#' Score substrate sequences for matches to kinase Position Weight Matrices
#' (PWMs)
#' @description Scores each input sequence for a match against all PWMs provided
#' from buildPWM() and generates p-values for scores. The output of this
#' function is to be used for building the swing metric, the predicted activity
#' of kinases.
#' @param input_data A data.frame of phoshopeptide data. Must contain 4 columns
#' and the following format must be adhered to. Column 1 - Annotation, Column 2
#' - centered peptide sequence, Column 3 - Fold Change [-ve to +ve], Column 4
#' - p-value [0-1]
#' @param pwm_in List of PWMs created using buildPWM()
#' @param background Option to provide a data.frame of peptides to use as
#' background. If providing a background as a table, this must contain two
#' columns; Column 1 - Annotation, Column 2 - centered peptide sequence. These
#' must be centered. OR generate a random background for PWM scoring from the
#' input list - background = random. Default: "random"
#' @param n Number of permutations to perform for generating background.
#' Default: "1000"
#' @param force_trim This function will detect if a peptide sequence is of
#' different length to the PWM models generated (provided in pwm_in) and trim
#' the input sequences to the same length as the PWM models. If a background is
#' provided, this will also be trimmed to the same width as the PWM models.
#' Options are: "TRUE, FALSE". Default = FALSE
#' @param verbose Turn verbosity on/off. To turn on, verbose=TRUE. Options are:
#' "TRUE, FALSE". Default = FALSE
#' @examples
#' ## import data
#' data(example_phosphoproteome)
#' data(phosphositeplus_human)
#' ## clean up the annotations
#' ## sample 100 data points for demonstration
#' sample_data <- head(example_phosphoproteome, 100)
#' annotated_data <- cleanAnnotation(input_data = sample_data)
#' ## build the PWM models:
#' set.seed(1234)
#' sample_pwm <- phosphositeplus_human[sample(nrow(phosphositeplus_human),
#' 1000),]
#' pwms <- buildPWM(sample_pwm)
#' ## score the PWM - substrate matches
#' ## Using a "random" background, to calculate the p-value of the matches
#' ## Using n=10 for demonstration
#' ## set.seed for reproducibility
#' set.seed(1234)
#' substrate_scores <- scoreSequences(input_data = annotated_data,
#' pwm_in = pwms,
#' background = "random",
#' n = 10)
#' @return A list with 3 elements: 1) PWM-substrate scores:
#' substrate_scores$peptide_scores, 2) PWM-substrate p-values:
#' substrate_scores$peptide_p 3) Background used for reproducibility:
#' substrate_scores$background 4) input_data is returned in the case that it was
#' trimmed.
#' @export scoreSequences
#' @importFrom BiocParallel bplapply
scoreSequences <- function(input_data = NULL,
pwm_in = NULL,
background = "random",
n = 1000,
force_trim = FALSE,
verbose = FALSE) {
if (verbose) {
message("Scoring,", nrow(input_data),
"sequences provided, against", length(pwm_in[[1]]),
"PWM models")
message("Parameters selected:\n",
"n =", n, "\n",
"force_trim =", force_trim, "\n",
"verbose =", verbose, "\n"
#format checks:
if (is.null(input_data))
stop("input_data not provided; you must provide an input table")
if (!
stop("input_data is not a data.frame; you must provide an
input table")
if (is.null(pwm_in))
"pwm_in not provided; you must provide an input table containing
computed position weight matrices using buildPWM()"
if (!is.list(pwm_in))
"pwm_in is not a list format; something has gone wrong. Make sure
you compute the position weight matrices using buildPWM()"
#min peptide sequence length of input data
min_peptide_seq <- min(nchar(as.character(input_data[, 2])))
#length of PWM models
min_pwm_length <- min(sapply(seq_len(length(pwm_in[[1]])), function(X)
if ((min_peptide_seq > min_pwm_length) & force_trim == FALSE)
"Centered peptide sequence is greater than length of position weight
matrix. Check data and/or consider using force_trim=TRUE."
if ((min_peptide_seq < min_pwm_length) & force_trim == FALSE)
"Centered peptide sequence is less than the length of PWMs.
