INSPEcTGUIshinyAppServer <- function(input, output, session) {
# allow loading datasets up to 50MB
# global variables
ranges <- reactiveValues()
values <- reactiveValues()
experiment <- reactiveValues()
inspect <- reactiveValues(loaded=FALSE)
modeling <- reactiveValues()
### import of the INSPEcT dataset and update of the imported values
# load INSPEcT file
contentsrea <- reactive({
filename <- input$file1$datapath
if( is.null(filename) ) filename <- system.file(package='INSPEcT', 'INSPEcT_GUI_sample_dataset.rds')
## load file
if( file.exists(filename) ) {
ids <- readRDS(filename)
updateCheckboxInput(session, "fixyaxis_checkbox", value=FALSE)
if( class(ids) != 'INSPEcT' ) {
values$loaded_file <- FALSE
values$loaded_file_error_message <- 'The loaded file is not of class INSPEcT'
return(new(Class = 'INSPEcT'))
} else if(!checkINSPEcTObjectversion(ids, returnLogical=TRUE)) {
values$loaded_file <- FALSE
values$loaded_file_error_message <- 'The loaded file is obsolete and cannot work with the current version of INSPEcT'
return(new(Class = 'INSPEcT'))
} else { # the loaded object is of class INSPEcT
## store inspect global values
experiment$tpts <- tpts(ids)
experiment$no_nascent <- ids@NoNascent
experiment$steady_state <- is.character(experiment$tpts)
# select only genes with exons and introns
ids <- ids[apply(is.finite(ratesFirstGuess(ids,'preMRNA')),1,all)]
if( !experiment$steady_state & nrow(ids@modelRates) > 0 ) {
inspect$mod_method <- modelingParams(ids)$estimateRatesWith ## either "der" or "int"
inspect$classes <- geneClass(ids)
inspect$classes_internal <- geneClassInternal(ids)
inspect$logshift <- findttpar(experiment$tpts)
inspect$linshift <- ifelse( experiment$no_nascent,
# ... optionally throw a warning and consider as steady-state
if( ids@NF ) stop("The RNAdynamics app doesn't work with non-functional(NF) INSPEcT models")
# set default values of the checkboxes
updateRadioButtons(session, inputId = 'data_selection', selected = 'Experimental data')
## select only the best model
if( ids@NoNascent ){ # (based on the class)
ids@model@ratesSpecs <-
lapply(seq_along(inspect$classes_internal), function(i)
names(ids@model@ratesSpecs) <- featureNames(ids)
} else{ # Nascent RNA object (always VVV)
ids@model@ratesSpecs <-
lapply(seq_along(inspect$classes), function(i)
names(ids@model@ratesSpecs) <- featureNames(ids)
## update (converted) gene classes in the select input box
classes_table <- sort(table(isolate(inspect$classes)), decreasing = TRUE)
# names(classes_table) <- convert_gene_classes( names(classes_table) )
classes_table_string <- paste( names(classes_table) , '(', classes_table, ')' )
updateSelectInput(session, "select_class",
choices = classes_table_string, selected = classes_table_string[1])
## define ranges
ranges$time_min <- min(experiment$tpts)
ranges$time_max <- max(experiment$tpts)
} else { ## steady state
# set default values of the checkboxes
# updateRadioButtons(session, inputId = 'data_selection', selected = 'Experimental data')
inspect$mod_method <- 'int'
inspect$logshift <- 1
inspect$linshift <- 0
updateSelectInput(session, "select_condition",
choices = experiment$tpts,
selected = experiment$tpts[1])
updateSelectInput(session, "select",
choices = sort(featureNames(ids)),
selected = sort(featureNames(ids))[1])
ranges$time_min <- 0
ranges$time_max <- 16
## predifined
values$logtime <- FALSE
values$loaded_file <- TRUE
} else { # (if the file name does not exist)
values$loaded_file <- FALSE
values$loaded_file_error_message <- 'The selected file does not exist'
return(new(Class = 'INSPEcT'))
## load file error ##
error_on_load_file <- function() {
updateRadioButtons(session, 'data_selection', selected = 'User defined')
updateSelectInput(session, "select_class", choices = character(0))
updateRadioButtons(session, 'k1_function', selected = 'Constant')
updateRadioButtons(session, 'k2_function', selected = 'Constant')
updateRadioButtons(session, 'k3_function', selected = 'Constant')
output$file_error <- renderUI({
if( !is.null(contentsrea()) & !values$loaded_file ) {
h6(paste('Error:', values$loaded_file_error_message))
} else {
## update gene names in the select input box ######
if( !is.null(input$select_class) ) {
if( !experiment$steady_state ) {
# selected_class <- reconvert_gene_classes(strsplit( input$select_class , ' ')[[1]][1])
selected_class <- strsplit( input$select_class , ' ')[[1]][1]
updateSelectInput(session, "select", selected = NULL,
choices = sort(featureNames(contentsrea()[inspect$classes == selected_class])))
## select parameters of each rate (synthesis, processing and degradation) #####
## and experimental values for the selected gene ###########################
ids <- contentsrea()
input$select != "" & !is.null(ids) &
input$select %in% featureNames(ids) &
!(is.null(input$select_condition) & experiment$steady_state )
) {
# in case of time course experiment, proceed only when the gene and the
# regulation class conincide
proceed <- FALSE
if( experiment$steady_state ) {
proceed <- TRUE
} else {
gene_class <- strsplit( input$select_class , ' ')[[1]][1]
if( experiment$steady_state | geneClass(ids)[input$select] == gene_class ) {
proceed <- TRUE
if( proceed ) {
## define the modeling strategy
if( inspect$mod_method == 'int' ) {
modeling_type <- 'K123'
model_names <- c('alpha','gamma','beta')
} else { # inspect$mod_method == 'der'
if( experiment$no_nascent & (gene_class %in% c('p','d','pd') ) ) { ## c('KVK','KKV','KVV')
if( gene_class %in% c('p','pd') ) {
modeling_type <- 'TK13'
model_names <- c('total','alpha','beta')
} else {
modeling_type <- 'TK12'
model_names <- c('total','alpha','gamma')
} else {
modeling_type <- 'MK23'
model_names <- c('mature','gamma','beta')
## assign to global variable
values$modeling_type <- modeling_type
values$model_names <- model_names
if( !experiment$steady_state ) {
experiment$synthesis <- if( !experiment$no_nascent ) {
ratesFirstGuess(ids[input$select], 'synthesis')
} else NULL
experiment$mRNA <- ratesFirstGuess(ids[input$select], 'total') - ratesFirstGuess(ids[input$select], 'preMRNA')
experiment$preMRNA <- ratesFirstGuess(ids[input$select], 'preMRNA')
## smooth experiment data
experiment$synthesis_smooth <- if( !experiment$no_nascent ) {
smoothModel(ids@tpts, ratesFirstGuess(ids[input$select], 'synthesis'))
} else NULL
experiment$mRNA_smooth <- smoothModel(ids@tpts, ratesFirstGuess(ids[input$select], 'total') - ratesFirstGuess(ids[input$select], 'preMRNA'))
experiment$preMRNA_smooth <- smoothModel(ids@tpts, ratesFirstGuess(ids[input$select], 'preMRNA'))
experiment$synthesissd <- if( !experiment$no_nascent ) {
sqrt(ratesFirstGuessVar(ids[input$select], 'synthesis'))
} else NULL
experiment$mRNAsd <- sqrt(ratesFirstGuessVar(ids[input$select], 'total') + ratesFirstGuessVar(ids[input$select], 'preMRNA'))
experiment$preMRNAsd <- sqrt(ratesFirstGuessVar(ids[input$select], 'preMRNA'))
out <- define_parameter_ranges( ids )
if($t_pars[1]) ) out$t_pars[1] <- isolate(ranges$time_min)
if($t_pars[2]) ) out$t_pars[2] <- isolate(ranges$time_max)
if($beta_pars[1]) ) out$beta_pars[1] <- 0
if($beta_pars[2]) ) out$beta_pars[2] <- 10
gene_model <- ids@model@ratesSpecs[[input$select]][[1]]
modeling$counts <- gene_model$counts[1]
modeling$convergence <- gene_model$convergence
} else { ## steady state experiment
condition_id <- which(experiment$tpts == input$select_condition)
