Defines functions GGPA

Documented in GGPA

# main GGPA function

GGPA <- function( gwasPval, pgraph=NULL, nBurnin=10000, nMain=40000,  lbPval=1e-10, verbose=1 ) {

	# summarizing setting for graph-GPA

	mcmcSetting <- list()
	mcmcSetting$nBurnin <- nBurnin
	mcmcSetting$nMain <- nMain
	mcmcSetting$lbPval <- lbPval

	# convert p-value to a matrix, if needed, for consistency

	if ( !is.matrix(gwasPval) ) {
		gwasPval <- as.matrix(gwasPval)

	# check correctness of data
	# gwasPval: M * K matrix (p-value, [ 0, 1 ] )

	if ( any( gwasPval < 0 | gwasPval > 1 ) ) {
		stop( "Some p-values are smaller than zero or larger than one. p-value should be ranged between zero and one. Please check your p-value matrix." )

	# check dimensions match between gwasPval and pgraph

	if ( !is.null(pgraph) ) {
	  if ( ncol(gwasPval) == ncol(pgraph) ) {
	    message( "Info: Prior phenotype graph is provided and will be used in the estimation." )
	    mcmcSetting$usePgraph <- TRUE
	  } else {
	    stop( "Dimensions of the GWAS p-value matrix and the prior graph matrix do not match!" )
	} else {
	  message( "Info: Uniform prior will be used for the phenotype graph in the estimation." )
	  mcmcSetting$usePgraph <- FALSE

	# initialization of constants

	nBin <- nrow(gwasPval)
	nGWAS <- ncol(gwasPval)

	# report setting

	message( "Info: Number of GWAS data: ", nGWAS )

	# set zero p-values to small values to avoid log(0)

	if ( verbose >= 1 ) {
		if ( any( gwasPval < lbPval ) ) {
			message( "Info: Some SNPs have p-values close to zero." )
			message( "Info: Number of SNPs with p-values close to zero: ", length(which( gwasPval < lbPval )) )
			message( "Info: p-values for these SNPs are set to ", lbPval )

			gwasPval[ gwasPval < lbPval ] <- lbPval

	# probit transformation of p-values

	Y <- qnorm( 1 - gwasPval )

	Y <- t(Y)
  n_pheno <- nrow(Y)
  n_SNP <- ncol(Y)
  Varnames <- rownames(Y)


	#                                            #
  #                 initialization             #
  #                                            #

  model = new( cGGPA, Y )

	# initialize emission distribution

	model$mu_vec = rep( 0.4, n_pheno )
  model$sig2_vec = rep( 0.5, n_pheno )

  # initialize association matrix

  init_E = matrix( sample(x=c(0,1),size=(n_pheno*n_SNP),replace=TRUE), nrow=n_pheno )
  init_E[ Y<=0 ] <- 0 # Added for Ver_1_2_2
  model$E_mat = init_E

  # initialize the phenotype graph (25% ceiling)

  prop_nonzero <- 0.25

  init_G = diag(9, n_pheno)

  ind_UT <- as.matrix( row(init_G) < col(init_G) )
  n_UT <- length(which(ind_UT))
  n_nonzero <- ceiling( n_UT * prop_nonzero )

  init_G[ which(ind_UT)[ sample( x=seq_len(n_UT), size=n_nonzero, replace=FALSE ) ] ] <- 1

  for (i in seq_len(n_pheno-1)){
  	for (j in seq(i+1,n_pheno)){
  		init_G[j,i] = init_G[i,j]

  # force in edges, if a phenotype graph is provided

  if ( !is.null(pgraph) ) {
    # symmetrize the phenotype graph matrix

    for (i in seq_len(n_pheno)){
    	for (j in seq_len(n_pheno)){
    		pgraph[i,j] = max( pgraph[i,j], pgraph[j,i] )

    # force in edges

    for (i in seq_len(n_pheno)){
    	for (j in seq_len(n_pheno)){
    		init_G[i,j] = max( init_G[i,j], pgraph[i,j] )
  } else {
    pgraph <- matrix( 0, n_pheno, n_pheno )
    rownames(pgraph) <- colnames(pgraph) <- colnames(gwasPval)

