ModelPerformance <- R6::R6Class(
inherit = Model,
public = list(
model.obj = NULL,
cv.probs.labels = NULL,
auc = NULL,
initialize = function(x, y, kernel = self$kernel, cost = self$cost, gamma =
self$gamma, valid.times = self$valid.times, numcores = self$numcores, file.prefix =
self$file.prefix, feature.ranking = self$feature.ranking, feature.nb = self$feature.nb) {
if (!missing(kernel))
self$kernel = kernel
if (!missing(cost))
self$cost = cost
if (!missing(gamma))
self$gamma = gamma
if (!missing(valid.times))
self$valid.times = valid.times
if (!missing(numcores))
self$numcores = numcores
if (!missing(feature.ranking))
self$feature.ranking = feature.ranking
if (!missing(feature.nb))
self$feature.nb = feature.nb
if (!missing(file.prefix))
self$file.prefix = file.prefix
self$model.obj = Model$new(
x = x, y = y, kernel = self$kernel, cost = self$cost, gamma = self$gamma, valid.times = self$valid.times, feature.ranking =
self$feature.ranking, feature.nb = self$feature.nb, file.prefix = self$file.prefix
self$x = self$model.obj$x
self$y = self$model.obj$y
self$test.folds = self$model.obj$test.folds
self$model = self$model.obj$model
self$weights = self$model.obj$weights
self$cv.probs.labels = private$CVModelPeformanceAllFolds(test.folds = self$test.folds)
png(paste(self$file.prefix,"_ROC_perf.png", sep = ""))
labels = self$cv.probs.labels$labels, probs = self$cv.probs.labels$probs, rocr.pred = self$cv.probs.labels$rocr.pred
garb =
Tests = function() {
probs = private$CVModelPeformanceOneFold(test.fold.i = self$test.folds[[1]])$probs
testthat::expect_equal(probs[[1]], 0.9748439, tolerance = 10 - 9)
private = list(
CVModelPeformanceOneFold = function(test.fold.i = test.fold.i) {
test.set.x = self$x[test.fold.i,]
train.set.x = self$x[-test.fold.i,]
test.set.y = self$y[test.fold.i]
train.set.y = self$y[-test.fold.i]
# Remove empty features because it triggers model errror
if (any(apply(train.set.x==0,2,all))) {
warning("Some features in this fold are zero everywhere and must be removed")
train.set.x = train.set.x[, !apply(train.set.x==0,2,all)]
test.set.x = test.set.x[, colnames(train.set.x)]
# End of - Remove empty features because it triggers model errror
obj <-
x = train.set.x, y = train.set.y, kernel = self$kernel, cost = self$cost, gamma =
self$gamma, valid.times = 5
probs = obj$ScoreData(x = test.set.x, scale=FALSE)$probs
return(list(probs = probs, labels = test.set.y))
CVModelPeformanceAllFolds = function(test.folds = test.folds) {
message("evaluateModelPerformance is running ...")
cv.probs.labels = parallel::mclapply(test.folds, private$CVModelPeformanceOneFold, mc.cores =
labels = sapply(cv.probs.labels, function(x)
probs = sapply(cv.probs.labels, function(x)
#Calculate AUC using ROCR package ----------------
rocr.pred = ROCR::prediction(probs,labels,label.ordering = c(-1, 1))
auc.tmp = ROCR::performance(rocr.pred, "auc");
self$auc = round(mean(as.numeric(auc.tmp@y.values)), digits = 2)
#End of Calculate AUC using ROCR package ----------------
return(list(labels = labels, probs = probs, rocr.pred= rocr.pred))
PlotROCR = function (labels = labels, probs = probs, rocr.pred= rocr.pred) {
# rocr.pred = ROCR::prediction(probs,labels,label.ordering = c(-1, 1))
prec_rec = ROCR::performance(rocr.pred, "prec", 'rec')
prec = ROCR::performance(rocr.pred, measure = "prec")
rec = ROCR::performance(rocr.pred, measure = "rec")
tpr_fpr = ROCR::performance(rocr.pred, measure = "tpr", x.measure = "fpr")
auc.tmp = ROCR::performance(rocr.pred, "auc");
auc = round(mean(as.numeric(auc.tmp@y.values)), digits = 2)
mfrow = c(2,2), oma = c(1,1,1,1), mar = c(5, 4.5, 0, 2) + 0.1
par(cex.lab = 1.5)
prec, avg = "vertical", spread.estimate = "stderror", col = c("#FF0000FF"), ylim =
c(0,1),xlim = c(0,1)
rec, avg = "vertical",spread.estimate = "stderror",col = c("#FF0000FF"),ylim =
c(0,1),xlim = c(0,1)
prec_rec, avg = "vertical", spread.estimate = "stderror", col = c("#FF0000FF"), ylim =
c(0,1), xlim = c(0,1)
tpr_fpr, avg = "vertical",spread.estimate = "stderror",col = c("#FF0000FF"),ylim =
c(0,1),xlim = c(0,1)
text(0.7, 0.2, paste("AUC= ", auc, sep = ""),cex = 1.2)
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