experiment$synthesis_smooth <- experiment$synthesis <-
ratesFirstGuess(ids[input$select,condition_id], 'synthesis')
experiment$mRNA_smooth <- experiment$mRNA <-
ratesFirstGuess(ids[input$select,condition_id], 'total') -
ratesFirstGuess(ids[input$select,condition_id], 'preMRNA')
experiment$preMRNA_smooth <- experiment$preMRNA <-
ratesFirstGuess(ids[input$select,condition_id], 'preMRNA')
experiment$synthesissd <- sqrt(ratesFirstGuessVar(ids[input$select,condition_id], 'synthesis'))
experiment$mRNAsd <- sqrt(ratesFirstGuessVar(ids[input$select,condition_id], 'total') +
ratesFirstGuessVar(ids[input$select,condition_id], 'preMRNA'))
experiment$preMRNAsd <- sqrt(ratesFirstGuessVar(ids[input$select,condition_id], 'preMRNA'))
rateRange <- function(rate) {
rate_vals = ratesFirstGuess(ids, rate)
rate_range = quantile(rate_vals[is.finite(rate_vals)], probs=c(.025, .975))
return(c(floor(rate_range[1]), ceiling(rate_range[2])))
out <- list(
gene_model <- list(
alpha=list(type='constant', fun=newPointer(constantModel),
params=ratesFirstGuess(ids[input$select,condition_id], 'synthesis'), df=1),
gamma=list(type='constant', fun=newPointer(constantModel),
params=ratesFirstGuess(ids[input$select,condition_id], 'processing'), df=1),
beta=list(type='constant', fun=newPointer(constantModel),
params=ratesFirstGuess(ids[input$select,condition_id], 'degradation'), df=1)
model_names <- names(gene_model)
modeling$counts <- NA
modeling$convergence <- NA
# try({
# ## this try is necessary because the class is updated before the gene, then the model_name
# ## corresponding to the new class can also not correspond to the currently selected gene
function_types_k1 <- switch(
gene_model[[ model_names[1] ]][['type']],
"constant" = "Constant",
"sigmoid" = "Sigmoidal",
"impulse" = "Impulsive"
function_types_k2 <- switch(
gene_model[[ model_names[2] ]][['type']],
"constant" = "Constant",
"sigmoid" = "Sigmoidal",
"impulse" = "Impulsive"
function_types_k3 <- switch(
gene_model[[ model_names[3] ]][['type']],
"constant" = "Constant",
"sigmoid" = "Sigmoidal",
"impulse" = "Impulsive"
updateRadioButtons(session, 'k1_function',
selected = function_types_k1)
updateRadioButtons(session, 'k2_function',
selected = function_types_k2)
updateRadioButtons(session, 'k3_function',
selected = function_types_k3)
if( function_types_k1 == "Constant" ) {
values$k1_h0 = round(gene_model[[ model_names[1] ]][["params"]][1],6)
values$k1_h1 = round(gene_model[[ model_names[1] ]][["params"]][1],6)
values$k1_h2 = round(gene_model[[ model_names[1] ]][["params"]][1],6)
values$k1_t1 = round(mean(out$t_pars))
values$k1_t2 = round(mean(out$t_pars))
values$k1_beta = round(mean(out$beta_pars))
if( function_types_k1 == "Sigmoidal" ) {
values$k1_h0 = round(gene_model[[ model_names[1] ]][["params"]][1],6)
values$k1_h1 = round(gene_model[[ model_names[1] ]][["params"]][2],6)
values$k1_h2 = round(gene_model[[ model_names[1] ]][["params"]][2],6)
values$k1_t1 = round(gene_model[[ model_names[1] ]][["params"]][3],6)
values$k1_t2 = round(gene_model[[ model_names[1] ]][["params"]][3],6)
values$k1_beta = round(gene_model[[ model_names[1] ]][["params"]][4],6)
if( function_types_k1 == "Impulsive" ) {
values$k1_h0 = round(gene_model[[ model_names[1] ]][["params"]][1],6)
values$k1_h1 = round(gene_model[[ model_names[1] ]][["params"]][2],6)
values$k1_h2 = round(gene_model[[ model_names[1] ]][["params"]][3],6)
values$k1_t1 = round(gene_model[[ model_names[1] ]][["params"]][4],6)
values$k1_t2 = round(gene_model[[ model_names[1] ]][["params"]][5],6)
values$k1_beta = round(gene_model[[ model_names[1] ]][["params"]][6],6)
if( function_types_k2 == "Constant" ) {
values$k2_h0 = round(gene_model[[ model_names[2] ]][["params"]][1],6)
values$k2_h1 = round(gene_model[[ model_names[2] ]][["params"]][1],6)
values$k2_h2 = round(gene_model[[ model_names[2] ]][["params"]][1],6)
values$k2_t1 = round(mean(out$t_pars))
values$k2_t2 = round(mean(out$t_pars))
values$k2_beta = round(mean(out$beta_pars))
if( function_types_k2 == "Sigmoidal" ) {
values$k2_h0 = round(gene_model[[ model_names[2] ]][["params"]][1],6)
values$k2_h1 = round(gene_model[[ model_names[2] ]][["params"]][2],6)
values$k2_h2 = round(gene_model[[ model_names[2] ]][["params"]][2],6)
values$k2_t1 = round(gene_model[[ model_names[2] ]][["params"]][3],6)
values$k2_t2 = round(gene_model[[ model_names[2] ]][["params"]][3],6)
values$k2_beta = round(gene_model[[ model_names[2] ]][["params"]][4],6)
if( function_types_k2 == "Impulsive" ) {
values$k2_h0 = round(gene_model[[ model_names[2] ]][["params"]][1],6)
values$k2_h1 = round(gene_model[[ model_names[2] ]][["params"]][2],6)
values$k2_h2 = round(gene_model[[ model_names[2] ]][["params"]][3],6)
values$k2_t1 = round(gene_model[[ model_names[2] ]][["params"]][4],6)
values$k2_t2 = round(gene_model[[ model_names[2] ]][["params"]][5],6)
values$k2_beta = round(gene_model[[ model_names[2] ]][["params"]][6],6)
if( function_types_k3 == "Constant" ) {
values$k3_h0 = round(gene_model[[ model_names[3] ]][["params"]][1],6)
values$k3_h1 = round(gene_model[[ model_names[3] ]][["params"]][1],6)
values$k3_h2 = round(gene_model[[ model_names[3] ]][["params"]][1],6)
values$k3_t1 = round(mean(out$t_pars))
values$k3_t2 = round(mean(out$t_pars))
values$k3_beta = round(mean(out$beta_pars))
if( function_types_k3 == "Sigmoidal" ) {
values$k3_h0 = round(gene_model[[ model_names[3] ]][["params"]][1],6)
values$k3_h1 = round(gene_model[[ model_names[3] ]][["params"]][2],6)
values$k3_h2 = round(gene_model[[ model_names[3] ]][["params"]][2],6)
values$k3_t1 = round(gene_model[[ model_names[3] ]][["params"]][3],6)
values$k3_t2 = round(gene_model[[ model_names[3] ]][["params"]][3],6)
values$k3_beta = round(gene_model[[ model_names[3] ]][["params"]][4],6)
if( function_types_k3 == "Impulsive" ) {
values$k3_h0 = round(gene_model[[ model_names[3] ]][["params"]][1],6)
values$k3_h1 = round(gene_model[[ model_names[3] ]][["params"]][2],6)
values$k3_h2 = round(gene_model[[ model_names[3] ]][["params"]][3],6)
values$k3_t1 = round(gene_model[[ model_names[3] ]][["params"]][4],6)
values$k3_t2 = round(gene_model[[ model_names[3] ]][["params"]][5],6)
values$k3_beta = round(gene_model[[ model_names[3] ]][["params"]][6],6)
## convert the models into MK23
if( modeling_type == 'TK13' ) {
if( gene_class == 'KVK') {
parameters <- unname(unlist(lapply(gene_model[1:3], '[[', 'params')))
processingfit <- k2KVK_Der(ids@tpts, parameters)
processingmodel <- .chooseModel(ids@tpts, experiment = processingfit, variance = 1,
sigmoid = TRUE, impulse = TRUE, polynomial = FALSE,
nInit = 10, nIter = 300, sigmoidModel=sigmoidModel, impulseModel=impulseModel,
sigmoidModelP=sigmoidModelP, impulseModelP=impulseModelP, .polynomialModelP=.polynomialModelP,
computeDerivatives = TRUE)
maturefit <- matureKVK_Der(ids@tpts, parameters)
maturemodel <- .chooseModel(ids@tpts, experiment = maturefit, variance = 1,
sigmoid = processingmodel$type == 'sigmoid', impulse = processingmodel$type == 'impulse', polynomial = FALSE,
nInit = 10, nIter = 300, sigmoidModel=sigmoidModel, impulseModel=impulseModel,
sigmoidModelP=sigmoidModelP, impulseModelP=impulseModelP, .polynomialModelP=.polynomialModelP,
computeDerivatives = TRUE)
k1_rate <- switch(processingmodel$type,
"sigmoid" = list(type='sigmoid',fun=newPointer(sigmoidModel),
"impulse" = list(type='impulse',fun=newPointer(impulseModel),
