#' @rdname modelRatesNF
#' @description
#' This method compute confidence intervals for the rates of synthesis, degradation and processing estimated by
#' \code{\link{newINSPEcT}} that will be used to estimate the variability of each rate in \code{\link{ratePvals}}
#' method.
#' @param object An object of class INSPEcT
#' @param BPPARAM Parallelization parameters for bplapply. By default SerialParam()
#' @return An object of class INSPEcT with modeled rates
#' @examples
#' if(["sysname"] != "Windows" ) {
#' nascentInspObj10 <- readRDS(system.file(package='INSPEcT', 'nascentInspObj10.rds'))
#' ## models removal
#' nascentInspObjThreeGenes <- removeModel(nascentInspObj10[1:3])
#' nascentInspObjThreeGenes <- modelRatesNF(nascentInspObjThreeGenes,
#' BPPARAM=SerialParam())
#' ## view modeled synthesis rates
#' viewModelRates(nascentInspObjThreeGenes, 'synthesis')
#' ## view gene classes
#' geneClass(nascentInspObjThreeGenes)
#' }
setMethod('modelRatesNF', 'INSPEcT', function(object, BPPARAM=SerialParam())
if( length(object@model@ratesSpecs) > 0 )
stop('Remove the model before running the model again. (See "?removeModel")')
# llConfidenceThreshold <- object@model@params$logLikelihoodConfidenceThreshold
# if(is.null(llConfidenceThreshold)) llConfidenceThreshold <- 0.95
# llConfidenceThreshold <- qchisq(llConfidenceThreshold,1)
llConfidenceThreshold <- qchisq(0.95,1)
NoNascent <- object@NoNascent
if(NoNascent){message("No nascent RNA data mode.")}
if(!NoNascent){message("Nascent RNA data mode.")}
geneNames <- featureNames(object)
tpts <- tpts(object)
premature <- ratesFirstGuess(object,'preMRNA')
prematureVariance <- ratesFirstGuessVar(object,'preMRNA')
total <- ratesFirstGuess(object,'total')
totalVariance <- ratesFirstGuessVar(object,'total')
if( NoNascent ) {
confidenceIntervals <- classify_rates_from_priors_v5(
} else {
synthesis <- ratesFirstGuess(object,'synthesis')
synthesisVariance <- ratesFirstGuessVar(object,'synthesis')
processing <- ratesFirstGuess(object,'processing')
degradation <- ratesFirstGuess(object,'degradation')
confidenceIntervals <- classify_rates_from_priors_4sU_v5(
# make an "ExpressionSet" object containing optimized rates
nTpts <- length(tpts)
tptsLabels = if( is.numeric(tpts) ) signif(tpts,9) else tpts
exprData <- cbind(total
, premature
, t(sapply(confidenceIntervals, function(g) g[[1]][,'opt']))
, t(sapply(confidenceIntervals, function(g) g[[2]][,'opt']))
, t(sapply(confidenceIntervals, function(g) g[[3]][,'opt'])))
pData <- data.frame(feature=c(rep('total',nTpts)
, rep('preMRNA',nTpts)
, rep('synthesis',nTpts)
, rep('processing',nTpts)
, rep('degradation',nTpts)
, time=rep(tpts, 5))
colnames(exprData) <- paste(pData$feature, tptsLabels, sep='_')
rownames(pData) <- colnames(exprData)
phenoData <- new('AnnotatedDataFrame', data=pData)
modelRates <- ExpressionSet(assayData=exprData
, phenoData=phenoData)
featureNames(modelRates) <- geneNames
object@modelRates <- modelRates
object@NF <- TRUE
object <- setConfidenceIntervals(object=object,confidenceIntervals=confidenceIntervals)
object <- calculateRatePvals(object)
lin2logPar <- function(par)
c(par[1], log2(par[-1]/par[1]))
log2linPar <- function(par)
c(par[1], par[1]*2^par[-1])
score_and_par <- function(conf_int) {
k_score_fun <- function(k, rate_conf_int)
mean(apply(rate_conf_int, 1, function(x) {
if( k < x[2] ) (k - x[2])^2/(x[2]-x[1])^2
else (k - x[2])^2/(x[2]-x[3])^2
}), na.rm=T)
k_scores_out <- lapply(conf_int, function(gene) lapply(gene, function(rate_conf_int) {
k_start <- mean(rate_conf_int[,2],na.rm=TRUE)
if(!is.finite(k_start)) return(list(par=NaN, value=NaN))
if(!is.finite(any(rate_conf_int[,1]))) return(list(par=NaN, value=NaN))
if(!is.finite(any(rate_conf_int[,3]))) return(list(par=NaN, value=NaN))
optim(k_start, k_score_fun, method='BFGS', rate_conf_int=rate_conf_int)
