
Defines functions fea_david errorMsgDavid getContent

Documented in fea_david

# Reads content until "
getContent <- function(reply, attribute)
    start <- gregexpr(attribute, reply)[[1]]
    start <- start[1] + attr(start, "match.length")
    end <- regexpr('\"', substring(reply, start, nchar(reply))) + start -2
    ret <- substr(reply, start=start, stop=end)

errorMsgDavid <- function(errorMsg)
    stop(paste("Message from DAVID server: ", errorMsg$message, sep=""), call.=FALSE)

# geneIdType <- "GENE_SYMBOL"
# geneList <- c("A2M", "ABL1", "APBA1", "APBB1", "APLP1", "APLP2", "APOE", "APP", "ATOH1", "BRCA1", "BRCA2", "CDK5R1", "CDK5", "CDK5R2", "DAB1", "DLL1", "DNMT1", "EGFR", "ERBB2", "ETS1", "FOS", "FYN", "GLI1", "GLI2", "GLI3", "JAG1", "KIT", "LRP1", "LRP8", "MAPT", "MYC", "NOTCH1", "NRAS", "PAX2", "PAX3", "PSEN1", "PSEN2", "PTCH1", "RELN", "ROBO1", "SHC1", "SHH", "SMO", "SRC", "TGFB1", "TP53", "VLDLR", "WNT1", "WNT2", "WNT3")

# API: david.abcc.ncifcrf.gov/content.jsp?file=DAVID_API.html
# Maximum gene ids: 4000
fea_david <- function(geneList, geneIdType="ENSEMBL_GENE_ID", geneLabels=NULL, annotations=c("GOTERM_BP_ALL", "GOTERM_MF_ALL", "GOTERM_CC_ALL", "INTERPRO"), email=NULL, argsWS=c(overlap=4L, initialSeed=4L, finalSeed=4L, linkage=0.5, kappa=35L), jobName=NULL, downloadFile=TRUE)
    # Check arguments
    if(!is.character(geneList)) stop("geneList should be a character vector.")
    # argsWS
        argsWS <- NULL
        argsNames <- c("overlap", "initialSeed", "finalSeed", "linkage", "kappa")
        if(!is.numeric(argsWS)) stop("argsWS should contain the arguments to pass to the web service.")
        if(any(!names(argsWS) %in% argsNames)) stop(paste("Web service arguments should be: ", paste(argsNames, collapse=", "), ".", sep=""))
        if(any(!argsNames %in% names(argsWS)))
            defaultArgs <- c(overlap=4L, initialSeed=4L, finalSeed=4L, linkage=0.5, kappa=35L)
            argsNames <- c(argsWS, defaultArgs[argsNames[which(!argsNames %in% names(argsWS))]])

