# geneset testing function from Jelle Goeman
# for multiple testing correction of global tests on the GO (choose between focus level, BH, BY and Holm method),
# modified for the use of 'GlobalAncova' instead of 'globaltest'
GAGO <- function(xx, ..., id, annotation, probe2entrez, ontology = c("BP", "CC", "MF"),
minsize=1, maxsize=Inf,
multtest = c("holm", "focuslevel", "BH", "BY"), focuslevel = 10,
sort = TRUE) {
# xx: expression matrix (rows=genes, columns=subjects); rownames have to be gene identifiers
# ...: parameters for function 'GlobalAncova' (parameter 'method' is not available since only approximative test is performed)
# id: gene set identifiers. If omitted, tests all gene sets in the database
# annotation: name of the probe annotation package or the name of the genome wide annotation package for the species
# probe2entrez: Use only if no probe annotation package is available. A mapping from probe identifiers to entrez gene ids. May be an environment, named list or named vector.
# ontology: choose one or more ontologies. Default is to use all three ontologies
# minsize, maxsize: size restriction for GO terms
# multtest: method for multiple testing correction
# focuslevel: The focus level to be used for the focus level method. Either a vector of gene set ids, or a numerical level. In the latter case, 'findFocus' is called with 'maxsize' at the specified level to find a focus level
# sort: if TRUE, sorts the results to increasing p-values
# get the right annotation package
if (substr(annotation, nchar(annotation)-2, nchar(annotation)) == ".db")
annotation <- substr(annotation, 1, nchar(annotation)-3)
package <- paste(annotation, ".db", sep="")
#require(package, character.only=TRUE) || stop("package ", package, " is not available")
requireNamespace(package) || stop("package ", package, " is not available")
requireNamespace("GO.db") || stop("package GO.db is not available")
requireNamespace("annotate") || stop("package annotate is not available")
# check whether "org" package is given
if (substr(annotation,1,4) == "org.")
extension <- "GO2ALLEGS"
extension <- "GO2ALLPROBES"
GOOBJECT <- eval(, extension, sep="")))
# reduce the terms
if (missing(id))
id <- AnnotationDbi::mappedkeys(GOOBJECT)
myGOTERM <- annotate::lookUp(id, "GO", "TERM")
# get the right ontology/ies
if (!missing(ontology)) {
choose <- sapply(myGOTERM, Ontology) %in% ontology
id <- id[choose]
myGOTERM <- myGOTERM[choose]
# retrieve sets
sets <- annotate::lookUp(id, annotation, extension)
sets <- lapply(sets, function(st) if (all( character(0) else st)
# map back
if (!missing(probe2entrez)) {
if (is.environment(probe2entrez) || is(probe2entrez, "AnnDbBimap")) probe2entrez <- as.list(probe2entrez)
if (is.list(probe2entrez)) probe2entrez <- unlist(probe2entrez)
sets <- lapply(sets, function(set) {
names(probe2entrez)[probe2entrez %in% set]
# reduce to genes available in xx
probes <- rownames(xx)
sets <- lapply(sets, function(set) intersect(set, probes))
# size restrictions
size <- sapply(sets, length)
choose <- size >= minsize & size <= maxsize
sets <- sets[choose]
myGOTERM <- myGOTERM[choose]
if (length(sets) == 0) stop("No GO terms with size between \"minsize\" and \"maxsize\"")
# perform tests and do multiple testing
if (length(sets) > 1) {
multtest <- match.arg(multtest)
if (multtest == "focuslevel") {
ancestors <- lapply(as.list(ontology), function(ont) {
ext <- paste(ont, "ANCESTOR", sep="")
GOOBJ <- eval("GO", ont, "ANCESTOR", sep="")))
ontid <- intersect(AnnotationDbi::keys(GOOBJ), id)
if (length(ontid) > 0) annotate::lookUp(ontid, "GO", ext) else list()
ancestors <-, ancestors)
offspring <- lapply(as.list(ontology), function(ont) {
ext <- paste(ont, "OFFSPRING", sep="")
GOOBJ <- eval("GO", ont, "OFFSPRING", sep="")))
ontid <- intersect(AnnotationDbi::keys(GOOBJ), id)
if (length(ontid) > 0) annotate::lookUp(ontid, "GO", ext) else list()
offspring <-, offspring)
offspring <- sapply(offspring, function(os) if (all( character(0) else os)
if (is.numeric(focuslevel))
focuslevel <- globaltest::findFocus(sets, ancestors = ancestors, offspring = offspring, maxsize = focuslevel)
# function that only takes gene names of a set and only returns p-value
helpGA <- function(set){