k_par <- t(sapply(k_scores_out, function(x) sapply(x,'[[','par')))
k_value <- t(sapply(k_scores_out, function(x) sapply(x,'[[','value')))
return(list(par=k_par, score=k_value))
mirror_low <- function(rate_conf_int) 2*rate_conf_int[,2] - rate_conf_int[,1]
mirror_hig <- function(rate_conf_int) 2*rate_conf_int[,2] - rate_conf_int[,3]
rate_conf_int_impute <- function(rate_conf_int) {
na_low <-[,1])
if( any(na_low) ) rate_conf_int[na_low,1] <- mirror_hig(rate_conf_int)[na_low]
na_hig <-[,3])
if( any(na_hig) ) rate_conf_int[na_hig,3] <- mirror_low(rate_conf_int)[na_hig]
errorOptim <- function(N, e) return(list(
par = rep(NaN,N),
value = NaN,
counts = c("function"=NaN,"gradient"=NaN),
convergence = NaN,
message = e
# Unit: microseconds
# expr
# expressionProfilesFromPiecedFunctions(parameters2, 1:10, 10)
# expressionProfilesFromPiecedFunctionsOneNA(parameters2[-29], 1:10, 29, 10)
# expressionProfilesFromPiecedFunctionsManyNA(parameters, 1:10, na_ids, 10, 3)
# min lq mean median uq max neval
# 71.511 72.1650 73.31720 72.4740 72.9205 120.801 100
# 78.201 79.7175 80.61715 80.0850 80.7440 98.437 100
# 80.183 81.2655 82.64758 81.5655 82.1880 129.250 100
rates_from_napars = function(parameters, na_ids, N, M) {
parametersNew = parameters[1:na_ids[1]]
for( i in seq_along(na_ids)[-1] ) {
parametersNew = c(parametersNew, parameters[(na_ids[i-1]-i+2):(na_ids[i]-i+1)])
parametersNew = c(parametersNew, parameters[(na_ids[M]-M+1):(3*N-M)])
k1 = parametersNew[1:N]
k2 = parametersNew[(N+1):(2*N)]
k3 = parametersNew[(2*N+1):(3*N)]
expressionProfilesFromPiecedFunctionsManyNA <- function(parameters, tpts, na_ids, N, M)
inferPandMfromPiecedFunctions <- function(tpts, alpha, beta, gamma)
Ptmp <- seq_along(tpts)
Ttmp <- seq_along(tpts)
Ptmp[1] <- alpha[1]/gamma[1]
Ttmp[1] <- alpha[1]/gamma[1] + alpha[1]/beta[1]
for(t in seq_along(tpts)[-1])
mAlpha <- (alpha[t-1] - alpha[t] ) / (tpts[t-1] - tpts[t])
qAlpha <- alpha[t-1] - mAlpha * tpts[t-1]
Ptmp[t] <- Ptmp[t-1]*exp(-gamma[t]*(tpts[t] - tpts[t-1])) + (
(mAlpha*tpts[t]*gamma[t] + qAlpha*gamma[t] - mAlpha ) / (gamma[t]^2) -
(mAlpha*tpts[t-1]*gamma[t] + qAlpha*gamma[t] - mAlpha ) * exp(-gamma[t]*(tpts[t] - tpts[t-1])) / (gamma[t]^2)
mPreMRNA <- (Ptmp[t-1] - Ptmp[t] ) / (tpts[t-1] - tpts[t] )
qPreMRNA <- Ptmp[t-1] - mPreMRNA * tpts[t-1]
Ttmp[t] <- Ttmp[t-1] * exp(-beta[t]*(tpts[t]-tpts[t-1])) +
((mAlpha*tpts[t]*beta[t] + qAlpha*beta[t] - mAlpha ) / (beta[t]^2 ) - (mAlpha*tpts[t-1]*beta[t] + qAlpha*beta[t] - mAlpha ) * exp(-beta[t]*(tpts[t]-tpts[t-1])) / (beta[t]^2 )) +
beta[t]*((mPreMRNA*tpts[t]*beta[t] + qPreMRNA*beta[t] - mPreMRNA ) / (beta[t]^2 ) - (mPreMRNA*tpts[t-1]*beta[t] + qPreMRNA*beta[t] - mPreMRNA ) * exp(-beta[t]*(tpts[t]-tpts[t-1])) / (beta[t]^2 ))
parametersNew = parameters[1:na_ids[1]]
for( i in seq_along(na_ids)[-1] ) {
parametersNew = c(parametersNew, parameters[(na_ids[i-1]-i+2):(na_ids[i]-i+1)])
parametersNew = c(parametersNew, parameters[(na_ids[M]-M+1):(3*N-M)])
k1 = parametersNew[1:N]
k2 = parametersNew[(N+1):(2*N)]
k3 = parametersNew[(2*N+1):(3*N)]
return(inferPandMfromPiecedFunctions(tpts = tpts, alpha = k1, beta = k3, gamma = k2))
expressionProfilesFromPiecedFunctions <- function(parameters, tpts, N)
inferPandMfromPiecedFunctions <- function(tpts, alpha, beta, gamma)
Ptmp <- seq_along(tpts)
Ttmp <- seq_along(tpts)
Ptmp[1] <- alpha[1]/gamma[1]
Ttmp[1] <- alpha[1]/gamma[1] + alpha[1]/beta[1]
for(t in seq_along(tpts)[-1])
mAlpha <- (alpha[t-1] - alpha[t] ) / (tpts[t-1] - tpts[t])
qAlpha <- alpha[t-1] - mAlpha * tpts[t-1]
Ptmp[t] <- Ptmp[t-1]*exp(-gamma[t]*(tpts[t] - tpts[t-1])) + (
(mAlpha*tpts[t]*gamma[t] + qAlpha*gamma[t] - mAlpha ) / (gamma[t]^2) -
(mAlpha*tpts[t-1]*gamma[t] + qAlpha*gamma[t] - mAlpha ) * exp(-gamma[t]*(tpts[t] - tpts[t-1])) / (gamma[t]^2)
mPreMRNA <- (Ptmp[t-1] - Ptmp[t] ) / (tpts[t-1] - tpts[t] )
