#' @include ISCon.R
# PUBLIC -----------------------------------------------------------------------
# Visualize a dataset
which = "public",
name = "plot",
value = function(...) {
.plot(self, ...)
# PRIVATE ----------------------------------------------------------------------
# HELPER -----------------------------------------------------------------------
# Visualize a dataset
#' @importFrom ggplot2 facet_grid facet_wrap geom_text element_blank vars
#' @importFrom Biobase pData
.plot <- function(con,
normalize_to_baseline = TRUE,
type = "auto",
filter = NULL,
facet = "grid",
text_size = 15,
legend = NULL,
show_virus_strain = FALSE,
interactive = FALSE,
...) {
logT <- TRUE # By default, log transform the value_preferred
extras <- list(...)
# legend
if (!is.null(legend)) {
legend <- unique(paste0(
toupper(substring(legend, 1, 1)),
substring(tolower(gsub("_.*$", "", legend)), 2)
# Datasets
e <- try({
if (tolower(dataset) == "hla_typing") {
stop("hla_typing visualization is not available.")
if (tolower(dataset) %in% c("ge", "dgea_filteredgear", "gene_expression", "gene_expression_analysis_results")) {
dataset <- "gene_expression"
dt <- .getDataToPlot(con, dataset, filter = filter, show_virus_strain)
dt <- .standardize_time(dt)
ylab <- .format_lab(dataset, normalize_to_baseline)
if (logT) {
dt <- dt[, response := mean(log2(response + 1), na.rm = TRUE),
by = "cohort,participant_id,analyte,time_str"
} else {
dt <- dt[, response := mean(response, na.rm = TRUE),
by = "cohort,participant_id,analyte,time_str"
dt <- unique(dt)
if (normalize_to_baseline) {
dt <- dt[, response := response - response[study_time_collected <= 0],
by = "cohort,participant_id,analyte"
][study_time_collected > 0]
if (nrow(dt) == 0) {
stop("All data points are <= 0. Cannot normalize to baseline.")
if (type == "auto") {
if (length(unique(dt$analyte)) < 10) {
type <- "boxplot"
} else {
type <- "heatmap"
if (inherits(e, "try-error")) {
type <- "error"
error_string <- attr(e, "condition")$message
# Plot
if (type == "heatmap") {
p <- .qpHeatmap2(dt, normalize_to_baseline, legend, text_size, interactive)
if (interactive) p
} else if (type %in% c("boxplot", "violin", "line")) {
if (facet == "grid") {
facet <- facet_grid(vars(analyte), vars(cohort), scales = "free")
} else if (facet == "wrap") {
facet <- facet_wrap(~ cohort + analyte, scales = "free")
if (type == "line") {
.qpLineplot(dt, facet, ylab, text_size, extras, interactive, ...)
} else {
.qpBoxplotViolin(dt, type, facet, ylab, text_size, extras, interactive, ...)
} else { # } if (type == "error") {
data <- data.frame(x = 0, y = 0, err = error_string)
p <- ggplot(data = data) +
geom_text(aes(x, y, label = err), size = 10) +
theme(line = element_blank(), text = element_blank())
# Select appropriate unit and merge equivalent timepoints
# Order timepoints by time (not numeric or alphabetic)
# @param data A \code{data.table} containing a study_time_collected and a
# study_time_collected_unit columns
# @value Returns a data.table with an additional time_str column of ordered
# factors
.standardize_time <- function(data) {
data <- data[, stcu := gsub("s$", "", tolower(data$study_time_collected_unit))]
if (length(unique(data$stcu)) > 1) {
if (!all(unique(data$stcu) %in% c("hour", "day"))) {
stop("Time should be expressed in Days or Hours")
data <- data[, stc := study_time_collected]
data <- data[stcu == "day", stc := stc * 24]
# Merge equivalent TP
data <- data[, stcu := ifelse(abs(stc) < 24, "Hour", "Day")]
# Get levels
ut <- sort(unique(data$stc))
levs <- ifelse(abs(ut) < 24, paste("Hour", ut), paste("Day", ut / 24))
# Concatenate time and unit
data <- data[, stc := ifelse(abs(stc) < 24, stc, stc / 24)]
data <- data[, time_str := factor(paste(stcu, stc), levels = levs)]
# Cleanup
data <- data[, c("study_time_collected", "study_time_collected_unit") :=
list(stc, stcu)]
data <- data[, c("stc", "stcu") := NULL]
} else {
ut <- sort(unique(data$study_time_collected))