k2_rate <- switch(processingmodel$type,
"sigmoid" = list(type='sigmoid',fun=newPointer(sigmoidModel),
"impulse" = list(type='impulse',fun=newPointer(impulseModel),
k3_rate <- list(type='constant',fun=newPointer(constantModel),
params <- list(alpha=k1_rate, gamma=k2_rate, beta=k3_rate)
gene_model <- optimParamsMatureRNA(params, ids@tpts
, if(input$data_selection == 'Smooth data') isolate(experiment$synthesis_smooth) else isolate(experiment$synthesis)
, isolate(experiment$synthesissd)^2
, if(input$data_selection == 'Smooth data') isolate(experiment$mRNA_smooth) else isolate(experiment$mRNA)
, isolate(experiment$mRNAsd)^2
, if(input$data_selection == 'Smooth data') isolate(experiment$preMRNA_smooth) else isolate(experiment$preMRNA)
, isolate(experiment$preMRNAsd)^2
, maxit=300, method=isolate(input$opt_method)
, isolate(experiment$no_nascent), mod_method = isolate(inspect$mod_method))
## update mature values
if( processingmodel$type == 'sigmoid' ) {
values$k1_h0 = round(gene_model[[ 1 ]][["params"]][1],6)
values$k1_h1 = round(gene_model[[ 1 ]][["params"]][2],6)
values$k1_h2 = round(gene_model[[ 1 ]][["params"]][2],6)
values$k1_t1 = round(gene_model[[ 1 ]][["params"]][3],6)
values$k1_t2 = round(gene_model[[ 1 ]][["params"]][3],6)
values$k1_beta = round(gene_model[[ 1 ]][["params"]][4],6)
} else {
values$k1_h0 = round(gene_model[[ 1 ]][["params"]][1],6)
values$k1_h1 = round(gene_model[[ 1 ]][["params"]][2],6)
values$k1_h2 = round(gene_model[[ 1 ]][["params"]][3],6)
values$k1_t1 = round(gene_model[[ 1 ]][["params"]][4],6)
values$k1_t2 = round(gene_model[[ 1 ]][["params"]][5],6)
values$k1_beta = round(gene_model[[ 1 ]][["params"]][6],6)
## update k2 values
if( processingmodel$type == 'sigmoid' ) {
values$k2_h0 = round(gene_model[[ 3 ]][["params"]][1],6)
values$k2_h1 = round(gene_model[[ 3 ]][["params"]][2],6)
values$k2_h2 = round(gene_model[[ 3 ]][["params"]][2],6)
values$k2_t1 = round(gene_model[[ 3 ]][["params"]][2],6)
values$k2_t2 = round(gene_model[[ 3 ]][["params"]][2],6)
values$k2_beta = round(gene_model[[ 3 ]][["params"]][4],6)
} else {
values$k2_h0 = round(gene_model[[ 3 ]][["params"]][1],6)
values$k2_h1 = round(gene_model[[ 3 ]][["params"]][2],6)
values$k2_h2 = round(gene_model[[ 3 ]][["params"]][3],6)
values$k2_t1 = round(gene_model[[ 3 ]][["params"]][4],6)
values$k2_t2 = round(gene_model[[ 3 ]][["params"]][5],6)
values$k2_beta = round(gene_model[[ 3 ]][["params"]][6],6)
values$k3_h0 = round(gene_model[[ 2 ]][["params"]][1],6)
values$k3_h1 = round(gene_model[[ 2 ]][["params"]][1],6)
values$k3_h2 = round(gene_model[[ 2 ]][["params"]][1],6)
values$k3_t1 = round(mean(out$t_pars))
values$k3_t2 = round(mean(out$t_pars))
values$k3_beta = round(mean(out$beta_pars))
## update functional forms
updateRadioButtons(session, 'k1_function',
selected = if(maturemodel$type == 'impulse') "Impulsive" else "Sigmoidal")
updateRadioButtons(session, 'k2_function',
selected = if(processingmodel$type == 'impulse') "Impulsive" else "Sigmoidal")
updateRadioButtons(session, 'k3_function',
selected = "Constant")
} else
{ # KVV
modeling_fun <- gene_model[[3]]$type
parameters <- unname(unlist(lapply(gene_model[1:3], '[[', 'params')))
processingfit <- k2KVV_Der(ids@tpts, parameters)
processingmodel <- .chooseModel(ids@tpts, experiment = processingfit, variance = 1,
sigmoid = modeling_fun == 'sigmoid', impulse = modeling_fun == 'impulse', polynomial = FALSE,
nInit = 10, nIter = 300, sigmoidModel=sigmoidModel, impulseModel=impulseModel,
sigmoidModelP=sigmoidModelP, impulseModelP=impulseModelP, .polynomialModelP=.polynomialModelP,
computeDerivatives = TRUE)
maturefit <- matureKVV_Der(ids@tpts, parameters)
maturemodel <- .chooseModel(ids@tpts, experiment = maturefit, variance = 1,
sigmoid = modeling_fun == 'sigmoid', impulse = modeling_fun == 'impulse', polynomial = FALSE,
nInit = 10, nIter = 300, sigmoidModel=sigmoidModel, impulseModel=impulseModel,
sigmoidModelP=sigmoidModelP, impulseModelP=impulseModelP, .polynomialModelP=.polynomialModelP,
computeDerivatives = TRUE)
k1_rate <- switch(modeling_fun,
"sigmoid" = list(type='sigmoid',fun=newPointer(sigmoidModel),
"impulse" = list(type='impulse',fun=newPointer(impulseModel),
k2_rate <- switch(modeling_fun,
"sigmoid" = list(type='sigmoid',fun=newPointer(sigmoidModel),
"impulse" = list(type='impulse',fun=newPointer(impulseModel),
k3_rate <- switch(modeling_fun,
"sigmoid" = list(type='sigmoid',fun=newPointer(sigmoidModel),
"impulse" = list(type='impulse',fun=newPointer(impulseModel),
params <- list(alpha=k1_rate, gamma=k2_rate, beta=k3_rate)
gene_model <- optimParamsMatureRNA(params, ids@tpts
, if(input$data_selection == 'Smooth data') isolate(experiment$synthesis_smooth) else isolate(experiment$synthesis)
, isolate(experiment$synthesissd)^2
, if(input$data_selection == 'Smooth data') isolate(experiment$mRNA_smooth) else isolate(experiment$mRNA)
, isolate(experiment$mRNAsd)^2
, if(input$data_selection == 'Smooth data') isolate(experiment$preMRNA_smooth) else isolate(experiment$preMRNA)
, isolate(experiment$preMRNAsd)^2
, maxit=300, method=isolate(input$opt_method)
, isolate(experiment$no_nascent), mod_method = isolate(inspect$mod_method))
## update mature values
if( modeling_fun == 'sigmoid' ) {
values$k1_h0 = round(gene_model[[ 1 ]][["params"]][1],6)
values$k1_h1 = round(gene_model[[ 1 ]][["params"]][2],6)
values$k1_h2 = round(gene_model[[ 1 ]][["params"]][2],6)
values$k1_t1 = round(gene_model[[ 1 ]][["params"]][2],6)
values$k1_t2 = round(gene_model[[ 1 ]][["params"]][2],6)
values$k1_beta = round(gene_model[[ 1 ]][["params"]][4],6)
} else {
values$k1_h0 = round(gene_model[[ 1 ]][["params"]][1],6)
values$k1_h1 = round(gene_model[[ 1 ]][["params"]][2],6)
values$k1_h2 = round(gene_model[[ 1 ]][["params"]][2],6)
values$k1_t1 = round(gene_model[[ 1 ]][["params"]][4],6)
values$k1_t2 = round(gene_model[[ 1 ]][["params"]][5],6)
values$k1_beta = round(gene_model[[ 1 ]][["params"]][6],6)
## update k2 values
if( modeling_fun == 'sigmoid' ) {
values$k2_h0 = round(gene_model[[ 3 ]][["params"]][1],6)
values$k2_h1 = round(gene_model[[ 3 ]][["params"]][2],6)
values$k2_h2 = round(gene_model[[ 3 ]][["params"]][2],6)
values$k2_t1 = round(gene_model[[ 3 ]][["params"]][2],6)
values$k2_t2 = round(gene_model[[ 3 ]][["params"]][2],6)
values$k2_beta = round(gene_model[[ 3 ]][["params"]][4],6)
} else {
values$k2_h0 = round(gene_model[[ 3 ]][["params"]][1],6)
values$k2_h1 = round(gene_model[[ 3 ]][["params"]][2],6)
values$k2_h2 = round(gene_model[[ 3 ]][["params"]][2],6)
values$k2_t1 = round(gene_model[[ 3 ]][["params"]][4],6)
values$k2_t2 = round(gene_model[[ 3 ]][["params"]][5],6)
values$k2_beta = round(gene_model[[ 3 ]][["params"]][6],6)
## update k3 values
if( modeling_fun == 'sigmoid' ) {
values$k3_h0 = round(gene_model[[ 2 ]][["params"]][1],6)
values$k3_h1 = round(gene_model[[ 2 ]][["params"]][2],6)
values$k3_h2 = round(gene_model[[ 2 ]][["params"]][2],6)
values$k3_t1 = round(gene_model[[ 2 ]][["params"]][2],6)
values$k3_t2 = round(gene_model[[ 2 ]][["params"]][2],6)
values$k3_beta = round(gene_model[[ 2 ]][["params"]][4],6)
} else {
values$k3_h0 = round(gene_model[[ 2 ]][["params"]][1],6)
values$k3_h1 = round(gene_model[[ 2 ]][["params"]][2],6)
values$k3_h2 = round(gene_model[[ 2 ]][["params"]][2],6)
values$k3_t1 = round(gene_model[[ 2 ]][["params"]][4],6)
values$k3_t2 = round(gene_model[[ 2 ]][["params"]][5],6)
