##' @title Competing endogenous RNAs (ceRNAs) analysis
##' @description Identify ceRNAs by
##' (1) number of shared miRNAs between lncRNA and mRNA;
##' (2) expression correlation of lncRNA and mRNA;
##' (3) regulation similarity of shared miRNAs on lncRNA and mRNA;
##' (4) sensitivity correlation
##' @param lnc a vector of Ensembl long non-coding gene ids
##' @param pc a vector of Ensembl protein coding gene ids
##' @param deMIR a vector of differentially expressed miRNAs.
##' Default is \code{NULL}
##' @param lnc.targets a character string specifying the database
##' of miRNA-lncRNA interactions.
##' Should be one of \code{'spongeScan'}, \code{'starBase'},
##' and \code{'miRcode'}. Default is \code{'starBase'}. \cr\cr
##' Or a \code{list} of miRNA-lncRNA interactions generated by users
##' @param pc.targets a character string specifying the database of
##' miRNA-lncRNA interactions.
##' Should be one of \code{'spongeScan'}, \code{'starBase'},
##' and \code{'miRcode'}. Default is \code{'starBase'}. \cr\cr
##' Or a \code{list} of miRNA-lncRNA interactions generated by users
##' @param rna.expr \code{\link[limma]{voom}}
##' transformed gene expression data
##' @param mir.expr \code{\link[limma]{voom}}
##' transformed mature miRNA expression data
##' @return A dataframe containing ceRNA pairs, expression correlation
##' between lncRNA and mRNA, the number and hypergeometric significance
##' of shared miRNAs, regulation similarity score, and the mean sensitity
##' correlation (the difference between Pearson correlation and partial
##' correlation) of multiple lncRNA-miRNA-mRNA triplets, etc.
##' @references
##' Paci P, Colombo T, Farina L. Computational analysis identifies
##' a sponge interaction network between long non-coding RNAs and
##' messenger RNAs in human breast cancer. BMC systems biology.
##' 2014 Jul 17;8(1):83.
##' @export
##' @author Ruidong Li and Han Qu
##' @examples
##' ####### ceRNA network analysis #######
##' deLNC <- c('ENSG00000260920','ENSG00000242125','ENSG00000261211')
##' dePC <- c('ENSG00000043355','ENSG00000109586','ENSG00000144355')
##' genes <- c(deLNC, dePC)
##' samples <- c('TCGA-2F-A9KO-01', 'TCGA-2F-A9KP-01',
##' 'TCGA-2F-A9KQ-01', 'TCGA-2F-A9KR-01',
##' 'TCGA-2F-A9KT-01', 'TCGA-2F-A9KW-01')
##' rnaExpr <- data.frame(matrix(c(2.7,7.0,4.9,6.9,4.6,2.5,
##' 0.5,2.5,5.7,6.5,4.9,3.8,
##' 2.1,2.9,5.9,5.7,4.5,3.5,
##' 2.7,5.9,4.5,5.8,5.2,3.0,
##' 2.5,2.2,5.3,4.4,4.4,2.9,
##' 2.4,3.8,6.2,3.8,3.8,4.2),6,6),
##' stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
##' rownames(rnaExpr) <- genes
##' colnames(rnaExpr) <- samples
##' mirExpr <- data.frame(matrix(c(7.7,7.4,7.9,8.9,8.6,9.5,
##' 5.1,4.4,5.5,8.5,4.4,3.5,
##' 4.9,5.5,6.9,6.1,5.5,4.1,
##' 12.4,13.5,15.1,15.4,13.0,12.8,
##' 2.5,2.2,5.3,4.4,4.4,2.9,
##' 2.4,2.7,6.2,1.5,4.4,4.2),6,6),
##' stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
##' colnames(mirExpr) <- samples
##' rownames(mirExpr) <- c('hsa-miR-340-5p','hsa-miR-181b-5p',
##' 'hsa-miR-181a-5p', 'hsa-miR-181c-5p',
##' 'hsa-miR-199b-5p','hsa-miR-182-5p')
##' ceOutput <- gdcCEAnalysis(lnc = deLNC,
##' pc = dePC,
##' lnc.targets = 'starBase',
##' pc.targets = 'starBase',
##' rna.expr = rnaExpr,
##' mir.expr = mirExpr)
gdcCEAnalysis <- function(lnc, pc, deMIR=NULL, lnc.targets='starBase',
pc.targets='starBase', rna.expr, mir.expr) {
hyperOutput <- hyperTestFun(lnc, pc, deMIR,
lnc.targets=lnc.targets, pc.targets=pc.targets)
message ('Step 1/3: Hypergenometric test done !')
regOutput <- multiRegTestFun(hyperOutput, rna.expr=rna.expr,
message ('Step 2/3: Correlation analysis done !\n',
'Step 3/3: Regulation pattern analysis done !')