  # initialize MRF coefficients

  init_beta = diag(-6,n_pheno)
  init_beta[ init_G == 1 ] <- 0.9

  # Fixed Hyperparameters

  model$Beta = init_beta
  model$G_mat = init_G

  model$theta_mu = 0 ; model$tau2_mu = 10000 ; # CHECK 0.0 is ok
  model$a_sigma = 0.5 ; model$b_sigma = 0.5 ;
  model$theta_alpha = 0 ; model$tau2_alpha = 10000 ; model$stepsize_alpha = 0.1 ;
  model$a_beta = 4.0 ; model$b_beta = 2.0 ; model$stepsize_beta = 0.1 ; # Folder "65"
  model$a_betaG = 1.0 ; model$b_betaG = 1.0
  model$threshold_on = 4.3 ; # V 1.3.1  e_it = 1 if y_it > threshold_on

  model$E_forcein_mat = pgraph

	#                                            #
  #                 burn-in                    #
  #                                            #


  is_accept = array(0,c(nBurnin,9))
  dimnames(is_accept)[[2]] = c("e_it","mu_i","sig2_ij","alpha_i","beta_ij","G_beta_ij","empty","empty","empty")
  Count_G_ij = array(0,c(n_pheno,n_pheno))

  draw_loglikelihood = rep(0,nBurnin)
  draw_sum_G_ij = rep(0,nBurnin)
  draw_beta = array(0,c(nBurnin,n_pheno,n_pheno))
  draw_mu_vec = array(0,c(nBurnin,n_pheno))
  draw_sig = array(0,c(nBurnin,n_pheno))
  draw_mean_E = array(0,c(nBurnin,n_pheno))
  draw_avg_E_ij = array(0,c(nBurnin,n_pheno))
  draw_theta_mu = draw_tau2_mu = draw_a_beta = draw_b_beta = rep(0,nBurnin)
  draw_normC = rep(0,nBurnin)
  dimnames(draw_mean_E)[[2]] = Varnames

  Starttime = Prevtime = PrevIterTime = proc.time()[3]

  message("Burn in iterations...")

  for ( temp_iter in seq_len(nBurnin) ) {

  	# CurIterTime = proc.time()[3]
  	# print(paste("Iter=",temp_iter,", For each iter, take ",round((CurIterTime-PrevIterTime)/60,1)," min"))
  	# PrevIterTime = CurIterTime

  	draw_loglikelihood[temp_iter] = model$loglikelihood
    is_accept[temp_iter,] = model$Accept
    Count_G_ij = Count_G_ij + model$G_mat

    draw_sum_G_ij[temp_iter] = sum(model$G_mat==1)/2
    draw_beta[temp_iter,,] = model$Beta
    draw_mu_vec[temp_iter,] = model$mu_vec
    draw_sig[temp_iter,] = sqrt(model$sig2_vec)

  	draw_mean_E[temp_iter,] = apply(model$E_mat,1,mean)

  	draw_theta_mu[temp_iter] = model$theta_mu
  	draw_tau2_mu[temp_iter] = model$tau2_mu
  	draw_a_beta[temp_iter] = model$a_beta
  	draw_b_beta[temp_iter] = model$b_beta

  	draw_normC[temp_iter] = model$normC

  	if ( verbose >= 1 ) {
  	  if (temp_iter%%100==0) {
  	    message( "Burn-in iteration: ",temp_iter," / ",nBurnin)

