# Remove any indistinguishable event from input data
check.indistinguishable <- function( data ) {
# build one data matrix from all time points
full_data <- NULL
for(i in 1:length(data)) {
full_data <- rbind(full_data,data[[i]])
# check for indistinguishable events
indistinguishable <- as.numeric(which(duplicated(t(full_data))))
if(length(indistinguishable)>0) {
# merge names of indistinguishable events
valid_colnames <- colnames(full_data)[-indistinguishable]
new_colnames <- valid_colnames
invalid_colnames <- colnames(full_data)[indistinguishable]
for(i in invalid_colnames) {
for(j in valid_colnames) {
if(all([,i])[,j]))) { # if NAs in i and j are the same
if(all(full_data[,i]==full_data[,j],na.rm=TRUE)) { # if not NAs entries in i and j are the same
new_colnames[which(valid_colnames==j)] <- paste0(new_colnames[which(valid_colnames==j)],"|",invalid_colnames[which(invalid_colnames==i)])
# remove indistinguishable events from data
for(i in 1:length(data)) {
data[[i]] <- data[[i]][,valid_colnames,drop=FALSE]
colnames(data[[i]]) <- new_colnames
# Build adjacency matrix from B as returned from the function learn.longitudinal.phylogeny
as.adj.matrix <- function( B ) {
adj_matrix <- array(0L,c((dim(B)[1]-1),(dim(B)[2]-1)))
rownames(adj_matrix) <- colnames(B)[2:ncol(B)]
colnames(adj_matrix) <- colnames(B)[2:ncol(B)]
for(rP in 2:(nrow(B)-1)) {
for(rC in ((rP+1):nrow(B))) {
if(all(B[rP,1:rP]==B[rC,1:rP])&&(sum(B[rP,])==(sum(B[rC,])-1))) {
adj_matrix[(rP-1),(rC-1)] <- 1
adj_matrix <- adj_matrix[as.character(sort(as.numeric(rownames(adj_matrix)))),]
adj_matrix <- adj_matrix[,as.character(sort(as.numeric(colnames(adj_matrix))))]
# Build adjacency matrix from B as returned from the function learn.longitudinal.phylogeny (unsorted)
as.adj.matrix.unsorted <- function( B, root = FALSE ) {
if(root) {
adj_matrix = array(0L,dim(B))
rownames(adj_matrix) <- colnames(B)[(1:ncol(B))]
colnames(adj_matrix) <- colnames(B)[(1:ncol(B))]
for(rP in 1:(nrow(B))-1) {
for(rC in (rP+1):nrow(B)) {
if(all(B[rP,1:rP] == B[rC,1:rP]) && sum(B[rP,])==(sum(B[rC,])-1)) {
adj_matrix[(rP),(rC)] <- 1
else {
adj_matrix = array(0L,(dim(B) - 1))
rownames(adj_matrix) <- colnames(B)[(2:ncol(B))]
colnames(adj_matrix) <- colnames(B)[(2:ncol(B))]
for(rP in 2:(nrow(B))-1) {
for(rC in (rP+1):nrow(B)) {
if(all(B[rP,1:rP] == B[rC,1:rP]) && sum(B[rP,])==(sum(B[rC,])-1)) {
adj_matrix[(rP-1),(rC-1)] <- 1
# Build B from an adjacency matrix where we assume clones and mutations to be both ordered
as.B <- function( adj_matrix ) {
n_clones <- dim(adj_matrix)[1]
B <- diag(n_clones)
for(k in 1:n_clones) {
idx_child <- which(adj_matrix[k,]==1,arr.ind=TRUE)
if(length(idx_child)==1) {
B[idx_child,] <- B[k,] + B[idx_child,]
else if(length(idx_child)>1) {
B[idx_child,] <- sweep(B[idx_child,],2,B[k,],"+")
rownames(B) <- 1:nrow(B)
colnames(B) <- 1:ncol(B)
B <- cbind(rep(1,nrow(B)),B)
B <- rbind(c(1,rep(0,(ncol(B)-1))),B)
rownames(B)[1] <- 'r'
colnames(B)[1] <- 'r'
# check that point Q is not on segments A-B
checkQonAB <- function( Ax, Ay, Bx, By, Qx, Qy ) {
if((Qx <= max(Ax,Bx)) && (Qx >= min(Ax, Bx)) && (Qy <= max(Ay, By)) && (Qy >= min(Ay, By))) {
