### =========================================================================
### The "features grouped by" extractors
### -------------------------------------------------------------------------
.set_group_names <- function(ans, use.names, txdb, by)
if (!isTRUEorFALSE(use.names))
stop("'use.names' must be TRUE or FALSE")
if (!use.names)
if (by == "gene")
stop("'use.names=TRUE' cannot be used when grouping by gene")
names(ans) <- id2name(txdb, feature.type=by)[names(ans)]
if (any( || any(duplicated(names(ans))))
warning("some group names are NAs or duplicated")
### - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
### transcriptsBy(), exonsBy() and cdsBy().
.join_genes_and_Rdf <- function(genes, Rdf, using)
gene_id <- genes[ , "gene_id"]
gene_id <- factor(gene_id, levels=unique(gene_id))
join_idx <- match(genes[ , using], Rdf[ , using])
Rdf <- S4Vectors:::extract_data_frame_rows(Rdf, join_idx)
cbind(gene_id=gene_id, Rdf)
### 'columns' must be a named vector of db columns where the names are user
### columns.
.add_prefix_to_user_columns <- function(columns, proxy_table)
if (proxy_table == "transcript") {
prefix <- "tx"
} else {
prefix <- proxy_table
user_columns <- names(columns)
has_noname <- user_columns %in% c(NA_character_, "")
prefix_idx <- which(!has_noname)
user_columns[prefix_idx] <- paste(prefix, user_columns[prefix_idx], sep="_")
user_columns[has_noname] <- columns[has_noname]
names(columns) <- user_columns
### 'columns' must be a named character vector with the names being used to
### rename the columns.
.split_df_into_GRL <- function(txdb, df, columns, by, use.names)
rownames(df) <- NULL
f <- df[[1L]]
gr <- makeGRangesFromDataFrame(df[-1L], seqinfo=get_TxDb_seqinfo0(txdb))
gr_mcols <- setNames(df[columns], names(columns))
mcols(gr) <- DataFrame(gr_mcols, check.names=FALSE)
grl <- split(gr, f)
grl <- set_user_seqlevels_and_genome(grl, txdb)
grl <- .set_group_names(grl, use.names, txdb, by)
.assignMetadataList(grl, txdb)
.extract_features_by_gene <- function(txdb, proxy_table, columns)
join_column <- columns[["id"]]
orderby <- c("gene_id", join_column)
## We use 2 SELECT queries and join the results ourselves. This join
## is actually faster than the SQL JOIN.
## 1st SELECT query: get the 2-column 'genes' data frame.
if (proxy_table == "transcript") {
table <- "gene"
} else {
table <- "splicing"
genes <- TxDb_SELECT_from_INNER_JOIN(txdb, table, orderby,
if (proxy_table == "cds") {
## Proxy column is from the "splicing" table, not from the "cds"
## table (which was not even involved in the JOIN in the first
## place), so it can contain NAs. Remove these rows.
keep_me <- ![[2L]])
genes <- S4Vectors:::extract_data_frame_rows(genes, keep_me)
## 2nd SELECT query.
Rdf <- TxDb_SELECT_from_INNER_JOIN(txdb, proxy_table, columns)
## Join the results.
.join_genes_and_Rdf(genes, Rdf, join_column)
.extract_features_by <- function(txdb, proxy_table, by, use.names=FALSE)
tags <- c(TXDB_CORE_COLTAGS, "name")
columns <- TXDB_table_columns(proxy_table)[tags]
if (by == "gene") {
df <- .extract_features_by_gene(txdb, proxy_table, columns)
## Inner metadata columns of the returned GRangesList object.
mcolumns <- columns[c("id", "name")]
} else {
if (proxy_table == "transcript") {
## Extract transcripts grouped by exon or CDS.
by_column <- TXDB_table_columns(by)[["id"]]
orderby <- c(by_column, columns[["id"]], "exon_rank")
} else {
## Extract exons or CDS grouped by transcript.
by_column <- TXDB_table_columns("transcript")[["id"]]
orderby <- c(by_column, "exon_rank")
columns <- c(by_column, "exon_rank", columns)
df <- TxDb_SELECT_from_splicing_bundle(txdb, columns,
## Inner metadata columns of the returned GRangesList object.
mcolumns <- c(columns[c("id", "name")], "exon_rank")
mcolumns <- .add_prefix_to_user_columns(mcolumns, proxy_table)
.split_df_into_GRL(txdb, df, mcolumns, by, use.names)
setGeneric("transcriptsBy", signature="x",
function(x, by=c("gene", "exon", "cds"), ...)
setMethod("transcriptsBy", "TxDb",
function(x, by=c("gene", "exon", "cds"), use.names=FALSE)
by <- match.arg(by)
.extract_features_by(x, "transcript", by, use.names=use.names)
setGeneric("exonsBy", signature="x",
function(x, by=c("tx", "gene"), ...) standardGeneric("exonsBy")
setMethod("exonsBy", "TxDb",
function(x, by=c("tx", "gene"), use.names=FALSE)
by <- match.arg(by)
.extract_features_by(x, "exon", by, use.names=use.names)
setGeneric("cdsBy", signature="x",
function(x, by=c("tx", "gene"), ...) standardGeneric("cdsBy")
setMethod("cdsBy", "TxDb",
function(x, by=c("tx", "gene"), use.names=FALSE)
by <- match.arg(by)
.extract_features_by(x, "cds", by, use.names=use.names)
### - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
### intronsByTranscript()
function(x, ...) standardGeneric("intronsByTranscript")
setMethod("intronsByTranscript", "TxDb",
function(x, use.names=FALSE)
tx <- transcripts(x)
exn <- exonsBy(x)
tx <- tx[match(names(exn), mcols(tx)[,"tx_id"])]
ans <- psetdiff(tx, exn)
.set_group_names(ans, use.names, x, "tx")
### - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
### fiveUTRsByTranscript() and threeUTRsByTranscript()
.getSplicingsForTranscriptsWithCDSs <- function(txdb)
ans <- load_splicings(txdb)
ids <- unique(ans$tx_id[!$cds_id)])
S4Vectors:::extract_data_frame_rows(ans, ans$tx_id %in% ids)
