## export Biclust
ExportEV.Biclust <- function(biclusters, eset,
norm=c("sample", "feature", "raw", "x",
"y"), cutoff=0.95,
description=NULL, ...) {
eisamodules <- as(biclusters, "ISAModules")
eisamodules@rundata$annotation <- annotation(eset)
eisamodules@rundata$prenormalize <- FALSE
ExportEV(eisamodules, eset, order, filename, norm, cutoff, description, ...)
setMethod("ExportEV", signature(biclusters="Biclust"), ExportEV.Biclust)
## export EISA
mytoString <- function(x) {
paste(x, collapse=" ")
base64cut <- function(x, at=76) {
.Call("EV_base64cut", as.character(x), as.integer(at),
allowed <- c("iterations", "oscillation", "thr.row", "thr.col",
"freq", "rob", "rob.limit")
ExportEV.ISAModules <- function(biclusters, eset,
norm=c("sample", "feature", "raw",
"x", "y"),
KEGG=ISAKEGG(biclusters), ...) {
require(AnnotationDbi) # toTable
require(affy) # featureNames
norm <- match.arg(norm)
con <- file(filename, open="w", blocking=TRUE)
## in case biclusters were converted to ISAModules
if ( is.null(biclusters@rundata$annotation) ) {
biclusters@rundata$annotation <- annotation(eset)
if ( is.null(biclusters@rundata$prenormalize) ) {
biclusters@rundata$prenormalize <- FALSE
geneMaps <- order$genes
sampleMaps <- order$samples
Genes <- featureNames(biclusters)[geneMaps[[1]]];
Samples <- sampleNames(biclusters)[sampleMaps[[1]]];
nGenes <- (dim(biclusters))[1]
nSamples <- (dim(biclusters))[2]
nBiclusters <- length(biclusters)
writeLines("<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>", con)
writeLines("<evf>", con)
writeLines("\t<summary>", con)
writeLines("\t\t<description>ExpressionView data file</description>", con)
writeLines("\t\t<version>1.1</version>", con)
writeLines("\t\t<dataorigin>eisa</dataorigin>", con)
writeLines(paste("\t\t<nmodules>", nBiclusters, "</nmodules>", sep=""), con)
writeLines(paste("\t\t<ngenes>", nGenes, "</ngenes>", sep=""), con)
writeLines(paste("\t\t<nsamples>", nSamples, "</nsamples>", sep=""), con)
writeLines("\t</summary>", con)
go.table <- toTable(GOTERM)
kegg.table <- toTable(KEGGPATHID2NAME)
## get gene info
ann <- annotation(eset)
library(paste(ann, sep="", ".db"), character.only=TRUE)
symbol.table <- toTable(get(paste(ann, "SYMBOL", sep="")))
entrez.table <- toTable(get(paste(ann, "ENTREZID", sep="")))
writeLines("", con)
## experimentdata
writeLines("\t<experimentdata>", con)
writeLines(paste("\t\t<title>", eset@experimentData@title, "</title>", sep=""), con)
writeLines(paste("\t\t<name>", eset@experimentData@name, "</name>", sep=""), con)
writeLines(paste("\t\t<lab>", eset@experimentData@lab, "</lab>", sep=""), con)
writeLines(paste("\t\t<abstract>", eset@experimentData@abstract, "</abstract>", sep=""), con)
writeLines(paste("\t\t<url>", eset@experimentData@url, "</url>", sep=""), con)
writeLines(paste("\t\t<annotation>", eset@annotation, "</annotation>", sep=""), con)
organism <- get(paste(ann, "ORGANISM", sep=""))
writeLines(paste("\t\t<organism>", organism, "</organism>", sep=""), con)
writeLines("\t</experimentdata>", con)
writeLines("", con)
## genes
writeLines("\t<genes>", con)
writeLines("\t\t<genetags>", con)
writeLines("\t\t\t<id>#</id>", con)
writeLines("\t\t\t<name>Name</name>", con)
writeLines("\t\t\t<symbol>Symbol</symbol>", con)
writeLines("\t\t\t<entrezid>EntrezID</entrezid>", con)
writeLines("\t\t</genetags>", con)
writeLines("", con)
genemap <- match(Genes, symbol.table[,1])