# check segments orientation
orientation <- function( Ax, Ay, Bx, By, Qx, Qy ) {
res <- ((Qy - Ay) * (Bx - Qx)) - ((Qx - Ax)*(By - Qy))
if(res > 0) {
else if(res < 0) {
else {
# check if two segments interserct
checkSegmentIntersect <- function( ax1, ay1, ax2, ay2, bx1, by1, bx2, by2 ) {
c1 = orientation(ax1,ay1, bx1,by1, ax2,ay2)
c2 = orientation(ax1,ay1, bx2,by2, ax2,ay2)
c3 = orientation(bx1,by1, ax1,ay1, bx2,by2)
c4 = orientation(bx1,by1, ax2,ay2, bx2,by2)
if((c1 != c2) && (c3 != c4)) {
if((c1 == 0) && checkQonAB(ax1,ay1, ax2,ay2, bx1,by1)) {
if((c2 == 0) && checkQonAB(ax1,ay1, ax2,ay2, bx2,by2)) {
if((c3 == 0) && checkQonAB(bx1,by1, bx2,by2, ax1,ay1)) {
if((c4 == 0) && checkQonAB(bx1,by1, bx2,by2, ax2,ay2)) {
#' Compute mutation distance among variants from LACE corrected genotype and use it to perform hierarchical clustering.
#' @title compute.mutation.distance
#' @examples
#' data(inference)
#' mutation_distance <- compute.mutation.distance(inference)
#' @param inference Results of the inference by LACE.
#' @return A matrix mutation_distance with the mutation distance among variants computed from LACE corrected genotype and related hierarchical clustering.
#' @export compute.mutation.distance
#' @importFrom stats dist hclust
compute.mutation.distance <- function( inference ) {
mutation_distance <- dist(t(inference$corrected_genotype),method="euclidean")
mutation_distance <- list(distance_matrix=as.matrix(mutation_distance),hierarchical_clustering=hclust(mutation_distance,method="complete"))
#' Compute error rates for the considered variants comparing observed data to LACE corrected genotype.
#' @title compute.variants.error.rates
#' @examples
#' data(longitudinal_sc_variants)
#' data(inference)
#' variants_error_rates <- compute.variants.error.rates(longitudinal_sc_variants,inference)
#' @param D Mutation data from multiple experiments for a list of driver genes provided as a data matrix per time point.
#' @param inference Results of the inference by LACE.
#' @return A matrix variants_error_rates with the estimated error rates for the considered variants.
#' @export compute.variants.error.rates
compute.variants.error.rates <- function( D, inference ) {
variants_error_rates <- array(NA,c(ncol(D[[1]]),2))
rownames(variants_error_rates) <- colnames(D[[1]])
colnames(variants_error_rates) <- c("Percentage_False_Positives","Percentage_False_Negatives")
corrected_genotype <- inference$corrected_genotype
observed_genotype <- NULL
for(i in 1:length(D)) {
observed_genotype <- rbind(observed_genotype,D[[i]])
for(i in rownames(variants_error_rates)) {
fn <- length(which(observed_genotype[,i]==0&corrected_genotype[,i]==1))
fp <- length(which(observed_genotype[,i]==1&corrected_genotype[,i]==0))
variants_error_rates[i,"Percentage_False_Positives"] <- fp/nrow(observed_genotype)
variants_error_rates[i,"Percentage_False_Negatives"] <- fn/nrow(observed_genotype)
recursiveDescend <- function( descend ) {
# Check next node,
next_v <- which(descend$adjM[descend$row_v,] > 0)
# If not than return
if(length(next_v)==0) {
descend$max_deep <- max(descend$l_path)
