#' @importFrom BiocFileCache BiocFileCache bfcnew bfcrpath bfccache
.retrieve_BiocFileCache_dbpath <- function(url)
if (is.null(dbpath))
dbpath <- BiocFileCache()
if (methods::is(dbpath, "BiocFileCache")) {
nrec <- NROW(bfcquery(dbpath, url, "rname", exact = TRUE))
if (nrec == 0L)
dbpath <- bfcnew(dbpath, url)
else if (nrec == 1L)
dbpath <- bfcrpath(dbpath, url)
"\n 'bfc' contains duplicate record names",
"\n url: ", url,
"\n bfccache(): ", bfccache(dbpath),
"\n rname: ", bfccache(dbpath)$rname
#' @importFrom readr read_tsv
.save_as_BiocFileCache <- function(dbpath, url)
fname <- BiocFileCache::bfcrpath(rnames = url)
#' Parse results from a search query to a Search Results object
#' @param res the results from an HCA query.
#' @return a SearchResults object.
#' @importFrom httr content
#' @export
parseToSearchResults <-
res <- httr::content(res)
len <- as.integer(length(res[['results']]))
first_hit <- 1L
res <- SearchResult(es_query=res$es_query, results=res$results,
first_hit = first_hit, last_hit = len,
#' HCA API methods
#' @aliases listBundles getBundleCheckout getBundle checkoutBundle
#' getFile headFile searchBundles
#' @description
#' Methods to access the Human Cell Atlas's Data Coordination Platform (HCA DCP)
#' by means of the platform's REST API.
#' @usage
#' listBundles(x, ...)
#' getBundleCheckout(x, ...)
#' getBundle(x, ...)
#' checkoutBundle(x, ...)
#' getFile(x, ...)
#' headFile(x, ...)
#' searchBundles(x, ...)
#' @param checkout_job_id character(1). A RFC4122-complliant ID for the checkout
#' job request.
#' @param directurls logical(1). Include direct-access URLs in the response.
#' This is mutually exclusive with the \code{presignedurls} parameter. DEFAULT
#' is \code{NULL}.
#' @param x An HCABrowser object that is the subject of the request.
#' @param json_request_body character(1) of a json query to be executed.
#' @param output_format character(1). Specifies the output format. Either
#' "summary" or "raw". The default format, "summary", is a list of UUIDs for
#' bundles that match the query. Set this parameter to "raw" to get the
#' verbatim JSON metadata for bundles that match the query.
#' @param per_page numeric(1). Max number of results to return per page.
#' @param presignedurls logical(1). Include presigned URLs in the response. This
#' is mutually exclusive with the directurls parameter.
#' @param replica character(1). A replica to fetch form. Can either be
#' set to "aws", "gcp", or "azure". DEFAULT is "aws".
#' @param search_after character(1). **Search-After-Context**. An internal state
#' pointer parameter for use with pagination. The API client should not need to
#' set this parameter directly; it should instead directly fetch the URL given
#' in the "Link" header.
#' @param token \code{Token}. Token to manage retries. End users constructing
#' queries should not set this parameter. Use \code{get_token()} to generate.
#' @param uuid character(1). A RFC4122-compliant ID for the bundle.
#' @param version character(1). Timestamp of bundle creation in RFC3339.
#' @param ... Additional arguments.
#' @return an HCABrowser object
#' @examples
#' hca <- HCABrowser()
#' #addmore
#' @name hca-api-methods
#' @author Daniel Van Twisk
.listBundles <- function(x, replica = c('aws', 'gcp'), token,
per_page = 100, search_after)
#' List all avaiable bundles
#' @rdname hca-api-methods
#' @export
setMethod('listBundles', 'HCABrowser', .listBundles)
.getBundleCheckout <- function(x, replica = c('aws', 'gcp'), checkout_job_id)
replica <- match.arg(replica)
x$dss.api.bundles.checkout.get(replica = replica, checkout_job_id = checkout_job_id)
#' Check the status of a bundle checkout request
#' @rdname hca-api-methods
#' @export
setMethod('getBundleCheckout', 'HCABrowser', .getBundleCheckout)
.getBundle <- function(x, uuid, version, replica = c('aws', 'gcp'),
directurls, presignedurls, token, per_page = 500)
replica <- match.arg(replica)
if (missing(version))
x$ = uuid, replica = replica)
x$ = uuid, version = version,
replica = replica)
#' Retrieve an bundle given a UUID and and optionally a version
#' @rdname hca-api-methods
#' @export
setMethod('getBundle', 'HCABrowser', .getBundle)
.checkoutBundle <- function(x, uuid, version, replica = c('aws', 'gcp'),
replica <- match.arg(replica)
if (missing(version))
x$ = uuid, replica = replica)
x$ = uuid, version = version, replica = replica)
#' Check out a bundle to DSS-managed or user-managed cloud object storage destination
#' @rdname hca-api-methods
#' @export
setMethod('checkoutBundle', 'HCABrowser', .checkoutBundle)
.getFile <- function(x, uuid, replica = c('aws', 'gcp'), version, token)
replica = match.arg(replica)
x$Retrieve_a_file_given_a_UUID_and_optionally_a_version.(uuid = uuid, replica = replica)
#' Retrieve a file given a UUID and optionally a version
#' @rdname hca-api-methods
#' @export
setMethod('getFile', 'HCABrowser', .getFile)
.headFile <- function(x, uuid, replica = c('aws', 'gcp'), version)
replica = match.arg(replica)
x$`Retrieve_a_file's_metadata_given_an_UUID_and_optionally_a_version.`(uuid = uuid, replica = replica)
#' Retrieve a file's metadata given an UUID and optionally a version
#' @rdname hca-api-methods
#' @export
setMethod('headFile', 'HCABrowser', .headFile)
.searchBundles <- function(x, json_request_body = getEsQuery(x),
output_format = c('summary', 'raw'),
replica = c('aws', 'gcp'), per_page = 100,
replica = match.arg(replica)
output_format = match.arg(output_format)
x$Find_bundles_by_searching_their_metadata_with_an_Elasticsearch_query(json_request_body = json_request_body, output_format = output_format, replica = replica, per_page = per_page)
#' Find bundles by searching their metadata with an Elasticsearch query
#' @rdname hca-api-methods
#' @export
setMethod('searchBundles', 'HCABrowser', .searchBundles)
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