qPreMRNA <- Ptmp[t-1] - mPreMRNA * tpts[t-1]
Ttmp[t] <- Ttmp[t-1] * exp(-beta[t]*(tpts[t]-tpts[t-1])) +
((mAlpha*tpts[t]*beta[t] + qAlpha*beta[t] - mAlpha ) / (beta[t]^2 ) - (mAlpha*tpts[t-1]*beta[t] + qAlpha*beta[t] - mAlpha ) * exp(-beta[t]*(tpts[t]-tpts[t-1])) / (beta[t]^2 )) +
beta[t]*((mPreMRNA*tpts[t]*beta[t] + qPreMRNA*beta[t] - mPreMRNA ) / (beta[t]^2 ) - (mPreMRNA*tpts[t-1]*beta[t] + qPreMRNA*beta[t] - mPreMRNA ) * exp(-beta[t]*(tpts[t]-tpts[t-1])) / (beta[t]^2 ))
k1 = parameters[1:N]
k2 = parameters[(N+1):(2*N)]
k3 = parameters[(2*N+1):(3*N)]
return(inferPandMfromPiecedFunctions(tpts = tpts, alpha = k1, beta = k3, gamma = k2))
piecedFunctionLogLikelihoodManyNA4sU <- function(parameters, tpts, experimentalP, experimentalM, experimentalK1, varianceP, varianceM, varianceK1, na_ids, N, M)
modeledProfiles <- expressionProfilesFromPiecedFunctionsManyNA(parameters = parameters, tpts = tpts, na_ids=na_ids, N=N, M=M)
logLikelihoodFunction(experiment = c(experimentalM, experimentalP, experimentalK1),
model = c(modeledProfiles, parameters[1:N]),
variance = c(varianceM, varianceP, varianceK1))
piecedFunctionLogLikelihood4sU <- function(parameters, tpts, experimentalP, experimentalM, experimentalK1, varianceP, varianceM, varianceK1, N)
modeledProfiles <- expressionProfilesFromPiecedFunctions(parameters=parameters, tpts = tpts, N = N)
logLikelihoodFunction(experiment = c(experimentalM, experimentalP, experimentalK1),
model = c(modeledProfiles, parameters[1:N]),
variance = c(varianceM, varianceP, varianceK1))
perturbedLogLikelihood4sU_NF <- function(parameter,name,parameters,tpts,experimentalP,experimentalM,experimentalK1,varianceP,varianceM,varianceK1,N)
perturbedParameters <- parameters
perturbedParameters[name] <- parameter
piecedFunctionLogLikelihood4sU(parameters = perturbedParameters
, tpts = tpts
, experimentalP = experimentalP
, experimentalM = experimentalM
, experimentalK1 = experimentalK1
, varianceP = varianceP
, varianceM = varianceM
, varianceK1 = varianceK1
, N = N
piecedFunctionLogLikelihoodManyNA <- function(parameters, tpts, experimentalP, experimentalM, varianceP, varianceM, na_ids, N, M)
parameters <- c(log2linPar(parameters[1:N]), log2linPar(parameters[(N+1):(2*N)]), log2linPar(parameters[(2*N+1):(3*N)]))
modeledProfiles <- expressionProfilesFromPiecedFunctionsManyNA(parameters = parameters, tpts = tpts, na_ids=na_ids, N=N, M=M)
logLikelihoodFunction(experiment = c(experimentalM, experimentalP),
model = modeledProfiles,
variance = c(varianceM, varianceP))
# piecedFunctionLogLikelihoodOneNA <- function(parameters, tpts, experimentalP, experimentalM, varianceP, varianceM, na_id, N)
# {
# modeledProfiles <- expressionProfilesFromPiecedFunctionsOneNA(parameters = parameters, tpts = tpts, na_id=na_id, N=N)
# logLikelihoodFunction(experiment = c(experimentalM, experimentalP),
# model = modeledProfiles,
# variance = c(varianceM, varianceP))
# }
piecedFunctionLogLikelihood <- function(parameters, tpts, experimentalP, experimentalM, varianceP, varianceM, N)
parameters <- c(log2linPar(parameters[1:N]), log2linPar(parameters[(N+1):(2*N)]), log2linPar(parameters[(2*N+1):(3*N)]))
modeledProfiles <- expressionProfilesFromPiecedFunctions(parameters=parameters, tpts = tpts, N = N)
logLikelihoodFunction(experiment = c(experimentalM, experimentalP),
model = modeledProfiles,
variance = c(varianceM, varianceP))
perturbedLogLikelihood_NF <- function(parameter,name,parameters,tpts,experimentalP,experimentalM,varianceP,varianceM,N)
perturbedParameters <- parameters
perturbedParameters[name] <- parameter
piecedFunctionLogLikelihood(parameters = perturbedParameters
, tpts = tpts
, experimentalP = experimentalP
, experimentalM = experimentalM
, varianceP = varianceP
, varianceM = varianceM
, N = N