values$k3_beta = round(gene_model[[ 2 ]][["params"]][6],6)
## update functional forms
updateRadioButtons(session, 'k1_function',
selected = if(modeling_fun == 'impulse') "Impulsive" else "Sigmoidal")
updateRadioButtons(session, 'k2_function',
selected = if(modeling_fun == 'impulse') "Impulsive" else "Sigmoidal")
updateRadioButtons(session, 'k3_function',
selected = if(modeling_fun == 'impulse') "Impulsive" else "Sigmoidal")
} else if( modeling_type == 'TK12' )
{ # KKV
parameters <- unname(unlist(lapply(gene_model[1:3], '[[', 'params')))
degradationfit <- k3KKV_Der(ids@tpts, parameters)
degradationmodel <- .chooseModel(ids@tpts, experiment = degradationfit, variance = 1,
sigmoid = TRUE, impulse = TRUE, polynomial = FALSE,
nInit = 10, nIter = 300, sigmoidModel=sigmoidModel, impulseModel=impulseModel,
sigmoidModelP=sigmoidModelP, impulseModelP=impulseModelP, .polynomialModelP=.polynomialModelP,
computeDerivatives = TRUE)
maturefit <- matureKVK_Der(ids@tpts, parameters)
maturemodel <- .chooseModel(ids@tpts, experiment = maturefit, variance = 1,
sigmoid = degradationmodel$type == 'sigmoid', impulse = degradationmodel$type == 'impulse', polynomial = FALSE,
nInit = 10, nIter = 300, sigmoidModel=sigmoidModel, impulseModel=impulseModel,
sigmoidModelP=sigmoidModelP, impulseModelP=impulseModelP, .polynomialModelP=.polynomialModelP,
computeDerivatives = TRUE)
k1_rate <- switch(degradationmodel$type,
"sigmoid" = list(type='sigmoid',fun=newPointer(sigmoidModel),
"impulse" = list(type='impulse',fun=newPointer(impulseModel),
k2_rate <- list(type='constant',fun=newPointer(constantModel),
k3_rate <- switch(degradationmodel$type,
"sigmoid" = list(type='sigmoid',fun=newPointer(sigmoidModel),
"impulse" = list(type='impulse',fun=newPointer(impulseModel),
params <- list(alpha=k1_rate, gamma=k2_rate, beta=k3_rate)
gene_model <- optimParamsMatureRNA(params, ids@tpts
, if(input$data_selection == 'Smooth data') isolate(experiment$synthesis_smooth) else isolate(experiment$synthesis)
, isolate(experiment$synthesissd)^2
, if(input$data_selection == 'Smooth data') isolate(experiment$mRNA_smooth) else isolate(experiment$mRNA)
, isolate(experiment$mRNAsd)^2
, if(input$data_selection == 'Smooth data') isolate(experiment$preMRNA_smooth) else isolate(experiment$preMRNA)
, isolate(experiment$preMRNAsd)^2
, maxit=300, method=isolate(input$opt_method)
, isolate(experiment$no_nascent), mod_method = isolate(inspect$mod_method))
## update mature values
if( degradationmodel$type == 'sigmoid' ) {
values$k1_h0 = round(gene_model[[ 1 ]][["params"]][1],6)
values$k1_h1 = round(gene_model[[ 1 ]][["params"]][2],6)
values$k1_h2 = round(gene_model[[ 1 ]][["params"]][2],6)
values$k1_t1 = round(gene_model[[ 1 ]][["params"]][2],6)
values$k1_t2 = round(gene_model[[ 1 ]][["params"]][2],6)
values$k1_beta = round(gene_model[[ 1 ]][["params"]][4],6)
} else {
values$k1_h0 = round(gene_model[[ 1 ]][["params"]][1],6)
values$k1_h1 = round(gene_model[[ 1 ]][["params"]][2],6)
values$k1_h2 = round(gene_model[[ 1 ]][["params"]][2],6)
values$k1_t1 = round(gene_model[[ 1 ]][["params"]][4],6)
values$k1_t2 = round(gene_model[[ 1 ]][["params"]][5],6)
values$k1_beta = round(gene_model[[ 1 ]][["params"]][6],6)
## update k2 values
values$k2_h0 = round(gene_model[[ 3 ]][["params"]][1],6)
values$k2_h1 = round(gene_model[[ 3 ]][["params"]][1],6)
values$k2_h2 = round(gene_model[[ 3 ]][["params"]][1],6)
values$k2_t1 = round(mean(out$t_pars))
values$k2_t2 = round(mean(out$t_pars))
values$k2_beta = round(mean(out$beta_pars))
## update k3 values
if( degradationmodel$type == 'sigmoid' ) {
values$k3_h0 = round(gene_model[[ 2 ]][["params"]][1],6)
values$k3_h1 = round(gene_model[[ 2 ]][["params"]][2],6)
values$k3_h2 = round(gene_model[[ 2 ]][["params"]][2],6)
values$k3_t1 = round(gene_model[[ 2 ]][["params"]][2],6)
values$k3_t2 = round(gene_model[[ 2 ]][["params"]][2],6)
values$k3_beta = round(gene_model[[ 2 ]][["params"]][4],6)
} else {
values$k3_h0 = round(gene_model[[ 2 ]][["params"]][1],6)
values$k3_h1 = round(gene_model[[ 2 ]][["params"]][2],6)
values$k3_h2 = round(gene_model[[ 2 ]][["params"]][2],6)
values$k3_t1 = round(gene_model[[ 2 ]][["params"]][4],6)
values$k3_t2 = round(gene_model[[ 2 ]][["params"]][5],6)
values$k3_beta = round(gene_model[[ 2 ]][["params"]][6],6)
## update functional forms
updateRadioButtons(session, 'k1_function',
selected = if(maturemodel$type == 'impulse') "Impulsive" else "Sigmoidal")
updateRadioButtons(session, 'k2_function',
selected = "Constant")
updateRadioButtons(session, 'k3_function',
selected = if(degradationmodel$type == 'impulse') "Impulsive" else "Sigmoidal")
gene_t_vals <- c(isolate(values$k1_t1),isolate(values$k1_t2),isolate(values$k2_t1),
gene_beta_vals <- c(isolate(values$k1_beta),isolate(values$k2_beta),isolate(values$k3_beta))
ranges$k1_h_min <- floor(min(c(isolate(values$k1_h0),isolate(values$k1_h1),isolate(values$k1_h2),out$k1_h_pars[1])))
try(updateNumericInput(session, "min_h_k1", value = isolate(ranges$k1_h_min)))
ranges$k1_h_max <- ceiling(max(c(isolate(values$k1_h0),isolate(values$k1_h1),isolate(values$k1_h2),out$k1_h_pars[2])))
try(updateNumericInput(session, "max_h_k1", value = isolate(ranges$k1_h_max)))
ranges$k2_h_min <- floor(min(c(isolate(values$k2_h0),isolate(values$k2_h1),isolate(values$k2_h2),out$k2_h_pars[1])))
try(updateNumericInput(session, "min_h_k2", value = isolate(ranges$k2_h_min)))
ranges$k2_h_max <- ceiling(max(c(isolate(values$k2_h0),isolate(values$k2_h1),isolate(values$k2_h2),out$k2_h_pars[2])))
try(updateNumericInput(session, "max_h_k2", value = isolate(ranges$k2_h_max)))
ranges$k3_h_min <- floor(min(c(isolate(values$k3_h0),isolate(values$k3_h1),isolate(values$k3_h2),out$k3_h_pars[1])))
try(updateNumericInput(session, "min_h_k3", value = isolate(ranges$k3_h_min)))
ranges$k3_h_max <- ceiling(max(c(isolate(values$k3_h0),isolate(values$k3_h1),isolate(values$k3_h2),out$k3_h_pars[2])))
try(updateNumericInput(session, "max_h_k3", value = isolate(ranges$k3_h_max)))
ranges$t_min <- floor(min(c(gene_t_vals,out$t_pars[1])))
# try(updateNumericInput(session, "t_min", value = ranges$t_min))
ranges$t_max <- ceiling(max(c(gene_t_vals,out$t_pars[2])))
# try(updateNumericInput(session, "t_max", value = ranges$t_max))
ranges$beta_min <- floor(min(c(gene_beta_vals,out$beta_pars[1])))
# try(updateNumericInput(session, "beta_min", value = ranges$beta_min))
ranges$beta_max <- ceiling(max(c(gene_beta_vals,out$beta_pars[2])))
# try(updateNumericInput(session, "beta_max", value = ranges$beta_max))
# }, silent = TRUE)
## in case of derivative modeling, when one functional form is changed also
## others must be updated
## on change of k1
if( !is.null(inspect$mod_method) & !is.null(input$data_selection) & !is.null(input$k1_function) )
if( inspect$mod_method == 'der' & input$data_selection != 'User defined' ) {
updateRadioButtons(session, 'k2_function',
selected = if( input$k1_function == "Impulsive" & isolate(input$k2_function) == "Sigmoidal" ) "Impulsive" else
if( input$k1_function == "Sigmoidal" & isolate(input$k2_function) == "Impulsive") "Sigmoidal")
updateRadioButtons(session, 'k3_function',
selected = if( input$k1_function == "Impulsive" & isolate(input$k3_function) == "Sigmoidal" ) "Impulsive" else
if( input$k1_function == "Sigmoidal" & isolate(input$k3_function) == "Impulsive") "Sigmoidal")
