## The IRLS algorithm
.irls_nb <- function(beta0, X, y, theta, lambda, S, offset, control = list(eps = 1e-6, maxiter = 1000)) {
beta <- beta0
beta_old <- beta - control$eps - 1
dif <- max(abs(beta - beta_old))
k <- 0
converged <- TRUE
while (dif > control$eps & k < control$maxiter){
futile.logger::flog.debug(paste0("Iteration: ", k, "\n"))
eta <- offset + X %*% beta
mu <- exp(eta)
z <- 1/mu*(y - mu)+eta
## 1. Compute V
v <- as.numeric(mu^2/Matrix::diag(mu+(mu)^2/theta))
## 2. Update weight matrix
W <- Matrix::bandSparse(dim(X)[1], k = 0, diag = c(list(v)))
## 3. Compute new value of beta
beta_old <- beta
H <- Matrix::t(X) %*% W %*% X + 2*lambda * S
beta <- Matrix::solve(H, Matrix::t(X) %*% W %*% z)
dif <- max(abs(beta - beta_old))
futile.logger::flog.debug(paste0("Maximal Parameter Difference: ", dif, "\n"))
k <- k+1
if(k == control$maxiter) {
converged <- FALSE
res <- list(par = as.numeric(beta), converged = converged, iterations = k + 1)
.computeDirection <- function(H, gradk, s, y, ro, len) {
q <- gradk
if(len == 0) {
r <- Matrix::solve(H, q)
alpha <- numeric(len)
for(ii in len:1) {
alpha[ii] <- ro[ii] * crossprod(s[,ii], q)
q <- q - alpha[ii] * y[,ii]
r <- Matrix::solve(H, q)@x
for(jj in 1:len) {
beta <- as.numeric(ro[jj] * crossprod(y[,jj], r))
r <- r + s[,jj] * (alpha[jj] - beta)
## the simple backtrack algorithm for linesearch
## to ensure Wolfe conditions. See Nocedal, Algorithm 3.1
.linesearch <- function(x, p, f, grad, alpha0 = 1, c = runif(1), rho = 0.9, ...) {
alpha <- alpha0
## check if initial alpha is good enough
betas <- as.numeric(x + alpha * p)
fleft <- f(beta = betas, ...)
fright <- as.numeric(f(beta = x, ...) + c * alpha * (Matrix::t(grad(beta = x, ...)) %*% p))
## decrease alpha by rho, to 'backtrack' it's optimal values
while(fleft > fright) {
alpha <- rho * alpha
betas <- as.numeric(x + alpha * p)
fleft <- f(beta = betas, ...)
fright <- as.numeric(f(beta = x, ...) + c * alpha * (Matrix::t(grad(beta = x, ...)) %*% p))
#' The modified lbfgs function for sparse optimization problems
#' @param x0 an initial vector
#' @param H0 an initial Hessian matrix. Can be missing, in which case
#' it will be the identity matrix
#' @param f the likelihood function
#' @param gr the likelihood gradient function
#' @param control parameters, if empty filled accordingly
#' @details Performs a modified L-BFGS. The modification stems largely from the fact,
#' that instead of an diagonal approximated inverse Hessian an approximated Hessian is
#' used and a linear system is solved via a direct solver is solved to obtain the
#' respective values. (see Nocedal, p. 178)
#' @noRd
.lbfgs <- function(x0, H0, f, gr, control = list(), fact = c(1,1), ...) {
## If list is empty then replace with the proper settings
if(length(control) == 0) {
control <- list(eps = 1e-6, maxiter = 1000, alpha = 1, rho = 0.5, c = 1e-4, m = 6)
## initialize Hessian as identity matrix
if(missing(H0)) {
H0 <- Matrix::bandSparse(length(x0), k = 0)
## initialize variables
k <- 1
idx <- 0
x <- x0
H <- H0
epsilon <- control$eps
m <- control$m
converged <- TRUE
## the only vectors stored.
s <- matrix(nrow = length(x0), ncol = m)
y <- matrix(nrow = length(x0), ncol = m)
ro <- numeric(m)
lllast <- 0
llk <- epsilon + 1
lldiff <- abs(llk - lllast)
normGrad <- epsilon + 1
grad <- matrix(gr(beta = x, ...), ncol = 1)
## Start L-BFGS loop
while(lldiff > epsilon & normGrad > epsilon & k <= control$maxiter) {
## compute direction and stepsize
p <- (-1) * .computeDirection(H, grad, s, y, ro, idx)
alphak <- .linesearch(x, p, f, gr, alpha0 = control$alpha, c = control$c, rho = control$rho, ...)
## update params
idx <- min(k, m) ## are we within the first m iterations?
xnext <- matrix(x + alphak*p, ncol = 1)
## update ll and gradient
lllast <- llk
llk <- f(xnext, fact = fact, ...)
lldiff <- abs(llk - lllast)
gradNext <- matrix(gr(beta = xnext, ...), ncol = 1)
normGrad <- sqrt(as.numeric(crossprod(gradNext)))
## update s, y and rho vectors
## if
if(k > m) {
s <- cbind(s[,-1], 0)
y <- cbind(y[,-1], 0)
ro <- ro[-1]
s[,idx] <- xnext - x
y[,idx] <- gradNext - grad
ro[idx] <- as.numeric(1/crossprod(y[,idx], s[,idx]))
## create new Hessian
H <- .Hupdate(xnext, ...)
## reset params variables
x <- xnext
grad <- gradNext
## printing
futile.logger::flog.debug(paste0("Iteration: ", k, "\n"))
futile.logger::flog.debug(paste0("||gr|| = ", normGrad, "\n"))
futile.logger::flog.debug(paste0("Alpha = ", alphak, "\n"))
futile.logger::flog.debug(paste0("Likelihood = ", llk, "\n"))
## update iteration
k <- k + 1
if(k == control$maxiter) {
converged <- FALSE
return(list(par = x, converged = converged, iterations = k))
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