genetext <- paste(sep="", "\t\t<gene>\n\t\t\t<id>", seq_len(nGenes),
"</id>\n\t\t\t<name>", Genes,
"</name>\n\t\t\t<symbol>", symbol.table[genemap,2],
"</symbol>\n\t\t\t<entrezid>", entrez.table[genemap,2],
writeLines(genetext, con)
writeLines("\t</genes>", con)
## samples
writeLines("\t<samples>", con)
writeLines("\t\t<sampletags>", con)
writeLines("\t\t\t<id>#</id>", con)
writeLines("\t\t\t<name>Name</name>", con)
temp <- rownames(phenoData(eset)@varMetadata)
## replace unallowed characters by underscores
temp <- gsub("[^[:alnum:]]", "_", temp)
tempp <- phenoData(eset)@varMetadata[[1]]
if ( length(temp) >= 2 ) {
for ( i in 2:length(temp) ) {
writeLines(paste('\t\t\t<x name="', temp[i], '">', tempp[i], "</x>", sep=""), con)
writeLines("\t\t</sampletags>", con)
writeLines("", con)
for ( sample in 1:nSamples ) {
writeLines("\t\t<sample>", con)
writeLines(paste("\t\t\t<id>", sample, "</id>", sep=""), con)
writeLines(paste("\t\t\t<name>", Samples[sample], "</name>", sep=""), con)
if ( dim(eset@phenoData@data)[2] != 0 ) {
tempp <- eset@phenoData@data[sampleMaps[[1]][sample],]
for ( i in 2:length(temp) ) {
writeLines(paste('\t\t\t<x name="', temp[i], '">', tempp[i], "</x>", sep=""), con)
writeLines("\t\t</sample>", con)
writeLines("\t</samples>", con)
writeLines("", con)
## modules
writeLines("\t<modules>", con)
writeLines("\t\t<moduletags>", con)
writeLines("\t\t\t<id>#</id>", con)
writeLines("\t\t\t<name>Name</name>", con)
if ( dim(biclusters@seeddata)[1] > 0 ) {
temp <- colnames(biclusters@seeddata)
temp2 <- setdiff(temp, allowed)
temp <- intersect(temp, allowed)
## replace unallowed characters by underscores
tempp <- gsub("[^[:alnum:]]", "_", temp)
if ( length(temp) >= 1 ) {
for ( i in seq_len(length(temp))) {
writeLines(paste("\t\t\t<", tempp[i], ">", temp[i], "</", tempp[i], ">", sep=""), con)
tempp <- gsub("[^[:alnum:]]", "_", temp2)
if ( length(temp2) >= 1) {
for ( i in seq_len(length(temp2)) ) {
writeLines(paste('\t\t\t<x name="', tempp[i], '">', temp2[i], "</x>", sep=""), con)
writeLines("\t\t</moduletags>", con)
writeLines("", con)
writeLines("\t\t<gotags>", con)
writeLines("\t\t\t<id>#</id>", con)
writeLines("\t\t\t<go>GO</go>", con)
writeLines("\t\t\t<term>Term</term>", con)
writeLines("\t\t\t<ontology>Ontology</ontology>", con)
#writeLines("\t\t\t<definition>Definition</definition>", con)
writeLines("\t\t\t<pvalue>PValue</pvalue>", con)
writeLines("\t\t\t<oddsratio>OddsRatio</oddsratio>", con)
writeLines("\t\t\t<expcount>ExpCount</expcount>", con)
writeLines("\t\t\t<count>Count</count>", con)
writeLines("\t\t\t<size>Size</size>", con)
writeLines("\t\t</gotags>", con)
writeLines("\t\t<keggtags>", con)
writeLines("\t\t\t<id>#</id>", con)
writeLines("\t\t\t<kegg>KEGG</kegg>", con)
writeLines("\t\t\t<pathname>Path Name</pathname>", con)
writeLines("\t\t\t<pvalue>PValue</pvalue>", con)
writeLines("\t\t\t<oddsratio>OddsRatio</oddsratio>", con)
writeLines("\t\t\t<expcount>ExpCount</expcount>", con)
writeLines("\t\t\t<count>Count</count>", con)
writeLines("\t\t\t<size>Size</size>", con)
writeLines("\t\t</keggtags>", con)
writeLines("", con)
for ( module in 1:nBiclusters ) {
writeLines("\t\t<module>", con)
writeLines(paste("\t\t\t<id>", module, "</id>", sep=""), con)
writeLines(paste("\t\t\t<name>module ", module, "</name>", sep=""), con)
if ( dim(biclusters@seeddata)[1] > 0 ) {
