# incidMatrices <- fea2incidMat(res_topGo)
analyzeNetwork <- function(incidMatrices, fNw=NULL, plotOutput=TRUE, colors=NULL)
if(is.null(fNw)) fNw <-functionalNetwork(incidMatrices, plotOutput="none")
clNw <- graph.adjacency(fNw$adjMat$commonClusters, weighted=TRUE, mode="undirected", diag=FALSE) # weigted: only one edge between genes (returned is NOT weighted)
gtsNw <- fNw$iGraph$commonGtSets
data("groupTypes", envir = environment())
groupTypes<- get("groupTypes", envir = environment())
clMatrix <- incidMatrices[[which(names(incidMatrices)%in%groupTypes[,"tablesName"])]]
# Global betweenness:
glBetw <- round(sort(betweenness(clNw), decreasing=TRUE))
# Global degree
glDegr <- round(sort((igraph::degree(clNw)/(length(V(clNw))-1)*100), decreasing=TRUE),digits=2)
# Equivalent to boxplot: cbind(degree=round(summary(glDegr))[-4], betweenness=round(summary(glBetw))[-4])
## Cluster betweenness (intra-modular hub)
genesMg <- apply(clMatrix,2, function(x) names(x)[which(x==1)])
clSubgraphs <- list()
clBetw <- list(Global=glBetw)
clDegr <- list(Global=glDegr)
for(cl in names(genesMg))
clSubgraphs[[cl]] <- induced.subgraph(gtsNw, which(V(gtsNw)$name %in% genesMg[[cl]]))
clBetw[[cl]] <- round(sort(betweenness(clSubgraphs[[cl]]), decreasing=TRUE))
clDegr[[cl]] <- round(sort(igraph::degree(clSubgraphs[[cl]]), decreasing=TRUE)/(length(V(clSubgraphs[[cl]]))-1),digits=2)*100
## Plot
if(is.null(colors)) colors <- rep("white", length(clDegr))
boxplot(clDegr, main="Normalized node degree", sub="Global / intra-cluster", outpch=16,outcol=c("black", colors), outlwd=1, boxfill=c("black", colors), medcol=c("black", colors), medlwd = 10, lwd = 1, ylim=c(0,100), ylab="Percentage of total nodes", axes=FALSE)
axis(side=1, labels=names(clDegr), at=1:length(clDegr), las=2)
axis(side=2, las=1)
boxplot(c(0,clBetw[-1]), main="Node betweenness", sub="Global / intra-cluster", outpch=16, outcol=c("white", colors),outlwd=1, boxfill=c("white", colors), medcol=c("white", colors), medlwd = 10, lwd = 1, axes=FALSE)
maxBetwGlobal <- max(clBetw$Global)
transf <- max(unlist(clBetw[-1])/maxBetwGlobal)
betwGlobal <- clBetw$Global*transf
betwGlobal <- 0
boxplot(betwGlobal, add=TRUE, outpch=16, outcol="black", outlwd=1, boxfill="black", medcol="black", medlwd = 10, lwd = 1, axes=FALSE)
axis(side=1, labels=names(clDegr), at=1:length(clDegr), las=2)
axis(side=4, las=1)
axis(side=2, las=1, labels=c(0, max(clBetw$Global)), at=c(0, max(unlist(clBetw[-1])))) # Global side
## Stats
ret <- list()
# Node degree and betweenness:
ret[["degree"]] <- clDegr
ret[["betweenness"]] <- clBetw
# Clustering coeficient. Transitivity measures the probability that the adjacent vertices of a vertex are connected.
ret[["transitivity"]] <- c(commonClustersNw=transitivity(clNw, type="undirected"), commonGtSetsNw=transitivity(gtsNw, type="undirected"))
# Hubs
clBetw <- sapply(clBetw, function(x) x[x!=0]) # Remove genes with betw==0
clBetw <- clBetw[sapply(clBetw[names(clBetw)!="Global"], length)>0] # Remove clusters without genes with betw>0 (except Global)
hubs <- unique(unlist(sapply(clBetw, names))) # Gene names
hubs <- matrix(0, nrow=length(hubs), ncol=length(clBetw), dimnames=list(hubs, names(clBetw)))
for(cl in names(clBetw))
hubs[,cl] <- clBetw[[cl]][rownames(hubs)]
hubs[which(] <- 0
ret[["betweennessMatrix"]] <- hubs
hubsList <- lapply(clBetw, function(x){
ret[["hubsList"]] <- hubsList
# Intra-modular hubs count
intraModularHubs <- hubsList[names(hubsList)!="Global"]
tmpHubsTable <- table(unlist(intraModularHubs))
tmpHubsTable <- sort(tmpHubsTable[tmpHubsTable>1], decreasing=TRUE)
ret[["intraHubsCount"]] <- tmpHubsTable
# #########################################
# ### Centralization:
# (clNw, mode ="total")
# # $centralization
# # [1] 0.599435
# #
# # $theoretical_max
# # [1] 3540
# centralization.closeness (clNw, mode ="total")
# # $centralization
# # [1] 0.4355989
# #
# # $theoretical_max
# # [1] 29.24786
# centralization.betweenness (clNw, directed = FALSE)
# # $centralization
# # [1] 0.08470773
# #
# # $theoretical_max
# # [1] 100949
# centralization.evcent (clNw, directed = FALSE)
# # $centralization
# # [1] 0.6417392
# #
# # $theoretical_max
# # [1] 58
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