## on change of k2
if( !is.null(inspect$mod_method) & !is.null(input$data_selection) & !is.null(input$k2_function) )
if( inspect$mod_method == 'der' & input$data_selection != 'User defined' ) {
updateRadioButtons(session, 'k1_function',
selected = if( input$k2_function == "Impulsive" & isolate(input$k1_function) == "Sigmoidal" ) "Impulsive" else
if( input$k2_function == "Sigmoidal" & isolate(input$k1_function) == "Impulsive") "Sigmoidal")
updateRadioButtons(session, 'k3_function',
selected = if( input$k2_function == "Impulsive" & isolate(input$k3_function) == "Sigmoidal" ) "Impulsive" else
if( input$k2_function == "Sigmoidal" & isolate(input$k3_function) == "Impulsive") "Sigmoidal")
output$convergence <- renderPrint({"not converged"})
## on change of k3
if( !is.null(inspect$mod_method) & !is.null(input$data_selection) & !is.null(input$k3_function) )
if( inspect$mod_method == 'der' & input$data_selection != 'User defined' ) {
updateRadioButtons(session, 'k1_function',
selected = if( input$k3_function == "Impulsive" & isolate(input$k1_function) == "Sigmoidal" ) "Impulsive" else
if( input$k3_function == "Sigmoidal" & isolate(input$k1_function) == "Impulsive") "Sigmoidal")
updateRadioButtons(session, 'k2_function',
selected = if( input$k3_function == "Impulsive" & isolate(input$k2_function) == "Sigmoidal" ) "Impulsive" else
if( input$k3_function == "Sigmoidal" & isolate(input$k2_function) == "Impulsive") "Sigmoidal")
## update convergence data
if( !is.null(modeling$counts) & !is.null(modeling$convergence) )
output$convergence <- renderPrint({
# paste(modeling$counts,'iters (', switch(as.character(modeling$convergence),
# "0"="converged",
# "1"="not converged",
# "10"="degenerated"), ')')
"1"="not converged",
if( !is.null(inspect$mod_method) & !is.null(input$data_selection) ) {
if(!is.null(input$opt_method)) {
output$convergence <- renderPrint({"not converged"})
## observe_parameters_change_by_user #########
observeEvent(input$k1_h0, {
if( !is.null(inspect$mod_method) & !is.null(input$data_selection) ) {
if(!is.null(input$k1_h0) & !is.null(isolate(values$k1_h0))) {
if(input$k1_h0 != isolate(values$k1_h0)) {
output$convergence <- renderPrint({"not converged"})
values$k1_h0 <- input$k1_h0
observeEvent(input$k1_h1, {
if( !is.null(inspect$mod_method) & !is.null(input$data_selection) ) {
if(!is.null(input$k1_h1) & !is.null(isolate(values$k1_h1))) {
if(input$k1_h1 != isolate(values$k1_h1)) {
output$convergence <- renderPrint({"not converged"})
values$k1_h1 <- input$k1_h1
observeEvent(input$k1_h2, {
if( !is.null(inspect$mod_method) & !is.null(input$data_selection) ) {
if(!is.null(input$k1_h2) & !is.null(isolate(values$k1_h2))) {
if(input$k1_h2 != isolate(values$k1_h2)) {
output$convergence <- renderPrint({"not converged"})
values$k1_h2 <- input$k1_h2
observeEvent(input$k1_t1, {
if( !is.null(inspect$mod_method) & !is.null(input$data_selection) ) {
if(!is.null(input$k1_t1) & !is.null(isolate(values$k1_t1))) {
if(input$k1_t1 != isolate(values$k1_t1)) {
output$convergence <- renderPrint({"not converged"})
values$k1_t1 <- input$k1_t1
observeEvent(input$k1_t2, {
if( !is.null(inspect$mod_method) & !is.null(input$data_selection) ) {
if(!is.null(input$k1_t2) & !is.null(isolate(values$k1_t2))) {
if(input$k1_t2 != isolate(values$k1_t2)) {
output$convergence <- renderPrint({"not converged"})
values$k1_t2 <- input$k1_t2
observeEvent(input$k1_beta, {
if( !is.null(inspect$mod_method) & !is.null(input$data_selection) ) {
if(!is.null(input$k1_beta) & !is.null(isolate(values$k1_beta))) {
if(input$k1_beta != isolate(values$k1_beta)) {
output$convergence <- renderPrint({"not converged"})
values$k1_beta <- input$k1_beta
observeEvent(input$k2_h0, {
if( !is.null(inspect$mod_method) & !is.null(input$data_selection) ) {
if(!is.null(input$k2_h0) & !is.null(isolate(values$k2_h0))) {
if(input$k2_h0 != isolate(values$k2_h0)) {
output$convergence <- renderPrint({"not converged"})
values$k2_h0 <- input$k2_h0
observeEvent(input$k2_h1, {
if( !is.null(inspect$mod_method) & !is.null(input$data_selection) ) {
if(!is.null(input$k2_h1) & !is.null(isolate(values$k2_h1))) {
if(input$k2_h1 != isolate(values$k2_h1)) {
output$convergence <- renderPrint({"not converged"})
values$k2_h1 <- input$k2_h1
observeEvent(input$k2_h2, {
if( !is.null(inspect$mod_method) & !is.null(input$data_selection) ) {
if(!is.null(input$k2_h2) & !is.null(isolate(values$k2_h2))) {
if(input$k2_h2 != isolate(values$k2_h2)) {
output$convergence <- renderPrint({"not converged"})
values$k2_h2 <- input$k2_h2
observeEvent(input$k2_t1, {
if( !is.null(inspect$mod_method) & !is.null(input$data_selection) ) {
if(!is.null(input$k2_t1) & !is.null(isolate(values$k2_t1))) {
if(input$k2_t1 != isolate(values$k2_t1)) {
output$convergence <- renderPrint({"not converged"})
values$k2_t1 <- input$k2_t1
observeEvent(input$k2_t2, {
if( !is.null(inspect$mod_method) & !is.null(input$data_selection) ) {
if(!is.null(input$k2_t2) & !is.null(isolate(values$k2_t2))) {
if(input$k2_t2 != isolate(values$k2_t2)) {
output$convergence <- renderPrint({"not converged"})
values$k2_t2 <- input$k2_t2
observeEvent(input$k2_beta, {
if( !is.null(inspect$mod_method) & !is.null(input$data_selection) ) {
if(!is.null(input$k2_beta) & !is.null(isolate(values$k2_beta))) {
if(input$k2_beta != isolate(values$k2_beta)) {
output$convergence <- renderPrint({"not converged"})
values$k2_beta <- input$k2_beta
observeEvent(input$k3_h0, {
if( !is.null(inspect$mod_method) & !is.null(input$data_selection) ) {
if(!is.null(input$k3_h0) & !is.null(isolate(values$k3_h0))) {
if(input$k3_h0 != isolate(values$k3_h0)) {
output$convergence <- renderPrint({"not converged"})
values$k3_h0 <- input$k3_h0
observeEvent(input$k3_h1, {
if( !is.null(inspect$mod_method) & !is.null(input$data_selection) ) {
if(!is.null(input$k3_h1) & !is.null(isolate(values$k3_h1))) {
if(input$k3_h1 != isolate(values$k3_h1)) {
output$convergence <- renderPrint({"not converged"})
values$k3_h1 <- input$k3_h1
observeEvent(input$k3_h2, {
if( !is.null(inspect$mod_method) & !is.null(input$data_selection) ) {
if(!is.null(input$k3_h2) & !is.null(isolate(values$k3_h2))) {
if(input$k3_h2 != isolate(values$k3_h2)) {
output$convergence <- renderPrint({"not converged"})
values$k3_h2 <- input$k3_h2
observeEvent(input$k3_t1, {
if( !is.null(inspect$mod_method) & !is.null(input$data_selection) ) {
if(!is.null(input$k3_t1) & !is.null(isolate(values$k3_t1))) {
if(input$k3_t1 != isolate(values$k3_t1)) {
output$convergence <- renderPrint({"not converged"})
values$k3_t1 <- input$k3_t1
observeEvent(input$k3_t2, {
if( !is.null(inspect$mod_method) & !is.null(input$data_selection) ) {
if(!is.null(input$k3_t2) & !is.null(isolate(values$k3_t2))) {
if(input$k3_t2 != isolate(values$k3_t2)) {
output$convergence <- renderPrint({"not converged"})
values$k3_t2 <- input$k3_t2
observeEvent(input$k3_beta, {
if( !is.null(inspect$mod_method) & !is.null(input$data_selection) ) {
if(!is.null(input$k3_beta) & !is.null(isolate(values$k3_beta))) {
if(input$k3_beta != isolate(values$k3_beta)) {
output$convergence <- renderPrint({"not converged"})
values$k3_beta <- input$k3_beta
## observe_parameters_change_by_user (end) #########
## confidence intervals (only for derivative, non steady state, data-driven mode)
output$confint_box <- renderUI({
if( input$data_selection != 'User defined' & !experiment$steady_state & inspect$mod_method == 'der' ) {
