setMethod("show", signature="peaklist", function(object) {
processed <- any(dim(object@peaklistprocessed) != dim(matrix(0)))
text1 <- ifelse(processed,
"An object of class 'peaklist'(with postprocessing) \n",
"An object of class 'peaklist' (without postprocessing) \n")
text1a <- paste(paste("Peak model used: ", object@model, sep=""), "\n")
textnew <- paste(paste("Loss function used: ", object@loss, sep=""), "\n")
nopeaks <- ifelse(processed, nrow(object@peaklistprocessed),
text3 <- paste(paste("number of peaks: ", nopeaks, sep = ""), "\n")
text4 <- paste("charge states used:", paste(object@charges, collapse =","),
sep = " ")
cat(text1); cat(textnew); cat(text1a); cat(text3); cat(text4); cat("\n")
function(object, threshold, ratio = c("ratio", "ratio_adj"),
refit = FALSE, trace = TRUE, eps = 1e-05, ...)
standardGeneric("threshold")) ### method has still to be documented
function(object, threshold, ratio = c("ratio", "ratio_adj"),
refit = FALSE, trace = TRUE, eps = 1e-05, ...) {
processed <- any(dim(object@peaklistprocessed) != dim(matrix(0)))
noiselevel <- object@noiselevel
x <- object@data$x
y <- object@data$y
model <- object@model
averagine.table = object@averagine.table
alpha <- object@alpha
sigma <- object@sigma
mu <- object@mu
ratio <- match.arg(ratio)
if (!is.element(ratio, c("ratio", "ratio_adj")))
stop("'ratio' must be one of 'ratio' or 'ratio_adj' \n")
if (length(object@goodnessoffit) == 0 & ratio == "ratio_adj") {
ratio <- "ratio"
warning("Peaklist lacks goodness-of-fit statistic; 'ratio_adj' changed to 'ratio'. \n")
if (!processed) {
locnoise <- noiselevel[findInterval(object@peaklist[,"loc_most_intense"], x)]
ratio <- object@peaklist[,"amplitude"] / locnoise
sel <- object@peaklist[,"amplitude"] >= threshold
} else {
if (ratio == "ratio")
sel <- object@peaklistprocessed[,"ratio"] >= threshold
if (ratio == "ratio_adj")
sel <- object@peaklistprocessed[,"ratio_adj"] >= threshold
if (sum(sel) == 0) {
warning("There are no peaks exceeding the chosen threshold \n")
return (numeric())
if (!processed) {
peaklisttrunc <- cbind(peaklist[sel,], locnoise[sel], ratio[sel])
colnames(peaklisttrunc) <- c(colnames(peaklisttrunc), "localnoise", "ratio")
} else {
peaklisttrunc <- object@peaklistprocessed[sel, , drop = FALSE]
if (refit) {
if (trace)
cat("Re-fitting... \n")
positionspro <- peaklisttrunc[,"loc_most_intense"]
chargespro <- peaklisttrunc[,"charge"]
uniqcharge <- unique(chargespro)
perm <- c()
basis <- NULL
for (l in seq(along = uniqcharge)) {
ll <- which(chargespro == uniqcharge[l])
if (length(ll) == 0)
perm <- c(perm, ll)
positionsprol <- positionspro[ll]
if (model == "Gaussian") {
if (is.null(basis)) {
basis <- calculatebasis.gaussian(x,
positions = positionsprol,
sigma = sigma,
charges = uniqcharge[l],
eps = eps,
uppernonzero = length(x) * length(positionsprol),
averagine.table = averagine.table)$Phi
} else {
basis <- cbind2(basis, calculatebasis.gaussian(x,
positions = positionsprol,
sigma = sigma,
charges = uniqcharge[l],
eps = eps,
uppernonzero = length(x) * length(positionsprol),
averagine.table = averagine.table)$Phi)
if (model == "EMG") {
if (is.null(basis)) {
basis <- calculatebasis.emg(x,
positions = positionsprol,
alpha = alpha,
sigma = sigma,
mu = mu,
charges = uniqcharge[l],
eps = eps,
uppernonzero = length(x) * length(positionsprol),
averagine.table = averagine.table)$Phi
} else {
basis <- cbind2(basis, calculatebasis.emg(x,
positions = positionsprol,
alpha = alpha,
sigma = sigma,
mu = mu,
charges = uniqcharge[l],
eps = eps,
uppernonzero = length(x) * length(positionsprol),
averagine.table = averagine.table)$Phi)
if (is.null(basis))
stop("Error in re-fitting: no basis function exceeds cutoff \n")