        Currenttime = proc.time()[3]
    		# TotalTime = Currenttime-Starttime ; AvgTime = TotalTime/temp_iter ;
    		Last100 = Currenttime-Prevtime ; Time_to_Go = (nBurnin-temp_iter)*(Last100/100)
    		Prevtime = Currenttime
    		# print(paste("Elapsed=",round(TotalTime/60,1),"min. Avg for 100 iter=",round(AvgTime*100/60,1),"min, Est. Time to go=",round(Time_to_Go/60,1),"min" ))
    		message(paste("The last 100 iter=",round(Last100/60,1),"min, Est. Time to go=",round(Time_to_Go/60,1),"min" ))

  	if ( verbose >= 3 ) {
      if (temp_iter%%100==0) {
    		temp_mean_E = apply(model$E_mat,1,mean)
    		print_beta_i = diag(model$Beta)
    		print_G = model$G_mat
    		names(temp_mean_E) = names(print_beta_i) = Varnames
    		dimnames(print_G)[[1]] = dimnames(print_G)[[2]] = Varnames

    		message("acceptance rate:")
        message(sum(model$G_mat==1)/2," edges connected among possible ",n_pheno*(n_pheno-1)/2," edges")
    		print(paste("p(0|beta,G) = 1/C = ",round(1/model$normC,3)))
    		message("proportion of associated SNPs:")
    		message("MRF coefficient:")
    		message("estimated graph:")
    		message("theta_mu & tau2_mu:")
    		print(round(c(model$theta_mu,model$tau2_mu),2)) #,model$a_beta,model$b_beta),2))


  P_hat_ij = Count_G_ij / nBurnin
  diag(P_hat_ij) = 0
  dimnames(P_hat_ij)[[1]] = dimnames(P_hat_ij)[[2]] = Varnames

  ### Final est. with s.e.

  est_beta = sd_beta = array(0,c(n_pheno,n_pheno))
  H95_beta = L95_beta = array(0,c(n_pheno,n_pheno))
  est_mu_vec = sd_mu_vec = rep(0,n_pheno)
  est_sigma1 = sd_sigma1 = rep(0,n_pheno)

  for (i in seq_len(n_pheno)){
    est_mu_vec[i] = mean(draw_mu_vec[,i])
    sd_mu_vec[i] = sd(draw_mu_vec[,i])
    est_sigma1[i] = mean(draw_sig[,i])
    sd_sigma1[i] = sd(draw_sig[,i])
    for (j in i:n_pheno){
      est_beta[i,j] = mean(draw_beta[,i,j])
      sd_beta[i,j] = sd(draw_beta[,i,j])
      H95_beta[i,j] = quantile(draw_beta[,i,j],probs=0.975)
      L95_beta[i,j] = quantile(draw_beta[,i,j],probs=0.025)

  if ( verbose >= 3 ) {
    ## is_accept ##
    message("acceptance rate:")

    ## Beta ##
    message("MRF coefficient:")

    dimnames(est_beta)[[1]] = dimnames(est_beta)[[2]] = Varnames
    dimnames(sd_beta)[[1]] = dimnames(sd_beta)[[2]] = Varnames

    est_beta_ij = est_beta
    sd_beta_ij = sd_beta


    # Check with P_hat_ij


    ## mu_vec ##

    MU = round(cbind(est_mu_vec,sd_mu_vec),2)
    rownames(MU) = Varnames

    ## sigma1 ##

    SIGMA = round(cbind(est_sigma1,sd_sigma1),2)
    rownames(SIGMA) = Varnames

    ## draw_mean_E ##
    message("proportion of associated SNPs:")


    ### Print from iterations after burn-in


  is_accept = array(0,c(nMain,9))
  dimnames(is_accept)[[2]] = c("e_it","mu_i","sig2_ij","alpha_i","beta_ij","G_beta_ij","empty","empty","empty")
  Count_G_ij = array(0,c(n_pheno,n_pheno))

  draw_loglikelihood = rep(0,nMain)
  draw_sum_G_ij = rep(0,nMain)
  draw_beta = array(0,c(nMain,n_pheno,n_pheno))
  draw_mu_vec = array(0,c(nMain,n_pheno))
  draw_sig = array(0,c(nMain,n_pheno))
  draw_mean_E = array(0,c(nMain,n_pheno))
  draw_theta_mu = draw_tau2_mu = draw_a_beta = draw_b_beta = rep(0,nMain)
  draw_normC = rep(0,nMain)
  dimnames(draw_mean_E)[[2]] = Varnames

	#                                            #
  #           main MCMC iteration              #
  #                                            #

  message("Main MCMC iterations...")