temp <- colnames(biclusters@seeddata)
temp2 <- setdiff(temp, allowed)
temp <- intersect(temp, allowed)
## replace unallowed characters by underscores
temp <- gsub("[^[:alnum:]]", "_", temp)
if ( length(temp) != 0 ) {
tempp <- biclusters@seeddata[module,]
for ( i in seq_len(length(temp)) ) {
value <- tempp[i]
if ( temp[i] == "rob" || temp[i] == "rob_limit" ) {
value <- formatter(as.numeric(value))
writeLines(paste("\t\t\t<", temp[i], ">", value, "</", temp[i], ">", sep=""), con)
temp2 <- gsub("[^[:alnum:]]", "_", temp2)
if ( length(temp2) != 0 ) {
temp2p <- biclusters@seeddata[module,]
for ( i in seq_len(length(temp2)) ) {
value <- temp2p[i]
writeLines(paste('\t\t\t<x name="', temp2[i], '">', value, "</x>", sep=""), con)
intersectingbiclustersgenes = list();
genes <- biclusters@genes[,module][geneMaps[[1]]]
for ( modulep in 1:nBiclusters ) {
if ( sum(genes * biclusters@genes[,modulep][geneMaps[[1]]]) != 0 && module != modulep ) {
intersectingbiclustersgenes <- append(intersectingbiclustersgenes, modulep)
genesp <- match(as.vector(which(biclusters@genes[,module]!=0)),geneMaps[[1]])[geneMaps[[module+1]]]
writeLines(paste("\t\t\t<containedgenes>", mytoString(genesp), "</containedgenes>", sep=""), con)
scores <- as.array(as.double(genes[genesp]))
scores <- apply(scores, 1, formatter)
writeLines(paste("\t\t\t<genescores>", mytoString(scores), "</genescores>", sep=""), con)
intersectingbiclusterssamples = list();
samples <- biclusters@conditions[,module][sampleMaps[[1]]]
for ( modulep in 1:nBiclusters ) {
if ( sum(samples * biclusters@conditions[,modulep][sampleMaps[[1]]]) != 0 && module != modulep ) {
intersectingbiclusterssamples <- append(intersectingbiclusterssamples, modulep)
samplesp <- match(as.vector(which(biclusters@conditions[,module]!=0)),sampleMaps[[1]])[sampleMaps[[module+1]]]
writeLines(paste("\t\t\t<containedsamples>", mytoString(samplesp), "</containedsamples>", sep=""), con)
scores <- as.array(as.double(samples[samplesp]))
scores <- apply(scores, 1, formatter)
writeLines(paste("\t\t\t<samplescores>", mytoString(scores), "</samplescores>", sep=""), con)
intersectingbiclusters <- intersect(unique(intersectingbiclustersgenes), unique(intersectingbiclusterssamples))
writeLines(paste("\t\t\t<intersectingmodules>", mytoString(intersectingbiclusters), "</intersectingmodules>", sep=""), con)
writeLines("", con)
writeLines("\t\t\t<gos>", con)
k <- 1
for ( i in 1:3 ) {
s <- summary(GO[[i]])[[module]]
if ( dim(s)[1] > 0 ) {
temp <- match(rownames(s), go.table[,1])
for ( j in 1:dim(s)[1] ) {
writeLines("\t\t\t\t<go>", con)
writeLines(paste("\t\t\t\t\t<id>", k, "</id>", sep=""), con)
k <- k + 1
writeLines(paste("\t\t\t\t\t<go>", rownames(s)[j], "</go>", sep=""), con)
writeLines(paste("\t\t\t\t\t<term>", go.table[temp[j], 3], "</term>", sep=""), con)
writeLines(paste("\t\t\t\t\t<ontology>", go.table[temp[j], 4], "</ontology>", sep=""), con)
#writeLines(paste("\t\t\t\t\t<definition>", go.table[temp[j], 5], "</definition>", sep=""), con)
writeLines(paste("\t\t\t\t\t<pvalue>", formatter(s[j, 1]), "</pvalue>", sep=""), con)
writeLines(paste("\t\t\t\t\t<oddsratio>", formatter(s[j, 2]), "</oddsratio>", sep=""), con)
writeLines(paste("\t\t\t\t\t<expcount>", formatter(s[j, 3]), "</expcount>", sep=""), con)
writeLines(paste("\t\t\t\t\t<count>", s[j, 4], "</count>", sep=""), con)
writeLines(paste("\t\t\t\t\t<size>", s[j, 5], "</size>", sep=""), con)
