setGeneric("smooth_peak", function(object, ...) standardGeneric("smooth_peak") )
smooth.GRange <- function(object, n.breaks=100, subsample=TRUE,,
order = 4, lambda=(10^(seq(-5,5,by=0.5))),
GCV.derivatives = TRUE , plot.GCV = FALSE,
rescale = FALSE)
# check the first element is a GRange object
if (class(object) != "GRanges")
stop('The first object is not a GRanges object.')
# check the presence of counts and width in the GRobject
if (is.null(object$counts))
stop('couts not present in the GR object. Definiton of the spline impossible')
if (rescale != TRUE & rescale != FALSE)
stop ('rescale must be logic. ')
} <- width(object)
matrix_peaks <- unlist.counts(object$counts,
data_extended <- t(apply(matrix_peaks, 1, extension_with_min))
data_no_background <- t(apply(data_extended, 1, function(x){x-min(x,na.rm=TRUE)} ) )
# extend with 0 also befor the starting point to have a spline approximation
# smooth on the two sides of the peaks and not juns on the right
Nstart_zeros <- 200
Nend_zeros <- 200
data <- cbind(matrix(0, dim(data_extended)[1], Nstart_zeros), data_no_background,
matrix(0, dim(data_extended)[1], Nend_zeros))
# defalut lambda is NULL, but it can be a vector or a single value.
# if it is a single value this is the value of lamda to be used for the smoothing
# if it is a vector the function choice_lambda_spline identifies the correct value.
if (length(lambda)!=1)
lambda_selected <- choice_lambda_spline(data,, Nstart_zeros,
subsample = subsample, =,
order = order, lambda = lambda, n.breaks = n.breaks,
GCV.derivatives = GCV.derivatives , plot.GCV = plot.GCV)
lambda_selected <- lambda
smoothing <- definition_spline(data,,
order = order, lambda = lambda_selected, n.breaks = n.breaks)
spline_list <- lapply(seq_len(nrow(smoothing$spline)), function(i) smoothing$spline[i,])
spline_der_list <- lapply(seq_len(nrow(smoothing$spline_der)), function(i) smoothing$spline_der[i,])
thres <- 0.1
# function which has as input
# - the vector x of the spline approximation
# - the number of non zero points of the input y
# (global variable Nstart_zeros the number of zeros added in the first part of the spline)
isolate_non_zeros <- function(x, y)
minimum <- min(which(x>thres))
maximum <- min(which(x[(y+Nstart_zeros+1): length(x)]<=thres), (length(x)-y-Nstart_zeros)) + Nstart_zeros + y
warning('just one peak analyzed')
points_non_zero_spline <- isolate_non_zeros(spline_list[[1]],
start_spline <- start(object) - Nstart_zeros + points_non_zero_spline[1] - 1 # new starting position of the GRanges
final_spline <- start(object) - Nstart_zeros + points_non_zero_spline[length(points_non_zero_spline)] - 1# new end of the GRanges
points_non_zero_spline <- mapply(isolate_non_zeros,
# the smoothing creates new non zero values. New starting and ending position
# of the peak
start_spline <- mapply(function(x,y){x - Nstart_zeros + y[1] -1}, start(object), points_non_zero_spline)
final_spline <- mapply(function(x,y){x - Nstart_zeros + y[length(y)] -1}, start(object), points_non_zero_spline)
if (length(spline_list)==1)
spline_list_new <- vector("list",1)
spline_list_new[[1]] <- spline_list[[1]][points_non_zero_spline]
spline_der_list_new <- vector("list",1)
spline_der_list_new[[1]] <- spline_der_list[[1]][points_non_zero_spline]
lung_new <- length(points_non_zero_spline)
spline_list_new <- mapply(function(x, y){x[y]}, spline_list, points_non_zero_spline)
spline_der_list_new <- mapply(function(x, y){x[y]}, spline_der_list, points_non_zero_spline)
lung_new <- sapply(points_non_zero_spline, length)
if (rescale)
new_smoothing <- define_new_grid( list_y = spline_list_new, length_x = lung_new,
order = order)
elementMetadata(object)[["spline"]] <- spline_list_new
elementMetadata(object)[["spline_der"]] <- spline_der_list_new
elementMetadata(object)[["width_spline"]] <- lung_new
elementMetadata(object)[["start_spline"]] <- start_spline
elementMetadata(object)[["end_spline"]] <- final_spline
if (rescale)
elementMetadata(object)[["spline_rescaled"]] <- new_smoothing$spline
elementMetadata(object)[["spline_der_rescaled"]] <- new_smoothing$spline_der
setMethod("smooth_peak", signature=(object="GRanges"), function(object, n.breaks = 100, subsample = TRUE, = 100,
order = 4, lambda = (10^(seq(-5,5,by=0.5))),
GCV.derivatives = TRUE , plot.GCV = FALSE, rescale = FALSE)
smooth.GRange (object, n.breaks, subsample,,
order, lambda,
GCV.derivatives , plot.GCV, rescale)
####### Auxiliary R funations #######
# funtion to indentify the correct value of lambda, using the GCV on the data
# or on the derivatives
choice_lambda_spline <- function(data,, Nstart_zeros,
order = 4, lambda=(10^(seq(-5,5,by=0.5))), n.breaks=100,
GCV.derivatives = TRUE , plot.GCV = TRUE)
if (subsample && ( > dim(data)[1]))
warning('subsample is TRUE, but is higher than the number of data,
subsample automatically set to FALSE and no subsample will be performed.')
