toAnnoData <- function(annoTrack) {
cbind(chr = rep(annoTrack@chr, nrow(annoTrack@regions)), start = annoTrack@regions[, "start"],
end = annoTrack@regions[, "end"], strand = rep(annoTrack@strand, nrow(annoTrack@regions)),
annoTrack@regions[,-match(c("start", "end"), colnames(annoTrack@regions))])
makeAnnoFactory <- function(x,
dp = DisplayPars(),
featureColumnName = "feature",
groupColumnName = NULL,
idColumnName = NULL,
expandAround = 1000,
chrFunction = function(yy) yy,
strandFunction = function(yy) yy) {
if (!require(GenomeGraphs))
stop("GenomeGraphs must be installed to use this functionality.")
cChrFunction <- function(y) as.character(chrFunction(y))
cStrandFunction <- function(y) as.character(strandFunction(y))
regionAnno.Biomart <- function(chr, start, end, strand) {
geneRegionBiomart(chr, start - expandAround, end + expandAround,
strand, biomart, dp,
chrFunction = cChrFunction,
strandFunction = cStrandFunction)
regionAnno.AnnoData <- function(chr, start, end, strand) {
mat <- annoData[annoData[,"start"] >= start - expandAround &
annoData[,"end"] <= end + expandAround &
annoData[,"chr"] == chr &
annoData[,"strand"] == strand, ]
if (nrow(mat) == 0) {
mat <- makeGeneRepresentation(mat, type = "Ugene", = NULL)
## XXX: This is bad - it implies that I have to know some things about
## how genome graphs works *internally*
groups <- if (is.null(groupColumnName))
IDs <- if (is.null(idColumnName))
features <- if(! featureColumnName %in% colnames(mat))
mat[, featureColumnName]
regions <- data.frame(start = mat[,"start"], end = mat[, "end"],
feature = features,
group = groups, ID = IDs)
## Fix for transcript based annotation
regions <- regions[! duplicated(regions[, c("start", "end", "feature", "group")]), ]
regions <- regions[order(regions$start),]
makeAnnotationTrack(chr = chr, strand = strand, regions =
regions, dp = dp)
if(class(x) == "Mart") {
biomart <- x
if(validAnnotation(x)) {
annoData <- x
stop("Unknown object as the value of 'x'")
makeRegionPlotter <- function(expDataLists, annoFactory = NULL) {
if (!require(GenomeGraphs)) {
stop("GenomeGraphs must be installed to use this functionality")
##-- return a function which gets called on a region to produce a
## GenomeGraphs object.
fxs <- lapply(expDataLists, function(lst) {
dp <- if (is.null(lst$dp)) {
} else {
fx <- if (is.null(lst$fx)) {
function(x) { return(x) }
} else {
segFactory <- if (is.null(lst$segFactory)) {
function(chr, start, end) { return(NULL) }
} else {
if (!is.null(lst$expandBy))
expandBy <- as.numeric(lst$expandBy)
expandBy <- 0
function(chr, start, end) {
strand <- if (is.null(lst$strand)) {
} else {
trackOverlay <- segFactory(chr, start, end)
res <- getRegion(lst$expData, chr, start - expandBy, end + expandBy, strand, what = c("location", lst$what))
if (is.null(res) || nrow(res) == 0) {
xx <- integer(1)
yy <- numeric(1)
xx[1] <- 1
yy[1] <- NA
return(makeBaseTrack(base = xx, value = yy, dp = dp, trackOverlay = trackOverlay))
if (is.null(lst$class)) {
klass <- "BaseTrack"
} else {
klass <- lst$class
switch (klass,
BaseTrack = {
makeBaseTrack(base = res[, "location"], value = fx(res[, lst$what]), dp = dp,
trackOverlay = trackOverlay)
GenericArray = {
makeGenericArray(probeStart = res[, "location"],
intensity = fx(as.matrix(res[, lst$what, drop = FALSE])),
dp = dp, trackOverlay = trackOverlay)
stop("Unknown class specified.")
function(chr, start, end, overlays = NULL, title = NULL, ...) {
if (!is.null(annoFactory)) {
gr <- lapply(c(-1, 0, 1), function(str) {
annoFactory(chr, start, end, strand = str)
names(gr) <- c("+", "0", "-")
} else {
gr <- NULL
lst <- lapply(fxs, function(fx) {
fx(chr, start, end)
unstranded <- if(is.null(gr[["0"]])) {
} else {
list(" " = gr[["0"]], makeGenomeAxis())
ann <- c("+" = gr[["+"]], makeGenomeAxis(), " " = unstranded, "-" = gr[["-"]])
lst <- Filter(function(x) !is.null(x), c(ann, lst))
gdPlot(c(lst, title), minBase = start, maxBase = end, overlays = overlays, ...)