pGAapprox(xx=xx, ..., test.genes=set)
res <- globaltest::focusLevel(helpGA, sets=sets, focus=focuslevel, ancestors = ancestors, offspring = offspring)
} else {
raw.p <- pGAapprox(xx=xx, ..., test.genes=sets)
adj.p <- p.adjust(raw.p, method=multtest)
res <- data.frame(raw.p, adj.p)
dimnames(res) <- list(names(sets), c("raw.p", multtest))
# add term names
res$Term <- sapply(myGOTERM, function(mgt) if (is(mgt, "GOTerms")) Term(mgt) else "")
res$Term[$Term)] <- ""
} else {
res <- pGAapprox(xx=xx, ..., test.genes=sets)
names(res) <- names(sets)
if (sort & !is.null(dim(res)))
res <- res[order(res[,2]),]
# !! TODO:
# functions to get the (significant) leaf nodes and to visualize the significant subgraph
# function to test KEGG pathways
GAKEGG <- function(xx, ..., id, annotation, probe2entrez,
multtest = c("holm", "BH", "BY"), sort = TRUE) {
# xx: expression matrix (rows=genes, columns=subjects); rownames have to be gene identifiers
# ...: parameters for function 'GlobalAncova' (parameter 'method' is not available since only approximative test is performed)
# id: gene set identifiers. If omitted, tests all gene sets in the database
# annotation: name of the probe annotation package or the name of the genome wide annotation package for the species
# probe2entrez: Use only if no probe annotation package is available. A mapping from probe identifiers to entrez gene ids. May be an environment, named list or named vector.
# multtest: method for multiple testing correction
# sort: if TRUE, sorts the results to increasing p-values
# get the right annotation package
if (substr(annotation, nchar(annotation)-2, nchar(annotation)) == ".db")
annotation <- substr(annotation, 1, nchar(annotation)-3)
package <- paste(annotation, ".db", sep="")
#require(package, character.only=TRUE) || stop("package ", package, " is not available")
requireNamespace(package) || stop("package ", package, " is not available")
requireNamespace("KEGG.db") || stop("package KEGG.db is not available")
requireNamespace("annotate") || stop("package annotate is not available")
# check whether "org" package is given
if (substr(annotation,1,4) == "org.")
extension <- "PATH2EG"
extension <- "PATH2PROBE"
KEGGOBJECT <- eval(, extension, sep="")))
# default terms
if (missing(id))
id <- AnnotationDbi::mappedkeys(KEGGOBJECT)
# retrieve sets
sets <- annotate::lookUp(id, annotation, extension)
# map back
if (!missing(probe2entrez)) {
if (is.environment(probe2entrez) || is(probe2entrez, "AnnDbBimap")) probe2entrez <- as.list(probe2entrez)
if (is.list(probe2entrez)) probe2entrez <- unlist(probe2entrez)
sets <- lapply(sets, function(set) {
names(probe2entrez)[probe2entrez %in% set]
# reduce to genes available in xx
probes <- rownames(xx)
sets <- lapply(sets, function(set) intersect(set, probes))
# remove sets without any gene in xx
size <- sapply(sets, length)
sets <- sets[size > 0]
# perform tests and do multiple testing
if (length(sets) > 1) {
multtest <- match.arg(multtest)
raw.p <- pGAapprox(xx=xx, ..., test.genes=sets)
adj.p <- p.adjust(raw.p, method=multtest)
res <- data.frame(raw.p, adj.p)
dimnames(res) <- list(names(sets), c("raw.p", multtest))
# add pathway names
res$pathway <- unlist(annotate::lookUp(rownames(res), "KEGG", "PATHID2NAME", load=TRUE))
res$pathway[$pathway)] <- ""
} else {
res <- pGAapprox(xx, ..., test.genes=sets)
names(res) <- names(sets)
if (sort & !is.null(dim(res)))
res <- res[order(res[,2]),]
# function to test Broad gene sets
GABroad <- function(xx, ..., id, annotation, probe2entrez, collection,
category = c("c1", "c2", "c3", "c4", "c5"),
multtest = c("holm", "BH", "BY"), sort = TRUE) {
# xx: expression matrix (rows=genes, columns=subjects); rownames have to be gene identifiers
# ...: parameters for function 'GlobalAncova' (parameter 'method' is not available since only approximative test is performed)
# id: gene set identifiers. If omitted, tests all gene sets in the database
# annotation: name of the probe annotation package or the name of the genome wide annotation package for the species
# probe2entrez: Use only if no probe annotation package is available. A mapping from probe identifiers to entrez gene ids. May be an environment, named list or named vector.