subsample <- FALSE
if (subsample)
choosen <- sort(sample(1:dim(data)[1],
data <- data[choosen, 1:(max([choosen])+Nstart_zeros)]
num_points_projection <- n.breaks
GCV_d0 <- rep(NA, length(lambda))
GCV_d1 <- rep(NA, length(lambda))
m=order # order of the spline
degree=m-1 # degree
spline <- matrix(NA, nrow=dim(data)[1], ncol=NT)
spline_der <- matrix(NA, nrow=dim(data)[1], ncol=NT)
matrix_x <- matrix(rep(1:dim(data)[2],dim(data)[1]), nrow=dim(data)[1], ncol=dim(data)[2], byrow=TRUE)
for (j in 1:length(lambda))
print(paste('iteration on lambda: ', j))
functionalPar = fdPar(fdobj=basis,Lfdobj=2,lambda=lambda[j])
mod=smooth.basis(argvals=1:dim(data)[2], t(as.matrix(data)),functionalPar)
GCV_d0[j] <- mean(GCV)
spline = t(eval.fd(1:dim(data)[2], mod$fd, Lfdobj=0))
spline_der = t(eval.fd(1:(dim(data)[2]), mod$fd, Lfdobj=1))
SSE_d1 <- rep(0, dim(data)[1])
GCV_d1_vett <- rep(0, dim(data)[1])
for (t in 1:dim(data)[1])
# SSE is the L2 distance between the difference
SSE_d1[t] <- sum((spline_der[t,(1:(NT-1))]-diff(as.vector(data[t,])))^2)*1 -
((spline_der[t,(1:(NT-1))]-diff(as.vector(data[t,])))^2)[1]/2 -
((spline_der[t,(1:(NT-1))]-diff(as.vector(data[t,])))^2)[NT-1]/2 #1 in the distance between
# two points (delta t). and then the Trapezi rule is applied
GCV_d1_vett[t] <- NT*SSE_d1[t]/(NT-mod$df)^2
GCV_d1[j] <- mean(GCV_d1_vett)
if (plot.GCV)
# plot of the GCV on the data
plot(log10(lambda), GCV_d0, pch=19, type='b')
# plot of the GCV on the data
plot(log10(lambda), GCV_d1, pch=19, type='b')
# #
# pdf('FunChIP-figureGCV.pdf', width = 14 )
# par(mfrow=c(1,2), mar = c(4.5,5,4,4))
# # plot of the GCV on the data
# plot(log10(lambda), GCV_d0, pch=19, type='b', cex = 2,
# lwd = 2, cex.lab = 2, cex.axis = 1.5,
# main = "GCV on data", font.main = 1, cex.main = 2)
# # plot of the GCV on the data
# plot(log10(lambda), GCV_d1, pch=19, type='b',
# cex = 2,
# lwd = 2, cex.lab = 2, cex.axis = 1.5,
# main = "GCV on derivatives", font.main = 1, cex.main = 2)
if (GCV.derivatives){
lambda_selected <- lambda[which.min(GCV_d1)]
lambda_selected <- lambda[which.min(GCV_d0)]
# function to define th spline, with a fixed lambda (lambda)
# it will retur the splines (and the derivatives of these splines)
# evaulated in the points of the grid
definition_spline <- function(data,,
order = 4, lambda=0, n.breaks=100)
num_points_projection <- n.breaks
m=order # order of the spline
degree=m-1 # degree
spline <- matrix(NA, nrow=dim(data)[1], ncol=NT)
spline_der <- matrix(NA, nrow=dim(data)[1], ncol=NT)
matrix_x <- matrix(rep(1:dim(data)[2],dim(data)[1]), nrow=dim(data)[1], ncol=dim(data)[2], byrow=TRUE)
functionalPar = fdPar(fdobj=basis, Lfdobj=2, lambda=lambda)
mod=smooth.basis(argvals=1:dim(data)[2], t(as.matrix(data)), functionalPar)
spline = t(eval.fd(1:dim(data)[2], mod$fd, Lfdobj=0))
spline_der = t(eval.fd(1:(dim(data)[2]), mod$fd, Lfdobj=1))
return(list(spline= spline, spline_der=spline_der))
# function to extend a peak (stored in the vector x)
# substituting the NAs in the first and last part
# of the peak with the closer value
# e.g. c(NA, 1, 2, 3, 4, NA, NA)
# would become
# c(1, 1, 2, 3, 4, 4, 4)
extension <- function(x){
no_nas <- which(!