## makeCoveragePlotter <- function(eData, what, readLength = 1, dp = DisplayPars()) {
## ## use both anno as char and data.frame and also accept chr, start, end
## makeTracks <- function(anno, extend = 0) {
## if(nrow(anno) != 1) stop("")
## anno$start <- anno$start - extend
## anno$end <- anno$end + extend
## if(class(eData) == "ExpData")
## res <- splitByAnnotation(eData, anno = anno, ignoreStrand = TRUE, , what = c("location", what), expand = TRUE)[[1]]
## else {
## res <- lapply(eData, function(x) {
## subset(x, x[, "location"] >= anno$start &
## x[, "location"] <= anno$end)
## })
## what <- setdiff(colnames(res[[1]]), c("strand", "chr","location"))
## }
## tracks <- lapply(what, function(wh) {
## counts.pos <- res[["1"]][, wh]
## counts.neg <- res[["-1"]][, wh]
## if(readLength > 1) {
## weights <- rep(1, readLength)
## pad <- rep(0, readLength - 1)
## res.pos <- convolve(c(pad, counts.pos), weights, type = "filter")
## res.neg <- rev(convolve(c(pad, rev(counts.neg)), weights, type = "filter"))
## values <- res.pos + res.neg
## } else {
## values <- counts.pos + counts.neg
## }
## makeBaseTrack(base = res[["1"]][, "location"], value = values, dp = dp)
## })
## names(tracks) <- what
## gdPlot(c(makeGenomeAxis(), tracks), minBase = anno$start, maxBase = anno$end)
## return(invisible(list(tracks = tracks, results = res)))
## }
## }
## resCoverage <- function(res, start, end, readLength) {
## resnames <- setdiff(colnames(res), c("chr", "location", "strand"))
## res[] <- 0
## if(length(readLength) == 1)
## readLength <- rep(readLength, length(resnames))
## out <- lapply(seq(along = resnames), function(ii) {
## ir <- IRanges(start = ifelse(res[, "strand"] == 1L,
## res[,"location"], NA),
## end = ifelse(res[, "strand"] == -1L,
## res[,"location"], NA),
## width = readLength[ii])
## cov <- coverage(ir, weight = res[, resnames[ii]],
## shift = - start, width = end - start + 1)
## })
## names(out) <- resnames
## out
## }
## setClass("BaseTrackList", contains = c("gdObject", "ImplementsTrackOverlay"),
## representation(basetracks = "list"),
## prototype(basetracks = list(new("BaseTrack")),
## dp = DisplayPars(size = 5),
## trackOverlay = NULL)
## )
## setMethod("getGenomicRange", signature("BaseTrackList"), function(obj){
## c(min(sapply(obj@basetracks, function(xx) min(xx@base))),
## max(sapply(obj@basetracks, function(xx) max(xx@base))))
## })
## setMethod("drawGD", signature("BaseTrackList"), function(gdObject, minBase, maxBase, vpPosition) {
## xlims <- sapply(gdObject@basetracks, function(xx) {
## out <- getPar(xx, "xlim")
## if(is.null(out))
## out <- c(minBase, maxBase)
## out
## })
## xlim <- c(min(xlims[,1]), max(xlims[,2]))
## ylims <- sapply(gdObject@basetracks, function(xx) {
## out <- getPar(xx, "ylim")
## if(is.null(out))
## out <- range(GenomeGraphs:::getBaseValue(xx), na.rm = TRUE, finite = TRUE)
## out
## })
## ylim <- c(min(ylims[,1]), max(ylims[,2]))
## drawAxis <- sapply(gdObject@basetracks, function(xx) {
## out <- getPar(xx, "drawAxis")
## if(is.null(out))
## out <- TRUE
## })
## if(any(drawAxis))
## drawAxis <- TRUE
## else
## drawAxis <- FALSE
## if (drawAxis) {
## pushViewport(dataViewport(xData = xlim, yData = ylim, extension = 0,
## layout.pos.col = 1, layout.pos.row = vpPosition))
## } else {
## if( || diff(ylim) == 0)
## ylim <- c(0,.1)
## if(any(!is.finite(ylim))) {
## ylim <- c(0,.1)
## }
## pushViewport(dataViewport(xData = xlim, yscale = ylim, extension = 0, clip = TRUE,
## layout.pos.col = 1, layout.pos.row = vpPosition))
## }
## ## here i probably want to vectorize these two.