  Starttime = Prevtime = PrevIterTime = proc.time()[3]

  for ( temp_iter in seq_len(nMain) ) {

  	# CurIterTime = proc.time()[3]
  	# print(paste("Iter=",temp_iter,", For each iter, take ",round((CurIterTime-PrevIterTime)/60,1)," min"))
  	# PrevIterTime = CurIterTime

  	draw_loglikelihood[temp_iter] = model$loglikelihood
    is_accept[temp_iter,] = model$Accept
    Count_G_ij = Count_G_ij + model$G_mat

    draw_sum_G_ij[temp_iter] = sum(model$G_mat==1)/2
    draw_beta[temp_iter,,] = model$Beta
    draw_mu_vec[temp_iter,] = model$mu_vec
    draw_sig[temp_iter,] = sqrt(model$sig2_vec)

  	draw_mean_E[temp_iter,] = apply(model$E_mat,1,mean)

  	draw_theta_mu[temp_iter] = model$theta_mu
  	draw_tau2_mu[temp_iter] = model$tau2_mu
  	draw_a_beta[temp_iter] = model$a_beta
  	draw_b_beta[temp_iter] = model$b_beta

  	draw_normC[temp_iter] = model$normC

  	if ( verbose >= 1 ) {
  	  if (temp_iter%%100==0) {
  	    message( "Burn-in iteration: ",temp_iter," / ",nBurnin)

        Currenttime = proc.time()[3]
    		# TotalTime = Currenttime-Starttime ; AvgTime = TotalTime/temp_iter ;
    		Last100 = Currenttime-Prevtime ; Time_to_Go = (nBurnin-temp_iter)*(Last100/100)
    		Prevtime = Currenttime
    		# print(paste("Elapsed=",round(TotalTime/60,1),"min. Avg for 100 iter=",round(AvgTime*100/60,1),"min, Est. Time to go=",round(Time_to_Go/60,1),"min" ))
    		message(paste("The last 100 iter=",round(Last100/60,1),"min, Est. Time to go=",round(Time_to_Go/60,1),"min" ))

  	if ( verbose >= 3 ) {
      if (temp_iter%%100==0) {
    		temp_mean_E = apply(model$E_mat,1,mean)
    		print_beta_i = diag(model$Beta)
    		print_G = model$G_mat
    		names(temp_mean_E) = names(print_beta_i) = Varnames
    		dimnames(print_G)[[1]] = dimnames(print_G)[[2]] = Varnames

    		message("acceptance rate:")
        message(sum(model$G_mat==1)/2," edges connected among possible ",n_pheno*(n_pheno-1)/2," edges")
    		print(paste("p(0|beta,G) = 1/C = ",round(1/model$normC,3)))
    		message("proportion of associated SNPs:")
    		message("MRF coefficient:")
    		message("estimated graph:")
    		message("theta_mu & tau2_mu:")
    		print(round(c(model$theta_mu,model$tau2_mu),2)) #,model$a_beta,model$b_beta),2))


  P_hat_ij = Count_G_ij / nMain
  diag(P_hat_ij) = 0
  dimnames(P_hat_ij)[[1]] = dimnames(P_hat_ij)[[2]] = Varnames

  ### Final est. with s.e.
  est_beta = sd_beta = array(0,c(n_pheno,n_pheno))
  H95_beta = L95_beta = array(0,c(n_pheno,n_pheno))
  est_mu_vec = sd_mu_vec = rep(0,n_pheno)
  est_sigma1 = sd_sigma1 = rep(0,n_pheno)

  for (i in seq_len(n_pheno)){
    est_mu_vec[i] = mean(draw_mu_vec[,i])
    sd_mu_vec[i] = sd(draw_mu_vec[,i])
    est_sigma1[i] = mean(draw_sig[,i])
    sd_sigma1[i] = sd(draw_sig[,i])
    for (j in i:n_pheno){
      est_beta[i,j] = mean(draw_beta[,i,j])
      sd_beta[i,j] = sd(draw_beta[,i,j])
      H95_beta[i,j] = quantile(draw_beta[,i,j],probs=0.975)
      L95_beta[i,j] = quantile(draw_beta[,i,j],probs=0.025)

  if ( verbose >= 3 ) {
    ## is_accept ##
    message("acceptance rate:")