min_nonas <- min(no_nas)
max_nonas <- max(no_nas)
y <- x
if (min_nonas!=1)
y[1:(min_nonas -1)] <- rep(x[min_nonas], (min_nonas-1))
if (max_nonas!= length(x))
y[(max_nonas+1):length(x)] <- rep(x[max_nonas], (length(x)-max_nonas))
# function to extend a peak (stored in the vector x)
# substituting the NAs in the first and last part
# of the peak with the minimun value of the peak
# e.g. c(NA, 1, 2, 3, 4, NA, NA)
# would become
# c(1, 1, 2, 3, 4, 1, 1)
extension_with_min <- function(x){
no_nas <- which(!
min_nonas <- min(no_nas)
max_nonas <- max(no_nas)
y <- x
if (min_nonas!=1)
y[1:(min_nonas -1)] <- rep(min(x, na.rm=TRUE), (min_nonas-1))
if (max_nonas!= length(x))
y[(max_nonas+1):length(x)] <- rep(min(x, na.rm=TRUE), (length(x)-max_nonas))
# function which defines from the list of the vectors of the counts
# to a matrix (n x max(length(counts)) ) with in each row the values
# of the counts
unlist.counts <- function(counts, lenght.counts)
matrix_peaks <- matrix(NA, nrow=length(lenght.counts), ncol=max(lenght.counts))
for(i in 1:length(lenght.counts))
matrix_peaks[i,1:lenght.counts[i]] <- counts[[i]]
# given a vector of positions (length p)
# and a list of p vectors (with fixed length n.elem)
# we aim to create a list of n.elem vectors each one of length
# max(positions) containing in the position i (i in positions)
# the value of vector[[n]][i] (n in 1:n.elem). The positions not
# included in positions will be NA
convert_vectors_to_list <- function(vect, positions)
matrix_data <- matrix(unlist(vect), length(vect), length(vect[[1]]), byrow=TRUE)
matrix_NA_data <- matrix(NA, max(positions), length(vect[[1]]))
matrix_NA_data[positions,] <- matrix_data
list_temp <- apply(matrix_NA_data, 2, list)
list <- lapply(list_temp, unlist)
# function to scale the abscissa grid and y grid
define_new_grid <- function(list_y, length_x,
order = 4)
length_final <- min(length_x)
list_x <- lapply(length_x, function(x){(1:x)*(length_final-1)/(x-1) + (x- length_final)/(x-1) })
NT= length_final
num_points_projection <- round(length_final/2)
m=order # order of the spline
degree=m-1 # degree
functionalPar = fdPar(fdobj=basis,Lfdobj=2,lambda=0)
list_new_data <- lapply(1:length(list_y), function(x)
mod <- smooth.basis(argvals=list_x[[x]],
y_new <- t(eval.fd(1:length_final, mod$fd, Lfdobj=0))
y_new <- y_new/sqrt((sum(y_new[- length_final]^2)))
spline_new <- unlist.counts(list_new_data, rep(length_final, length(list_new_data)))
# matplot(t(spline_new[1:10,]), type='l')
list_new_derivatives <- lapply(1:length(list_y), function(x)
mod <- smooth.basis(argvals=list_x[[x]],
y_new <- t(eval.fd(1:length_final, mod$fd, Lfdobj=0))
area <- sqrt((sum(y_new[- length_final]^2)))
y_new_der <- t(eval.fd(1:length_final, mod$fd, Lfdobj=1))/area
spline_der_new <- unlist.counts(list_new_derivatives, rep(length_final, length(list_new_derivatives)))
# matplot(t(spline_der_new[1:10,]), type='l')
return(list(spline= list_new_data, spline_der=list_new_derivatives))
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