric(genes)) {
new_genes <- match(genes, rownames(expr_mat));
nomatch <- sum(;
if (nomatch > 0) {warning(paste("Warning: ",nomatch, " genes could not be matched to data, they will not be included in the heatmap."));}
genes <- new_genes[!];
if (length(genes) < 1) {stop("Error: No genes for heatmap.");return();}
# Plot heatmap of expression
heatcolours <- rev(brewer.pal(11,"RdBu"))
col_breaks <- c(-100,seq(-2,2,length=10),100)
heat_data <- as.matrix(expr_mat[genes,])
heat_data <- log(heat_data+1)/log(2);
ColColors <- rep("white", times=length(heat_data[1,]))
RowColors <- rep("white", times=length(heat_data[,1]))
# remove row & column labels
rownames(heat_data) <- rep("", length(heat_data[,1]));
if (![1])) {
rownames(heat_data)[rownames(expr_mat[genes,]) %in% key_genes] <- rownames(expr_mat[genes,])[rownames(expr_mat[genes,]) %in% key_genes];
if(length(unique(colnames(heat_data))) < length(heat_data[1,])) {
colnames(heat_data) <- 1:length(colnames(heat_data));
if (![1])) {
colnames(heat_data)[colnames(expr_mat[genes,]) %in% key_cells] <- colnames(expr_mat[genes,])[colnames(expr_mat[genes,]) %in% key_cells];
if (![1])) {
cell_labels <- as.character(cell_labels);
colours <- as.factor(cell_labels)
palette <- brewer.pal(max(3,length(unique(cell_labels))), "Set3");
ColColors <- palette[colours];
mylegend<- list(names = unique(cell_labels), fill = unique(ColColors));
if (![1])) {
# lowest factor level = grey (so 0-1 is striking)
if (!is.numeric(gene_labels)) {
colours <- as.factor(gene_labels)
} else {
colours <- gene_labels
palette <- c("grey75",brewer.pal(max(3,length(unique(gene_labels))), "Set1"));
RowColors <- palette[colours];
# Custom Shit
if (dim(heat_data)[1] < 10000) {
heatmap_output <- suppressWarnings(heatmap.2(heat_data, ColSideColors = ColColors, RowSideColors = RowColors, col=heatcolours, breaks=col_breaks, scale="row",symbreaks=TRUE, trace="none", dendrogram="column", key=FALSE, Rowv=TRUE, Colv=TRUE,lwid=lwid, lhei=lhei,lmat=lmat, hclustfun=function(x){hclust(x,method="ward.D2")}))
} else {
heatmap_output = suppressWarnings(heatmap.2(heat_data, ColSideColors = ColColors, RowSideColors = RowColors, col=heatcolours, breaks=col_breaks, scale="row",symbreaks=TRUE, trace="none", dendrogram="column", key=FALSE, Rowv=FALSE, Colv=TRUE,lwid=lwid, lhei=lhei,lmat=lmat, hclustfun=function(x){hclust(x,method="ward.D2")}))
# Custom key
par(fig = c(0, 1/(5.2),4/(5.2), 1), mar=c(4,1,1,1), new=TRUE)
scale01 <- function(x, low = min(x), high = max(x)) {
x <- (x - low)/(high - low)
key_breaks <- seq(-2,2,length=10)
key_col <- heatcolours[2:(length(heatcolours)-1)]
z <- seq(min(key_breaks),max(key_breaks), by=min(diff(key_breaks)/4))
par(usr = c(0, 1, 0, 1))
lv <- pretty(key_breaks)
xv <- scale01(as.numeric(lv), min(key_breaks),max(key_breaks))
xargs <- list(at = xv, labels = lv)
xargs$side <- 1, xargs)
mtext(side = 1, "Z-Score", line = par("mgp")[1], padj = 0.5,
cex <- par("cex") * par("cex.lab"))
# Legend
par(fig = c(0/5.2, 1/(5.2),0/(5.2), 4/5.2), mar=c(0,0,0,0), new=TRUE)
if (![1])) {
legend("left", mylegend$names, = mylegend$fill,bg="white",col="black", pch=22, pt.cex=2.5, cex=1.25, bty="n",y.intersp = 2);
M3DropExpressionHeatmap <- function(genes, expr_mat, cell_labels=NA, interesting_genes=NA, key_genes=genes, key_cells=NA) {
# Converted known DE genes into heatmap labels
gene_labels <- rep(1, times = length(genes));
if ([1])) {
if (is.list(interesting_genes)) {
for (i in 1:length(interesting_genes)) {
gene_labels[genes %in% interesting_genes[[i]]] <- i+1;
} else {
gene_labels[genes %in% interesting_genes] <- 2;
if (is.numeric(key_genes) | is.logical(key_genes)) {
key_genes <- rownames(expr_mat)[key_genes];
if (is.numeric(key_cells) | is.logical(key_cells)) {
key_cells <- rownames(expr_mat)[key_cells];
if (is.factor(genes)) {
genes <- as.character(genes);
if (!is.vector(genes)) {
is.gene <- grepl("gene",colnames(genes),
if (sum(is.gene) == 1) {
genes <- unlist(genes[,is.gene]);
} else {
stop("Error: please provide a vector of gene names not a table.")
heatmap_output <- bg__expression_heatmap(genes, expr_mat, cell_labels=cell_labels, gene_labels=as.numeric(gene_labels), key_genes=as.character(key_genes), key_cells=key_cells);
M3DropGetHeatmapClusters <- function (heatout, k, type="cell") {
if (grepl("gene",type) | grepl("row",type)) {
} else if (grepl("cell",type) | grepl("col",type)) {
curr_k <- 1;
dendro_list <- list(dendro)
dendro_heights <- attr(dendro, "height")
while( curr_k < k ){
to_split <- which(dendro_heights == max(dendro_heights))
to_split_dendro <- dendro_list[[to_split]]
to_split_height <- dendro_heights[to_split]
children <- as.list(to_split_dendro)
for (i in 1:length(children)) {
dendro_heights <- c(dendro_heights,attr(children[[i]],"height"))
dendro_list[[length(dendro_list)+1]] <- children[[i]]
# Remove to split
dendro_list[to_split] <- NULL
dendro_heights <- dendro_heights[-to_split]
curr_k <- curr_k-1+length(children)
# Make group vector
if (grepl("gene",type) | grepl("row",type)) {
names_orig_order <- labels(dendro)[order(heatout$rowInd)]
} else if (grepl("cell",type) | grepl("col",type)) {
names_orig_order <- labels(dendro)[order(heatout$colInd)]
groups <- rep(0, times=length(names_orig_order))
for (i in 1:length(dendro_list)) {
groups[names_orig_order %in% labels(dendro_list[[i]])] <- i
names(groups) <- names_orig_order;
M3DropGetHeatmapNames <- function (heatout, type="cell") {
if (grepl("gene",type) | grepl("row",type)) {
} else if (grepl("cell",type) | grepl("col",type)) {
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