    # Format arguments:
    queryArgs <- list(queryArgsAsCharacter(match.call()))
    # Query:
    if(!is.null(email)) # WebService
        if(!loadInstPkg("RDAVIDWebService")) stop("Package RDAVIDWebService is required to query DAVID through the webserver. Install the package or set email=NULL to query DAVID through the web API.")
        randomNumber <- sample(100000:999999, 1)
        if(is.null(jobName)) jobName <- paste(randomNumber, "_DAVID", sep="")
        downloadFileName <- paste(tempdir(), .Platform$file.sep, jobName, ".txt", sep="")
        # Connect to DAVID        
            davidConnection <- RDAVIDWebService::DAVIDWebService$new(email=email, url="https://david.ncifcrf.gov/webservice/services/DAVIDWebService.DAVIDWebServiceHttpSoap12Endpoint/")
        }, warning = function (w)
            if(grepl("SSL", w)) w <- paste("If you are seeing this error you might need to install a certificate to connect to DAVID web service.\n See the instructions in the forum: \nhttps://support.bioconductor.org/p/70090/#72226", w, sep="\n")
        # Upload gene list
        result <- tryCatch( 
                RDAVIDWebService::addList(davidConnection, geneList, idType=geneIdType, listName=paste("List_", randomNumber, sep=""), listType="Gene")
            }, error = function(e) 
                if(grep("idType", e$message)) 
                    idsFile <- "DAVID_GeneIdTypes.txt"
                    write.table(getIdTypes(davidConnection), file=idsFile, row.names=FALSE, col.names=FALSE, quote=FALSE)
                    #errorMsg <- simpleError(message=paste("Gene ID type not valid. Available IDs: ", paste(getIdTypes(davidConnection), collapse=", "), ".",sep=""), call=functionCall)
                    errorMsg <- simpleError(message=paste("Gene ID type not valid. Available ID types were saved in the file ", idsFile, sep=""), call=match.call())
                } else {
        if(length(result$unmappedIds) > 0) message(paste("Unmapped IDs: ", paste(result$unmappedIds, collapse=", "), ".", sep=""))    
        # Set annotations
            RDAVIDWebService::setAnnotationCategories(davidConnection, categories=annotations)                    
        }, error = function(e) 
            if(grep("categories", e$message)) 
                annotFile <- "DAVID_AnnotationCategoryNames.txt"
                write.table(getAllAnnotationCategoryNames(davidConnection), file=annotFile, row.names=FALSE, col.names=FALSE, quote=FALSE)
                errorMsg <- simpleError(message=paste("Some of the annotation categories are not valid. Available ones were saved in the file ", annotFile, sep=""))
            } else {
        # Request & save clustering report
        RDAVIDWebService::getClusterReportFile(davidConnection, type="Term", fileName=downloadFileName, 
                                                 overlap=argsWS["overlap"], initialSeed=argsWS["initialSeed"], finalSeed=argsWS["finalSeed"], linkage=argsWS["linkage"], kappa=argsWS["kappa"])
        moveFile <- TRUE
        ## Query through web API
        if(!loadInstPkg("RCurl")) stop("We highly recommend to provide a registered email to query DAVID through the Web Service.\nOtherwise, please install package 'RCurl' to continue.")
        if(length(geneList)>400) stop("Maximum number of genes: 400. For more genes register at DAVID Web Service (see help for details).")
        geneList <- paste(geneList, collapse=",")
        annotations <- paste(annotations, collapse=",")
        tool <- "term2term"
        queryUrl <- paste("https://david.ncifcrf.gov/api.jsp?type=", geneIdType, "&ids=", geneList, "&tool=", tool, "&annot=", annotations, sep="") # Do not change order
        # URL has a charactor size limitation (<= 2048 characters in total), i.e., the very large gene list may not be able to completely passed by URL.
        if(nchar(queryUrl)>2048) stop("Query url too long.")
        curlHandle <- RCurl::getCurlHandle(cookiefile = "CurlHandleCookie.txt")        
        reply <- getURL(queryUrl, curl = curlHandle, ssl.verifypeer = FALSE)

        replyRowids <- getContent(reply, attribute = 'document.apiForm.rowids.value="')
        replyAnnot <- getContent(reply, attribute = 'document.apiForm.annot.value="')
        getURL <- paste("https://david.ncifcrf.gov/term2term.jsp?rowids=", replyRowids, "&annot=", replyAnnot, sep="")
        if(nchar(getURL) < 2048)
            finalReply <- getURL(getURL, curl = curlHandle, ssl.verifypeer = FALSE)
            finalReply <- tryCatch({
                                 curl = curlHandle,
                                 rowids = replyRowids,
                                 annot = replyAnnot)
            }, error = function(e) {
            if(finalReply != FALSE) warning("Query URL too long, default annotations might be used.")  
            if(finalReply == FALSE) stop("Query URL too long, try with less genes or use the Web Server (provide email).")  
        downloadFileName <- NULL
        if(finalReply != FALSE)
            downloadFileName <- getContent(finalReply, attribute = '<a href="data/download/')[1]
        if(grepl(".txt", downloadFileName))
            downloadFileName <- paste("https://david.ncifcrf.gov/data/download/", downloadFileName, sep="")
            moveFile <- FALSE
            errorMsg <- getContent(finalReply, attribute = '<div class="error">')[1]
            errorMsg <- substr(errorMsg, start=1, stop=regexec("</div>", errorMsg)[[1]][1]-1)
            if(errorMsg == "Warning: Your list contains more than 3000 genes.  Please select a list with less than 3000 genes to use this tool.")
                stop("Too many genes for David API. Try with diferent gene ID or executing it manualy through the web and downloading the results as txt.")
            if(errorMsg == "")
                stop("Error in query to David. Please, check if you are providing the right ID type. ")
            stop(paste("Message from David: ", errorMsg, sep=""))

    ret <- format_david(downloadFileName, jobName=jobName, geneLabels=geneLabels, moveFile=moveFile, downloadFile=downloadFile)

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Any scripts or data that you put into this service are public.

FGNet documentation built on Nov. 8, 2020, 5:43 p.m.