### 'tx_id': character or integer vector with runs of identical elements (one
### run per transcript, and, within each run, one element per exon).
### 'exons_with_cds': integer vector containing the indices of the elements
### in 'tx_id' corresponding to exons with a CDS. The indices must be sorted
### in ascending order.
### Returns for each transcript the indices of the first exon with a CDS, plus
### the indices of the preceding exons in the transcript.
### Note that, for each transcript, exons that have a 5' UTR are all the exons
### before the first exon with a CDS, including the first exon with a CDS (even
### though this one might actually have a 0-width 5' UTR but we will take care
### of this later).
.exons_with_5utr <- function(tx_id, exons_with_cds)
tx_id_rle <- Rle(tx_id)
nexon <- runLength(tx_id_rle)
ntx <- length(nexon)
pseudo_tx_id <-, nexon)
first_exon_with_cds <- integer(ntx)
exons_with_cds <- rev(exons_with_cds)
first_exon_with_cds[pseudo_tx_id[exons_with_cds]] <- exons_with_cds
offset <- cumsum(c(0L, nexon[-length(nexon)]))
lengths <- first_exon_with_cds - offset
S4Vectors:::fancy_mseq(lengths, offset=offset)
### 'tx_id', 'exons_with_cds': same as for .exons_with_5utr().
### Returns for each transcript the indices of the last exon with a CDS, plus
### the indices of the following exons in the transcript.
### Note that, for each transcript, exons that have a 3' UTR are all the exons
### after the last exon with a CDS, including the last exon with a CDS (even
### though this one might actually have a 0-width 3' UTR but we will take care
### of this later).
.exons_with_3utr <- function(tx_id, exons_with_cds)
tx_id_rle <- Rle(tx_id)
nexon <- runLength(tx_id_rle)
ntx <- length(nexon)
pseudo_tx_id <-, nexon)
last_exon_with_cds <- integer(ntx)
last_exon_with_cds[pseudo_tx_id[exons_with_cds]] <- exons_with_cds
offset <- last_exon_with_cds - 1L
lengths <- cumsum(nexon) - offset
S4Vectors:::fancy_mseq(lengths, offset=offset)
.makeUTRsByTranscript <- function(txdb, splicings, utr_start, utr_end)
seqinfo0 <- get_TxDb_seqinfo0(txdb)
cols <- paste0("exon_", c("id", "name", "rank"))
gr <- GRanges(seqnames = factor(
levels =seqlevels(seqinfo0)),
ranges = IRanges(start = utr_start, end = utr_end),
strand = strand(splicings$exon_strand),
seqinfo = seqinfo0)
idx <- width(gr) != 0L # drop 0-width UTRs
grl <- split(gr[idx], splicings$tx_id[idx])
set_user_seqlevels_and_genome(grl, txdb)
.make5UTRsByTranscript <- function(txdb, splicings, use.names=FALSE)
exons_with_cds <- which(!$cds_id))
idx <- .exons_with_5utr(splicings$tx_id, exons_with_cds)
splicings <- S4Vectors:::extract_data_frame_rows(splicings, idx)
## Compute the UTR starts/ends.
utr_start <- splicings$exon_start
utr_end <- splicings$exon_end
idx1 <- !$cds_id)
idx <- idx1 & (splicings$exon_strand == "+")
utr_end[idx] <- splicings$cds_start[idx] - 1L
idx <- idx1 & (splicings$exon_strand == "-")
utr_start[idx] <- splicings$cds_end[idx] + 1L
## split by grouping variable
ans <- .makeUTRsByTranscript(txdb, splicings, utr_start, utr_end)
ans <- .set_group_names(ans, use.names, txdb, "tx")
ans <- .assignMetadataList(ans, txdb)
.make3UTRsByTranscript <- function(txdb, splicings, use.names=FALSE)
exons_with_cds <- which(!$cds_id))
idx <- .exons_with_3utr(splicings$tx_id, exons_with_cds)
splicings <- S4Vectors:::extract_data_frame_rows(splicings, idx)
## Compute the UTR starts/ends.
utr_start <- splicings$exon_start
utr_end <- splicings$exon_end
idx1 <- !$cds_id)
idx <- idx1 & (splicings$exon_strand == "+")
utr_start[idx] <- splicings$cds_end[idx] + 1L
idx <- idx1 & (splicings$exon_strand == "-")
utr_end[idx] <- splicings$cds_start[idx] - 1L
## split by grouping variable
ans <- .makeUTRsByTranscript(txdb, splicings, utr_start, utr_end)
ans <- .set_group_names(ans, use.names, txdb, "tx")
ans <- .assignMetadataList(ans, txdb)
function(x, ...) standardGeneric("fiveUTRsByTranscript")
setMethod("fiveUTRsByTranscript", "TxDb",
function(x, use.names=FALSE)
splicings <- .getSplicingsForTranscriptsWithCDSs(x)
.make5UTRsByTranscript(x, splicings, use.names=use.names)
function(x, ...) standardGeneric("threeUTRsByTranscript")
setMethod("threeUTRsByTranscript", "TxDb",
function(x, use.names=FALSE)
splicings <- .getSplicingsForTranscriptsWithCDSs(x)
.make3UTRsByTranscript(x, splicings, use.names=use.names)
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