logLikelihoodCIerror_NF <- function(parameter,name,parameters,tpts,experimentalP,experimentalM,varianceP,varianceM,N,confidenceThreshold)
maximumLogLikelihoodTmp <- piecedFunctionLogLikelihood(parameters = parameters
, tpts = tpts
, experimentalP = experimentalP
, experimentalM = experimentalM
, varianceP = varianceP
, varianceM = varianceM
, N = N
perturbedLogLikelihoodTmp <- perturbedLogLikelihood_NF(parameter = parameter
, name = name
, parameters = parameters
, tpts = tpts
, experimentalP = experimentalP
, experimentalM = experimentalM
, varianceP = varianceP
, varianceM = varianceM
, N = N
return(abs(confidenceThreshold - 2*(maximumLogLikelihoodTmp - perturbedLogLikelihoodTmp)))
estimate_priors <- function(
suppressWarnings(k3Prior <- firstStep_NoNascent(tpts = tpts
,mature = mature
,premature = premature
,matureVariance = matureVariance
,Dmin = Dmin
,Dmax = Dmax))
rownames(k3Prior) <- eiGenes
k1_prior_T0 <- premature[,1]^(3/4)
k2_prior_T0 <- premature[,1]^(-1/4)
k3_prior_T0 <- k1_prior_T0/mature[,1]
norm_to_k3timescale <- mean(k3Prior[,1])/mean(k3_prior_T0,na.rm=T)
k1_prior_T0 <- k1_prior_T0 * norm_to_k3timescale
k2_prior_T0 <- k2_prior_T0 * norm_to_k3timescale
k3_prior_T0 <- k3_prior_T0 * norm_to_k3timescale
tcder = function(x, y) {
N = length(x)
der = rep(0, N)
der[1] = 0 # (y[2]-y[1])/(x[2]-x[1])
der[N] = (y[N]-y[N-1])/(x[N]-x[N-1])
der[2:(N-1)] = sapply(2:(N-1), function(j) {
prematureDer <- as.matrix(t(sapply(1:nrow(premature),function(i)
tcder(tpts, premature[i,]))))
matureDer <- as.matrix(t(sapply(1:nrow(mature),function(i)
tcder(tpts, mature[i,]))))
total <- premature + mature
## fix k1
ratesFromAlpha = function(alphaTC) {
gammaTC <- ( alphaTC - prematureDer ) / premature
#Evaluate beta as constant between intervals
betaT0 <- alphaTC[,1] / mature[,1]
betaOut <- inferKBetaFromIntegralWithPre(tpts, alphaTC, total, premature,
betaTC <- cbind(betaT0,
sapply(betaOut, function(x) sapply(x, '[[', 'root'))
betaEstimPrec <- cbind(0,
sapply(betaOut, function(x) sapply(x, '[[', 'estim.prec'))
return(list(alphaTC, gammaTC, betaTC))
alphaTC <- matrix(rep(k1_prior_T0,length(tpts)),ncol=length(tpts))
ratesOut = ratesFromAlpha(alphaTC)
alphaTC = ratesOut[[1]]
gammaTC = ratesOut[[2]]
betaTC = ratesOut[[3]]
k2varRates <- list(alphaTC, gammaTC, betaTC)
## fix k2
ratesFromGamma = function(gammaTC) {
alphaTC <- prematureDer + gammaTC * premature
#Evaluate beta as constant between intervals
betaT0 <- alphaTC[,1] / mature[,1]
betaOut <- inferKBetaFromIntegralWithPre(tpts, alphaTC, total, premature,
betaTC <- cbind(betaT0,
sapply(betaOut, function(x) sapply(x, '[[', 'root'))
betaEstimPrec <- cbind(0,
sapply(betaOut, function(x) sapply(x, '[[', 'estim.prec'))
#Evaluate gamma as constant between intervals
gammaT0 <- alphaTC[,1] / premature[,1]
gammaOut <- inferKGammaFromIntegral(tpts, alphaTC, premature,
maxGamma=quantile(gammaT0,na.rm=TRUE,probs=.99)*10, BPPARAM=BPPARAM
gammaTC <- cbind(gammaT0,
sapply(gammaOut, function(x) sapply(x, '[[', 'root'))
gammaEstimPrec <- cbind(0,
sapply(gammaOut, function(x) sapply(x, '[[', 'estim.prec'))
return(list(alphaTC, gammaTC, betaTC))
gammaTC <- matrix(rep(k2_prior_T0,length(tpts)),ncol=length(tpts))
ratesOut = ratesFromGamma(gammaTC)
alphaTC = ratesOut[[1]]
gammaTC = ratesOut[[2]]
betaTC = ratesOut[[3]]
k1varRates <- list(alphaTC, gammaTC, betaTC)
## select between the two
k1var_tot_fc <- sapply(1:nrow(mature), function(i) {
rates <- rbind(k1varRates[[1]][i,], k1varRates[[2]][i,], k1varRates[[3]][i,])
rates[rates<0] <- NaN
fc <- abs(log(rates[,-1]) - log(rates[,1]))
mean(fc, na.rm=T)
k1var_tot_fc[] <- max(k1var_tot_fc[!])
k2var_tot_fc <- sapply(1:nrow(mature), function(i) {
rates <- rbind(k2varRates[[1]][i,], k2varRates[[2]][i,], k2varRates[[3]][i,])
rates[rates<0] <- NaN
fc <- abs(log(rates[,-1]) - log(rates[,1]))
mean(fc, na.rm=T)
k2var_tot_fc[] <- max(k2var_tot_fc[!])
