### =========================================================================
### extractTranscriptSeqs() and related tools
### -------------------------------------------------------------------------
.unlist_strand <- function(strand, transcripts)
if (is.list(strand) || is(strand, "List")) {
## 'strand' is a list-like object.
if (!identical(unname(elementNROWS(strand)),
stop(wmsg("when 'strand' is a list-like object, it must have ",
"the same \"shape\" as 'transcripts' (i.e. same length ",
"plus 'strand[[i]]' must have the same length as ",
"'transcripts[[i]]' for all 'i')"))
return(strand(unlist(strand, use.names=FALSE)))
if (!(is.vector(strand) || is.factor(strand) || is(strand, "Rle")))
stop(wmsg("'strand' must be an atomic vector, a factor, ",
"an Rle object, or a list-like object"))
strand <- strand(strand)
strand <- S4Vectors:::V_recycle(strand, transcripts,
"strand", "transcripts"), elementNROWS(transcripts))
setGeneric("extractTranscriptSeqs", signature="x",
function(x, transcripts, ...) standardGeneric("extractTranscriptSeqs")
setMethod("extractTranscriptSeqs", "DNAString",
function(x, transcripts, strand="+")
if (!is(transcripts, "IntegerRangesList"))
stop(wmsg("when 'x' is a DNAString object, ",
"'transcripts' must be an IntegerRangesList object"))
unlisted_strand <- .unlist_strand(strand, transcripts)
if (!all(unlisted_strand %in% c("+", "-")))
stop(wmsg("'strand' can only contain \"+\" and/or \"-\" values. ",
"\"*\" is not allowed."))
idx <- which(unlisted_strand == "-")
exons <- extractList(x, unlist(transcripts, use.names=FALSE))
exons[idx] <- reverseComplement(exons[idx])
unstrsplit(relist(exons, transcripts))
### Check for transcripts that have exons located on more than one
### chromosome.
.check_exon_chrom <- function(tx1)
run_lens <- runLength(seqnames(tx1))
idx <- which(elementNROWS(run_lens) != 1L)
if (length(idx) == 0L)
tx1_names <- names(tx1)
if (is.null(tx1_names)) {
some_in1string <- ""
} else {
some_idx <- head(idx, n=2L)
some_names <- tx1_names[some_idx]
some_in1string <- paste0(some_names, collapse=", ")
if (length(idx) > length(some_idx))
some_in1string <- paste0("e.g. ", some_in1string, ", etc...")
some_in1string <- paste0(" (", some_in1string, ")")
stop(wmsg("Some transcripts", some_in1string, " have exons located on ",
"more than one chromosome. This is not supported yet."))
### Check the "exon_rank" inner metadata column if present. When 'transcripts'
### contains CDSs (instead of exons) grouped by transcript, some of the lowest
### or/and highest exon ranks can be missing.
.check_exon_rank <- function(tx1)
exon_rank <- mcols(tx1@unlistData)$exon_rank
if (is.null(exon_rank))
if (!is.numeric(exon_rank))
stop(wmsg("\"exon_rank\" inner metadata column in GRangesList ",
"object 'transcripts' is not numeric"))
if (!is.integer(exon_rank)) {
warning(wmsg("\"exon_rank\" inner metadata column in GRangesList ",
"object 'transcripts' is not integer"))
exon_rank <- as.integer(exon_rank)
if (any(
stop(wmsg("\"exon_rank\" inner metadata column in GRangesList ",
"object 'transcripts' contains NAs"))
partitioning <- PartitioningByEnd(tx1)
## The 2 lines below are equivalent to:
## tmp <- relist(exon_rank, partitioning)
## min_rank <- min(tmp)
## but much faster!
v <- Views(exon_rank, partitioning)
min_rank <- viewMins(v)
if (any(min_rank < 1L))
stop(wmsg("\"exon_rank\" inner metadata column in GRangesList ",
"object 'transcripts' contains ranks < 1"))
tx1_eltNROWS <- elementNROWS(partitioning)
target <- S4Vectors:::fancy_mseq(tx1_eltNROWS,
offset=min_rank - 1L)
if (!identical(target, unname(exon_rank)))
stop(wmsg("\"exon_rank\" inner metadata column in GRangesList ",
"object 'transcripts' does not contain increasing ",
"consecutive ranks for some transcripts"))