writeLines("\t\t\t\t</go>", con)
writeLines("\t\t\t</gos>", con)
writeLines("", con)
writeLines("\t\t\t<keggs>", con)
s <- summary(KEGG)[[module]]
if ( dim(s)[1] > 0 ) {
temp <- match(rownames(s), kegg.table[,1])
for ( j in 1:dim(s)[1] ) {
writeLines("\t\t\t\t<kegg>", con)
writeLines(paste("\t\t\t\t\t<id>", j, "</id>", sep=""), con)
writeLines(paste("\t\t\t\t\t<kegg>", rownames(s)[j], "</kegg>", sep=""), con)
writeLines(paste("\t\t\t\t\t<pathname>", kegg.table[temp, 2][j], "</pathname>", sep=""), con)
writeLines(paste("\t\t\t\t\t<pvalue>", formatter(s[j, 1]), "</pvalue>", sep=""), con)
writeLines(paste("\t\t\t\t\t<oddsratio>", formatter(s[j, 2]), "</oddsratio>", sep=""), con)
writeLines(paste("\t\t\t\t\t<expcount>", formatter(s[j, 3]), "</expcount>", sep=""), con)
writeLines(paste("\t\t\t\t\t<count>", s[j, 4], "</count>", sep=""), con)
writeLines(paste("\t\t\t\t\t<size>", s[j, 5], "</size>", sep=""), con)
writeLines("\t\t\t\t</kegg>", con)
writeLines("\t\t\t</keggs>", con)
writeLines("\t\t</module>", con)
writeLines("\t</modules>", con)
if ( norm == "x" ) {
norm <- "feature"
if ( norm == "y" ) {
norm <- "sample"
Data <- eisa:::select.eset(eset, biclusters, norm)
if ( dim(Data)[1] == 0 || dim(Data)[2] == 0 ) {
Data <- eisa:::select.eset(eset, biclusters, "raw")
message("using raw data.")
Data <- Data[ geneMaps[[1]], sampleMaps[[1]] ]
Data <- as.vector(t(Data))
Data <- normalize(Data, cutoff)
Data <- as.integer(round(Data * 100, 0))
writeLines("", con)
## data
writeLines("\t<data>", con)
temp <- base64encode(writeBin(Data, raw(), size=1))
cat(base64cut(temp), file=con)
writeLines("\t</data>", con)
writeLines("</evf>", con)
setMethod("ExportEV", signature(biclusters="ISAModules"), ExportEV.ISAModules)
## export list
ExportEV.list <- function(biclusters, eset, order=OrderEV(biclusters),
norm=c("sample", "feature", "raw", "x", "y"), cutoff=0.95,
description=NULL, ...) {
norm <- match.arg(norm)
con <- file(filename, open="w", blocking=TRUE)
data <- eset
geneMaps <- order$cols
sampleMaps <- order$rows
## get data description
experimentdata <- description$experiment
Genes <- colnames(data)[geneMaps[[1]]]
Samples <- rownames(data)[sampleMaps[[1]]]
geneLabels <- colnames(description$coldata)
geneLabelsData <- NULL
if ( !is.null(description$coldata) ) {
geneLabelsData <- as.matrix(description$coldata[Genes, geneLabels])
sampleLabels <- colnames(description$rowdata)
sampleLabelsData <- NULL
if ( !is.null(description$rowdata) ) {
sampleLabelsData <- as.matrix(description$rowdata[Samples, sampleLabels])
nGenes <- dim(biclusters$columns)[1]
nSamples <- dim(biclusters$rows)[1]
nBiclusters <- dim(biclusters$rows)[2]
writeLines("<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>", con)
writeLines("<evf>", con)
writeLines("\t<summary>", con)
writeLines("\t\t<description>ExpressionView data file</description>", con)
writeLines("\t\t<version>1.1</version>", con)
writeLines("\t\t<dataorigin>non-eisa</dataorigin>", con)
writeLines(paste("\t\t<xaxislabel>", experimentdata$xaxislabel, "</xaxislabel>", sep=""), con)
writeLines(paste("\t\t<yaxislabel>", experimentdata$yaxislabel, "</yaxislabel>", sep=""), con)
writeLines(paste("\t\t<nmodules>", nBiclusters, "</nmodules>", sep=""), con)
writeLines(paste("\t\t<ngenes>", nGenes, "</ngenes>", sep=""), con)
writeLines(paste("\t\t<nsamples>", nSamples, "</nsamples>", sep=""), con)