actionButton("conf_int_button", "Rate variability p-values")
## modeling checkbox
output$modeling_box <- renderUI({
if( input$data_selection != 'User defined' & !experiment$steady_state ) {
h4("Modeling box"),
h5("goodness of fit (p-value)"),
verbatimTextOutput("pchisq", TRUE),
h5("Akaike information criterion"),
verbatimTextOutput("aic", TRUE),
h5("minimization status"),
verbatimTextOutput("convergence", TRUE),
column(4,radioButtons("opt_method", "method",
choices = c('NM','BFGS'), selected = 'NM')),
column(4,numericInput("nIter", label = h5("iterations"), value = 100)),
column(4,h5('Optimization'), actionButton("optimize", "Run"))
## rate pvalues
output$modeling_type <- renderUI({
if( !is.null(contentsrea()) & input$data_selection != 'User defined' ) {
if( experiment$steady_state ) {
p(paste('Loaded a steady-state INSPEcT object with',nGenes(contentsrea()),'genes and',nTpts(contentsrea()),'conditions'))
} else {
if( inspect$mod_method == 'int' ) {
p(paste('Loaded INSPEcT object with',nGenes(contentsrea()),'genes modeled with the integrative framework'))
} else {
p(paste('Loaded INSPEcT object with',nGenes(contentsrea()),'genes modeled with the derivative framework'))
output$select_condition <- renderUI({
if( experiment$steady_state ) {
selectInput("select_condition", label = "Select condition",
choices = NULL, selected = NULL)
output$select_class <- renderUI({
if( !experiment$steady_state ) {
selectInput("select_class", label = "Select class",
choices = NULL, selected = NULL)
### set the interactive part of the UI: ranges and values of the
### widgets are static at the beginning but can be changed upon the
### import of the INSPEcT dataset
## logarithmic time axis
output$logtime_checkbox_ui <- renderUI({
if( input$data_selection != 'User defined' & !experiment$steady_state ) {
label = "Log time",
value = values$logtime)
} else {
ids <- contentsrea()
if( !is.null(ids) )
values$logtime <- input$logtime_checkbox
# widgets for for k1
convert_model_name <- function(model_name) {
if(is.null(model_name)) {
} else {
output$fun1_name <- renderUI({
ids <- contentsrea()
if( !is.null(ids) ) {
if( input$data_selection == 'User defined' | inspect$mod_method == 'int' ) {
} else {
output$fun1_unit <- renderUI({
ids <- contentsrea()
if( !is.null(ids) & !is.null(values$model_names) ) {
if( input$data_selection == 'User defined' | inspect$mod_method == 'int' ) {
} else {
output$function_type_k1 <- renderUI({
ids <- contentsrea()
if( !is.null(ids) )
radioButtons('k1_function', 'Select function',
choices = c('Constant','Sigmoidal','Impulsive'),
selected = NULL)
output$min_h_vals_k1 <- renderUI({
ids <- contentsrea()
if( input$select != "" & !is.null(ids) )
numericInput("min_h_k1", label = h5("set min"),
value = ranges$k1_h_min, width='200px')
# observe({
# ids <- contentsrea()
# if( !is.null(ids) & !is.null(input$min_h_k1) )
# ranges$k1_h_min <- input$min_h_k1
# })
output$max_h_vals_k1 <- renderUI({
ids <- contentsrea()
if( input$select != "" & !is.null(ids) )
numericInput("max_h_k1", label = h5("set max"),
value = ranges$k1_h_max, width='200px')
# observe({
# ids <- contentsrea()
# if( !is.null(ids) & !is.null(input$max_h_k1) )
# ranges$k1_h_max <- input$max_h_k1
# })
output$ui_k1 <- renderUI({
ids <- contentsrea()
if( !is.null(ids) & !is.null(input$k1_function) ) {
"Constant" = list(
"starting levels:",
min = input$min_h_k1,
max = input$max_h_k1,
value = values$k1_h0,
step = 0.001)
"Sigmoidal" = list(
"starting levels:",
min = input$min_h_k1,
max = input$max_h_k1,
value = values$k1_h0,
step = 0.001),
"final levels:",
min = input$min_h_k1,
max = input$max_h_k1,
value = values$k1_h1,
step = 0.001),
"response time:",
min = ranges$t_min,
max = ranges$t_max,
value = values$k1_t1,
step = 0.001),
min = ranges$beta_min,
max = ranges$beta_max,
value = values$k1_beta,
step = 0.001)
"Impulsive" = list(
"starting levels:",
min = input$min_h_k1,
max = input$max_h_k1,
value = values$k1_h0,
step = 0.001),
"intermediate levels:",
min = input$min_h_k1,
max = input$max_h_k1,
value = values$k1_h1,
step = 0.001),
"end levels:",
min = input$min_h_k1,
max = input$max_h_k1,
value = values$k1_h2,
step = 0.001),
"first response time:",
min = ranges$t_min,
max = ranges$t_max,
value = values$k1_t1,
step = 0.001),
"second response time:",
min = ranges$t_min,
max = ranges$t_max,
value = values$k1_t2,
step = 0.001),
min = ranges$beta_min,
max = ranges$beta_max,
value = values$k1_beta,
step = 0.001)
# widgets for for k2
# output$fun2_name <- renderUI({
# ids <- contentsrea()
# if( !is.null(ids) ) {
# if( input$data_selection == 'User defined' ) {
# h3("processing")
# } else {
# h3( convert_model_name(values$model_names[2]) )
# }
# }
# })
output$function_type_k2 <- renderUI({
ids <- contentsrea()
if( !is.null(ids) )
radioButtons('k2_function', 'Select function',
choices = c('Constant','Sigmoidal','Impulsive'),
selected = NULL)
output$min_h_vals_k2 <- renderUI({
ids <- contentsrea()
if( !is.null(ids) )
numericInput("min_h_k2", label = h5("set min"),
value = ranges$k2_h_min, width='200px')
# observe({
# ids <- contentsrea()
# if( !is.null(ids) & !is.null(input$min_h_k2) )
# ranges$k2_h_min <- input$min_h_k2
# })
output$max_h_vals_k2 <- renderUI({
ids <- contentsrea()
if( !is.null(ids) )
numericInput("max_h_k2", label = h5("set max"),
value = ranges$k2_h_max, width='200px')
# observe({
# ids <- contentsrea()
# if( !is.null(ids) & !is.null(input$max_h_k2) )
# ranges$k2_h_max <- input$max_h_k2
# })
output$ui_k2 <- renderUI({
ids <- contentsrea()
if( !is.null(ids) & !is.null(input$k2_function) )
"Constant" = list(
"starting levels:",
min = input$min_h_k2,
max = input$max_h_k2,
value = values$k2_h0,
step = 0.001)
"Sigmoidal" = list(
"starting levels:",
min = input$min_h_k2,
max = input$max_h_k2,
value = values$k2_h0,
step = 0.001),
"final levels:",
min = input$min_h_k2,
max = input$max_h_k2,
value = values$k2_h1,
step = 0.001),
"response time:",
min = ranges$t_min,
max = ranges$t_max,
value = values$k2_t1,
step = 0.001),
min = ranges$beta_min,
max = ranges$beta_max,
value = values$k2_beta,
step = 0.001)
"Impulsive" = list(
"starting levels:",
min = input$min_h_k2,
max = input$max_h_k2,
value = values$k2_h0,
step = 0.001),
"intermediate levels:",
min = input$min_h_k2,
max = input$max_h_k2,
value = values$k2_h1,
step = 0.001),
"end levels:",
min = input$min_h_k2,
max = input$max_h_k2,
value = values$k2_h2,
step = 0.001),
"first response time:",
min = ranges$t_min,
max = ranges$t_max,
value = values$k2_t1,
step = 0.001),
"second response time:",
min = ranges$t_min,
max = ranges$t_max,
value = values$k2_t2,
step = 0.001),
min = ranges$beta_min,
max = ranges$beta_max,
value = values$k2_beta,
step = 0.001)
# widgets for for k3
# output$fun3_name <- renderUI({
# ids <- contentsrea()
# if( !is.null(ids) ) {
# if( input$data_selection == 'User defined' ) {
# h3("degradation")
# } else {
# h3( convert_model_name(values$model_names[3]) )
# }
# }
# })
output$function_type_k3 <- renderUI({
ids <- contentsrea()
if( !is.null(ids) )
radioButtons('k3_function', 'Select function',
choices = c('Constant','Sigmoidal','Impulsive'),
selected = NULL)
output$min_h_vals_k3 <- renderUI({
ids <- contentsrea()
if( !is.null(ids) )
numericInput("min_h_k3", label = h5("set min"),
value = ranges$k3_h_min, width='200px')
# observe({
# ids <- contentsrea()
# if( !is.null(ids) & !is.null(input$min_h_k3) )
# ranges$k3_h_min <- input$min_h_k3
# })
output$max_h_vals_k3 <- renderUI({