G <- crossprod(basis)
C <- drop(t(basis) %*% y/max(y))
nlssol <- nnlslogbarrier(response = y/max(y), betastart = rep(mean(noiselevel), ncol(G)), trace = trace,
alpha = 0.01, gammastart = 10, gammamax = 10^15, gammamult = 20, eps = 1e-6)
peaklisttrunc[perm, "quant"] <- (peaklisttrunc[perm,"quant"] / peaklisttrunc[perm, "amplitude"]) * (nlssol$beta * max(y))
peaklisttrunc[perm,"amplitude"] <- (nlssol$beta * max(y))
peaklisttrunc[,"ratio"] <- peaklisttrunc[,"amplitude"] / peaklisttrunc[,"localnoise"]
if (processed & length(object@goodnessoffit) > 0)
peaklisttrunc[,"ratio_adj"] <- peaklisttrunc[,"ratio"] * peaklisttrunc[,"goodness_of_fit"]
if (!processed)
removeafterrefit <- peaklisttrunc[,"ratio"] < threshold
if (processed) {
if (ratio == "ratio")
removeafterrefit <- peaklisttrunc[,"ratio"] < threshold
if (ratio == "ratio_adj")
removeafterrefit <- peaklisttrunc[,"ratio_adj"] < threshold
peaklisttrunc <- peaklisttrunc[!removeafterrefit,,drop = FALSE]
rownames(peaklisttrunc) <- NULL
setMethod("show", signature = "modelfit",
function(object) {
fitting <- object@fitting
if (fitting == "most_intense") {
text1 <- paste(paste("Peak model '", paste(object@model, "'", sep=""), sep=""),
"fitted using the most intense peak \n")
} else {
text1 <- paste(paste("Peak model '", paste(object@model, "'", sep=""), sep=""),
"fitted as fuction of m/z \n")
text2 <- paste(paste("number of peaks used:", nrow(object@peakfitresults), sep = " "), "\n", sep="")
cat(text1); cat(text2)
function(object, mz, intensities, ...) standardGeneric("visualize"))
setMethod("visualize", signature("peaklist", "numeric", "numeric"),
truth = FALSE,
signal = TRUE,
fitted = TRUE,
postprocessed = TRUE,
fittedfunction = FALSE,
fittedfunction.cut = FALSE, ### to be modified
quantile = NULL,
booktrue = NULL,
cutoff.eps = NULL,
cutoff.functions = 10,
...) {
model <- object@model
averagine.table <- object@averagine.table
basisavailable <- is.character(all.equal(object@basis@x, 0))
if (model == "Gaussian")
sigma <- object@sigma
if (model == "EMG") {
alpha <- object@alpha
sigma <- object@sigma
mu <- object@mu
charges <- object@charges
ncharges <- length(charges)
x <- mz
ff <- x >= lower & x <= upper
if (sum(ff) == 0)
stop("'lower'/'upper' does not match 'mz'. \n")
if (fitted | fittedfunction | fittedfunction.cut) {
if (!basisavailable) {
section <- object@book[,2] >= lower & object@book[,2] <= upper
pos <- object@book[section,2]
opos <- order(object@book[section,3], pos)
pos <- pos[opos]
if (model == "Gaussian") {
basis <- calculatebasis.gaussian(x[ff],
positions = pos,
sigma = sigma,
charges = charges,
eps = 1e-05,
uppernonzero = length(pos) * ncharges * sum(ff),
averagine.table = averagine.table)
if (model == "EMG") {
basis <- calculatebasis.emg(x[ff],
positions = pos,
alpha = alpha,
sigma = sigma,
mu = mu,
charges = charges,
eps = 1e-05,
uppernonzero = length(pos) * ncharges * sum(ff),
averagine.table = averagine.table)
# sectionbeta
if (nrow(basis$book) != length(object@beta[section]))
stop("Matrix of basisfunctions needed for visualization cannot be computed \n")
bookfitted <- cbind(basis$book, object@beta[section][opos])
# browser()
} else {
bookfitted <- cbind(object@book, object@beta)
maxplots <- truth + signal + fitted + postprocessed
if (maxplots == 0)
stop("Nothing has been selected for plotting \n")
layout(matrix(nrow = maxplots, ncol = 1, data = 1:maxplots))
if (!is.null(quantile)) {
quant <- as.character(quantile)
if (length(x) != nrow(object@locnoise))
stop("Invalid 'mz' specified. \n")
if (any(!is.element(quant, colnames(object@locnoise))))
stop("Invalid 'quantile' chosen. Check the column names of 'slot(object, locnoise)' \n")
