#' Linnorm Normalization Function
#' This function performs batch effect and library size difference normalization on the input dataset.
#' @param datamatrix The matrix or data frame that contains your dataset. Each row is a feature (or Gene) and each column is a sample (or replicate). Raw Counts, CPM, RPKM, FPKM or TPM are supported. Undefined values such as NA are not supported. It is not compatible with log transformed datasets.
#' @param RowSamples Logical. In the datamatrix, if each row is a sample and each row is a feature, set this to TRUE so that you don't need to transpose it. Linnorm works slightly faster with this argument set to TRUE, but it should be negligable for smaller datasets. Defaults to FALSE.
#' @param spikein character vector. Names of the spike-in genes in the datamatrix. Defaults to NULL.
#' @param spikein_log2FC Numeric vector. Log 2 fold change of the spike-in genes. Defaults to NULL.
#' @param showinfo Logical. Show algorithm running information. Defaults to FALSE.
#' @param output character. "Raw" or "XPM". Output's total count will be approximately the median of the inputs' when set to "Raw". Output CPM (if input is raw counts or CPM) or TPM (if input is RPKM FPKM or TPM) when set to "XPM".
#' @param minNonZeroPortion Double >=0, <= 1. Minimum non-Zero Portion Threshold. Genes not satisfying this threshold will be removed. For exmaple, if set to 0.75, genes without at least 75 percent of the samples being non-zero will be removed. Defaults to 0.75.
#' @param BE_F_p Double >=0, <= 1. Filter genes with standard deviation and skewness less than this p value before applying Linnorm's batch effect normalization algorithm. Defaults to 0.3173.
#' @param BE_F_LC_Genes Double >= 0.01, <= 0.95 or Character "Auto". Filter this portion of the lowest expressing genes before applying Linnorm's batch effect normalization algorithm. It can be determined automatically by setting to "Auto". Defaults to "Auto".
#' @param BE_F_HC_Genes Double >=0, <= 1. Filter this portion of the highest expressing genes before applying Linnorm's batch effect normalization algorithm. Defaults to 0.01.
#' @param BE_strength Double >0, <= 1. How strongly should Linnorm normalize batch effects? Defaults to 0.5.
#' @param max_F_LC Double >=0, <= 0.95. When L_F_LC or B_F_LC is set to auto, this is the maximum threshold that Linnorm would assign. Defaults to 0.75.
#' @details This function normalizes the input dataset using the Linnorm algorithm.
#' @return This function returns a normalized data matrix.
#' @keywords Linnorm RNA-seq Raw Count Expression RPKM FPKM TPM CPM normalization
#' @export
#' @examples
#' #Obtain example matrix:
#' data(LIHC)
#' #Normalization:
#' normalizedExp <- Linnorm(LIHC)
#' @import
#' Rcpp
#' RcppArmadillo
Linnorm.Norm <- function (datamatrix, RowSamples = FALSE, spikein = NULL, spikein_log2FC = NULL, showinfo=FALSE, output="XPM", minNonZeroPortion = 0.3, BE_F_p = 0.3173, BE_F_LC_Genes = "Auto", BE_F_HC_Genes = 0.01, BE_strength = 0.5, max_F_LC = 0.75) {
#Expressoin data normalization
#Author: (Ken) Shun Hang Yip <>
#data checking
datamatrix <- as.matrix(datamatrix)
if (output != "Raw" && output != "XPM") {
stop("Invalid output argument. It must be Raw or XPM.")
if (length(spikein) != length(spikein_log2FC)) {
if (length(spikein_log2FC) == 0) {
spikein_log2FC <- rep(0, length(spikein))
} else {
stop("spikein length must be the same as spikein_log2FC.")
} else {
keep <- which(spikein_log2FC == 0)
spikein <- spikein[keep]
if (minNonZeroPortion > 1 || minNonZeroPortion < 0) {
stop("Invalid minNonZeroPortion.")
if (BE_F_p > 1 || BE_F_p < 0) {
stop("Invalid BE_F_p.")
if (BE_strength > 1 || BE_strength <= 0) {
stop("Invalid BE_strength.")
if (BE_F_LC_Genes > 0.75 || BE_F_LC_Genes < 0.01) {
if (BE_F_LC_Genes != "Auto") {
stop("Invalid BE_F_LC_Genes.")
if (BE_F_HC_Genes > 0.75 || BE_F_HC_Genes < 0.01) {
stop("Invalid BE_F_HC_Genes.")
if (anyNA(datamatrix)) {
stop("Dataset contains NA.")
if (sum(which(datamatrix < 0)) != 0) {
stop("Dataset contains negative number.")
if (max_F_LC > 0.95 || max_F_LC < 0) {
stop("Invalid max_F_LC.")
if (!is.logical(RowSamples)){
stop("Invalid RowSamples.")
if (!is.logical(showinfo)){
stop("Invalid showinfo.")