ids <- contentsrea()
if( !is.null(ids) )
numericInput("max_h_k3", label = h5("set max"),
value = ranges$k3_h_max, width='200px')
# observe({
# ids <- contentsrea()
# if( !is.null(ids) & !is.null(input$max_h_k3) )
# ranges$k3_h_max <- input$max_h_k3
# })
output$ui_k3 <- renderUI({
ids <- contentsrea()
if( !is.null(ids) & !is.null(input$k3_function) )
"Constant" = list(
"starting levels:",
min = input$min_h_k3,
max = input$max_h_k3,
value = values$k3_h0,
step = 0.001)
"Sigmoidal" = list(
"starting levels:",
min = input$min_h_k3,
max = input$max_h_k3,
value = values$k3_h0,
step = 0.001),
"final levels:",
min = input$min_h_k3,
max = input$max_h_k3,
value = values$k3_h1,
step = 0.001),
"response time:",
min = ranges$t_min,
max = ranges$t_max,
value = values$k3_t1,
step = 0.001),
min = ranges$beta_min,
max = ranges$beta_max,
value = values$k3_beta,
step = 0.001)
"Impulsive" = list(
"starting levels:",
min = input$min_h_k3,
max = input$max_h_k3,
value = values$k3_h0,
step = 0.001),
"intermediate levels:",
min = input$min_h_k3,
max = input$max_h_k3,
value = values$k3_h1,
step = 0.001),
"end levels:",
min = input$min_h_k3,
max = input$max_h_k3,
value = values$k3_h2,
step = 0.001),
"first response time:",
min = ranges$t_min,
max = ranges$t_max,
value = values$k3_t1,
step = 0.001),
"second response time:",
min = ranges$t_min,
max = ranges$t_max,
value = values$k3_t2,
step = 0.001),
min = ranges$beta_min,
max = ranges$beta_max,
value = values$k3_beta,
step = 0.001)
## confidence intervals ###
observeEvent(input$conf_int_button, {
ids <- contentsrea()
if( input$select != "" & !is.null(ids) & !is.null(input$k1_function) &
!is.null(input$k2_function) & !is.null(input$k3_function) )
k1_params <- switch(input$k1_function,
"Constant" = input$k1_h0,
"Sigmoidal" = c(input$k1_h0, input$k1_h1, input$k1_t1, input$k1_beta),
"Impulsive" = c(input$k1_h0, input$k1_h1, input$k1_h2, input$k1_t1, input$k1_t2, input$k1_beta)
expected_length_k1_params <- switch(input$k1_function,
"Constant" = 1, "Sigmoidal" = 4, "Impulsive" = 6)
k2_params <- switch(input$k2_function,
"Constant" = input$k2_h0,
"Sigmoidal" = c(input$k2_h0, input$k2_h1, input$k2_t1, input$k2_beta),
"Impulsive" = c(input$k2_h0, input$k2_h1, input$k2_h2, input$k2_t1, input$k2_t2, input$k2_beta)
expected_length_k2_params <- switch(input$k2_function,
"Constant" = 1, "Sigmoidal" = 4, "Impulsive" = 6)
k3_params <- switch(input$k3_function,
"Constant" = input$k3_h0,
"Sigmoidal" = c(input$k3_h0, input$k3_h1, input$k3_t1, input$k3_beta),
"Impulsive" = c(input$k3_h0, input$k3_h1, input$k3_h2, input$k3_t1, input$k3_t2, input$k3_beta)
expected_length_k3_params <- switch(input$k3_function,
"Constant" = 1, "Sigmoidal" = 4, "Impulsive" = 6)
if( length(k1_params) == expected_length_k1_params &
length(k2_params) == expected_length_k2_params &
length(k3_params) == expected_length_k3_params )
if( input$data_selection != 'User defined' ) {
mod_method <- inspect$mod_method
} else {
mod_method <- 'int'
ci_res <- RNAdynamicsAppMakeConfInt(
data_selection = input$data_selection,
time_min = ranges$time_min,
time_max = ranges$time_max,
experiment = experiment,
k1_function = input$k1_function,
k2_function = input$k2_function,
k3_function = input$k3_function,
k1_params = k1_params,
k2_params = k2_params,
k3_params = k3_params,
mod_method = mod_method
# put into global variables
simdata <- modeling$simdata
simdata$conf_int <- ci_res$conf_int
modeling$simdata <- simdata
values$rate_p <- ci_res$rate_p
}, silent = TRUE))
### PLOT of the gene (and update of some parameters if succeded)
## call the plot function when downloading the image
output$saveRNAdynamicsPlotButton <- downloadHandler(
filename = function() {
# content is a function with argument file. content writes the plot to the device
content = function(file) {
pdf(file) # open the pdf device
data_selection = input$data_selection,
show_logtime = input$logtime_checkbox,
show_relexpr = input$relativexpr_checkbox,
logshift = inspect$logshift,
linshift = inspect$linshift,
time_min = ranges$time_min,
time_max = ranges$time_max,
experiment = experiment,
simdata = modeling$simdata,
ylims = if(input$fixyaxis_checkbox) isolate(ranges$ylims) else NULL,
rate_p = values$rate_p
}, silent = TRUE))
output_pars(modeling, inspect, experiment, input, ranges) # turn the device off
## call the plot function when downloading the image
output$saveRNAdynamicsDataButton <- downloadHandler(
filename = function() {
# content is a function with argument file. content writes the plot to the device
content = function(file) {
parameters_report <- modeling_report(modeling, inspect, experiment, input, ranges)
writeLines(paste('#', parameters_report), file)
modeling_data <- modeling$simdata$sim
colnames(modeling_data)[2:6] <- paste(colnames(modeling_data)[2:6], 'model', sep='_')
suppressWarnings(write.table(modeling_data, file=file, row.names = FALSE, quote = FALSE, sep = '\t', append = TRUE, col.names = TRUE))
ids <- contentsrea()
if( input$select != "" & !is.null(ids) & !is.null(input$k1_function) &
!is.null(input$k2_function) & !is.null(input$k3_function) )
k1_params <- switch(input$k1_function,
"Constant" = input$k1_h0,
"Sigmoidal" = c(input$k1_h0, input$k1_h1, input$k1_t1, input$k1_beta),
"Impulsive" = c(input$k1_h0, input$k1_h1, input$k1_h2, input$k1_t1, input$k1_t2, input$k1_beta)
expected_length_k1_params <- switch(input$k1_function,
"Constant" = 1, "Sigmoidal" = 4, "Impulsive" = 6)
k2_params <- switch(input$k2_function,
"Constant" = input$k2_h0,
"Sigmoidal" = c(input$k2_h0, input$k2_h1, input$k2_t1, input$k2_beta),
"Impulsive" = c(input$k2_h0, input$k2_h1, input$k2_h2, input$k2_t1, input$k2_t2, input$k2_beta)
expected_length_k2_params <- switch(input$k2_function,
"Constant" = 1, "Sigmoidal" = 4, "Impulsive" = 6)
k3_params <- switch(input$k3_function,
"Constant" = input$k3_h0,
"Sigmoidal" = c(input$k3_h0, input$k3_h1, input$k3_t1, input$k3_beta),
"Impulsive" = c(input$k3_h0, input$k3_h1, input$k3_h2, input$k3_t1, input$k3_t2, input$k3_beta)
expected_length_k3_params <- switch(input$k3_function,
"Constant" = 1, "Sigmoidal" = 4, "Impulsive" = 6)
if( length(k1_params) == expected_length_k1_params &
length(k2_params) == expected_length_k2_params &
length(k3_params) == expected_length_k3_params )
if( input$data_selection != 'User defined' ) {
mod_method <- inspect$mod_method
} else {
mod_method <- 'int'
simdata <- RNAdynamicsAppMake(
data_selection = input$data_selection,
time_min = ranges$time_min,
time_max = ranges$time_max,
experiment = experiment,
k1_function = input$k1_function,
k2_function = input$k2_function,
k3_function = input$k3_function,
k1_params = k1_params,
k2_params = k2_params,
k3_params = k3_params,
mod_method = mod_method
modeling$simdata <- simdata
output$pchisq <- renderPrint({signif(isolate(modeling$simdata$scores$pchisq),3)})
output$aic <- renderPrint({signif(isolate(modeling$simdata$scores$aic),3)})
values$rate_p <- NULL
}, silent = TRUE))
output$gene <- renderPlot({
if( !is.null(modeling$simdata) ) {
ylims <- RNAdynamicsAppPlot(
data_selection = input$data_selection,
show_logtime = input$logtime_checkbox,
show_relexpr = input$relativexpr_checkbox,
logshift = inspect$logshift,
linshift = inspect$linshift,
time_min = ranges$time_min,
time_max = ranges$time_max,
experiment = experiment,