localnoiselevel <- object@locnoise[findInterval(lower, x):findInterval(upper, x), quant]
if (!is.matrix(localnoiselevel))
localnoiselevel <- matrix(localnoiselevel, nrow = length(localnoiselevel), ncol = length(quant))
auxiliarysequence <- seq(from = min(x[ff]), max(x[ff]), length = nrow(localnoiselevel))
if (truth) {
if (is.null(booktrue))
stop("If 'truth = TRUE', 'booktrue' has to be specified \n")
if (!is.matrix(booktrue))
stop("Wrong format for 'booktrue' \n")
if (ncol(booktrue) != 4)
stop("Wrong format for 'booktrue' \n")
otrue <- order(booktrue[,2])
booktrue <- booktrue[otrue,,drop=FALSE]
booktrueind <- which(booktrue[,2] >= lower & booktrue[,2] <= upper)
howmanyfunctions <- length(booktrueind)
positionstrue <- booktrue[booktrueind,2]
chargetrue <- booktrue[booktrueind,3]
ampltrue <- booktrue[booktrueind,4]
if (model == "Gaussian") {
basistrue <- calculatebasis.gaussian(x[ff],
positions = positionstrue,
sigma = sigma,
eps = 1e-05,
uppernonzero = howmanyfunctions * ncharges * sum(ff),
averagine.table = averagine.table)
if (model == "EMG") {
basistrue <- calculatebasis.emg(x[ff],
positions = positionstrue,
alpha = alpha,
sigma = sigma,
mu = mu,
eps = 1e-05,
uppernonzero = howmanyfunctions * ncharges * sum(ff),
averagine.table = averagine.table)
for (i in seq(along = positionstrue)) {
colindex <- apply(basistrue$book[,2:3], 1,
function(z) all(z == c(positionstrue[i], chargetrue[i])))
if (i == 1) {
plot(x[ff], ampltrue[i] * basistrue$Phi[,colindex], col = i,
main = "truth", type = "l", ylim = c(0, max(intensities[ff])), ...)
} else {
lines(x[ff], ampltrue[i] * basistrue$Phi[,colindex], col = i, ...)
if (!is.null(quantile))
matlines(auxiliarysequence, localnoiselevel, lty = "dotted", col = "black")
if (signal) {
plot(x[ff], intensities[ff], main = "signal", ylim = c(0, max(intensities[ff])))
if (fittedfunction | fittedfunction.cut) {
if (!basisavailable)
stop("'fittedfunction' or 'fittedfunction.cut' = TRUE, but object of class peaklist contains
an empty basis matrix \n. Re-run with 'getPeaklist' with option 'returnbasis = TRUE'. Note that this option is not supported if 'binning = TRUE. \n")
if (fittedfunction & !fittedfunction.cut) {
fittedall <- drop(object@basis %*% bookfitted[,5])
lines(x[ff], fittedall[ff], type = "l", ...)
if (!fittedfunction & fittedfunction.cut) {
if (!is.character(all.equal(object@peaklistprocessed, matrix(0))))
bookpostprocessed <- object@peaklist
bookpostprocessed <- object@peaklistprocessed
bookproind <- which(bookpostprocessed[,2] >= lower & bookpostprocessed[,2] <= upper)
howmanyfunctions <- length(bookproind)
amplpro <- bookpostprocessed[bookproind,5]
chargepro <- bookpostprocessed[bookproind,3]
positionspro <- bookpostprocessed[bookproind,2]
if (length(positionspro) > 0) {
datapro <- cbind(positionspro, chargepro)
if (model == "Gaussian") {
bascut <- calculatebasis.gaussian(x[ff],
positions = positionspro,
sigma = sigma,
charges = charges,
eps = 1e-05,
uppernonzero = howmanyfunctions * ncharges * sum(ff),
averagine.table = averagine.table)
if (model == "EMG") {
bascut <- calculatebasis.emg(x[ff],
positions = positionspro,
alpha = alpha,
sigma = sigma,
mu = mu,
charges = charges,
eps = 1e-05,
uppernonzero = howmanyfunctions * ncharges * sum(ff),
averagine.table = averagine.table)
basiscut <- bascut$Phi
basiscutbook <- bascut$book
sel <- c()
for (i in 1:nrow(basiscutbook)) {
basiscutbook.i <- basiscutbook[i,2:3]
for (j in 1:nrow(datapro)) {
if (all(basiscutbook.i == datapro[j,]))
sel <- c(sel, i)
if (length(sel) > 0) {
permute <- match(basiscutbook[sel,2], datapro[,1])
fittedcut <- drop(basiscut[,sel,drop = FALSE] %*% amplpro[permute])
lines(x[ff], fittedcut, type = "l", ...)