#Turn it into relative expression
#Note that expdata does not have colnames and rownames now
RN <- 0
CN <- 0
multy <- 0
if (RowSamples) {
if (output == "Raw") {
multy <- median(rowSums(datamatrix))
} else {
multy <- 1000000
RN <- rownames(datamatrix)
CN <- colnames(datamatrix)
datamatrix <- XPM(datamatrix) * multy
} else {
if (output == "Raw") {
multy <- median(colSums(datamatrix))
} else {
multy <- 1000000
CN <- rownames(datamatrix)
RN <- colnames(datamatrix)
datamatrix <- tXPM(datamatrix) * multy
colnames(datamatrix) <- CN
rownames(datamatrix) <- RN
if (length(datamatrix[,1]) < 3) {
stop("Number of samples is less than 3.")
if (length(datamatrix[1,]) < 500) {
stop("Number of features is too small.")
#Filter zeroes based on minNonZeroPortion threshold
Keep <- 0
if (nrow(datamatrix) * minNonZeroPortion < 3) {
Keep <- which(colSums(datamatrix != 0) >= 3)
} else {
if (minNonZeroPortion == 0 || minNonZeroPortion == 1) {
Keep <- which(colSums(datamatrix != 0) >= nrow(datamatrix) * minNonZeroPortion)
} else {
Keep <- which(colSums(datamatrix != 0) > nrow(datamatrix) * minNonZeroPortion)
#Fail safe, if Keep < 200, auto-adjust minNonZeroPortion if possible to allow program to keep running.
if (length(Keep) < 200) {
minBound <- 0.0
maxBound <- round(minNonZeroPortion - 0.01,2)
midBound <- round((minBound + maxBound)/2,2)
while (midBound != minBound && midBound != maxBound) {
Keep <- which(colSums(datamatrix != 0) > nrow(datamatrix) * midBound)
if (length(Keep) < 200) {
maxBound <- midBound
midBound <- round((minBound + maxBound)/2,2)
} else {
minBound <- midBound
midBound <- round((minBound + maxBound)/2,2)
minNonZeroPortion <- minBound
Keep <- which(colSums(datamatrix != 0) > nrow(datamatrix) * minNonZeroPortion)
if (length(Keep) >= 200) {
message(paste("Given the current minNonZeroPortion threshold, the number of remaining feature (less than 200) is too small; minNonZeroPortion is now set to ", minNonZeroPortion, ".", sep="") )
if (length(Keep) < 200) {
stop("Given the current minNonZeroPortion threshold, the number of remaining feature (less than 200) is too small.")
#Obtain low count gene filtering threshold
if (BE_F_LC_Genes == "Auto") {
BE_F_LC_Genes <- FindLCT(datamatrix[,Keep], 1)
if (BE_F_LC_Genes > max_F_LC) {
if (showinfo) {
message(paste("Filter low count gene threshold is ", BE_F_LC_Genes, ". It is larger than max_F_LC, ", max_F_LC, ", which is now used.", sep=""))
BE_F_LC_Genes <- max_F_LC
if (showinfo) {
message(paste("Filter low count genes threshold is set to ", BE_F_LC_Genes, sep=""),appendLF=TRUE)
if (BE_F_LC_Genes + BE_F_HC_Genes > 0.95){
BE_F_HC_Genes <- 0.01
if (showinfo) {
message(paste("BE_F_HC_Genes Reset to ", BE_F_HC_Genes, sep=""),appendLF=TRUE)
datamatrix <- BatchEffectLinnorm1(datamatrix, minNonZeroPortion, BE_F_LC_Genes = BE_F_LC_Genes, BE_F_HC_Genes = BE_F_HC_Genes, BE_F_p = BE_F_p, BE_strength = BE_strength, spikein=spikein)
if (!RowSamples) {
datamatrix <- t(datamatrix)
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