Rebuild PWM with length of,",
",and rerun.",
sep = ""
if ((min_peptide_seq > min_pwm_length) & force_trim == TRUE) {
if (verbose) {
message("trimming input_data sequences to minimum PWM length, which is,",
#trim seqs to the min. sequence length in PWMs
input_data[, 2] <-
seqs_to_trim = as.character(input_data[, 2]),
seq_length = min_pwm_length,
verbose = verbose
if (background != "random" && ! {
"Background is not in data.frame() format. Use backgound=random or
provide a table of peptides as background in data.frame format with
two columns, Column1 = Annotation, Column2 = Centered peptide"
if (background != "random" && {
#remove NA's
background <- background[![, 2]),]
#check peptide sequence length of background data if provided:
min_peptide_seq_bg <- min(nchar(as.character(background[, 2])))
if ((min_peptide_seq_bg > min_pwm_length) & force_trim == FALSE)
"Centered peptide sequence of BACKGROUND is greater than width of
position weight matrix. Set option to force trim to continue."
if ((min_peptide_seq_bg < min_pwm_length) & force_trim == FALSE)
"Centered peptide sequence if BACKGROUND is less than length of
position weight matrix. Rebuild PWM with length of X and rerun."
if (n > nrow(background))
stop("Background provided is smaller than n selected. Reduce n")
if ((min_peptide_seq_bg > min_pwm_length) & force_trim == FALSE) {
if (verbose) {
message("trimming BACKGROUND sequences provided to minimum PWM length,
which is,",
#trim seqs to the min. sequence length inPWMs
background[, 2] <-
seqs_to_trim = as.character(background[, 2]),
seq_length = min_pwm_length,
verbose = verbose
#check "n" not smaller than input dataset
if (background == "random" && n > nrow(input_data)) {
stop("n is larger than dataset. Reduce n random sampling")
#1. for each peptide, score against all kinase PWMs provided:
if (verbose) {
message("[Step1/3] : Scoring peptide sequences against PWMs")
peptide_scores <-
bplapply(seq_along(pwm_in[[2]]$kinase), function(i)
sapply(seq_len(nrow(input_data)), function(j)
seqScore(as.character(input_data[j, 2]), pwm_in[[1]][[i]])))
names(peptide_scores) <- pwm_in[[2]]$kinase
peptide_scores <-
cbind("annotation" = input_data[, 1],
"peptide" = input_data[, 2],
#2. extract background set of size "n"
# if no background is provided:
if (background == "random" && ! {
if (verbose) {
message("[Step2/3] : Random background generated from ", n, " peptides")
rand_bg <- sample(rownames(peptide_scores), n)
background_scores <-
peptide_scores[rownames(peptide_scores) %in% rand_bg, ]
# or if background is provided
if (background != "random" && {
if (verbose) {
message("[Step2/3] : Background provided; calculating PWM scores against
background generated from ", n, " peptides"
rand_bg <- sample(rownames(background), n)
rand_bg <- background[rownames(background) %in% rand_bg, ]
background_scores <-
bplapply(seq_along(pwm_in[[2]]$kinase), function(i)
sapply(seq_len(nrow(rand_bg)), function(j)
seqScore(as.character(rand_bg[j, 2]), pwm_in[[1]][[i]])))
names(background_scores) <- pwm_in[[2]]$kinase
background_scores <- cbind(
"annotation" = rand_bg[, 1],
"peptide" = rand_bg[, 2],
#3. compute p-values:
if (verbose) {
message("[Step3/3] : Computing p-values for peptide scores:PWM scores")
# multi-core
p_table <- bplapply(3:ncol(peptide_scores), function(i)
sapply(seq_len(length(peptide_scores[, i])), function(j)
as.numeric(background_scores[, i]) >
as.numeric(peptide_scores[, i][j]),
1, 0 )) + 1) / (length(as.numeric(background_scores[, i])) + 1)))
names(p_table) <- colnames(3:ncol(peptide_scores))
p_table <- data.frame(peptide_scores[1:2], data.frame(p_table))
colnames(p_table) <- gsub("score_", "p_", colnames(peptide_scores))
rownames(p_table) <- rownames(peptide_scores)
if (verbose) {
"peptide_scores" = peptide_scores,
"peptide_p" = p_table,
"background" = background_scores,
"input_data" = input_data
# helper function to calculate PWM match scores (vectorised)
seqScore <- function(input_seq, pwm) {
# vector of letters of sequence to score
input_seq <- unlist(strsplit(input_seq, ""))
idx <- input_seq != "_"
ridx <- match(input_seq[idx], rownames(pwm))
cidx <- seq_along(input_seq)[idx]
# return sum of scores for each matched AA
# create a row/column index (which row matches each AA in string)
# extracts the corresponding scores and then sums for the total score
sum(pwm[cbind(ridx, cidx)])
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