if (fittedfunction & fittedfunction.cut) {
fittedall <- drop(object@basis %*% bookfitted[,5])
lines(x[ff], fittedall[ff], type = "l", main = "fitted function", ...)
if (!is.character(all.equal(object@peaklistprocessed, matrix(0))))
bookpostprocessed <- object@peaklist
bookpostprocessed <- object@peaklistprocessed
bookproind <- which(bookpostprocessed[,2] >= lower & bookpostprocessed[,2] <= upper)
howmanyfunctions <- length(bookproind)
amplpro <- bookpostprocessed[bookproind,5]
chargepro <- bookpostprocessed[bookproind,3]
positionspro <- bookpostprocessed[bookproind,2]
if (length(positionspro) > 0) {
datapro <- cbind(positionspro, chargepro)
if (model == "Gaussian") {
bascut <- calculatebasis.gaussian(x[ff],
positions = positionspro,
sigma = sigma,
charges = charges,
eps = 1e-05,
uppernonzero = howmanyfunctions * ncharges * sum(ff),
averagine.table = averagine.table)
if (model == "EMG") {
bascut <- calculatebasis.emg(x[ff],
positions = positionspro,
alpha = alpha,
sigma = sigma,
mu = mu,
charges = charges,
eps = 1e-05,
uppernonzero = howmanyfunctions * ncharges * sum(ff),
averagine.table = averagine.table)
basiscut <- bascut$Phi
basiscutbook <- bascut$book
sel <- c()
for (i in 1:nrow(basiscutbook)) {
basiscutbook.i <- basiscutbook[i,2:3]
for (j in 1:nrow(datapro)) {
if (all(basiscutbook.i == datapro[j,]))
sel <- c(sel, i)
if (length(sel) > 0) {
permute <- match(basiscutbook[sel,2], datapro[,1])
fittedcut <- drop(basiscut[,sel, drop = FALSE] %*% amplpro[permute])
lines(x[ff], fittedcut, type = "l", ...)
if (!is.null(quantile))
matlines(auxiliarysequence, localnoiselevel, lty = "dotted", col = "black")
if (fitted) {
bookfittedind <- which(bookfitted[,2] >= lower & bookfitted[,2] <= upper)
howmanyfitted <- length(bookfittedind)
amplfitted <- bookfitted[bookfittedind,5]
oo <- order(amplfitted, decreasing = TRUE)
amplfitted <- amplfitted[oo]
positionsfitted <- bookfitted[bookfittedind,2][oo]
chargefitted <- bookfitted[bookfittedind,3][oo]
if (is.null(cutoff.eps))
looplimit <- min(cutoff.functions, howmanyfitted)
looplimit <- sum(amplfitted > cutoff.eps)
if (looplimit > 0) {
for (i in 1:looplimit) {
cand <- which(bookfitted[bookfittedind,2] == positionsfitted[i])
colindex <- bookfittedind[cand[bookfitted[bookfittedind[cand],3] == chargefitted[i]]]
if (i == 1) {
if (basisavailable)
plot(x[ff], amplfitted[i] * object@basis[ff,colindex], ylim = c(0, max(intensities[ff])), col = i, main = "fit", type = "l")
plot(x[ff], amplfitted[i] * basis$Phi[,colindex], ylim = c(0, max(intensities[ff])), col = i, main = "fit", type = "l")
} else {
if (basisavailable)
lines(x[ff], amplfitted[i] * object@basis[ff,colindex], col = i, ...)
lines(x[ff], amplfitted[i] * basis$Phi[,colindex], col = i, ...)