N <- length(tpts)
select <- k1var_tot_fc < k2var_tot_fc
alphaTC <- t(sapply(seq_along(select), function(i) {
if([i]) ) return(rep(NaN, N))
if( select[i] ) k1varRates[[1]][i,] else k2varRates[[1]][i,]
gammaTC <- t(sapply(seq_along(select), function(i) {
if([i]) ) return(rep(NaN, N))
if( select[i] ) k1varRates[[2]][i,] else k2varRates[[2]][i,]
betaTC <- t(sapply(seq_along(select), function(i) {
if([i]) ) return(rep(NaN, N))
if( select[i] ) k1varRates[[3]][i,] else k2varRates[[3]][i,]
return(list(alphaTC, gammaTC, betaTC))
logLikelihoodCIerror4sU_NF <- function(parameter,name,parameters,tpts,experimentalP,experimentalM,experimentalK1,varianceP,varianceM,varianceK1,N,confidenceThreshold)
maximumLogLikelihoodTmp <- piecedFunctionLogLikelihood4sU(parameters = parameters
, tpts = tpts
, experimentalP = experimentalP
, experimentalM = experimentalM
, experimentalK1 = experimentalK1
, varianceP = varianceP
, varianceM = varianceM
, varianceK1 = varianceK1
, N = N
perturbedLogLikelihoodTmp <- perturbedLogLikelihood4sU_NF(parameter = parameter
, name = name
, parameters = parameters
, tpts = tpts
, experimentalP = experimentalP
, experimentalM = experimentalM
, experimentalK1 = experimentalK1
, varianceP = varianceP
, varianceM = varianceM
, varianceK1 = varianceK1
, N = N
return(abs(confidenceThreshold - 2*(maximumLogLikelihoodTmp - perturbedLogLikelihoodTmp)))
classify_rates_from_priors_4sU_v5 <- function(
mature <- total - premature
matureVariance <- totalVariance + prematureVariance
message("Rates optimization through the maximum likelihood.")
N <- length(tpts)
gene_number <- nrow(premature)
gammaTC[gammaTC<0] <- NA
betaTC[betaTC<0] <- NA
N_na_genes = apply(,gammaTC,betaTC)),1,function(x) length(which(x)))
# initalize the list of results
newParams <- as.list(rep(NA,gene_number))
# model genes without NA values
no_na_genes = which(N_na_genes==0)
newParams[no_na_genes] <- bplapply(no_na_genes,function(r)
parameters <- unname(c(synthesis[r,],gammaTC[r,],betaTC[r,]))
optim(par = parameters
, fn = piecedFunctionLogLikelihood4sU
, tpts = tpts
, experimentalP = premature[r,]
, experimentalM = mature[r,]
, experimentalK1 = synthesis[r,]
, varianceP = prematureVariance[r,]
, varianceM = matureVariance[r,]
, varianceK1 = synthesisVariance[r,]
, N = length(tpts)
, control = list(maxit = 2000, fnscale=-1)
, method = "BFGS")
alphaTC <- t(sapply(newParams,function(g)g[[1]][1:N]))
gammaTC <- t(sapply(newParams,function(g)g[[1]][(N+1):(2*N)]))
betaTC <- t(sapply(newParams,function(g)g[[1]][(2*N+1):(3*N)]))
alphaTC[alphaTC<0] <- NA
gammaTC[gammaTC<0] <- NA
betaTC[betaTC<0] <- NA
N_na_genes = apply(,gammaTC,betaTC)),1,
function(x) length(which(x)))
n_iter = 10
solved_genes = numeric(n_iter)
if( any(N_na_genes>0 & N_na_genes<3*N) )
for( iter in 1:n_iter ) {
many_na_genes <- which(N_na_genes>0 & N_na_genes<3*N)
newParams[many_na_genes] <- bplapply(many_na_genes,function(r)
parameters <- na.omit(c(alphaTC[r,],gammaTC[r,],betaTC[r,]))
na_ids <- as.vector(attr(parameters, 'na.action'))
M <- N_na_genes[r]
optOut <- optim(par = as.vector(parameters)
, fn = piecedFunctionLogLikelihoodManyNA4sU
, tpts = tpts
, experimentalP = premature[r,]
, experimentalM = mature[r,]
, experimentalK1 = synthesis[r,]
, varianceP = prematureVariance[r,]
, varianceM = matureVariance[r,]
, varianceK1 = synthesisVariance[r,]
, na_ids = na_ids
, N = N
, M = M
, control = list(maxit = 2000, fnscale=-1)
, method = "BFGS")
## expand parameters
optOut$par = unlist(rates_from_napars(optOut$par, na_ids, N, M))
alphaTC <- t(sapply(newParams,function(g)g[[1]][1:N]))
gammaTC <- t(sapply(newParams,function(g)g[[1]][(N+1):(2*N)]))
betaTC <- t(sapply(newParams,function(g)g[[1]][(2*N+1):(3*N)]))
alphaTC[alphaTC<0] <- NA
gammaTC[gammaTC<0] <- NA
betaTC[betaTC<0] <- NA
N_na_genes = apply(,gammaTC,betaTC)),1,
function(x) length(which(x)))
## in case all genes are resolved or failed break the for cycle
tab_N = table(N_na_genes)
solved_genes[iter] = sum(tab_N[names(tab_N) %in% as.character(c(0,N*3))])
message(paste0('Iteration ', iter, ' / ', n_iter,', solved ', round(solved_genes[iter]/gene_number*100), '% genes.'))
if( solved_genes[iter] == gene_number ) break
if( iter>1 ) if( solved_genes[iter] == solved_genes[iter-1] ) break
### Here I introduce the code to estimate a confidence interval for the rates first guess
resolved_id <- which(N_na_genes==0)
# resolvedGenesNames <- geneNames[resolved_id]
message("Confidece intervals estimation.")
