### filename: AggregateMC.r
### Title: Aggregation using stationary probabilities of Markov Chains.
### Author: Martin Slawski
### email: <>
### date of creation: 18.11.2008
### date(s) of updates:
### Brief description:
# Aggregation is based on a proposal of Dwork et al.,
# taken up by DeConde et al..
### Further comments and notes:
setGeneric("AggregateMC", function(RR, maxrank, type=c("MC4", "MCT"), epsilon = 0.15)
setMethod("AggregateMC", signature(RR="RepeatedRanking"), function(RR, maxrank, type=c("MC4", "MCT"), epsilon = 0.15){
R0 <- RR@original@ranking
R <- RR@rankings
R <- cbind(R0, R)
p <- nrow(R)
M <- ncol(R)
type <- match.arg(type)
if(!is.element(type, eval(formals(AggregateMC)$type)))
stop("Invalid 'type' specified \n")
stop("Argument 'maxrank' has to be specified \n")
maxrank <- as.integer(maxrank)
if(maxrank <= 1 || maxrank > p)
stop("'maxrank' must exceed 1 and must be smaller than the total number of genes \n")
U <- unique(as.numeric(apply(R, 2, function(z) match(1:maxrank, z))))
ll <- length(U)
if(ll > 500)
cat("The number of distinct genes in all top-'maxrank' lists exceeds 500; computation
might be time-consuming or even infeasible \n")
L <- matrix(data = 0, nrow = ll, ncol = ll)
if(type == "MCT"){
storage.mode(R) <- "integer"
L <- .C("mct", R = R, U = as.integer(U), lx = as.integer(p), ll = as.integer(ll), mm = as.integer(M), maxrank = as.integer(maxrank), L = L)$L
N <- L + t(L)
L <- L * 1/N
diag(L) <- 0
L[!is.finite(L)] <- 0.5
storage.mode(R) <- "integer"
L <- .C("mcfour", R = R, U = as.integer(U), lx = as.integer(p), ll = as.integer(ll), mm = as.integer(M), maxrank = as.integer(maxrank), L = L)$L
L <- L/ll
diag(L) <- 1 - rowSums(L)
L <- (1-epsilon)*L + epsilon/ll
one <- rep(1, ll)
Pi <- drop(t(one) %*% qr.solve(diag(1, ll) - L + 1))
ranking <- numeric(p)
ranking[-U] <- ll+1
ranking[U] <- rank(-Pi, ties.method = "first")
new("AggregatedRanking", ranking = ranking, type = type, measure = "stationary probabilities", method = RR@original@method)}
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