levs <- paste(unique(data$study_time_collected_unit), ut)
data <- data[, time_str := factor(paste(study_time_collected_unit, study_time_collected), levels = levs)]
# Visualize a dataset in heatmap
#' @importFrom pheatmap pheatmap
#' @importFrom stats formula
#' @importFrom heatmaply heatmaply
.qpHeatmap2 <- function(dt,
interactive) {
palette <- ISpalette(20)
dt <- dt[, ID := paste(cohort, time_str, participant_id, sep = "_")]
mat <- dcast(
data = dt,
formula = formula("analyte ~ ID"),
value.var = "response"
analyte <- mat$analyte
mat[, analyte := NULL]
mat <- as.matrix(mat)
rownames(mat) <- analyte
if (ncol(mat) > 2 & nrow(mat) > 1) {
mat <- mat[rowSums(apply(mat, 2, < ncol(mat), , drop = FALSE]
annos <- .heatmapAnnotations(dt, legend)
anno <- annos[[1]]
anno_color <- annos[[2]]
mat <- mat[, rownames(anno), drop = FALSE]
# pheatmap parameters
if (normalize_to_baseline) {
scale <- "none"
max <- max(abs(mat), na.rm = TRUE)
breaks <- seq(-max, max, length.out = length(palette))
} else {
scale <- "row"
breaks <- NA
show_rnames <- ifelse(nrow(mat) < 50, TRUE, FALSE)
cluster_rows <- ifelse(nrow(mat) > 2 & ncol(mat) > 2, TRUE, FALSE)
if (interactive) {
e <- try(
p <- heatmaply(
x = mat,
colors = rev(palette),
col_side_colors = anno,
dendrogram = "row",
scale = scale
silent = TRUE
if (inherits(e, "try-error")) {
p <- heatmaply(
x = mat,
colors = rev(palette),
col_side_colors = anno,
dendrogram = "none",
scale = scale
} else {
e <- try(
p <- pheatmap(
mat = mat,
annotation = anno,
show_colnames = FALSE,
show_rownames = show_rnames,
cluster_cols = FALSE,
cluster_rows = cluster_rows,
color = palette,
scale = scale,
breaks = breaks,
fontsize = text_size,
annotation_colors = anno_color
silent = TRUE
if (inherits(e, "try-error")) {
p <- pheatmap(
mat = mat,
annotation = anno,
show_colnames = FALSE,
show_rownames = show_rnames,
cluster_cols = FALSE,
cluster_rows = FALSE,
color = palette,
scale = scale,
breaks = breaks,
fontsize = text_size,
annotation_colors = anno_color
# Visualize a dataset in box or violin plot
#' @importFrom ggplot2 ggplot geom_violin geom_boxplot geom_jitter
#' @importFrom ggplot2 theme element_text aes_string aes xlab ylab
#' @importFrom plotly ggplotly
# @importFrom ggplot2 scale_color_manual scale_color_gradient
.qpBoxplotViolin <- function(dt,
...) {
dt <- dt[, study_time_collected := as.factor(study_time_collected)]
tooltips <- c("x", "y")
if (is.character(extras[["color"]])) tooltips <- c(tooltips, "colour")
if (is.character(extras[["shape"]])) tooltips <- c(tooltips, "shape")
if (is.character(extras[["size"]])) tooltips <- c(tooltips, "size")
if (is.character(extras[["alpha"]])) tooltips <- c(tooltips, "alpha")
if (type == "violin") {
geom_type <- geom_violin() #+ stat_summary(fun.y="median", geom="point")
} else {
geom_type <- geom_boxplot(outlier.size = 0)
p <- ggplot(data = dt, aes(study_time_collected, response)) +
geom_type +
xlab("Time") +
ylab(ylab) +
if (!is.null(extras[["size"]])) {
p <- p + geom_jitter(aes_string(...))
} else {
p <- p + geom_jitter(size = 3, aes_string(...))
p <- p + theme_IS(base_size = text_size)
if (interactive) {
ggplotly(p, tooltip = tooltips)
} else {
# Visualize a dataset in line plot
#' @importFrom ggplot2 ggplot geom_line geom_point
#' @importFrom ggplot2 theme element_text aes_string aes xlab ylab
#' @importFrom plotly ggplotly
.qpLineplot <- function(dt,
...) {
tooltips <- c("x", "y")
if (is.character(extras[["color"]])) tooltips <- c(tooltips, "colour")
if (is.character(extras[["shape"]])) tooltips <- c(tooltips, "shape")
if (is.character(extras[["size"]])) tooltips <- c(tooltips, "size")
if (is.character(extras[["alpha"]])) tooltips <- c(tooltips, "alpha")
p <- ggplot(data = dt, aes(study_time_collected, response, group = participant_id)) +
geom_line(size = 1, aes_string(...)) +
xlab("Time") +
ylab(ylab) +
if (!is.null(extras[["size"]])) {
p <- p + geom_point(aes_string(...))
