#' Markov Clustering (MCL) for community detection
#' This function implements the Markov Clustering (MCL) algorithm for finding community
#' structure, in an analogous way to other existing algorithms in `igraph`.
#' This implementation has been driven by the nice explanations provided in
#' *
#' *
#' * (python implementation)
#' More info on the MCL:, and
#' @references van Dongen, S.M., Graph clustering by flow simulation (2000) PhD thesis,
#' Utrecht University Repository -
#' @references Enright AJ, van Dongen SM, Ouzounis CA, An efficient algorithm for
#' large-scale detection of protein families (2002) Nucleic Acids Research, Volume 30,
#' Issue 7, 1 April 2002, Pages 1575–1584,
#' @param g The input graph object
#' @param add_self_loops Logical, whether to add self-loops to the matrix by
#' setting the diagonal to `loop_value`
#' @param loop_value Numeric, the value to use for self-loops
#' @param mcl_expansion Numeric, cluster expansion factor for the Markov clustering
#' iteration - defaults to 2
#' @param mcl_inflation Numeric, cluster inflation factor for the Markov clustering
#' iteration - defaults to 2
#' @param allow_singletons Logical; if `TRUE`, single isolated vertices are allowed
#' to form their own cluster. If set to `FALSE`, all clusters of size = 1 are
#' grouped in one cluster (to be interpreted as background noise).
#' @param max_iter Numeric value for the maximum number of iterations for the
#' Markov clustering
#' @param return_node_names Logical, if the graph is named and set to `TRUE`, returns
#' the node names.
#' @param return_esm Logical, controlling whether the equilibrium state matrix should be returned
#' @return This function returns a `communities` object, containing the numbers of
#' the assigned membership (in the slot `membership`). Please see the
#' [igraph::communities()] manual page for additional details
#' @export
#' @examples
#' library("igraph")
#' g <- make_full_graph(5) %du% make_full_graph(5) %du% make_full_graph(5)
#' g <- add_edges(g, c(1,6, 1,11, 6, 11))
#' cluster_markov(g)
#' V(g)$color <- cluster_markov(g)$membership
#' plot(g)
cluster_markov <- function(g,
add_self_loops = TRUE,
loop_value = 1,
mcl_expansion = 2,
mcl_inflation = 2,
allow_singletons = TRUE,
max_iter = 100,
return_node_names = TRUE,
return_esm = FALSE) {
# g must be a graph
if (!is(g, "igraph"))
stop("You need to provide an igraph object as input")
stopifnot(loop_value >= 0)
stopifnot(mcl_expansion > 1)
stopifnot(mcl_inflation > 1)
stopifnot(loop_value >= 0)
stopifnot(max_iter > 0)
# graph to adjacency matrix
adj_mat <- igraph::as_adjacency_matrix(g)
adj_mat <- as.matrix(adj_mat) # to enforce non-sparse matrix
converged <- FALSE
# Initialize self-loops
if (add_self_loops)
diag(adj_mat) <- loop_value
# Normalize (sum by col must be 1)
adj_mat_norm <- t(adj_mat/colSums(adj_mat))
cur_mat_norm <- adj_mat_norm
for (i_mcl in seq_len(max_iter)) {
# message(i_mcl)
last_mat <- cur_mat_norm
exp_mat <- cur_mat_norm %^% mcl_expansion
inf_mat <- exp_mat ^ mcl_inflation
# inf_mat_norm <- t(inf_mat/colSums(inf_mat))
inf_mat_norm <- apply(inf_mat, MARGIN = 2, FUN = function(matcol) {
## TODO: optional pruning?
# idea: inspect matrix and set small values directly to zero (assume they would have reached there eventually anyways).
if (identical(inf_mat_norm, last_mat)) {
converged <- TRUE
cur_mat_norm <- inf_mat_norm
if (converged &[1, 1]))
stop("An error occurred after convergence - maybe you set `add_self_loops` to FALSE?")
# getting the attractors - non-zero elements of the matrix diagonal
clu_attractors <- which(diag(cur_mat_norm) > 0)
# store the clusters
clusters <- vector(mode = "list", length(clu_attractors))
# the nodes in the same row as each attractor form a cluster
for(i in seq_along(clu_attractors)) {
cur_att <- clu_attractors[i]
cur_members <- which(cur_mat_norm[cur_att, ] > 0)
clusters[[i]] <- cur_members
# chop off the identical ones
clusters <- unique(clusters)
# from clusters sets to membership as label
clu_memberships <- rep(NA, nrow(adj_mat))
for(i in seq_along(clusters)) {
this_cluster <- clusters[[i]]
clu_memberships[this_cluster] <- i
# handling the singletons
if (!allow_singletons) {
dub <- duplicated(clu_memberships) + duplicated(clu_memberships, fromLast = TRUE)
n_singletons <- sum(dub == 0)
clu_memberships[dub == 0] <- 0
# reshifting to not having gaps in the cluster numbers
clu_memberships[dub != 0] <- clu_memberships[dub != 0] - n_singletons
res <- list()
if (return_node_names & igraph::is_named(g))
res$names <- V(g)$name
res$vcount <- vcount(g)
res$algorithm <- "mcl"
res$iterations <- i_mcl - 1
res$membership <- clu_memberships
if (return_esm)
res$esm <- cur_mat_norm
class(res) <- "communities" # to take advantage of the goodies for printing and co
# nice to test on the set of igraph examples - say, louvain
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