### =========================================================================
### coverageByTranscript()
### -------------------------------------------------------------------------
### Infers the seqlengths based on the ranges located on each sequence.
### 'x' can be a GRanges, GRangesList, GAlignments, GAlignmentPairs, or
### GAlignmentsList object. Maybe .infer_seqlengths() should be a generic
### function?
### Return an integer vector parallel to 'seqlevels(x)' with NAs where the
### sequence length could not be inferred because the sequence has no range
### on it.
.infer_seqlengths <- function(x)
if (is(x, "CompressedList") || is(x, "GAlignmentPairs"))
x <- unlist(x, use.names=FALSE)
## Now 'x' should only be a GRanges or GAlignments object.
pmax(as.integer(end(range(split(ranges(x), seqnames(x))))), 0L)
### Infer seqlengths that are missing from 'x' and 'transcripts'.
.merge_seqinfo_and_infer_missing_seqlengths <- function(x, transcripts)
ans <- merge(seqinfo(x), seqinfo(transcripts))
seqlevels(x) <- seqlevels(transcripts) <- seqlevels(ans)
x_inferred_seqlengths <- .infer_seqlengths(x)
transcripts_inferred_seqlengths <- .infer_seqlengths(transcripts)
## 'x_inferred_seqlengths' and 'transcripts_inferred_seqlengths' are
## guaranteed to be parallel.
inferred_seqlengths <- pmax(x_inferred_seqlengths,
missing_idx <- which(
seqlengths(ans)[missing_idx] <- inferred_seqlengths[missing_idx]
### Computing coverage by transcript (or CDS) of a set of ranges is an
### operation that feels a lot like extracting transcript sequences from a
### genome. Defined as an ordinary function for now.
coverageByTranscript <- function(x, transcripts, ignore.strand=FALSE)
if (!is(transcripts, "GRangesList")) {
transcripts <- try(exonsBy(transcripts, by="tx", use.names=TRUE),
if (is(transcripts, "try-error"))
stop(wmsg("failed to extract the exon ranges ",
"from 'transcripts' with ",
"exonsBy(transcripts, by=\"tx\", use.names=TRUE)"))
if (!isTRUEorFALSE(ignore.strand))
stop(wmsg("'ignore.strand' must be TRUE or FALSE"))
## STEP 1 - Infer seqlengths that are missing from 'x' and 'transcripts'.
## This will guarantee that subsetting the named RleList object
## representing the read coverage by the GRanges object representing
## the set of unique exons won't fail due to out-of-bounds ranges in
## the subscript. See STEP 3 below.
seqinfo(x) <- .merge_seqinfo_and_infer_missing_seqlengths(x, transcripts)
## STEP 2 - Compute unique exons ('uex').
ex <- unlist(transcripts, use.names=FALSE)
## We could simply do 'uex <- unique(ex)' here but we're going to need
## 'sm' and 'is_unique' later to compute the "reverse index" so we compute
## them now and use them to extract the unique exons. That way we hash
## 'ex' only once (the expensive operation).
sm <- selfmatch(ex) # uses a hash table internally
is_unique <- sm == seq_along(sm)
uex2ex <- which(is_unique) # index of unique exons
uex <- ex[uex2ex] # unique exons
## STEP 3 - Compute coverage for each unique exon ('uex_cvg').
#There doesn't seem to be much benefit in doing this.
#x <- subsetByOverlaps(x, transcripts, ignore.strand=TRUE)
if (ignore.strand) {
cvg <- coverage(x)
## Because we've inferred the seqlengths that are missing from 'x'
## and 'transcripts' (see STEP 1 above), 'uex' should never contain
## out-of-bounds ranges i.e. the list elements in 'cvg' should always
## be Rle objects that are long enough with respect to the ranges
## in 'uex'.
uex_cvg <- cvg[uex] # parallel to 'uex'
} else {
x1 <- x[strand(x) %in% c("+", "*")]
x2 <- x[strand(x) %in% c("-", "*")]
cvg1 <- coverage(x1)
cvg2 <- coverage(x2)
is_plus_ex <- strand(uex) == "+"
is_minus_ex <- strand(uex) == "-"
if (!identical(is_plus_ex, !is_minus_ex))
stop(wmsg("'transcripts' has exons on the * strand. ",
"This is not supported at the moment."))