} else {
p <- p + geom_point(size = 3, aes_string(...))
p <- p + theme_IS(base_size = text_size)
if (interactive) {
ggplotly(p, tooltip = tooltips)
} else {
# Get the data and add standard columns for analyte and response
.getDataToPlot <- function(con,
filter = NULL,
show_virus_strain = FALSE) {
# All columns that can potentially be used
demo_cols <- c("gender", "age_reported", "race")
out_cols <- c("study_time_collected", "study_time_collected_unit", "cohort", "participant_id")
out_cols <- c(c("response", "analyte"), demo_cols, out_cols)
if (dataset != "gene_expression") {
dt <- copy(con$getDataset(dataset, colFilter = filter, reload = TRUE))
if (!"analyte" %in% colnames(dt)) {
dt <- dt[, analyte := ""]
if (dataset == "elispot") {
dt <- dt[, value_preferred := (spot_number_reported) / cell_number_preferred]
} else if (dataset %in% c("hai", "neut_ab_titer")) {
if (isTRUE(show_virus_strain)) {
dt <- dt[, analyte := virus]
} else if (dataset == "pcr") {
if (!all(dt[, "unit_reported"] == "Ct")) {
stop("PCR results cannot be displayed for studies that do not use threshold cycles.")
dt <- dt[, analyte := entrez_gene_id]
logT <- FALSE # Threshold cycle is already log transformed
} else if (dataset == "mbaa") {
if (all(dt$concentration_value == 0) || all($concentration_value))) {
if (any(!$mfi)) && any(dt$mfi != 0)) {
dt <- dt[, value_preferred := as.numeric(mfi)]
} else {
stop("Plotting MBAA requires either concentration or MFI values")
} else {
dt <- dt[, value_preferred := as.numeric(concentration_value)]
} else if (dataset == "fcs_analyzed_result") {
dt <- dt[, value_preferred := as.numeric(population_cell_number)]
dt <- dt[, analyte := population_name_reported]
} else if (dataset == "gene_expression") {
logT <- FALSE # Matrices are already log2 transformed
dt <- copy(con$getGEAnalysis(colFilter = filter))
if (!is.null(filter) & any(sapply(filter, function(x) {
gsub("~.*$", "", x)
}) == "cohort")) {
uarm <- unique(dt$cohort)
} else {
uarm <- labkey.selectRows(
baseUrl = con$config$labkey.url.base,
folderPath = con$config$labkey.url.path,
schemaName = "assay.ExpressionMatrix.matrix",
queryName = "SelectedRuns",
viewName = "expression_matrices",
colFilter = NULL,
containerFilter = "CurrentAndSubfolders"
ugenes <- unique(dt$gene_symbol)
ugenes <- ugenes[ ugenes != "NA"]
EM <- con$getGEMatrix(cohort = uarm)
ugenes <- ugenes[ugenes %in% featureNames(EM)]
EM <- EM[ugenes, ]
pd <- data.table(pData(EM))
demo <- con$getDataset("demographics")
demo <- unique(demo[, c("participant_id", demo_cols), with = FALSE])
dt <- data.table(melt(exprs(EM)))
setnames(dt, c("analyte", "biosample_accession", "value_preferred"))
dt <- merge(dt, pd, by = "biosample_accession", all.x = TRUE) # Add s_t_c, s_t_c_u, arm
dt <- merge(dt, demo, by = "participant_id", all.x = TRUE) # Add race, gender, age
setkey(dt, NULL)
} else if (dataset == "elisa") {
dt <- dt[, value_preferred := value_preferred]
dt <- dt[, response := ifelse(value_preferred < 0, 0, value_preferred)]
dt <- dt[, out_cols, with = FALSE]
setnames(dt, demo_cols, c("Gender", "Age", "Race"))
# dt has ID and all relevant columns
.heatmapAnnotations <- function(dt, legend) {
annoCols <- c("cohort", "time_str", legend)
# Annotations
anno <- data.table(unique(dt[, c("ID", annoCols), with = FALSE]))
# Order: Arm > Time > Age > Gender > Race
order_cols <- c("cohort", "time_str", legend)
setorderv(anno, order_cols)
setcolorder(anno, c("ID", rev(legend), "time_str", "cohort"))
# Set colors
setnames(anno, c("cohort", "time_str"), c("Cohort", "Time"))
anno_color <- list(
Time = colorpanel(
n = length(levels(anno$Time)),
low = "white",
high = "black"
names(anno_color$Time) <- levels(anno$Time)
if ("Age" %in% legend) {
anno_color$Age <- c("yellow", "red")
# data.frame for pheatmap call
anno <- data.frame(anno, row.names = anno$ID)
anno$ID <- NULL
return(list(anno, anno_color))
# Display name for the Y-axis
# TODO: Add units. But they are in dt.
.format_lab <- function(dataset, normalize_to_baseline) {
lab <- switch(dataset,
"hai" = "HAI",
"elisa" = "Concentration",
"elispot" = "Spot count",
"mbaa" = "Concentration",
"fcs_analyzed_result" = "Cell number",
"gene_expression" = ""
if (normalize_to_baseline) {
lab <- paste(lab, "normalized to baseline")
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