non_resolved_gene <- list(
k1 = cbind(left=rep(NaN, N), opt=rep(NaN, N), right=rep(NaN, N), constant=rep(NaN, N)),
k2 = cbind(left=rep(NaN, N), opt=rep(NaN, N), right=rep(NaN, N), constant=rep(NaN, N)),
k3 = cbind(left=rep(NaN, N), opt=rep(NaN, N), right=rep(NaN, N), constant=rep(NaN, N))
confidence_intervals <- as.list(rep(NA,gene_number))
for( g in which(N_na_genes>0) ) confidence_intervals[[g]] <- non_resolved_gene
confidence_intervals[resolved_id] <- bplapply(resolved_id, function(g)
parameters <- c(alphaTC[g,],gammaTC[g,],betaTC[g,])
allratesconfidences = sapply(seq_along(parameters), function(parname)
par <- parameters[parname]
suppressWarnings(capture.output(mOut <- list(
left_1 =tryCatch(multiroot(f = logLikelihoodCIerror4sU_NF, start = 1e-2*par, name = parname, parameters = parameters, tpts = tpts, experimentalP = premature[g,], experimentalM = mature[g,], experimentalK1 = synthesis[g,], varianceP = prematureVariance[g,], varianceM = matureVariance[g,], varianceK1 = synthesisVariance[g,], N=N, confidenceThreshold = llConfidenceThreshold), error=function(e) list(root=NaN, 'f.root'=NaN)),
left_2 =tryCatch(multiroot(f = logLikelihoodCIerror4sU_NF, start = 1/2*par, name = parname, parameters = parameters, tpts = tpts, experimentalP = premature[g,], experimentalM = mature[g,], experimentalK1 = synthesis[g,], varianceP = prematureVariance[g,], varianceM = matureVariance[g,], varianceK1 = synthesisVariance[g,], N=N, confidenceThreshold = llConfidenceThreshold), error=function(e) list(root=NaN, 'f.root'=NaN)),
center =tryCatch(multiroot(f = logLikelihoodCIerror4sU_NF, start = par, name = parname, parameters = parameters, tpts = tpts, experimentalP = premature[g,], experimentalM = mature[g,], experimentalK1 = synthesis[g,], varianceP = prematureVariance[g,], varianceM = matureVariance[g,], varianceK1 = synthesisVariance[g,], N=N, confidenceThreshold = llConfidenceThreshold), error=function(e) list(root=NaN, 'f.root'=NaN)),
right_1 =tryCatch(multiroot(f = logLikelihoodCIerror4sU_NF, start = 2*par, name = parname, parameters = parameters, tpts = tpts, experimentalP = premature[g,], experimentalM = mature[g,], experimentalK1 = synthesis[g,], varianceP = prematureVariance[g,], varianceM = matureVariance[g,], varianceK1 = synthesisVariance[g,], N=N, confidenceThreshold = llConfidenceThreshold), error=function(e) list(root=NaN, 'f.root'=NaN)),
right_2 =tryCatch(multiroot(f = logLikelihoodCIerror4sU_NF, start = 1e2*par, name = parname, parameters = parameters, tpts = tpts, experimentalP = premature[g,], experimentalM = mature[g,], experimentalK1 = synthesis[g,], varianceP = prematureVariance[g,], varianceM = matureVariance[g,], varianceK1 = synthesisVariance[g,], N=N, confidenceThreshold = llConfidenceThreshold), error=function(e) list(root=NaN, 'f.root'=NaN))
precis = sapply(mOut, '[[', 'f.root')
if( length(which(precis<1e-2))>0 ) {
conf_int = sapply(mOut[which(precis<1e-2)], '[[', 'root')
low_int = min(conf_int)
high_int = max(conf_int)
left = ifelse( low_int < par, low_int, NA)
right = ifelse( high_int > par, high_int, NA)
return(c(left = left, right = right))
} else {
return(c(left = NA, right = NA))
# reintroduce NA to obtain vectors of the correct length
k1left = allratesconfidences[1,1:N]
k1right = allratesconfidences[2,1:N]
k2left = allratesconfidences[1,(N+1):(2*N)]
k2right = allratesconfidences[2,(N+1):(2*N)]
k3left = allratesconfidences[1,(2*N+1):(3*N)]
k3right = allratesconfidences[2,(2*N+1):(3*N)]
rate_conf_int_k1 <- rate_conf_int_impute(cbind(left=k1left, opt=alphaTC[g,], right=k1right))
k_start <- mean(rate_conf_int_k1[,2],na.rm=TRUE)
if(is.finite(k_start)) {
k_scores_out <- optim(k_start, k_score_fun, method='BFGS', rate_conf_int=rate_conf_int_k1)$par
} else {
k_scores_out <- NaN
rate_conf_int_k1 <- cbind(rate_conf_int_k1, 'constant'=k_scores_out)
rate_conf_int_k2 <- rate_conf_int_impute(cbind(left=k2left, opt=gammaTC[g,], right=k2right))
k_start <- mean(rate_conf_int_k2[,2],na.rm=TRUE)
if(is.finite(k_start)) {
k_scores_out <- optim(k_start, k_score_fun, method='BFGS', rate_conf_int=rate_conf_int_k2)$par
} else {
k_scores_out <- NaN
rate_conf_int_k2 <- cbind(rate_conf_int_k2, 'constant'=k_scores_out)
rate_conf_int_k3 <- rate_conf_int_impute(cbind(left=k3left, opt=betaTC[g,], right=k3right))
k_start <- mean(rate_conf_int_k3[,2],na.rm=TRUE)
if(is.finite(k_start)) {
k_scores_out <- optim(k_start, k_score_fun, method='BFGS', rate_conf_int=rate_conf_int_k3)$par
} else {
k_scores_out <- NaN
rate_conf_int_k3 <- cbind(rate_conf_int_k3, 'constant'=k_scores_out)
k1 = rate_conf_int_k1,
k2 = rate_conf_int_k2,
k3 = rate_conf_int_k3
classify_rates_from_priors_v5 <- function(
mature <- total - premature
matureVariance <- totalVariance + prematureVariance
prOut <- estimate_priors(
alphaTC <- prOut[[1]]
gammaTC <- prOut[[2]]
betaTC <- prOut[[3]]
message("Rates optimization through the maximum likelihood.")
