#' Function to plot correlation
#' This function creates a plot of selected pair signal-gene
#' @param obj InTADSig object with signals and genes combined in TADS
#' @param sId Signal id based on genomic cooridantes i.e. "chr:start-end"
#' @param geneName Gene name to select. Based on "gene_name" attribute.
#' @param xLabel The label to mark signal X-axis. Default: "Gene expression"
#' @param yLabel The label to mark signal Y-axis. Default: "Signal enrichment"
#' @param colByPhenotype The pheno data column i.e. tumour type
#' that can be use for colour
#' @param corMethod Correlation method. Default: Pearson
#' @importFrom stats cor
#' @importFrom Biobase exprs
#' @import ggpubr
#' @import ggplot2
#' @return A \code{ggplot} object for visualization or customization.
#' @examples
#' inTadSig <- newSigInTAD(enhSel, enhSelGR, rpkmCountsSel, txsSel)
#' inTadSig <- combineInTAD(inTadSig, tadGR)
#' plotCorrelation(inTadSig, "chr15:26372163-26398073", "GABRA5")
#' @export
plotCorrelation <- function( obj, sId, geneName,
xLabel = "Gene expression",
yLabel = "Signal enrichment",
colByPhenotype = "",
corMethod = "pearson") {
if (!is(obj, "InTADSig"))
stop("Object must be an InTADSig!")
# TODO: add option about TADs only as it was previously?
if (nchar(colByPhenotype) > 0) {
if (!( colByPhenotype %in% colnames(colData(obj@sigMAE))) )
stop(paste0("Phenotype ", colByPhenotype," is not found!"))
if (!sId %in% rownames(signals(obj)) ) {
stop("Signal is not found!")
ann <- geneCoords(obj)
if (!geneName %in% ann$gene_name) {
stop("Gene name not found!")
geneId <- ann[ann$gene_name == geneName]$gene_id
sig = signals(obj)[row.names(signals(obj))==sId, ],
exp = exprs(obj)[row.names(exprs(obj))==geneId, ]
selColor <- "black"
if (nchar(colByPhenotype) > 0) {
toPlot <- cbind( toPlot, colData(obj@sigMAE)[, colByPhenotype] )
colnames(toPlot)[3] <- colByPhenotype
selColor <- colByPhenotype
title <- sprintf("%s - %s (cor = %.3f)",sId, geneName,
cor(toPlot$exp, toPlot$sig,method = corMethod))
res <- ggscatter(toPlot, x="exp", y="sig",
#palette = group.colors,
size = 4)+
#' Function to plot correlation across genome
#' This function creates a plot of correlation strength
#' in target genomic region from the result table.
#' The X-coordinates represent signals, Y-coords represent genes, while
#' each dot represents -log10(P-value) from correlation test.
#' Additionallly all TAD boundaries can be visualized.
#' @param obj InTADSig object with signals and genes combined in TADS
#' @param corRes Correlation result table created by function findCorrelation()
#' @param targetRegion Target genomic region visualise.
#' @param showCorVals Use this option to visualize postive correlation values
#' instead of correlation strength
#' @param symmetric Activate mirrow symmetry for gene-signal connections
#' @param tads TAD regions to visualize. By default only TADs persent in
#' correlation result table are applied (NULL value).
#' @import ggplot2
#' @return A \code{ggplot} object for visualization or customization.
#' @examples
#' inTadSig <- newSigInTAD(enhSel, enhSelGR, rpkmCountsSel, txsSel)
#' inTadSig <- combineInTAD(inTadSig, tadGR)
#' corData <- findCorrelation(inTadSig, method="pearson")
#' plotCorAcrossRef(inTadSig,corData,GRanges("chr15:25000000-28000000"))
#' @export
plotCorAcrossRef <- function( obj, corRes, targetRegion,
showCorVals = FALSE, symmetric= FALSE,
tads = NULL) {
if (!is(obj, "InTADSig"))
stop("Object must be an InTADSig!")
if (!is(targetRegion, "GRanges"))
stop("Target region must be GRanges")
if (sum( colnames(corRes)[seq_len(3)] == c("peakid","tad","gene")) != 3)
stop("Incorrect correlation table! Expected first 3 table
column names: peakid, tad, gene")
peaks <- GRanges(corRes$peakid)
enhOverlap <- findOverlaps(sigCoords(obj), targetRegion)
if (length(enhOverlap) == 0) {
stop("No signals inside selected region detected.")
enhToCheck <- sigCoords(obj)[queryHits(enhOverlap)]
# peaks within regions
corSel <- corRes[ corRes$peakid %in% names(enhToCheck), ]
genes <- geneCoords(obj)[unique(corRes$gene)]
genesOverlap <- findOverlaps(genes, targetRegion,type = "within")
genesToCheck <- genes[queryHits(genesOverlap)]
# both peaks and genes within regions
corSel2 <- corSel[ corSel$gene %in% genesToCheck$gene_id, ]
sigSel <- GRanges(corSel2$peakid)
geneSel <- genesToCheck[ corSel2$gene ]
if (showCorVals) {
res <- cbind(start(sigSel), end(sigSel),
start(geneSel), end(geneSel),
} else {
res <- cbind(start(sigSel), end(sigSel),
start(geneSel), end(geneSel),
-log10(corSel2$pvalue + 1e-09))
# start position version
dt <-[,c(1,3,5)])
if (showCorVals) {
dt <- dt[dt[,3] > 0, ]
xLab = "Signal coords (bp)"
yLab = "Gene coords (bp)"
if (symmetric) {
xLab = "Genomic coords (bp)"
yLab = "Genomic coords (bp)"
t2 <- cbind(t(apply(dt[,1:2], 1, sort)),dt[,3])
t3 <- t2[,c(2,1,3)]
dt <-,t3))
colnames(dt) <- c("enh","gene","cor")
if (nrow(dt) == 0)
stop("No correlation between signal and genes
found inside selected region")
if (showCorVals) {
legendLab = "Cor"
} else {
legendLab = "-log10(P)"
sp <- ggplot( dt, aes_string(x="enh",y="gene",color="cor")) +
geom_point() + labs(color=legendLab) +
labs(title = paste("Region",as.character(targetRegion)),
x = xLab, y= yLab) +
theme(plot.title = element_text(hjust = 0.5)) +
expand_limits( x=c(start(targetRegion), end(targetRegion)),
y=c(start(targetRegion), end(targetRegion))) +
scale_color_gradient(low = "white", high = "red")
# add TAD borders
if (!is.null(tads)) {
if (is(tads, "GRanges")) {
selTadGR <- tads
} else {
selTadGR <- GRanges(unique(corRes$tad))
tadOverlap <- selTadGR[queryHits(findOverlaps(selTadGR, targetRegion))]
yStartLim = min( c(min(start(tadOverlap)),start(targetRegion) ))
yEndLim = max( c(max(end(tadOverlap)),end(targetRegion) ))
if (length(tadOverlap) > 0) {
sp <- sp + geom_rect(data =,
inherit.aes = FALSE,
aes(xmin = start, xmax=end,ymin=start, ymax=end),
fill=NA, color="black", linetype=3) +
coord_cartesian(ylim=c(start(targetRegion), end(targetRegion)),
xlim=c(start(targetRegion), end(targetRegion)))
diagDf <- rep(start(targetRegion),2),
rep(end(targetRegion),2) ))
colnames(diagDf) <- c("start","end")
sp <- sp + geom_line(data = diagDf,inherit.aes = FALSE,
aes(x=start,y=end), col="gray",linetype=8)
sp <- sp + scale_y_reverse(lim=c(yEndLim, yStartLim))
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