} else {
plot(x[ff], intensities[ff], main = "fitted", type = "n")
if (!is.null(quantile))
matlines(auxiliarysequence, localnoiselevel, lty = "dotted", col = "black")
if (postprocessed) {
if (!is.character(all.equal(object@peaklistprocessed, matrix(0))))
bookpostprocessed <- object@peaklist
bookpostprocessed <- object@peaklistprocessed
opro <- order(bookpostprocessed[,2])
bookpostprocessed <- bookpostprocessed[opro,,drop=FALSE]
bookproind <- which(bookpostprocessed[,2] >= lower & bookpostprocessed[,2] <= upper)
if (length(bookproind) > 0) {
howmanyfunctions <- length(bookproind)
amplpro <- bookpostprocessed[bookproind,5]
ooo <- order(amplpro, decreasing = TRUE)
amplpro <- amplpro[ooo]
positionspro <- bookpostprocessed[bookproind,2][ooo]
chargepro <- bookpostprocessed[bookproind,3][ooo]
if (model == "Gaussian") {
basispro <- calculatebasis.gaussian(x[ff],
positions = positionspro,
sigma = sigma,
eps = 1e-05,
uppernonzero = howmanyfunctions * max(charges) * sum(ff),
charges = charges,
averagine.table = averagine.table)
if(model == "EMG") {
basispro <- calculatebasis.emg(x[ff],
positions = positionspro,
alpha = alpha,
sigma = sigma,
mu = mu,
eps = 1e-05,
uppernonzero = howmanyfunctions * ncharges * sum(ff),
charges = charges,
averagine.table = averagine.table)
if (is.null(cutoff.eps))
looplimit <- min(cutoff.functions, howmanyfunctions)
looplimit <- sum(amplpro > cutoff.eps)
for (i in 1:looplimit) {
colindex <- apply(basispro$book[,2:3], 1, function(z) all(z == c(positionspro[i], chargepro[i])))
if (i == 1)
plot(x[ff], amplpro[i] * basispro$Phi[,colindex], col = i, main = "postprocessed", type = "l", ylim = c(0, max(intensities[ff])), ...)
lines(x[ff], amplpro[i] * basispro$Phi[,colindex], col = i, ...)
} else {
plot(x[ff], intensities[ff], type = "n", main = "postprocessed")
if (!is.null(quantile))
matlines(auxiliarysequence, localnoiselevel, lty = "dotted", col = "black")
setMethod("visualize", signature("modelfit", "missing", "missing"),
type = c("peak", "model"),
parameters = c("alpha", "sigma", "mu"),
modelfit = FALSE, ...) {
type <- match.arg(type)
if (object@fitting == "most_intense") {
if(type == "model")
stop("Only the most intense peak has been fitted. In this case, only 'type = peak' is a valid option \n")
if (type == "peak") {
bestpeak <- object@bestpeak
if (object@model == "Gaussian") {
x <- bestpeak$mz
y <- bestpeak$intensities
scale.y <- max(y)
sigma <- bestpeak$sigma
mu <- bestpeak$mu
xgrid <- seq(from = min(x), to = max(x), length = 1000)
plot(x, y, ...)
lines(xgrid, gaussfun(xgrid, mu = mu, sigma = sigma) * scale.y)
if (object@model == "EMG") {
x <- bestpeak$mz
y <- bestpeak$intensities
alpha <- bestpeak$alpha
sigma <- bestpeak$sigma
mu <- bestpeak$mu
mutilde <- mu + mean(x)
scale.mode <- determinemode(alpha, sigma, mu)$val
scale.y <- max(y)
scale.EMG <- scale.y/scale.mode
xgrid <- seq(from = min(x), to = max(x), length = 1000)
plot(x, y, ...)
lines(xgrid, EMG(xgrid, alpha = alpha, sigma = sigma, mu = mutilde) * scale.EMG)
} else {
peakfitresults <- object@peakfitresults
if (object@model == "Gaussian") {
plot(peakfitresults[,"mz"], peakfitresults[,"sigma"], xlab = "m/z", ylab = expression(sigma(m/z)), ...)
if (modelfit) {
foo <- object@sigmafunction
xgrid <- seq(from = min(peakfitresults[,"mz"]), to = max(peakfitresults[,"mz"]))
lines(xgrid, foo(xgrid))
if (object@model == "EMG") {
pars <- sort(unique(parameters[parameters %in% c("alpha", "sigma", "mu")]))
lpars <- length(pars)
opar <- par(mfrow = c(1,lpars))
for (i in seq(along = pars)) {
yann <- paste(paste(pars[i], "m/z", sep="("), ")", sep = "")
plot(peakfitresults[,"mz"], peakfitresults[,pars[i]], xlab = "m/z", ylab = parse(text = yann), ...)
if (modelfit) {
xgrid <- seq(from = min(peakfitresults[,"mz"]), to = max(peakfitresults[,"mz"]))
foo <- switch(pars[i], alpha = object@alphafunction,
sigma = object@sigmafunction,
mu = object@mufunction)
lines(xgrid, foo(xgrid))
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