#Copyright (c) 2015, 2016 Genome Research Ltd .
#Author : Tallulah Andrews <>
#This file is part of M3Drop.
#M3Drop is free software : you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
#the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software
#Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later
#This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
#ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
#FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.
#You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
#this program . If not , see <>.
bg__fit_MM <- function (p,s) {
if (length(p) != length(s)) {
stop(print("Error: p and s not same length. Cannot fit Michaelis-Menten."))
LL <- function(krt,sigma) {
R <- p-(1-(s/((krt+s))))
R <- suppressWarnings(dnorm(R,0,sigma,log=TRUE))
fit <- mle2(LL,start=list(krt=3, sigma=0.25))
thing <- summary(fit)
krt <- fit@coef[1]
res_err <- fit@coef[2];
Kerr <- max(fit@coef[2],attributes(summary(fit))$coef[1,2]);
predicted <- 1-(s/(krt+s))
residuals <- p-predicted
return(list(K=krt,Kerr=Kerr,fitted_err = res_err,predictions=predicted, model=c("MMenten",paste("K =",round(krt,digits=2))),SSr=round(sum((residuals)^2)),SAr=round(sum(abs(residuals)))))
# This consistently underestimates K
if (length(p) != length(s)) {
stop(print("Error: p and s not same length. Cannot fit Michaelis-Menten."))
p_c <- p[p<1 & p>0]
s_c <- s[p<1 & p>0]
LL <- function(krt,sigma) {
if (krt >0) {
obs_Ks <- p_c/(1-p_c)*s_c
R <- log(obs_Ks)-log(krt);
Qs <- quantile(R,prob=c(0.25,0.5,0.75))
IQR <- Qs[2]-Qs[1];
thing <- densCols(p_c, log(s_c)/log(10), colramp = colorRampPalette(c("black","white")));
dens <- Matrix::colSums(col2rgb(thing))
thresh <- quantile(dens, prob=0.05);
R <- R[dens > thresh]
R <- suppressWarnings(dnorm(R,0,sigma,log=TRUE))
} else {
fit <- mle2(LL,start=list(krt=6, sigma=0.25))
thing <- summary(fit)
krt <- fit@coef[1]
res_err <- fit@coef[2];
Kerr <- max(fit@coef[2],attributes(summary(fit))$coef[1,2]);
predicted <- 1-(s/(krt+s))
residuals <- p-predicted
return(list(K=krt,Kerr=Kerr,fitted_err = res_err,predictions=predicted, model=c("MMenten",paste("K =",round(krt,digits=3))),SSr=round(sum((residuals)^2)),SAr=round(sum(abs(residuals)))))
<- function(p,s){
s_nozero <- s[s>0];
p_nozero <- p[s>0];
fit <- glm(p_nozero ~ offset(-1*log(s_nozero)), family="binomial")
Kerr <- summary(fit)$coeff[1,2];
Kcoeff <- summary(fit)$coeff[1,1];
krt <- exp(Kcoeff)
Kerr <- Kerr*krt
predicted <- rep(0, times=length(s));
predicted[s>0] <- fitted(fit)
residuals <- p-predicted
return(list(K=krt,Kerr=Kerr,predictions=predicted, model=c("MMenten",paste("K =",round(krt,digits=3))),SSr=round(sum((residuals)^2)),SAr=round(sum(abs(residuals)))))
bg__fit_logistic <- function(p,s) {
if (length(p) != length(s)) {
stop(print("Error: p and s not same length. Cannot fit Logistic Regression."))
s_nozero <- s[s>0];
p_nozero <- p[s>0];
logistic <- suppressWarnings(glm(p_nozero~log(s_nozero),family="binomial")) #warns that is not binary data
predlog <- fitted(logistic)
fullpredictions <- rep(0, times=length(s));
fullpredictions[s>0] <- predlog
res <- fullpredictions-p;
return(list(predictions=fullpredictions, B0 = logistic$coeff[1], B1=logistic$coeff[2] ,model=c( "Logistic", paste("Intercept =",round(logistic$coeff[1],digits=3)),paste("Coeff =",round(logistic$coeff[2],digits=3))),SSr=round(sum(res^2)),SAr=round(sum(abs(res)))));
bg__fit_ZIFA <- function(p,s) {
if (length(p) != length(s)) {
stop(print("Error: p and s not same length. Cannot fit double exponential."))
p_nozero <- p; p_nozero[p == 0] = min(p[p>0])/10
fit <- lm(log(p_nozero)~-1+s^2)
lambda <- -fit$coeff[1]
res_err <- attributes(summary(fit))$coef[2,1]
Lerr <- summary(fit)$coeff[1,2]
predicted <- exp(-lambda*s*s)
residuals <- p-predicted
return(list(lambda=lambda,Lerr=Lerr,fitted_err = res_err,predictions=predicted, model=c("p ~ e^(-lambda*S^2)",paste("lambda =",signif(lambda,digits=2))),SSr=round(sum((residuals)^2)),SAr=round(sum(abs(residuals)))))
M3DropDropoutModels <- function(expr_mat, xlim=NA, suppress.plot=FALSE) {
BasePlot <- bg__dropout_plot_base(expr_mat, xlim = xlim, suppress.plot=suppress.plot);
MM <- bg__fit_MM(BasePlot$gene_info$p, BasePlot$gene_info$s);
SCDE <- bg__fit_logistic(BasePlot$gene_info$p, BasePlot$gene_info$s);
ZIFA <- bg__fit_ZIFA(BasePlot$gene_info$p, BasePlot$gene_info$s);
if (!suppress.plot) {
sizeloc <- bg__add_model_to_plot(MM, BasePlot, lty=1, lwd=2.5, col="black",legend_loc = "topright");
sizeloc <- bg__add_model_to_plot(SCDE, BasePlot, lty=2, lwd=2.5, col="magenta3",legend_loc = c(sizeloc$rect$left+sizeloc$rect$w,sizeloc$rect$top-sizeloc$rect$h-0.05));
sizeloc <- bg__add_model_to_plot(ZIFA, BasePlot, lty=3, lwd=2.5, col="red",legend_loc = c(sizeloc$rect$left+sizeloc$rect$w,sizeloc$rect$top-sizeloc$rect$h-0.05));
invisible(list(MMFit = MM, LogiFit = SCDE, ExpoFit = ZIFA));
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