N <- length(tpts)
gene_number <- nrow(alphaTC)
alphaTC[alphaTC<0] <- NA
gammaTC[gammaTC<0] <- NA
betaTC[betaTC<0] <- NA
N_na_genes = apply(,gammaTC,betaTC)),1,function(x) length(which(x)))
# initalize the list of results
newParams <- as.list(rep(NA,gene_number))
# model genes without NA values
no_na_genes = which(N_na_genes==0)
newParams[no_na_genes] <- bplapply(no_na_genes,function(r)
N <- length(tpts)
parameters <- unname(c(lin2logPar(alphaTC[r,]),lin2logPar(gammaTC[r,]),lin2logPar(betaTC[r,])))
optOut <- optim(par = parameters
, fn = piecedFunctionLogLikelihood
, tpts = tpts
, experimentalP = premature[r,]
, experimentalM = mature[r,]
, varianceP = prematureVariance[r,]
, varianceM = matureVariance[r,]
, N = length(tpts)
, control = list(maxit = 2000, fnscale=-1)
, method = "BFGS")
optOut$par <- c(log2linPar(optOut$par[1:N]), log2linPar(optOut$par[(N+1):(2*N)]), log2linPar(optOut$par[(2*N+1):(3*N)]))
n_iter = length(tpts)
solved_genes = numeric(n_iter)
for( iter in 1:n_iter ) {
many_na_genes <- which(N_na_genes>0 & N_na_genes<3*N)
newParams[many_na_genes] <- bplapply(many_na_genes,function(r)
parameters <- c(lin2logPar(alphaTC[r,]),lin2logPar(gammaTC[r,]),lin2logPar(betaTC[r,]))
parameters <- na.omit(parameters)
na_ids <- as.vector(attr(parameters, 'na.action'))
M <- N_na_genes[r]
optOut <- optim(par = as.vector(parameters)
, fn = piecedFunctionLogLikelihoodManyNA
, tpts = tpts
, experimentalP = premature[r,]
, experimentalM = mature[r,]
, varianceP = prematureVariance[r,]
, varianceM = matureVariance[r,]
, na_ids = na_ids
, N = N
, M = M
, control = list(maxit = 2000, fnscale=-1)
, method = "BFGS")
## expand parameters
optOut$par = unlist(lapply(rates_from_napars(optOut$par, na_ids, N, M), log2linPar))
alphaTC <- t(sapply(newParams,function(g)g[[1]][1:N]))
gammaTC <- t(sapply(newParams,function(g)g[[1]][(N+1):(2*N)]))
betaTC <- t(sapply(newParams,function(g)g[[1]][(2*N+1):(3*N)]))
alphaTC[alphaTC<0] <- NA
gammaTC[gammaTC<0] <- NA
betaTC[betaTC<0] <- NA
N_na_genes = apply(,gammaTC,betaTC)),1,
function(x) length(which(x)))
## in case all genes are resolved or failed break the for cycle
tab_N = table(N_na_genes)
solved_genes[iter] = sum(tab_N[names(tab_N) %in% as.character(c(0,N*3))])
message(paste0('Iteration ', iter, ' / ', n_iter,', solved ', round(solved_genes[iter]/gene_number*100), '% genes.'))
if( solved_genes[iter] == gene_number ) {
# message('Done.')
if( iter>1 ) if( solved_genes[iter] == solved_genes[iter-1] ) {
# message('Done.')
### Here I introduce the code to estimate a confidence interval for the rates first guess
resolved_id <- which(N_na_genes==0)
# resolvedGenesNames <- geneNames[resolved_id]
k1TC <- alphaTC
k2TC <- gammaTC
k3TC <- betaTC
message("Confidece intervals estimation.")