writeLines("\t</summary>", con)
writeLines("", con)
## experimentdata
writeLines("\t<experimentdata>", con)
writeLines(paste("\t\t<title>", experimentdata$title, "</title>", sep=""), con)
writeLines(paste("\t\t<name>", experimentdata$name, "</name>", sep=""), con)
writeLines(paste("\t\t<lab>", experimentdata$lab, "</lab>", sep=""), con)
writeLines(paste("\t\t<abstract>", experimentdata$abstract, "</abstract>", sep=""), con)
writeLines(paste("\t\t<url>", experimentdata$url, "</url>", sep=""), con)
writeLines(paste("\t\t<annotation>", experimentdata$annotation, "</annotation>", sep=""), con)
writeLines(paste("\t\t<organism>", experimentdata$organism, "</organism>", sep=""), con)
writeLines("\t</experimentdata>", con)
writeLines("", con)
## genes
writeLines("\t<genes>", con)
writeLines("\t\t<genetags>", con)
writeLines("\t\t\t<id>#</id>", con)
writeLines("\t\t\t<name>Name</name>", con)
if ( !is.null(geneLabels) ) {
temp <- geneLabels
## replace unallowed characters by underscores
tempp <- gsub("[^[:alnum:]]", "_", temp)
if ( length(temp) >= 1 ) {
for ( i in seq_len(length(temp)) ) {
writeLines(paste('\t\t\t<x name="', tempp[i], '">', temp[i], "</x>", sep=""), con)
writeLines("\t\t</genetags>", con)
writeLines("", con)
geneallowed <- c("symbol", "entrez")
for ( gene in 1:nGenes ) {
writeLines("\t\t<gene>", con)
writeLines(paste("\t\t\t<id>", gene, "</id>", sep=""), con)
writeLines(paste("\t\t\t<name>", Genes[gene], "</name>", sep=""), con)
if ( !is.null(geneLabels) ) {
## replace unallowed characters by underscores
temp2 <- setdiff(geneLabels, geneallowed)
temp <- intersect(geneLabels, geneallowed)
tempp <- geneLabelsData[gene, temp]
temp <- gsub("[^[:alnum:]]", "_", temp)
for ( i in seq_len(length(temp)) ) {
writeLines(paste("\t\t\t<", temp[i], ">", xmlconf(tempp[i]), "</", temp[i], ">", sep=""), con)
tempp <- geneLabelsData[gene, temp2]
temp2 <- gsub("[^[:alnum:]]", "_", temp2)
for ( i in seq_len(length(temp2))) {
writeLines(paste('\t\t\t<x name="', temp2[i], '">', xmlconf(tempp[i]), "</x>", sep=""), con)
writeLines("\t\t</gene>", con)
writeLines("\t</genes>", con)
## samples
writeLines("\t<samples>", con)
writeLines("\t\t<sampletags>", con)
writeLines("\t\t\t<id>#</id>", con)
writeLines("\t\t\t<name>Name</name>", con)
if ( !is.null(sampleLabels) ) {
temp <- sampleLabels
## replace unallowed characters by underscores
tempp <- gsub("[^[:alnum:]]", "_", temp)
if ( length(temp) >= 1 ) {
for ( i in seq_len(length(temp)) ) {
writeLines(paste('\t\t\t<x name="', tempp[i], '">', temp[i], "</x>", sep=""), con)
writeLines("\t\t</sampletags>", con)
writeLines("", con)
for ( sample in 1:nSamples ) {
writeLines("\t\t<sample>", con)
writeLines(paste("\t\t\t<id>", sample, "</id>", sep=""), con)
writeLines(paste("\t\t\t<name>", Samples[sample], "</name>", sep=""), con)
if ( !is.null(sampleLabels) ) {
## replace unallowed characters by underscores
temp <- gsub("[^[:alnum:]]", "_", sampleLabels)
tempp <- sampleLabelsData[sample, ]
for ( i in seq_len(length(temp)) ) {
writeLines(paste('\t\t\t<x name="', temp[i], '">', xmlconf(tempp[i]), "</x>", sep=""), con)
writeLines("\t\t</sample>", con)
writeLines("\t</samples>", con)
writeLines("", con)
## modules
writeLines("\t<modules>", con)
writeLines("\t\t<moduletags>", con)
writeLines("\t\t\t<id>#</id>", con)
writeLines("\t\t\t<name>Name</name>", con)
if ( dim(biclusters$seeddata)[1] > 0 ) {
