#' @rdname processingDelay
#' @description
#' These functions calculates the tau and delta metrics for all genes with introns and exons in an oblect of class INSPEcT.
#' If the INSPEcT dataset was obtained with nascent RNA the metrics are caluclated using RNA dynamics and solving numerically the system of equations.
#' If the INSPEcT dataset was obtained without nascent RNA the metrics are approximated using premature and mature levels.
#' @param inspectIds An object of class INSPEcT.
#' @param tauThreshold A numeric representing the tau threshold to define a gene affected by processing. Default: 1.2
#' @param deltaThreshold A numeric representing the delta threshold to define a gene affected by processing. Default: 1.0
#' @param silent A logical indicating whether informaiton about the procedure should be printed or not.
#' @examples
#' data('allcounts', package='INSPEcT')
#' data('featureWidths', package='INSPEcT')
#' data('libsizes', package='INSPEcT')
#' nascentCounts<-allcounts$nascent
#' matureCounts<-allcounts$mature
#' conditions<-c(0,1/6,1/3,1/2,1,1.5,2,4,8,12,16)
#' expDes<-rep(conditions,3)
#' tL <- 1/6
#' nasExp_DESeq2<-quantifyExpressionsFromTrCounts(
#' allcounts=matureCounts
#' ,libsize=totalLS
#' ,exonsWidths=exWdths
#' ,intronsWidths=intWdths
#' ,experimentalDesign=expDes)
#' matExp_DESeq2<-quantifyExpressionsFromTrCounts(
#' allcounts=matureCounts
#' ,libsize=totalLS
#' ,exonsWidths=exWdths
#' ,intronsWidths=intWdths
#' ,experimentalDesign=expDes)
#' matureInspObj <- newINSPEcT(
#' tpts=conditions
#' ,labeling_time=tL
#' ,nascentExpressions=nasExp_DESeq2
#' ,matureExpressions=matExp_DESeq2)
#' procDelay<- processingDelay(inspectIds=matureInspObj
#' ,tauThreshold=1.2
#' ,deltaThreshold=1.0)
#' head(procDelay)
#' table(procDelay)
setMethod('processingDelay', signature('INSPEcT'), function(inspectIds, tauThreshold=1.2, deltaThreshold=1.0, silent=TRUE) {
tau <- calculateTau(inspectIds, silent=silent)
delta <- calculateDelta(inspectIds, silent=silent)
tau > tauThreshold & delta > deltaThreshold
#' @rdname processingDelay
#' @examples
#' head(calculateTau(matureInspObj))
setMethod('calculateTau', signature('INSPEcT'), function(inspectIds, silent=FALSE) {
eiGenes <- featureNames(inspectIds)[!apply(, 'preMRNA')),1,all)]
if( inspectIds@NoNascent ) {
if( !silent )
message(paste('No nascent dataset, approximated tau will be calculated on',
length(eiGenes),'genes with both intronic and exonic signals.'))
tot <- ratesFirstGuess(inspectIds[eiGenes,], 'total')
pre <- ratesFirstGuess(inspectIds[eiGenes,], 'preMRNA')
mat <- tot - pre
tau <- 1+pre/mat
} else {
if( !silent )
message(paste('Tau will be calculated on', length(eiGenes),
'genes with both intronic and exonic signals.'))
k2 <- ratesFirstGuess(inspectIds[eiGenes,], 'processing')
k3 <- ratesFirstGuess(inspectIds[eiGenes,], 'degradation')
tau <- as.matrix(sapply(1:ncol(k2), function(j) sapply(1:nrow(k2), function(i) tau_fun(k2[i,j], k3[i,j]) )))
rownames(tau) <- rownames(k2)
colnames(tau) <- tpts(inspectIds)
#' @rdname processingDelay
#' @examples
#' head(calculateDelta(matureInspObj))
setMethod('calculateDelta', signature('INSPEcT'), function(inspectIds, silent=FALSE) {
eiGenes <- featureNames(inspectIds)[!apply(, 'preMRNA')),1,all)]
if( inspectIds@NoNascent ) {
if( !silent )
message(paste('No nascent dataset, approximated delta will be calculated on',
length(eiGenes),'genes with both intronic and exonic signals.'))
pre <- ratesFirstGuess(inspectIds[eiGenes,], 'preMRNA')
delta <- pre/2
} else {
if( !silent )
message(paste('Delta will be calculated on', length(eiGenes),
'genes with both intronic and exonic signals.'))
k1 <- ratesFirstGuess(inspectIds[eiGenes,], 'synthesis')
k2 <- ratesFirstGuess(inspectIds[eiGenes,], 'processing')
k3 <- ratesFirstGuess(inspectIds[eiGenes,], 'degradation')
delta <- as.matrix(sapply(1:ncol(k1), function(j) sapply(1:nrow(k1), function(i) delta_fun(k1[i,j], k2[i,j], k3[i,j]) )))
rownames(delta) <- rownames(k1)
colnames(delta) <- tpts(inspectIds)
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