# xy_str <- function(e) {
# if(is.null(e)) return("NULL\n")
# paste0("x=", round(e$x, 1), " y=", round(e$y, 1), "\n")
# }
###### response time and metrics
m_t_complete <- function( t , k1 , k2 , k3 ) {
if( k2 != k3 ) {
k1 / k3 * ( k2 * ( 2 - exp( - k3 * t ) ) - k3 * ( 2 - exp( - k2 * t ) ) ) / ( k2 - k3 )
} else {
k1 / k3 * ( 2 - exp( - k3 * t )*( 1 + k3 * t ) )
m_t_simple <- function( t , k1 , k3 ) {
k1 / k3 * ( 2 - exp( - k3 * t ) )
hrtime <- function( k2 , k3 , maxerr=1e-2)
errfunHRfullsys <- function(t,k2,k3)
if( k2 != k3 ) {
( -k2 * exp(-k3*t) + k3 * exp(-k2 * t) + 1/2*(k2-k3) ) ^ 2
} else {
( 1 - 2*exp( -k2 * t )*( k2 * t + 1 ) )^2
HRnoprocessing <- log(2) / k3
HRfullsys <- optimize(errfunHRfullsys, c(0,100*HRnoprocessing),
k2 = k2 , k3 = k3 )
relerror <- HRfullsys$objective / k2
if( relerror < maxerr )
return( HRfullsys$minimum )
else NA
tau_fun <- function( k2 , k3 , maxerr=1e-2) {
if( is.finite(k2) & is.finite(k3) ) {
HRnoprocessing <- log(2) / k3
HRfullsys <- hrtime( k2 , k3 , maxerr )
return( HRfullsys / HRnoprocessing )
} else {
return( NaN )
delta_fun <- function( k1 , k2 , k3 )
if( k2 != k3 ) {
k1 * ( 1 - 2^( 1 - k2 / k3 ) ) / ( 2 * ( k2 - k3 ) )
} else {
k1 *log(2) / 2 / k2
## plot the dynamics of mRNA following an induction ####
## of the synthesis rate of 2 fold, with or without ####
## processing ##########################################
shinyProcessingDelayPlot <- function(k1, k2, k3, absval, metrics) {
simulation_time <- seq(0,1,length.out=1000)
## make simulations with and without processing
mature_complete <- sapply(simulation_time, function(t)
m_t_complete(t, k1, k2, k3) )
mature_simple <- sapply(simulation_time, function(t)
m_t_simple(t, k1, k3) )
# normalize profiles relative to the inital state
mature_complete_relative <- mature_complete/mature_complete[1]
mature_simple_relative <- mature_simple/mature_simple[1]
# calculate the half response time
half_resp_time <- hrtime(k2, k3)
half_resp_time_noproc <- log(2) / k3
# calculate mRNA levels at half response times
mat_levels <- m_t_complete(half_resp_time_noproc, k1, k2, k3)
mat_levels_ht <- m_t_complete(half_resp_time, k1, k2, k3)
mat_levels_noproc <- m_t_simple(half_resp_time_noproc, k1, k3)
rel_mat_levels <- mat_levels/mature_complete[1]
rel_mat_levels_ht <- mat_levels_ht/mature_complete[1]
rel_mat_levels_noproc <- mat_levels_noproc/mature_simple[1]
# calculate metric 1 and metric 2
# tau_value <- half_resp_time/half_resp_time_noproc
tau_value <- tau_fun(k2, k3)
# delta_value <- mat_levels_noproc - mat_levels
delta_value <- delta_fun(k1, k2, k3)
if( absval ) {
labeltag <- ''
} else {
labeltag <- 'relative'
mature_complete <- mature_complete_relative
mature_simple <- mature_simple_relative
mat_levels <- rel_mat_levels
mat_levels_ht <- rel_mat_levels_ht
mat_levels_noproc <- rel_mat_levels_noproc
# start plot routine
cbind(mature_complete, mature_simple),
ylim=c(min(mature_simple), max(mature_simple)*1.05),
xaxs='i', yaxs='i', xaxt='n',
ylab = paste(labeltag,
'mature RNA upon doubling of synthesis'),
type='l', xlab='', col=1, lwd=2)
if( metrics ) {
# draw metric 1 and metric 2 segments on the plot
col='darkgoldenrod1', lty=1, lwd=3)
# draw metric 1 and metric 2 labels on the plot
expression(Delta), col='darkgoldenrod1', cex=1.5)
title( bquote(tau ~ '=' ~ frac("t"[1/2] ~ "'", "t"[1/2]) ~ '=' ~
.(round(tau_value,2)) ~ ';' ~ Delta ~ '=' ~ .(round(delta_value,2)) ) )
# draw dotted lines at the two half response times (with and without processing)
segments(0,mat_levels_noproc, half_resp_time,mat_levels_noproc,
col='black', lty=3, lwd=1)
col='black', lty=3, lwd=1)
col='black', lty=3, lwd=1)
# draw t1/2 signs on the x-axis
at <- c(half_resp_time_noproc,half_resp_time, seq(0,1,by=.2))
labels <- c(expression("t"[1/2]),expression("t"[1/2] ~ "'"), as.character(seq(0,.8,by=.2)), '1 hour')
} else {
title( bquote(tau ~ '=' ~ .(round(tau_value,2)) ~ ';' ~
Delta ~ '=' ~ .(round(delta_value,2)) ) )
# draw t1/2 signs on the x-axis
at <- seq(0,1,by=.2)
labels <- c(as.character(seq(0,.8,by=.2)), '1 hour')
# legend
legend('bottomright', lty=2:1, bty='n', legend=c('istantaneous',
paste0('measured (', round(k2,2),')')), title='processing:')
return(list(tau_value=tau_value, delta_value=delta_value))
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