# collection: collection of Broad gene sets (provided by 'getBroadSets()' from 'GSEABase' package)
# category: which category/ies of Broad gene sets. By default all categories are tested
# multtest: method for multiple testing correction
# sort: if TRUE, sorts the results to increasing p-values
# get the right annotation package
if (substr(annotation, nchar(annotation)-2, nchar(annotation)) == ".db")
annotation <- substr(annotation, 1, nchar(annotation)-3)
package <- paste(annotation, ".db", sep="")
#require(package, character.only=TRUE) || stop("package ", package, " is not available")
requireNamespace(package) || stop("package ", package, " is not available")
requireNamespace("GSEABase") || stop("package GSEABase is not available")
# read the file
if (missing(collection) || ! is(collection, "GeneSetCollection"))
stop("Please specify a \"collection\", created with the getBroadSets function")
# Get the right categories
if (!missing(category)) { <- sapply(sapply(collection, collectionType), GSEABase::bcCategory)
collection <- collection[ %in% category]
# Get the right sets
if (!missing(id)) {
collection <- collection[id]
# Map symbol identifiers to anotation-specific identifiers
collection <- GSEABase::mapIdentifiers(collection, GSEABase::AnnotationIdentifier(annotation))
sets <- lapply(collection, geneIds)
names(sets) <- names(collection)
# map to probe identifiers
if (!missing(probe2entrez)) {
if (is.environment(probe2entrez) || is(probe2entrez, "AnnDbBimap")) probe2entrez <- as.list(probe2entrez)
if (is.list(probe2entrez)) probe2entrez <- unlist(probe2entrez)
sets <- lapply(sets, function(st) {
names(probe2entrez)[probe2entrez %in% st]
# reduce to genes available in xx
probes <- rownames(xx)
sets <- lapply(sets, function(set) intersect(set, probes))
# remove sets without any gene in xx
size <- sapply(sets, length)
sets <- sets[size > 0]
# perform tests and do multiple testing
if (length(sets) > 1) {
multtest <- match.arg(multtest)
raw.p <- pGAapprox(xx=xx, ..., test.genes=sets)
adj.p <- p.adjust(raw.p, method=multtest)
res <- data.frame(raw.p, adj.p)
dimnames(res) <- list(names(sets), c("raw.p", multtest))
} else {
res <- pGAapprox(xx, ..., test.genes=sets)
names(res) <- names(sets)
if (sort & !is.null(dim(res)))
res <- res[order(res[,2]),]
# simpler GlobalAncova-function that only returns p-values
setGeneric("pGAapprox", function(xx,formula.full,,model.dat,group,covars=NULL,
# xx: expression matrix (rows=genes, columns=subjects)
# formula.full: model formula for the full model
# model formula for the reduced model
# model.dat: data frame that contains the group and covariable information
# test.genes: vector of probeset names or a list where each element is a vector of probeset names
# if a gene set is larger than the permutation test is applied even if method="approx"
# perm: number of permutations
# eps: resuolution of approximation
# acc: additional accuracy parameter for approximation (the higher the value the higher the accuracy)
################################# general function #############################
setMethod("pGAapprox", signature(xx="matrix",formula.full="formula","formula",
definition = function(xx,formula.full,,model.dat,test.genes=NULL,,perm=10000,eps=1e-16,acc=50){