## Because we've inferred the seqlengths that are missing from 'x'
## and 'transcripts' (see STEP 1 above), 'uex' should never contain
## out-of-bounds ranges i.e. the list elements in 'cvg1' and 'cvg2'
## should always be Rle objects that are long enough with respect to
## the ranges in 'uex'.
uex_cvg <- cvg1[uex]
uex_cvg[is_minus_ex] <- cvg2[uex[is_minus_ex]]
## STEP 4 - Flip coverage for exons on minus strand.
## It feels like this is not as fast as it could be (the bottleneck being
## subsetting an Rle object which needs to be revisited at some point).
uex_cvg <- revElements(uex_cvg, strand(uex) == "-")
## STEP 5 - Compute coverage by original exon ('ex_cvg').
ex2uex <- (seq_along(sm) - cumsum(!is_unique))[sm] # reverse index
#stopifnot(identical(ex2uex[uex2ex], seq_along(uex2ex))) # sanity
#stopifnot(identical(ex2uex[sm], ex2uex)) # sanity
#stopifnot(all(uex[ex2uex] == ex)) # sanity
ex_cvg <- uex_cvg[ex2uex] # parallel go 'ex'
## STEP 6 - Compute coverage of each transcript by concatenating coverage of
## its exons.
ans <- IRanges:::regroupBySupergroup(ex_cvg, transcripts)
## STEP 7 - Propagate 'mcols(transcripts)'.
mcols(ans) <- mcols(transcripts)
### - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
### projectOnTranscripts()
### NOT exported! Used in pcoverageByTranscript() below.
### Transform genome-based coordinates into transcriptome-based coordinates.
### 'transcripts' must be a GRanges object representing the exons of a single
### transcript or a GRangesList object of exons grouped by transcript. If the
### former then 'start' and 'end' must be numeric vectors parallel to
### 'transcripts' and the function returns 2 numeric vectors also parallel to
### 'transcripts'. If the latter then they must be NumericList objects with
### the shape of 'transcripts' and the function returns 2 NumericList objects
### also with the shape of 'transcripts'.
.genome2txcoords <- function(transcripts, start, end=start)
offset_in_exon <- start - start(transcripts)
offset_in_exon2 <- end(transcripts) - end
cumsumwtx <- cumsum(width(transcripts))
end_in_tx <- cumsumwtx - offset_in_exon2
end_in_tx2 <- cumsumwtx - offset_in_exon
strand_is_minus <- unname(strand(transcripts) == "-")
if (is(transcripts, "GRangesList")) {
strand_is_minus <- unlist(strand_is_minus, use.names=FALSE)
tmp <- extractROWS(unlist(offset_in_exon2, use.names=FALSE),
offset_in_exon <- relist(
replaceROWS(unlist(offset_in_exon, use.names=FALSE),
strand_is_minus, tmp),
tmp <- extractROWS(unlist(end_in_tx2, use.names=FALSE),
end_in_tx <- relist(
replaceROWS(unlist(end_in_tx, use.names=FALSE),
strand_is_minus, tmp),
} else { # GRanges
tmp <- extractROWS(offset_in_exon2, strand_is_minus)
offset_in_exon <- replaceROWS(offset_in_exon, strand_is_minus, tmp)
tmp <- extractROWS(end_in_tx2, strand_is_minus)
end_in_tx <- replaceROWS(end_in_tx, strand_is_minus, tmp)
list(end_in_tx=end_in_tx, offset_in_exon=offset_in_exon)
### Put nice transcriptome costume on.
.set_transcriptome_seqinfo <- function(x, transcripts)
stopifnot(is(x, "GRangesList"), is(transcripts, "GRangesList"))
stopifnot(length(transcripts) == length(x) || length(transcripts) == 1L)
## Temporarily put all the ranges in 'x' on the 1st level and drop
## all other levels.
seqlevel1 <- seqlevels(x)[[1L]]
tmp_seqnames <- relist(Rle(factor(seqlevel1, levels=seqlevels(x)),
length(unlist(x, use.names=FALSE))), x)
suppressWarnings(seqnames(x) <- tmp_seqnames)
seqlevels(x) <- seqlevel1
## Prepare transcriptome-based seqlevels.
ans_seqlevels <- names(transcripts)
if (is.null(ans_seqlevels)) {
seqlevels_are_bad <- TRUE
} else {
seqlevels_are_bad <- anyDuplicated(ans_seqlevels) ||
any(ans_seqlevels %in% c(NA_character_, ""))
if (seqlevels_are_bad)
warning(wmsg("The names on 'transcripts' could not be used to set ",
"the seqlevels of the returned object (because they ",
"contain duplicates, NAs, and/or empty strings). ",
"Setting artificial seqlevels TX1, TX2, etc..."))
if (seqlevels_are_bad)
ans_seqlevels <- paste0("TX", as.character(seq_along(transcripts)))
## Set transcriptome-based seqinfo.
ans_seqinfo <- Seqinfo(ans_seqlevels,
new2old <-, length(ans_seqinfo))
new2old[1L] <- 1L
suppressWarnings(seqinfo(x, new2old=new2old) <- ans_seqinfo)
## Set transcriptome-based seqnames.
if (length(ans_seqlevels) != 1L) {
ans_seqnames <- relist(Rle(factor(ans_seqlevels, levels=ans_seqlevels),
elementNROWS(x)), x)
seqnames(x) <- ans_seqnames
## Set strand to "*".
strand(x) <- "*"