## lapply(gdObject@basetracks, function(xx) {
## baseValue <- GenomeGraphs:::getBaseValue(xx)
## pos <- GenomeGraphs:::getBase(xx)
## lwd <- GenomeGraphs:::getPar(xx, "lwd")
## lty <- GenomeGraphs:::getPar(xx, "lty")
## pty <- GenomeGraphs:::getPar(xx, "type")
## col <- if (length(color <- getPar(xx, "color")) == length(pos)) {
## color
## }
## else {
## rep(color, length(pos))[1:length(pos)]
## }
## whBase <- (pos > minBase & pos < maxBase)
## col <- col[whBase]
## baseValue <- baseValue[whBase]
## pos <- pos[whBase]
## if (sum(whBase) > 0) {
## dP <- function() {
## grid.points(pos, baseValue, default.units = "native", gp = gpar(col=col),
## size = unit(lwd, "char"), pch = 16)
## }
## dVL <- function() {
## mapply(function(a, b, c) {
## grid.lines(x = c(a, a),
## y = c(min(ylim), b),
## default.units = "native", gp = gpar(col=c, lwd = unit(lwd, "char")))
## }, pos, baseValue, col)
## }
## dCL <- function() {
## grid.lines(x = pos, y = baseValue, default.units = "native",
## gp = gpar(col = col, lwd = unit(lwd, "char")))
## }
## if (pty == "p") {
## dP()
## }
## else if (pty == "h") {
## dVL()
## }
## else if (pty == "l") {
## dCL()
## }
## grid.yaxis()
## }
## })
## GenomeGraphs:::.drawTrackOverlays(gdObject, minBase, maxBase)
## popViewport()
## })
## makeCoveragePlotter2 <- function(expDataList, annoFactory, readLength = 1, dp = DisplayPars()) {
## function(chr, start, end, overlays = NULL, title = NULL, ...) {
## if (!is.null(annoFactory)) {
## geneTracks <- lapply(c(-1, 0, 1), function(str) {
## annoFactory(chr, start, end, strand = str)
## })
## names(geneTracks) <- c("+", "*", "-")
## } else {
## geneTracks <- NULL
## }
## if(is.null(geneTracks[["0"]])) {
## annoTracks <- c("+" = geneTracks[["+"]],
## makeGenomeAxis(),
## "-" = geneTracks[["-"]])
## } else {
## annoTracks <- c("+" = geneTracks[["+"]],
## makeGenomeAxis(),
## "*" = geneTracks[["*"]],
## makeGenomeAxis(),
## "-" = geneTracks[["-"]])
## }
## res <- lapply(expDataList, function(expData) {
## res <- getRegion(expData = expData, chr = chr, start = start, end = end, strand = 0)
## })
## res <- Reduce(function(xx, yy) {
## merge(xx, yy, by = getIndexColumns(expDataList[[1]]),
## all = TRUE)
## }, res)
## res[] <- 0
## cov <- resCoverage(res, start = start, end = end, readLength = readLength)
## res.1 <- res[res[,"strand"] == 1L,]
## res.2 <- res[res[,"strand"] == -1L,]
## cov.1 <- resCoverage(res.1, start = start, end = end, readLength = readLength)
## cov.2 <- resCoverage(res.2, start = start, end = end, readLength = readLength)
## dataTracks <- lapply(cov, function(cv) {
## value <- rep(runValue(cv), each = 2)
## base <- cumsum(runLength(cv))
## base <- sort(c(base, base - runLength(cv) + 1))
## makeBaseTrack(value = value, base = base + start - 1, dp = dp)
## })
## dataTracks2 <- mapply(function(cv1,cv2) {
## value <- rep(runValue(cv1), each = 2)
## base <- cumsum(runLength(cv1))
## base <- sort(c(base, base - runLength(cv1) + 1))
## bt1 <- makeBaseTrack(value = value, base = base + start - 1, dp = DisplayPars(color = "orange", type = "l"))
## value <- rep(runValue(cv2), each = 2)
## base <- cumsum(runLength(cv2))
## base <- sort(c(base, base - runLength(cv2) + 1))
## bt2 <- makeBaseTrack(value = value, base = base + start - 1, dp = DisplayPars(color = "red", type = "l"))
## new("BaseTrackList", basetracks = list(bt1, bt2))
## }, cov.1, cov.2)
## allTracks <- Filter(function(x) !is.null(x), c(annoTracks, dataTracks))
## gdPlot(c(allTracks, title), minBase = start, maxBase = end,
## overlays = overlays, ...)
## invisible(allTracks)
## }
## }
## Useful for converting to pileup representation.
makeConvolver <- function(readLength = 32, direction = 1, weight = 1) {
pad <- rep(0, readLength - 1)
weights <- rep(weight, readLength)
function(dta) {
if (direction == 1) {
dta <- c(pad, dta)
} else {
dta <- c(dta, pad)
convolve(dta, weights, type = "f")
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