#' @rdname inHeatmap
#' @description
#' A method to see as an heatmap the logRatios of synthesis, degradation and processing rates and
#' pre-RNA and total RNA concentration of a population of genes, either at the level of
#' etimated or modeled rates.
#' @param object An object of class INSPEcT
#' @param type Eiher "pre-model" or "model" to switch between pre-modeled or modeled features
#' @param breaks A vector of breaks for the heatmap
#' @param palette A color generating function, output of colorRampPalette
#' @param plot_matureRNA A logical. If set to TRUE, matrue-RNA is displayed instead of
#' total-RNA (default: FALSE)
#' @param absoluteExpression A logical. If set to FALSE, the plot representing the
#' intensity of expression is omitted. (default=TRUE)
#' @param show_rowLabels A logical defining whether rownames are reported or not. (default=TRUE)
#' @param clustering A logical. If set to FALSE, it displys genes the order they are,
#' with no clustering (default: TRUE)
#' @param clustIdx A numeric. Indicates which of the features are used for the
#' clustering. 0=absoluteExpression; 1=total-RNA/mature-RNA; 2=preMRNA;
#' 3=synthesis; 4=degradation; 5=processing (default=3:5, meaning that
#' synthesis, degradation and processing are used for the clustering)
#' @return A list of matrices containing the logRatios for total RNA levels, pre-RNA levels,
#' synthesis rates, degradation rates and processing rates. Matrices are ordered according to
#' the clustering.
#' @examples
#' nascentInspObj10 <- readRDS(system.file(package='INSPEcT', 'nascentInspObj10.rds'))
#' inHeatmap(nascentInspObj10, 'pre-model')
#' inHeatmap(nascentInspObj10, 'model')
setMethod('inHeatmap', 'INSPEcT', function(object, type='pre-model'
, breaks=seq(-1,1,length.out=51)
, palette=colorRampPalette(c("green", "black", "firebrick3"))
, plot_matureRNA=FALSE, absoluteExpression=TRUE
, show_rowLabels=TRUE, clustering=TRUE, clustIdx=3:5)
if( !is.character(type) )
stop('inHeatmap: type must be character')
if( !type %in% c('model', 'pre-model') )
stop('inHeatmap: type must either "model" or "pre-model"')
# if( !is.null(rowLabels) ) {
if( !is.logical(show_rowLabels) )
stop('inHeatmap: rowLabels must be logical')
# if( length(rowLabels) != nGenes(object) )
# stop('inHeatmap: rowLabels must be a vector of length equal to nGenes(object)')
# }
if( !is.logical(plot_matureRNA) )
stop('inHeatmap: plot_matureRNA must be logical')
if( !is.logical(absoluteExpression) )
stop('inHeatmap: absoluteExpression must be logical')
if( !is.numeric(breaks) )
stop('inHeatmap: breaks must be a numeric')
if( class(palette) != 'function' )
stop('inHeatmap: palette must be a (color generating) function')
if( !is.logical(clustering) )
stop('inHeatmap: clustering must be logical')
if( !is.numeric(clustIdx) )
stop('inHeatmap: clustIdx must be numeric')
if( !all(clustIdx %in% 0:5) )
stop('inHeatmap: clustIdx must contain only values between 0 and 5')
oldMfrow <- par()$mfrow
oldMar <- par()$mar
nBreaks <- length(breaks)
if( type=='pre-model') {
total <- ratesFirstGuess(object, 'total')
preMRNA <- ratesFirstGuess(object, 'preMRNA')
alpha <- ratesFirstGuess(object, 'synthesis')
beta <- ratesFirstGuess(object, 'degradation')
gamma <- ratesFirstGuess(object, 'processing')
} else {
if( length(object@model@ratesSpecs) == 0 )
stop('inHeatmap: modeled rates have not been computed yet. Use modelRates method')
total <- viewModelRates(object, 'total')
preMRNA <- viewModelRates(object, 'preMRNA')
alpha <- viewModelRates(object, 'synthesis')
beta <- viewModelRates(object, 'degradation')
gamma <- viewModelRates(object, 'processing')
if( plot_matureRNA ) {
total <- total-preMRNA
total[total<0] <- 0
total[total<=0] <- NA
preMRNA[preMRNA<=0] <- NA
alpha[alpha<=0] <- NA
beta[beta<=0] <- NA
gamma[gamma<=0] <- NA
total_l2fc <- log2(total[,-1,drop=FALSE]) - log2(total[,1])
preMRNA_l2fc <- log2(preMRNA[,-1,drop=FALSE]) - log2(preMRNA[,1])
alpha_l2fc <- log2(alpha[,-1,drop=FALSE]) - log2(alpha[,1])
beta_l2fc <- log2(beta[,-1,drop=FALSE]) - log2(beta[,1])
gamma_l2fc <- log2(gamma[,-1,drop=FALSE]) - log2(gamma[,1])
## expression
eLevel <- log2(total[,1,drop=FALSE])
eRange <- quantile(eLevel, na.rm=TRUE, probs=c(.05,.95))
