simpleLinPlot <- function( data, info ) {
hw <- ( info$dispHi - info$dispLo ) / 1024
left <- max( 1, info$bin - hw )
right <- min( info$bin + hw, length(data) )
offset = left,
shrinkLength = min( 2*hw + 1, 4000 ) ) }
hilbertDisplayThreeChannel <- function(
dataRed, dataGreen=0, dataBlue=0,
naColor = col2rgb( "gray" ),
fullLength = max( length(dataRed), length(dataGreen), length(dataBlue) ),
portrait = FALSE )
.Call( `R_display_hilbert_3channel`, dataRed, dataGreen, dataBlue,
naColor, fullLength, portrait )
hilbertDisplay <- function(
palettePos = colorRampPalette( c( "white", "red" ) )( 300 ),
paletteNeg = colorRampPalette( c( "white", "blue" ) )( length(palettePos) ),
maxPaletteValue = NULL,
naColor = "gray",
plotFunc = simpleLinPlot,
fullLengths = NULL ) {
numargs <- length( dotsapply( function(x) NULL, ... ) )
if( numargs == 0)
stop( "Supply at least one data vector." )
stopifnot( is.function( plotFunc ) )
stopifnot( is.character( palettePos ) )
stopifnot( is.character( paletteNeg ) )
stopifnot( is.character( naColor ) )
stopifnot( length( naColor ) == 1 )
stopifnot( length( palettePos ) == length( paletteNeg ) )
palettePos <- col2rgb( palettePos )
paletteNeg <- col2rgb( paletteNeg )
naColor <- col2rgb( naColor )
if( is.null(names) )
names <- sapply( substitute(list(...)), deparse )[-1]
stopifnot( is.character( names ) )
if( sameScale ) {
if( !is.null(fullLengths) )
warning( "Argument 'fullLengths' overriden by argument 'sameScale'." )
maxlength <- max( unlist( dotsapply( length, ... ) ) )
fullLengths <- rep( maxlength, numargs )
if( pow2 ) {
if( is.null(fullLengths) )
fullLengths <- unlist( dotsapply( length, ... ) )
fullLengths <- sapply( fullLengths, function(a)
2**ceiling( log( a, 2 ) ) )
if( ! is.null( fullLengths ) )
fullLengths <- as.integer( fullLengths )
if( is.null( maxPaletteValue ) ) {
maxPaletteValue <- median( unlist( dotsapply( function(x) max(abs(x),na.rm=TRUE), ... ) ), na.rm=TRUE )
maxPaletteValue <- 10**( ceiling( log10( maxPaletteValue ) * 4 ) / 4 )
stopifnot( mode( maxPaletteValue ) == "numeric" & length( maxPaletteValue ) == 1 )
stopifnot( ! maxPaletteValue ) )
names <- substr( names, 0, 40 )
.External( `R_display_hilbert`, function( data, info ) try( plotFunc( data, info ) ),
names, as.integer( palettePos ), as.integer( paletteNeg ),
as.integer( naColor ), maxPaletteValue, fullLengths, portrait, ... )
invisible( )
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