} else if(length(next_v) > 1){
# brach!
curr_level <- descend$l_path[descend$ind_lPath]
for(v in next_v){
descend$row_v = v
descend$ind_lPath = descend$ind_lPath + 1
descend$l_path[descend$ind_lPath] = curr_level + 1
descend$mut_list <- c(descend$mut_list, as.numeric(v))
descend <- recursiveDescend(descend = descend)
} else {
descend$l_path[descend$ind_lPath] = descend$l_path[descend$ind_lPath] + 1
descend$row_v = next_v
descend$mut_list <- c(descend$mut_list, as.numeric(next_v))
descend <- recursiveDescend(descend = descend)
descend$max_deep <- max(descend$l_path)
recursiveLongitudinalLayout <- function( idx_Vc, Xc, Yc, cl_df, adjMatrix_base, adjMatrix_overall, mut_TP, labels_show, label_offset) {
cl_vertex_idx_Vc <- which(cl_df$cl_vertex$names == colnames(adjMatrix_overall)[idx_Vc])
cl_df$cl_vertex$coord.x[cl_vertex_idx_Vc] <- Xc
cl_df$cl_vertex$coord.y[cl_vertex_idx_Vc] <- Yc
idx_next_v <- which(adjMatrix_overall[idx_Vc,] != 0)
if(length(idx_next_v) == 0) {
} else if(length(idx_next_v) > 1){
deep <- c()
for(v in idx_next_v) {
descend = list(
adjM = adjMatrix_overall,
l_path = c(1),
ind_lPath = 1,
mut_list = c(v),
row_v = v
deep_tmp <- recursiveDescend(descend)
dif_clones <- unique(cl_df$cl_vertex$clone[cl_df$cl_vertex$names %in% colnames(adjMatrix_overall)[deep_tmp$mut_list]])
deep <- c(deep, length(dif_clones))
ord <- order(-cl_df$cl_vertex$TP[match(names(idx_next_v),cl_df$cl_vertex$names)], deep, decreasing = F)
idx_next_v <- idx_next_v[ord]
deep <- deep[ord]
offset_X = 0
for(i in 1:length(idx_next_v)){
Vn_name <- colnames(adjMatrix_overall)[idx_next_v[i]]
if(adjMatrix_overall[idx_Vc,idx_next_v[i]] == 2) {
X = Xc
Y = mut_TP[as.character((cl_df$cl_vertex$TP[cl_df$cl_vertex$names == Vn_name]-1))] + 1
offset_X = offset_X + deep[i] - 1
} else {
if(cl_df$cl_vertex$TP[cl_vertex_idx_Vc] < cl_df$cl_vertex$TP[cl_df$cl_vertex$names == Vn_name]) {
Y = mut_TP[as.character((cl_df$cl_vertex$TP[cl_df$cl_vertex$names == Vn_name]-1))] + 1
} else {
Y = Yc + 1
X = (Xc + offset_X + 1)
offset_X = offset_X + deep[i]
idx_row_edges = which(cl_df$cl_edges$from == cl_df$cl_vertex$names[cl_vertex_idx_Vc] & cl_df$cl_edges$to == Vn_name)
mutation_name <- cl_df$cl_vertex$last_mutation[cl_df$cl_vertex$names == Vn_name]
clone_fake_edge <- data.frame(from = cl_df$cl_edges$from[idx_row_edges],
to = paste0('H_',mutation_name),
type = "Parental",
extincion = FALSE,
label = "",
name = "",
lty = 1)
fake_mutation_edge <- data.frame(from = paste0('H_',mutation_name),
to = mutation_name,
type = "Parental",
extincion = FALSE,
label = "",
name = "",
lty = 1)
mutation_clone_edge <- data.frame(from = mutation_name,
to = cl_df$cl_edges$to[idx_row_edges],
type = "Parental",
extincion = FALSE,
label = "",
name = "",
lty = 1)
fake_vertex <- data.frame(names = paste0('H_',mutation_name),
branch_level = NA,
branch = NA,
label = "",
last_mutation = "",
TP = NA,
clone = cl_df$cl_vertex$clone[cl_vertex_idx_Vc],
prevalance = NA,
size = 0,
size2 = 0,
shape = "none",
label.dist = 0, = 0,
extincion = 0,
coord.x = X,
coord.y = Yc,
color = NA)
mutation_vertex <- data.frame(names = mutation_name,
branch_level = NA,