    ## Beta ##
    message("MRF coefficient:")

    dimnames(est_beta)[[1]] = dimnames(est_beta)[[2]] = Varnames
    dimnames(sd_beta)[[1]] = dimnames(sd_beta)[[2]] = Varnames

    est_beta_ij = est_beta
    sd_beta_ij = sd_beta


    # Check with P_hat_ij


    ## mu_vec ##

    MU = round(cbind(est_mu_vec,sd_mu_vec),2)
    rownames(MU) = Varnames

    ## sigma1 ##

    SIGMA = round(cbind(est_sigma1,sd_sigma1),2)
    rownames(SIGMA) = Varnames

    ## draw_mean_E ##
    message("proportion of associated SNPs:")


    ### Print from iterations after main MCMC

  ## avg_prob_e_ijt
  est_prob_e_ijt = sd_prob_e_ijt = array(0,c(n_pheno,n_pheno))
  dimnames(est_prob_e_ijt)[[1]] = dimnames(est_prob_e_ijt)[[2]] = dimnames(sd_prob_e_ijt)[[1]] = dimnames(sd_prob_e_ijt)[[2]] = Varnames

  for (i_pheno in seq_len(n_pheno)){
  	for (j_pheno in i_pheno:n_pheno){
  		est_prob_e_ijt[i_pheno,j_pheno] = mean(model$sum_E_ijt[i_pheno,j_pheno,]/nMain)
  		est_prob_e_ijt[j_pheno,i_pheno] = est_prob_e_ijt[i_pheno,j_pheno]
  		sd_prob_e_ijt[i_pheno,j_pheno] = sd(model$sum_E_ijt[i_pheno,j_pheno,]/nMain)
  		sd_prob_e_ijt[j_pheno,i_pheno] = sd_prob_e_ijt[i_pheno,j_pheno]


  Sum_E_ijt = model$sum_E_ijt

  ###### Draw graph #######

  for (i in seq_len(n_pheno-1)){
  	for (j in (i+1):n_pheno){
  		P_hat_ij[j,i] = P_hat_ij[i,j]
  dimnames(P_hat_ij)[[1]] = dimnames(P_hat_ij)[[2]] = Varnames

	#                                            #
  #               result summary               #
  #                                            #

  # fitting results

  mcmcResult <- list(
    loglik = draw_loglikelihood,
    mu = draw_mu_vec,
    sigma = draw_sig,
    mean_E = draw_mean_E,
    G = draw_sum_G_ij,
    beta = draw_beta,
    theta_mu = draw_theta_mu,
    tau2_mu = draw_tau2_mu,
    a_beta = draw_a_beta,
    b_beta = draw_b_beta,
    draw_normC = draw_normC

  mcmcSummary <- list(
    P_hat_ij = P_hat_ij,
    Sum_E_ijt = Sum_E_ijt,
    est_beta = est_beta,
    sd_beta = sd_beta,
    est_mu_vec = est_mu_vec,
    sd_mu_vec = sd_mu_vec,
    est_sigma1 = est_sigma1,
    sd_sigma1 = sd_sigma1,
    est_prob_e_ijt = est_prob_e_ijt,
    sd_prob_e_ijt = sd_prob_e_ijt

	# return object by creating GGPA class object

  new( "GGPA",
    fit = mcmcResult, summary = mcmcSummary, setting = mcmcSetting, gwasPval = gwasPval, pgraph = pgraph )

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GGPA documentation built on Nov. 8, 2020, 5:37 p.m.