non_resolved_gene <- list(
k1 = cbind(left=rep(NaN, N), opt=rep(NaN, N), right=rep(NaN, N), constant=rep(NaN, N)),
k2 = cbind(left=rep(NaN, N), opt=rep(NaN, N), right=rep(NaN, N), constant=rep(NaN, N)),
k3 = cbind(left=rep(NaN, N), opt=rep(NaN, N), right=rep(NaN, N), constant=rep(NaN, N))
confidence_intervals <- as.list(rep(NA,gene_number))
for( g in which(N_na_genes>0) ) confidence_intervals[[g]] <- non_resolved_gene
confidence_intervals[resolved_id] <- bplapply(resolved_id, function(g)
# parameters <- c(k1TC[g,],k2TC[g,],k3TC[g,])
parameters <- unname(c(lin2logPar(k1TC[g,]),lin2logPar(k2TC[g,]),lin2logPar(k3TC[g,])))
allratesconfidences = sapply(seq_along(parameters), function(parname)
par <- parameters[parname]
suppressWarnings(capture.output(mOut <- list(
left_1 =tryCatch(multiroot(f = logLikelihoodCIerror_NF, start = 1e-2*par, name = parname, parameters = parameters, tpts = tpts, experimentalP = premature[g,], experimentalM = mature[g,], varianceP = prematureVariance[g,], varianceM = matureVariance[g,], N=N, confidenceThreshold = llConfidenceThreshold), error=function(e) list(root=NaN, 'f.root'=NaN)),
left_2 =tryCatch(multiroot(f = logLikelihoodCIerror_NF, start = 1/2*par, name = parname, parameters = parameters, tpts = tpts, experimentalP = premature[g,], experimentalM = mature[g,], varianceP = prematureVariance[g,], varianceM = matureVariance[g,], N=N, confidenceThreshold = llConfidenceThreshold), error=function(e) list(root=NaN, 'f.root'=NaN)),
center =tryCatch(multiroot(f = logLikelihoodCIerror_NF, start = par, name = parname, parameters = parameters, tpts = tpts, experimentalP = premature[g,], experimentalM = mature[g,], varianceP = prematureVariance[g,], varianceM = matureVariance[g,], N=N, confidenceThreshold = llConfidenceThreshold), error=function(e) list(root=NaN, 'f.root'=NaN)),
right_1 =tryCatch(multiroot(f = logLikelihoodCIerror_NF, start = 2*par, name = parname, parameters = parameters, tpts = tpts, experimentalP = premature[g,], experimentalM = mature[g,], varianceP = prematureVariance[g,], varianceM = matureVariance[g,], N=N, confidenceThreshold = llConfidenceThreshold), error=function(e) list(root=NaN, 'f.root'=NaN)),
right_2 =tryCatch(multiroot(f = logLikelihoodCIerror_NF, start = 1e2*par, name = parname, parameters = parameters, tpts = tpts, experimentalP = premature[g,], experimentalM = mature[g,], varianceP = prematureVariance[g,], varianceM = matureVariance[g,], N=N, confidenceThreshold = llConfidenceThreshold), error=function(e) list(root=NaN, 'f.root'=NaN))
precis = sapply(mOut, '[[', 'f.root')
if( length(which(precis<1e-2))>0 ) {
conf_int = sapply(mOut[which(precis<1e-2)], '[[', 'root')
low_int = min(conf_int)
high_int = max(conf_int)
left = ifelse( low_int < par, low_int, NA)
right = ifelse( high_int > par, high_int, NA)
return(c(left = left, right = right))
} else {
return(c(left = NA, right = NA))
# reintroduce NA to obtain vectors of the correct length
k1left = log2linPar(allratesconfidences[1,1:N])
k1right = log2linPar(allratesconfidences[2,1:N])
k2left = log2linPar(allratesconfidences[1,(N+1):(2*N)])
k2right = log2linPar(allratesconfidences[2,(N+1):(2*N)])
k3left = log2linPar(allratesconfidences[1,(2*N+1):(3*N)])
k3right = log2linPar(allratesconfidences[2,(2*N+1):(3*N)])
# rate_conf_int_k1 <- rate_conf_int_impute(cbind(left=k1left, opt=alphaTC[g,], right=k1right))
# rate_conf_int_k1 <- cbind(rate_conf_int_k1, 'constant'= score_and_par(rate_conf_int_k1)$par)
# rate_conf_int_k2 <- rate_conf_int_impute(cbind(left=k2left, opt=gammaTC[g,], right=k2right))
# rate_conf_int_k2 <- cbind(rate_conf_int_k2, 'constant'= score_and_par(rate_conf_int_k2)$par)
# rate_conf_int_k3 <- rate_conf_int_impute(cbind(left=k3left, opt=betaTC[g,], right=k3right))
# rate_conf_int_k3 <- cbind(rate_conf_int_k3, 'constant'= score_and_par(rate_conf_int_k3)$par)
# return(list(
# k1 = rate_conf_int_k1,
# k2 = rate_conf_int_k2,
# k3 = rate_conf_int_k3
# ))
rate_conf_int_k1 <- rate_conf_int_impute(cbind(left=k1left, opt=alphaTC[g,], right=k1right))
k_start <- mean(rate_conf_int_k1[,2],na.rm=TRUE)
if(is.finite(k_start)) {
k_scores_out <- optim(k_start, k_score_fun, method='BFGS', rate_conf_int=rate_conf_int_k1)$par
} else {
k_scores_out <- NaN
rate_conf_int_k1 <- cbind(rate_conf_int_k1, 'constant'=k_scores_out)
rate_conf_int_k2 <- rate_conf_int_impute(cbind(left=k2left, opt=gammaTC[g,], right=k2right))
k_start <- mean(rate_conf_int_k2[,2],na.rm=TRUE)
if(is.finite(k_start)) {
k_scores_out <- optim(k_start, k_score_fun, method='BFGS', rate_conf_int=rate_conf_int_k2)$par
} else {
k_scores_out <- NaN
rate_conf_int_k2 <- cbind(rate_conf_int_k2, 'constant'=k_scores_out)
rate_conf_int_k3 <- rate_conf_int_impute(cbind(left=k3left, opt=betaTC[g,], right=k3right))
k_start <- mean(rate_conf_int_k3[,2],na.rm=TRUE)
if(is.finite(k_start)) {
k_scores_out <- optim(k_start, k_score_fun, method='BFGS', rate_conf_int=rate_conf_int_k3)$par
} else {
k_scores_out <- NaN
rate_conf_int_k3 <- cbind(rate_conf_int_k3, 'constant'=k_scores_out)
k1 = rate_conf_int_k1,
k2 = rate_conf_int_k2,
k3 = rate_conf_int_k3
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