eLevel[eLevel > max(eRange)] <- max(eRange)
eLevel[eLevel < min(eRange)] <- min(eRange)
clustMat <-'cbind', list(
sapply(1:ncol(total_l2fc), function(x) eLevel)
, total_l2fc
, preMRNA_l2fc
, alpha_l2fc
, beta_l2fc
, gamma_l2fc
## remove all NAs rows
# ix <- !apply(clustMat, 1, function(x) any(!is.finite(x)))
ix <- !apply(clustMat, 1, function(x) all(!is.finite(x)))
total <- total[ix, , drop=FALSE] ## for expression
clustMat <- clustMat[ix, , drop=FALSE]
total_l2fc <- total_l2fc[ix, , drop=FALSE]
preMRNA_l2fc <- preMRNA_l2fc[ix, , drop=FALSE]
alpha_l2fc <- alpha_l2fc[ix, , drop=FALSE]
beta_l2fc <- beta_l2fc[ix, , drop=FALSE]
gamma_l2fc <- gamma_l2fc[ix, , drop=FALSE]
eLevel <- eLevel[ix, , drop=FALSE]
if( nrow(clustMat)>1 & clustering ) {
dd <- dist(clustMat)
# dd <- as.dist((1 - cor(t(clustMat), use='complete.obs'))/2)
geneOrder <- hclust(dd)$order
} else {
geneOrder <- seq(1, nrow(clustMat))
## set the break boundaries into the data
# min
total_l2fc[total_l2fc<min(breaks)] <- min(breaks)
preMRNA_l2fc[preMRNA_l2fc<min(breaks)] <- min(breaks)
alpha_l2fc[alpha_l2fc<min(breaks)] <- min(breaks)
beta_l2fc[beta_l2fc<min(breaks)] <- min(breaks)
gamma_l2fc[gamma_l2fc<min(breaks)] <- min(breaks)
# max
total_l2fc[total_l2fc>max(breaks)] <- max(breaks)
preMRNA_l2fc[preMRNA_l2fc>max(breaks)] <- max(breaks)
alpha_l2fc[alpha_l2fc>max(breaks)] <- max(breaks)
beta_l2fc[beta_l2fc>max(breaks)] <- max(breaks)
gamma_l2fc[gamma_l2fc>max(breaks)] <- max(breaks)
## the plotting function image will display it in reverse order
## (bottom-up)
geneOrder <- rev(geneOrder)
if( absoluteExpression ) {
## plot
l <- matrix(rep(c(2,3,3,4,4,0,5,5,6,6,7,7), 10), nrow=10, byrow=TRUE)
l <- rbind(c(rep(0,10),1,1), l)
layout( l )
} else {
## plot
l <- matrix(rep(c(2,2,3,3,0,4,4,5,5,6,6), 10), nrow=10, byrow=TRUE)
l <- rbind(c(rep(0,9),1,1), l)
layout( l )
## legend
cols <- palette(nBreaks-1)
image(as.matrix(breaks), col=cols, xaxt='n', yaxt='n')
axis(1, at=c(0,.5,1), labels=signif(c(min(breaks),min(breaks)/2+max(breaks)/2,max(breaks)),2))
## data
if( absoluteExpression ) {
## expression
eBreaks <- seq(min(eRange),max(eRange),length.out=nBreaks)
eCols <- colorRampPalette(c("black", "firebrick3"))(nBreaks-1)
image(t(eLevel[geneOrder,]), col=eCols, breaks=eBreaks
, xaxt='n', yaxt='n', main='exprs')
if( plot_matureRNA ) {totalMain <- 'mature RNA'} else {totalMain <- 'total RNA'}
rowLabels <- featureNames(object)
rowLabels <- rowLabels[geneOrder]
# colLabels <- paste('t', signif(object@tpts[-1],2), sep='_')
colLabels <- signif(object@tpts[-1],2)
atX <- seq(0, 1, length.out=length(colLabels))
atY <- seq(0, 1, length.out=length(rowLabels))
image(t(total_l2fc[geneOrder,,drop=FALSE]), col=cols, breaks=breaks
, xaxt='n', yaxt='n', main=totalMain, xlab='time')
axis(1, at=atX, labels=colLabels, las=3)
image(t(preMRNA_l2fc[geneOrder,,drop=FALSE]), col=cols, breaks=breaks
, xaxt='n', yaxt='n', main='pre-RNA', xlab='time')
axis(1, at=atX, labels=colLabels, las=3)
image(t(alpha_l2fc[geneOrder,,drop=FALSE]), col=cols, breaks=breaks
, xaxt='n', yaxt='n', main='synthesis', xlab='time')
axis(1, at=atX, labels=colLabels, las=3)
if( show_rowLabels ) axis(2, at=atY, labels=rowLabels, las=1, tick=FALSE, line=1)
image(t(gamma_l2fc[geneOrder,,drop=FALSE]), col=cols, breaks=breaks
, xaxt='n', yaxt='n', main='processing', xlab='time')
axis(1, at=atX, labels=colLabels, las=3)
image(t(beta_l2fc[geneOrder,,drop=FALSE]), col=cols, breaks=breaks
, xaxt='n', yaxt='n', main='degradation', xlab='time')
axis(1, at=atX, labels=colLabels, las=3)
if( plot_matureRNA ) {
out <- list(mature_l2fc=total_l2fc[rev(geneOrder),,drop=FALSE]
, preMRNA_l2fc=preMRNA_l2fc[rev(geneOrder),,drop=FALSE]
, synthesis_l2fc=alpha_l2fc[rev(geneOrder),,drop=FALSE]
, processing_l2fc=gamma_l2fc[rev(geneOrder),,drop=FALSE]
, degradation_l2fc=beta_l2fc[rev(geneOrder),,drop=FALSE]
} else {
out <- list(total_l2fc=total_l2fc[rev(geneOrder),,drop=FALSE]
, preMRNA_l2fc=preMRNA_l2fc[rev(geneOrder),,drop=FALSE]
, synthesis_l2fc=alpha_l2fc[rev(geneOrder),,drop=FALSE]
, processing_l2fc=gamma_l2fc[rev(geneOrder),,drop=FALSE]
, degradation_l2fc=beta_l2fc[rev(geneOrder),,drop=FALSE]
par(mfrow=oldMfrow, mar=oldMar)
out <- out
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