simdata = modeling$simdata,
ylims = if(input$fixyaxis_checkbox) isolate(ranges$ylims) else NULL,
rate_p = values$rate_p
ranges$ylims <- ylims
}, silent = TRUE))
## OPTIMIZE ###########
observeEvent(input$optimize, {
no_nascent <- experiment$no_nascent
tpts_exp <- experiment$tpts
alpha_exp <- if( input$data_selection == 'Experimental data' )
experiment$synthesis else experiment$synthesis_smooth
mature_exp <- if( input$data_selection == 'Experimental data' )
experiment$mRNA else experiment$mRNA_smooth
preMRNA_exp <- if( input$data_selection == 'Experimental data' )
experiment$preMRNA else experiment$preMRNA_smooth
alpha_var <- experiment$synthesissd^2
mature_var <- experiment$mRNAsd^2
preMRNA_var <- experiment$preMRNAsd^2
k1_rate <- switch(input$k1_function,
"Constant" = list(type='constant',fun=newPointer(constantModel),
"Sigmoidal" = list(type='sigmoid',fun=newPointer(sigmoidModel),
params=c(input$k1_h0, input$k1_h1, input$k1_t1, input$k1_beta),df=4),
"Impulsive" = list(type='impulse',fun=newPointer(impulseModel),
params=c(input$k1_h0, input$k1_h1, input$k1_h2, input$k1_t1, input$k1_t2, input$k1_beta),df=6)
k2_rate <- switch(input$k2_function,
"Constant" = list(type='constant',fun=newPointer(constantModel),
"Sigmoidal" = list(type='sigmoid',fun=newPointer(sigmoidModel),
params=c(input$k2_h0, input$k2_h1, input$k2_t1, input$k2_beta),df=4),
"Impulsive" = list(type='impulse',fun=newPointer(impulseModel),
params=c(input$k2_h0, input$k2_h1, input$k2_h2, input$k2_t1, input$k2_t2, input$k2_beta),df=6)
k3_rate <- switch(input$k3_function,
"Constant" = list(type='constant',fun=newPointer(constantModel),
"Sigmoidal" = list(type='sigmoid',fun=newPointer(sigmoidModel),
params=c(input$k3_h0, input$k3_h1, input$k3_t1, input$k3_beta),df=4),
"Impulsive" = list(type='impulse',fun=newPointer(impulseModel),
params=c(input$k3_h0, input$k3_h1, input$k3_h2, input$k3_t1, input$k3_t2, input$k3_beta),df=6)
params <- list(alpha=k1_rate, gamma=k2_rate, beta=k3_rate)
gene_model <- optimParamsMatureRNA(params, tpts_exp, alpha_exp, alpha_var, mature_exp
, mature_var, preMRNA_exp, preMRNA_var, maxit=input$nIter
, method=input$opt_method#, log_shift, lin_shift
, no_nascent, mod_method = inspect$mod_method)
modeling$counts <- modeling$counts + gene_model$counts[1]
modeling$convergence <- gene_model$convergence
### update the parameters in the GUI #######
if( input$k1_function == "Constant" ) {
k1_h <- gene_model[["alpha"]][["params"]][1]
values$k1_h0 = round(k1_h,2)
values$k1_h1 = round(k1_h,2)
values$k1_h2 = round(k1_h,2)
values$k1_t1 = round(mean(c(ranges$t_min, ranges$t_max)))
values$k1_t2 = round(mean(c(ranges$t_min, ranges$t_max)))
values$k1_beta = round(mean(c(ranges$beta_min, ranges$beta_max)))
if( input$k1_function == "Sigmoidal" ) {
values$k1_h0 = round(gene_model[["alpha"]][["params"]][1],6)
values$k1_h1 = round(gene_model[["alpha"]][["params"]][2],6)
values$k1_h2 = round(gene_model[["alpha"]][["params"]][2],6)
values$k1_t1 = round(gene_model[["alpha"]][["params"]][2],6)
values$k1_t2 = round(gene_model[["alpha"]][["params"]][2],6)
values$k1_beta = round(gene_model[["alpha"]][["params"]][4],6)
if( input$k1_function == "Impulsive" ) {
values$k1_h0 = round(gene_model[["alpha"]][["params"]][1],6)
values$k1_h1 = round(gene_model[["alpha"]][["params"]][2],6)
values$k1_h2 = round(gene_model[["alpha"]][["params"]][3],6)
values$k1_t1 = round(gene_model[["alpha"]][["params"]][4],6)
values$k1_t2 = round(gene_model[["alpha"]][["params"]][5],6)
values$k1_beta = round(gene_model[["alpha"]][["params"]][6],6)
if( input$k2_function == "Constant" ) {
values$k2_h0 = round(gene_model[["gamma"]][["params"]][1],6)
values$k2_h1 = round(gene_model[["gamma"]][["params"]][1],6)
values$k2_h2 = round(gene_model[["gamma"]][["params"]][1],6)
values$k2_t1 = round(mean(c(ranges$t_min, ranges$t_max)))
values$k2_t2 = round(mean(c(ranges$t_min, ranges$t_max)))
values$k2_beta = round(mean(c(ranges$beta_min, ranges$beta_max)))
if( input$k2_function == "Sigmoidal" ) {
values$k2_h0 = round(gene_model[["gamma"]][["params"]][1],6)
values$k2_h1 = round(gene_model[["gamma"]][["params"]][2],6)
values$k2_h2 = round(gene_model[["gamma"]][["params"]][2],6)
values$k2_t1 = round(gene_model[["gamma"]][["params"]][2],6)
values$k2_t2 = round(gene_model[["gamma"]][["params"]][2],6)
values$k2_beta = round(gene_model[["gamma"]][["params"]][4],6)
if( input$k2_function == "Impulsive" ) {
values$k2_h0 = round(gene_model[["gamma"]][["params"]][1],6)
values$k2_h1 = round(gene_model[["gamma"]][["params"]][2],6)
values$k2_h2 = round(gene_model[["gamma"]][["params"]][3],6)
values$k2_t1 = round(gene_model[["gamma"]][["params"]][4],6)
values$k2_t2 = round(gene_model[["gamma"]][["params"]][5],6)
values$k2_beta = round(gene_model[["gamma"]][["params"]][6],6)
if( input$k3_function == "Constant" ) {
values$k3_h0 = round(gene_model[["beta"]][["params"]][1],6)
values$k3_h1 = round(gene_model[["beta"]][["params"]][1],6)
values$k3_h2 = round(gene_model[["beta"]][["params"]][1],6)
values$k3_t1 = round(mean(c(ranges$t_min, ranges$t_max)))
values$k3_t2 = round(mean(c(ranges$t_min, ranges$t_max)))
values$k3_beta = round(mean(c(ranges$beta_min, ranges$beta_max)))
if( input$k3_function == "Sigmoidal" ) {
values$k3_h0 = round(gene_model[["beta"]][["params"]][1],6)
values$k3_h1 = round(gene_model[["beta"]][["params"]][2],6)
values$k3_h2 = round(gene_model[["beta"]][["params"]][2],6)
values$k3_t1 = round(gene_model[["beta"]][["params"]][2],6)
values$k3_t2 = round(gene_model[["beta"]][["params"]][2],6)
values$k3_beta = round(gene_model[["beta"]][["params"]][4],6)
if( input$k3_function == "Impulsive" ) {
values$k3_h0 = round(gene_model[["beta"]][["params"]][1],6)
values$k3_h1 = round(gene_model[["beta"]][["params"]][2],6)
values$k3_h2 = round(gene_model[["beta"]][["params"]][3],6)
values$k3_t1 = round(gene_model[["beta"]][["params"]][4],6)
values$k3_t2 = round(gene_model[["beta"]][["params"]][5],6)
values$k3_beta = round(gene_model[["beta"]][["params"]][6],6)
## update the ranges
k1_h_pars <- c(isolate(values$k1_h0),isolate(values$k1_h1),isolate(values$k1_h2))
if( min(k1_h_pars) < isolate(ranges$k1_h_min) ) {
ranges$k1_h_min <- floor(min(k1_h_pars))
if( max(k1_h_pars) > isolate(ranges$k1_h_max) ) {
ranges$k1_h_max <- ceiling(max(k1_h_pars))
k2_h_pars <- c(isolate(values$k2_h0),isolate(values$k2_h1),isolate(values$k2_h2))
if( min(k2_h_pars) < isolate(ranges$k2_h_min) ) {
ranges$k2_h_min <- floor(min(k2_h_pars))
if( max(k2_h_pars) > isolate(ranges$k2_h_max) ) {
ranges$k2_h_max <- ceiling(max(k2_h_pars))
k3_h_pars <- c(isolate(values$k3_h0),isolate(values$k3_h1),isolate(values$k3_h2))
if( min(k3_h_pars) < isolate(ranges$k3_h_min) ) {
ranges$k3_h_min <- floor(min(k3_h_pars))
if( max(k3_h_pars) > isolate(ranges$k3_h_max) ) {
ranges$k3_h_max <- ceiling(max(k3_h_pars))
t_pars <- c(isolate(values$k1_t1),isolate(values$k1_t2),isolate(values$k2_t1),
if( min(t_pars) < isolate(ranges$t_min) ) {
ranges$t_min <- floor(min(t_pars))
if( max(t_pars) > isolate(ranges$t_max) ) {
ranges$t_max <- ceiling(max(t_pars))
beta_pars <- c(isolate(values$k1_beta),isolate(values$k2_beta),isolate(values$k3_beta))
if( min(beta_pars) < isolate(ranges$beta_min) ) {
ranges$beta_min <- floor(min(beta_pars))
if( max(beta_pars) > isolate(ranges$beta_max) ) {
ranges$beta_max <- ceiling(max(beta_pars))
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