### filename: RankingBaldiLong.r
### Title: Gene rankings via Baldi & Longs's Bayesian t statitic.
### Author: Martin Slawski
### email: <>
### date of creation: 5.9.2007
### date(s) of updates: 6.9.2007
### Brief description:
# Bayesian t-test following Baldi & Long (2001).
# R code adaption from Anthony D. Long / Suman Sundaresh
### Further comments and notes:
# s. also RankingFoxDimmic.r.
# Produces results that differ slightly from the code above,
# due to the sliding window problem.
setGeneric("RankingBaldiLong", function(x, y, type=c("unpaired", "paired", "onesample"), m=100, conf=NULL,
pvalues=TRUE, gene.names=NULL,...) standardGeneric("RankingBaldiLong"))
### signature: x=matrix, y=numeric.
setMethod("RankingBaldiLong", signature(x="matrix", y="numeric"),
function(x, y, type=c("unpaired", "paired", "onesample"),
m=100, conf=NULL, pvalues=TRUE, gene.names=NULL, ...){
taby <- table(y)
if(any(taby <= 2)) stop("More than two arrays for each level of y required. \n")
ly <- length(y)
if(ly != ncol(x))
stop("Length of y is not equal to the number of columns of the expression matrix \n.")
mode(x) <- "numeric"
type <- match.arg(type)
if( !is.element(type, eval(formals(RankingBaldiLong)$type)))
stop("Argument 'type' must be one of 'unpaired', 'paired' or 'onesample' \n")
winsize <- ceiling(m/2)
conf <- as.integer(conf)
if(conf < 0) stop("Argument 'conf' must be non-negative \n")
if(ly <= 4) conf <- 3*ly
if(ly>4 & ly < 20) conf <- 2*ly
else conf <- ly
if(type == "onesample"){
if(length(unique(y)) != 1)
warning("Type has been chosen 'onesample', but y has more than one level. \n")
m1 <- rowMeans(x)
o1 <- order(m1)
df1 <- ly-1
ss1uo <- sqrt(rowSums((x-m1)^2)/df1)
ss1 <- ss1uo[o1]
p <- nrow(x)
lower <- c(rep(1, winsize), 2:(p-winsize+1))
upper <- c((winsize+1):p, rep(p, winsize))
bayes <- sapply(1:p, function(i) {
low <- lower[i]
upp <- upper[i]
winlen <- length(low:upp)
ss11 <- sum(ss1[low:upp])/winlen
part1 <- double(p)
part1[o1] <- bayes
bayesSD1 <- sqrt((conf * part1^2 + df1 * ss1uo^2)/(conf + df1-1))
statistic <- m1/bayesSD1*sqrt(df1)
dft <- df1 + conf-1
if(type == "paired"){
if(length(taby) != 2)
stop("Type has been chosen 'paired', but y has not exactly two levels. \n")
if(taby[1] != taby[2] || length(unique(y[1:taby[1]])) != 1 | length(unique(y[-c(1:taby[1])])) != 1)
stop("Incorrect coding for type='paired'. \n")
xx1 <- x[,1:taby[1]]
xx2 <- x[,-c(1:taby[1])]
diffxx <- xx2 - xx1
m1 <- rowMeans(diffxx)
o1 <- order(m1)
df1 <- (ly/2)-1
ss1uo <- sqrt(rowSums((diffxx-m1)^2)/df1)
ss1 <- ss1uo[o1]
p <- nrow(x)
lower <- c(rep(1, winsize), 2:(p-winsize+1))
upper <- c((winsize+1):p, rep(p, winsize))
bayes <- sapply(1:p, function(i) {
low <- lower[i]
upp <- upper[i]
winlen <- length(low:upp)
ss11 <- sum(ss1[low:upp])/winlen
part1 <- double(p)
part1[o1] <- bayes
bayesSD1 <- sqrt((conf * part1^2 + df1 * ss1uo^2)/(conf + df1-1))
statistic <- m1/bayesSD1*sqrt(df1)
dft <- df1+ conf-1
if(type == "unpaired"){
y <- as.factor(y)
ly <- levels(y)
if(length(ly) != 2)
stop("Type has been chosen 'unpaired', but y has not exactly two levels ! \n")
ind <- y==ly[1]
xx1 <- x[,ind]
xx2 <- x[,!ind]
m1 <- rowMeans(xx1)
m2 <- rowMeans(xx2)
o1 <- order(m1)
o2 <- order(m2)
df1 <- sum(ind)-1
df2 <- sum(!ind)-1
ss1uo <- sqrt(rowSums((xx1-m1)^2)/df1)
ss2uo <- sqrt(rowSums((xx2-m2)^2)/df2)
ss1 <- ss1uo[o1]
ss2 <- ss2uo[o2]
p <- nrow(x)
lower <- c(rep(1, winsize), 2:(p-winsize+1))
upper <- c((winsize+1):p, rep(p, winsize))
bayes <- sapply(1:p, function(i) {
low <- lower[i]
upp <- upper[i]
winlen <- length(low:upp)
ss11 <- sum(ss1[low:upp])/winlen
ss22 <- sum(ss2[low:upp])/winlen
return(c(ss11, ss22))})
part1 <- part2 <- double(p)
part1[o1] <- bayes[1,]
part2[o2] <- bayes[2,]
bayesSD1 <- sqrt((conf * part1^2 + df1 * ss1uo^2)/(conf + df1-1))
bayesSD2 <- sqrt((conf * part2^2 + df2 * ss2uo^2)/(conf + df2 - 1))
statistic <- (m1 - m2)/sqrt(((df1 * bayesSD1^2 + df2 * bayesSD2^2)/(df1 +
df2)) * (((df1+1) + (df2+1))/((df1+1) * (df2+1))))
dft <- df1+df2 + 2*conf-2
if(pvalues) pvals <- 1 - pf(statistic^2, 1, dft)
else pvals <- rep(NA, nrow(x))
ranking <- rank(-abs(statistic), ties = "first")
names(pvals) <- names(statistic) <- gene.names
names(pvals) <- names(statistic) <- rownames(x)
new("GeneRanking", x = x, y = as.factor(y), statistic=statistic,
ranking=ranking, pval=pvals, type=type, method="BaldiLongT")
### signature: x=matrix, y=factor.
setMethod("RankingBaldiLong", signature(x="matrix", y="factor"),
function(x, y, type=c("unpaired", "paired", "onesample"), m=50, conf=NULL,
pvalues=TRUE, gene.names=NULL,...)
RankingBaldiLong(x, y=as.numeric(y), type, m, conf, pvalues=TRUE, gene.names, ...)
### signature: x=ExpressionSet, y=character.
setMethod("RankingBaldiLong", signature(x="ExpressionSet", y="character"),
function(x, y, type=c("unpaired", "paired", "onesample"), m=50, conf=NULL, pvalues=TRUE, gene.names=NULL,...)
RankingBaldiLong(exprs(x), y=pData(x)[,y], type, m, conf, pvalues=TRUE, gene.names, ...)
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