branch = NA,
label = ifelse(test = labels_show %in% c("both", "mutations"), yes = mutation_name, no = ""),
last_mutation = "",
TP = NA,
clone = cl_df$cl_vertex$clone[cl_vertex_idx_Vc],
prevalance = NA,
size = 6,
size2 = 6,
shape = "square",
label.dist = label_offset, = 0,
extincion = 0,
coord.x = X,
coord.y = (Yc + Y)*0.5,
color = cl_df$cl_vertex$color[cl_df$cl_vertex$names == Vn_name])
cl_df$cl_edges <- cl_df$cl_edges[-idx_row_edges,]
cl_df$cl_edges <- rbind(cl_df$cl_edges, clone_fake_edge, fake_mutation_edge, mutation_clone_edge)
cl_df$cl_vertex <- rbind(cl_df$cl_vertex, fake_vertex, mutation_vertex)
cl_df <- recursiveLongitudinalLayout(idx_next_v[i], X, Y, cl_df, adjMatrix_base, adjMatrix_overall, mut_TP, labels_show, label_offset)
} else {
Vn_name <- colnames(adjMatrix_overall)[idx_next_v]
if(adjMatrix_overall[idx_Vc,idx_next_v] == 2) {
X = Xc
Y = mut_TP[as.character((cl_df$cl_vertex$TP[cl_df$cl_vertex$names == Vn_name]-1))] + 1
} else {
if(cl_df$cl_vertex$TP[cl_vertex_idx_Vc] < cl_df$cl_vertex$TP[cl_df$cl_vertex$names == Vn_name]) {
Y = mut_TP[as.character((cl_df$cl_vertex$TP[cl_df$cl_vertex$names == Vn_name]-1))] + 1
} else {
Y = Yc + 1
X = Xc + 1
idx_row_edges = which(cl_df$cl_edges$from == cl_df$cl_vertex$names[cl_vertex_idx_Vc] & cl_df$cl_edges$to == Vn_name)
mutation_name <- cl_df$cl_vertex$last_mutation[cl_df$cl_vertex$names == Vn_name]
clone_fake_edge <- data.frame(from = cl_df$cl_edges$from[idx_row_edges],
to = paste0('H_',mutation_name),
type = "Parental",
extincion = FALSE,
label = "",
name = "",
lty = 1)
fake_mutation_edge <- data.frame(from = paste0('H_',mutation_name),
to = mutation_name,
type = "Parental",
extincion = FALSE,
label = "",
name = "",
lty = 1)
mutation_clone_edge <- data.frame(from = mutation_name,
to = cl_df$cl_edges$to[idx_row_edges],
type = "Parental",
extincion = FALSE,
label = "",
name = "",
lty = 1)
fake_vertex <- data.frame(names = paste0('H_',mutation_name),
branch_level = NA,
branch = NA,
label = "",
last_mutation = "",
TP = NA,#cl_df$cl_vertex$TP[cl_vertex_idx_Vc],
clone = cl_df$cl_vertex$clone[cl_vertex_idx_Vc],
prevalance = NA,
size = 0,
size2 = 0,
shape = "none",
label.dist = 0, = 0,
extincion = 0,
coord.x = X,
coord.y = Yc,
color = NA)
mutation_vertex <- data.frame(names = mutation_name,
branch_level = NA,
branch = NA,
label = ifelse(test = labels_show %in% c("both", "mutations"), yes = mutation_name, no = ""),
last_mutation = "",
TP = NA,#cl_df$cl_vertex$TP[cl_vertex_idx_Vc],
clone = cl_df$cl_vertex$clone[cl_vertex_idx_Vc],
prevalance = NA,
size = 6,
size2 = 6,
shape = "square",
label.dist = label_offset, = 0,
extincion = 0,
coord.x = X,
coord.y = (Yc + Y)*0.5,
color = cl_df$cl_vertex$color[cl_df$cl_vertex$names == Vn_name])
cl_df$cl_edges <- cl_df$cl_edges[-idx_row_edges,]
cl_df$cl_edges <- rbind(cl_df$cl_edges, clone_fake_edge, fake_mutation_edge, mutation_clone_edge)
cl_df$cl_vertex <- rbind(cl_df$cl_vertex, fake_vertex, mutation_vertex)
cl_df <- recursiveLongitudinalLayout(idx_next_v, X, Y, cl_df, adjMatrix_base, adjMatrix_overall, mut_TP, labels_show, label_offset)
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