GenomicScores: seamless access to genomewide position-specific scores from R and Bioconductor

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The GenomicScores package facilitates an efficient storage and seamless access of genomic scores, and their integration into genome analysis workflows on top of R and Bioconductor. Users using these genomic scores should cite their original source included in the metadata of the scores and accessible through the function citation(). For citing GenomicScores as a software package, please use the following reference:

Puigdevall, P. and Castelo. R. GenomicScores: seamless access to genomewide position-specific scores from R and Bioconductor. Bioinformatics, 18:3208-3210, 2018.


This is the development version of the R/Bioconductor package GenomicScores. This version is unstable and should be used only to test new features. If you are looking for the release version of this package please go to its package release landing page at and follow the instructions there to install it.

If you were really looking for this development version, then to install it you need first to install the development version of R that you can find at and then type the following instructions from the R shell:

BiocManager::install("GenomicScores", version="devel")

Alternatively, you can install it from GitHub using the devtools package.


Questions, bug reports and issues

For questions and bug reports regarding the release version of GenomicScores please use the Bioconductor support site. For bug reports and issues regarding this development version of GenomicScores please use the GitHub issues link at the top-right of this page (

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GenomicScores documentation built on Nov. 8, 2020, 5:21 p.m.