### If 'keep.nohit.exons' is TRUE, return a GRangesList object with the same
### shape as 'transcripts'. Names and metadata columns on 'transcripts' are
### propagated.
.project_GRanges_on_transcripts <- function(x, transcripts,
stopifnot(is(x, "GRanges"), is(transcripts, "GRangesList"))
## Recycle arguments.
transcripts_was_recycled <- FALSE
if (length(x) != length(transcripts)) {
if (length(x) == 1L) {
x <-, length(transcripts))
} else if (length(transcripts) == 1L) {
transcripts <-, length(x))
transcripts_was_recycled <- TRUE
} else {
stop(wmsg("when 'x' and 'transcripts' don't have the ",
"same length, one of them must have length 1"))
if (!isTRUEorFALSE(keep.nohit.exons))
stop(wmsg("'keep.nohit.exons' must be TRUE or FALSE"))
pint <- pintersect(transcripts, x, ignore.strand=ignore.strand)
## Transform genome-based coordinates in 'pint' into transcriptome-based
## coordinates.
txcoords <- .genome2txcoords(transcripts, start(pint), end(pint))
seqlengths(pint)[] <- NA_integer_ # so no out-of-bound range when shifting
ans <- shift(pint, txcoords$end_in_tx - end(pint))
## Add "offset_in_exon" inner metadata column to 'ans'.
unlisted_ans <- unlist(ans, use.names=FALSE)
mcols(unlisted_ans)$offset_in_exon <- unlist(txcoords$offset_in_exon,
## 'pint' typically contains many "nohit ranges" that are zero-width
## ranges artificially created by pintersect(), one for each exon in
## 'transcripts' that receives no hit. This allows 'pint' to have the
## same shape as 'transcripts' which is required for .genome2txcoords()
## to work. If 'keep.nohit.exons' is FALSE then we remove those "nohit
## ranges" from 'ans'.
if (!keep.nohit.exons) {
is_hit <- relist(mcols(unlisted_ans)$hit, ans)
mcols(unlisted_ans)$hit <- NULL
ans <- relist(unlisted_ans, ans)[is_hit]
} else {
ans <- relist(unlisted_ans, ans)
if (!set.transcriptome.seqinfo)
## Put nice transcriptome costume on.
if (transcripts_was_recycled)
transcripts <- transcripts[1L]
.set_transcriptome_seqinfo(ans, transcripts)
### Return a GRangesList object parallel to 'transcripts' (but the shape is
### different). Names and metadata columns on 'transcripts' are propagated.
.project_GRangesList_on_transcripts <- function(x, transcripts,
stopifnot(is(x, "GRangesList"), is(transcripts, "GRangesList"))
## Recycle arguments.
transcripts_was_recycled <- FALSE
if (length(x) != length(transcripts)) {
if (length(x) == 1L) {
x <-, length(transcripts))
} else if (length(transcripts) == 1L) {
transcripts <-, length(x))
transcripts_was_recycled <- TRUE
} else {
stop(wmsg("when 'x' and 'transcripts' don't have the ",
"same length, one of them must have length 1"))
x_eltNROWS <- elementNROWS(x)
transcripts2 <-, x_eltNROWS)
unlisted_x <- unlist(x, use.names=FALSE)
y <- .project_GRanges_on_transcripts(unlisted_x, transcripts2,
ignore.strand, keep.nohit.exons,
ans <- IRanges:::regroupBySupergroup(y, x)
## Put nice transcriptome costume on.
if (transcripts_was_recycled)
transcripts <- transcripts[1L]
.set_transcriptome_seqinfo(ans, transcripts)
### 'x' and 'transcripts' must have the same length. Perform "parallel
### projection" of the ranges in 'x' on the exons in 'transcripts'.
setGeneric("projectOnTranscripts", signature="x",
function(x, transcripts, ...) standardGeneric("projectOnTranscripts")
setMethod("projectOnTranscripts", "GRanges",
setMethod("projectOnTranscripts", "GRangesList",
setMethod("projectOnTranscripts", "ANY",
function(x, transcripts, ignore.strand=FALSE, keep.nohit.exons=FALSE, ...)
x <- grglist(x, ...)
### - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
### pcoverageByTranscript()
### "Parallel" version of coverageByTranscript(). 'x' and 'transcripts'
### must have the same length. 'x' can be any object supported by
### projectOnTranscripts().
pcoverageByTranscript <- function(x, transcripts, ignore.strand=FALSE, ...)
if (!is(transcripts, "GRangesList")) {
transcripts <- try(exonsBy(transcripts, by="tx", use.names=TRUE),
if (is(transcripts, "try-error"))
stop(wmsg("failed to extract the exon ranges ",
"from 'transcripts' with ",
"exonsBy(transcripts, by=\"tx\", use.names=TRUE)"))
ranges_on_tx <- projectOnTranscripts(x, transcripts,
ans <- as(coverage(ranges_on_tx), "CompressedRleList")
names(ans) <- names(transcripts)
mcols(ans) <- mcols(transcripts)
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