### TODO: Incorporate this fast path to "unlist" method for XStringSet objects.
.fast_XStringSet_unlist <- function(x)
# Disabling the fast path for now. Until I understand why using it
# causes extractTranscriptSeqs(Hsapiens, TxDb.Hsapiens.UCSC.hg18.knownGene)
# to use more memory (319.7 Mb) than when NOT using it (288.9 Mb).
if (FALSE) {
x_len <- length(x)
if (x_len != 0L && length(x@pool) == 1L) {
x_ranges <- x@ranges
x_start <- start(x_ranges)
x_end <- end(x_ranges)
if (identical(x_end[-x_len] + 1L, x_start[-1L])) {
## The ranges are adjacent. We can unlist() without copying
## the sequence data!
cat("using fast path (", x_len, ") ...\n")
ans_class <- elementType(x)
ans_shared <- x@pool[[1L]]
ans_offset <- x_start[1L] - 1L
ans_length <- x_end[x_len] - ans_offset
ans <- new2(ans_class, shared=ans_shared,
check = FALSE)
unlist(x, use.names=FALSE)
.extract_and_combine <- function(x, seqname, ranges)
seqs <- getSeq(x, GRanges(seqname, ranges))
## For "getSeq" methods (like the method for GmapGenome objects) that
## return a character vector.
if (is.character(seqs))
seqs <- DNAStringSet(seqs)
.extractTranscriptSeqsFromOneSeq <- function(seqlevel, x, transcripts)
seqlevels(transcripts, pruning.mode="coarse") <- seqlevel
strand <- strand(transcripts)
transcripts <- ranges(transcripts)
if (seqlevel %in% seqlevels(x)) {
## We try to load the less stuff possible i.e. only the nucleotides
## that participate in at least one exon.
exons <- unlist(transcripts, use.names=FALSE)
ranges_to_load <- reduce(exons, with.inframe.attrib=TRUE)
x <- .extract_and_combine(x, seqlevel, ranges_to_load)
exons <- attr(ranges_to_load, "inframe")
transcripts <- relist(exons, transcripts)
} else {
## Why do we need this?
regex <- paste0("^", seqlevel, "$")
x <- getSeq(x, regex)
extractTranscriptSeqs(x, transcripts, strand=strand)
.extractTranscriptSeqs_default <- function(x, transcripts, ...)
if (is(transcripts, "GRangesList")) {
if (length(list(...)) != 0L)
stop(wmsg("additional arguments are allowed only when ",
"'transcripts' is not a GRangesList object"))
} else {
transcripts <- try(exonsBy(transcripts, by="tx", ...),
if (is(transcripts, "try-error"))
stop(wmsg("failed to extract the exon ranges from 'transcripts' ",
"with exonsBy(transcripts, by=\"tx\", ...)"))
idx1 <- which(elementNROWS(transcripts) != 0L)
tx1 <- transcripts[idx1]
tx1_seqlevels_in_use <- seqlevelsInUse(tx1)
x_seqlevels <- seqlevels(x)
ok <- tx1_seqlevels_in_use %in% x_seqlevels
if (!all(ok)) {
if (all(!ok))
stop(wmsg("the transcripts in 'transcripts' are on chromosomes ",
"that are not in 'x'"))
seqlevel_not_in_x <- tx1_seqlevels_in_use[!ok][[1L]]
stop(wmsg("some transcripts in 'transcripts' are on chromosomes ",
"that are not in 'x' (e.g. some transcripts are on ",
"chromosome \"", seqlevel_not_in_x, "\" but this ",
"chromosome is not in 'x')"))
seqlevels(tx1) <- tx1_seqlevels_in_use
## 'seqnames1' is just an ordinary factor (not Rle) parallel to 'tx1'.
seqnames1 <- unlist(runValue(seqnames(tx1)), use.names=FALSE)
dnaset_list <- lapply(levels(seqnames1),
.extractTranscriptSeqsFromOneSeq, x, tx1)
ans <-""), length(transcripts))
names(ans) <- names(transcripts)
ans[idx1] <- unsplit_list_of_XVectorList("DNAStringSet",
setMethod("extractTranscriptSeqs", "ANY", .extractTranscriptSeqs_default)
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