ceOutput <- data.frame(hyperOutput, regOutput, row.names=NULL)
#### hypergeometric test
hyperTestFun <- function(lnc, pc, deMIR,
lnc.targets='starBase', pc.targets='starBase') {
if (length(lnc.targets) > 1) {
lnc.targets <- lnc.targets
} else {
lnc.targets <- lncTargets[[lnc.targets]]
if (length(pc.targets) > 1) {
pc.targets <- pc.targets
} else {
pc.targets <- pcTargets[[pc.targets]]
mir1 <- unique(unlist(lnc.targets))
mir2 <- unique(unlist(pc.targets))
mirs <- union(mir1,mir2)
popTotal <- length(mirs)
ceLNC <- lnc[lnc %in% names(lnc.targets)]
cePC <- pc[pc %in% names(pc.targets)]
#ceMIR <- mir[mir %in% mirs]
hyperOutput <- list()
i <- 0
for (lncID in ceLNC) {
listTotal <- length(lnc.targets[[lncID]])
for (gene in cePC) {
i = i + 1
ovlp <- intersect(lnc.targets[[lncID]], pc.targets[[gene]])
popHits <- length(pc.targets[[gene]])
Counts <- length(ovlp)
ovlpMIRs <- paste(ovlp, collapse = ',')
foldEnrichment <- Counts/listTotal*popTotal/popHits
pValue <- phyper(Counts-1, popHits, popTotal-popHits,
listTotal, lower.tail=FALSE, log.p=FALSE)
ceMIR <- Reduce(intersect, list(ovlp, deMIR))
deMIRs <- paste(ceMIR, collapse = ',')
deMIRCounts <- length(ceMIR)
hyperOutput[[i]] <- c(lncID, gene, Counts, listTotal,
deMIRCounts, deMIRs)
#hyperOutput <- Reduce(rbind, hyperOutput) ## slower
hyperOutput <-, hyperOutput)
#hyperOutput <- rbind_list(hyperOutput) ## not test
colnames(hyperOutput) <- c('lncRNAs','Genes','Counts','listTotal',
hyperOutput <-,
hyperOutput <- hyperOutput[as.numeric(hyperOutput$Counts)>0,]
#hyperOutput$FDR <- p.adjust(as.numeric(as.character(hyperOutput$pValue)),
#method = 'fdr')
#hyperOutput <- hyperOutput[hyperOutput$Counts>0,]
#hyperOutput$lncRNAs <- ensembl2symbolFun(hyperOutput$lncRNAs)
#hyperOutput$gene <- ensembl2symbolFun(hyperOutput$gene)
if (is.null(deMIR)) {
hyperOutput <- hyperOutput[,! colnames(hyperOutput) %in%
return (hyperOutput)
######## other scores
multiRegFun <- function(lnc, pc, mirs, rna.expr, mir.expr) {
lncDa <- unlist(rna.expr[lnc,])
pcDa <- unlist(rna.expr[pc,])
corpl <- cor.test(pcDa, lncDa, alternative='greater')
ppl <- corpl$p.value
regpl <- corpl$estimate
mirs <- as.character(mirs)
if (mirs == '') {
reg <- NA
lncACT <- NA
partialSen <- NA
cosCol <- NA
} else {
mirs <- unlist(strsplit(mirs, ',', fixed=TRUE))
mirCor <- vapply(mirs, function(mir)
mirCorTestFun(lncDa, pcDa, mir, mir.expr),
reglm <- mirCor[1,]
regpm <- mirCor[2,]
regSim <- 1-mean((abs(reglm - regpm)/(abs(reglm) + abs(regpm)))
#lncACT <- mean((abs(regpl)+abs(reglm)+abs(regpm))/3)
sppc <- mean(regpl-(regpl-reglm*regpm)/(sqrt(1-reglm^2)*
#cos <- sum(reglm*regpm)/(sqrt(sum(reglm^2))*sqrt(sum(regpm^2)))
#col <- sum(abs(reglm)*abs(regpm))/(sqrt(sum(abs(reglm)))*
#cosCol <- (cos+col)/2
#scores <- c(regpl, ppl, reg, lncACT, partialSen, cosCol)
scores <- c(cor=regpl, corPValue=ppl, regSim, sppc)
return (scores)
multiRegTestFun <- function(hyperOutput, rna.expr, mir.expr) {
samples <- intersect(colnames(rna.expr), colnames(mir.expr))
rna.expr <- rna.expr[,samples]
mir.expr <- mir.expr[,samples]
lncID <- hyperOutput$lncRNAs
pcID <- hyperOutput$Genes
mirID <- hyperOutput$miRNAs
reg <- vapply(seq_len(nrow(hyperOutput)), function(i)
multiRegFun(lncID[i], pcID[i], mirID[i], rna.expr, mir.expr),
reg <- t(reg)
colnames(reg) <- c('cor','corPValue','regSim', 'sppc')
return (data.frame(reg))
mirCorTestFun <- function(lncDa, pcDa, mir, mir.expr) {
mirDa <- unlist(mir.expr[mir,])
corlm <- cor.test(lncDa, mirDa, alternative='less')
corpm <- cor.test(pcDa, mirDa, alternative='less')
reglm <- corlm$estimate
regpm <- corpm$estimate
return (c(reglm, regpm)) ## lnc then pc
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