# test for model.dat
stop("'model.dat' has to be a data frame")
########################## function for 2 groups ###############################
setMethod("pGAapprox", signature(xx="matrix",formula.full="missing","missing",
definition = function(xx,group,covars=NULL,test.genes=NULL,,perm=10000,eps=1e-16,acc=50){
# parameter names <- deparse(substitute(group))
covar.names <- deparse(substitute(covars))
covar.names <- colnames(covars)
# get formulas and 'model.dat' out of 'group' and 'covars'
res <- group2formula(group=group,, covars=covars, covar.names)
formula.full <- res$formula.full <- res$
model.dat <- res$model.dat
# then apply the usual function
############################# with 'test.terms' ################################
setMethod("pGAapprox", signature(xx="matrix",formula.full="formula","missing",
definition = function(xx,formula.full,model.dat,test.terms,test.genes=NULL,,perm=10000,eps=1e-16,acc=50){
# test for model.dat
stop("'model.dat' has to be a data frame")
# test for 'test.terms'
terms.all <- test.terms
D.full <- model.matrix(formula.full, model.dat)
terms.all <- colnames(D.full)
# are all terms variables compatible with 'model.dat'?
if(!all(test.terms %in% terms.all))
stop("'test.terms' are not compatible with the specified models")
D.full <- model.matrix(formula.full, data=model.dat) <- D.full[,!(colnames(D.full) %in% test.terms), drop=FALSE]
# then apply the usual function
# main function
.pGAapprox <- function(xx,formula.full,,,model.dat,test.genes=NULL,,perm=10000,eps=1e-16,acc=50){
test.genes <- list(test.genes)
xx2 <- xx[unique(unlist(test.genes)),,drop=F]
N.Genes <- sapply(test.genes, length)
N.Subjects <- ncol(xx2)
N.tests <- length(test.genes)
# design matrices
D.full <- model.matrix(formula.full, data=model.dat)
if(is.null( <- model.matrix(, data=model.dat)
N.par.full <- ncol(D.full) <- ncol(
# checking for NA's
if(nrow(D.full) < N.Subjects)
stop("Missing values in the model variables")
# extra sum of squares
genewiseSS <- genewiseGA(xx2, D.full,
SS.extra <- sapply(test.genes, function(x) sum(genewiseSS[x,"nominator"]))
# get eigen values
ew.H.nom <- eigen(hat.matrix(D.full) - hat.matrix($values
w <- which(N.Genes <= <- test.genes[w]
ew.cov <- lapply(, function(y) eigen(cov.shrink(t(xx2[y,,drop=FALSE]), verbose=FALSE), only.values = TRUE)$values)
# all pairwise products of eigen values
ew.nom <- lapply(ew.cov, function(x) as.vector(outer(x, ew.H.nom, "*")))
# compute approximate p-values
p.approx <- rep(NA, N.tests)
if(length(w) > 0)
for(i in 1:length(w))
p.approx[w[i]] <- .pAsymptotic(x = SS.extra[w[i]], lams = ew.nom[[i]], eps = eps, acc = acc)
# for large gene sets use permutation test
if(any(N.Genes > {
w <- which(N.Genes > <- test.genes[w]
xx3 <- xx2[unique(unlist(,,drop=F]
DF.full <- N.Genes[w] * (N.Subjects - N.par.full)
DF.extra <- N.Genes[w] * (N.par.full -
SS.full <- sapply(, function(x) sum(genewiseSS[x,"denominator"]))
SS.extra <- SS.extra[w]
MS.full <- SS.full / DF.full
MS.extra <- SS.extra / DF.extra
F.value <- MS.extra / MS.full
p.approx[w] <- resampleGA(xx=xx3, formula.full=formula.full, D.full=D.full,,
model.dat=model.dat, perm=perm,,
F.value=F.value, DF.full=DF.full, DF.extra=DF.extra)
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