temp <- colnames(biclusters$seeddata)
temp2 <- setdiff(temp, allowed)
temp <- intersect(temp, allowed)
## replace unallowed characters by underscores
tempp <- gsub("[^[:alnum:]]", "_", temp)
if ( length(temp) >= 1 ) {
for ( i in seq_len(length(temp)) ) {
writeLines(paste("\t\t\t<", tempp[i], ">", temp[i], "</", tempp[i], ">", sep=""), con)
temp2p <- gsub("[^[:alnum:]]", "_", temp2)
if ( length(temp2) >= 1 ) {
for ( i in seq_len(length(temp2)) ) {
writeLines(paste('\t\t\t<x name="', temp2p[i], '">', temp2[i], "</x>", sep=""), con)
writeLines("\t\t</moduletags>", con)
for ( module in 1:nBiclusters ) {
writeLines("\t\t<module>", con)
writeLines(paste("\t\t\t<id>", module, "</id>", sep=""), con)
writeLines(paste("\t\t\t<name>module ", module, "</name>", sep=""), con)
if ( dim(biclusters$seeddata)[1] > 0 ) {
temp <- colnames(biclusters$seeddata)
temp2 <- setdiff(temp, allowed)
temp <- intersect(temp, allowed)
## replace unallowed characters by underscores
temp <- gsub("[^[:alnum:]]", "_", temp)
if ( length(temp) != 0 ) {
tempp <- biclusters$seeddata[module,]
for ( i in seq_len(length(temp)) ) {
value <- tempp[i]
if ( temp[i] == "rob" || temp[i] == "rob_limit" ) {
value <- formatter(as.numeric(value))
writeLines(paste("\t\t\t<", temp[i], ">", value, "</", temp[i], ">", sep=""), con)
temp2 <- gsub("[^[:alnum:]]", "_", temp2)
if ( length(temp2) != 0 ) {
temp2p <- biclusters$seeddata[module,]
for ( i in seq_len(length(temp2)) ) {
value <- temp2p[i]
if ( temp2[i] == "rob" || temp2[i] == "rob_limit" ) {
value <- formatter(as.numeric(value))
writeLines(paste("\t\t\t<", temp2[i], ">", value, "</", temp2[i], ">", sep=""), con)
intersectingbiclustersgenes = list();
genes <- biclusters$columns[,module][geneMaps[[1]]]
for ( modulep in 1:nBiclusters ) {
if ( sum(genes * biclusters$columns[,modulep][geneMaps[[1]]]) != 0 && module != modulep ) {
intersectingbiclustersgenes <- append(intersectingbiclustersgenes, modulep)
genesp <- match(as.vector(which(biclusters$columns[,module]!=0)),geneMaps[[1]])[geneMaps[[module+1]]]
writeLines(paste("\t\t\t<containedgenes>", mytoString(genesp), "</containedgenes>", sep=""), con)
scores <- as.array(as.double(genes[genesp]))
scores <- apply(scores, 1, formatter)
writeLines(paste("\t\t\t<genescores>", mytoString(scores), "</genescores>", sep=""), con)
intersectingbiclusterssamples = list();
samples <- biclusters$rows[,module][sampleMaps[[1]]]
for ( modulep in 1:nBiclusters ) {
if ( sum(samples * biclusters$rows[,modulep][sampleMaps[[1]]]) != 0 && module != modulep ) {
intersectingbiclusterssamples <- append(intersectingbiclusterssamples, modulep)
samplesp <- match(as.vector(which(biclusters$rows[,module]!=0)),sampleMaps[[1]])[sampleMaps[[module+1]]]
writeLines(paste("\t\t\t<containedsamples>", mytoString(samplesp), "</containedsamples>", sep=""), con)
scores <- as.array(as.double(samples[samplesp]))
scores <- apply(scores, 1, formatter)
writeLines(paste("\t\t\t<samplescores>", mytoString(scores), "</samplescores>", sep=""), con)
intersectingbiclusters <- intersect(unique(intersectingbiclustersgenes), unique(intersectingbiclusterssamples))
writeLines(paste("\t\t\t<intersectingmodules>", mytoString(intersectingbiclusters), "</intersectingmodules>", sep=""), con)
writeLines("", con)
writeLines("\t\t</module>", con)
writeLines("\t</modules>", con)
if ( norm == "x" || norm == "feature" ) {
Data <- isa.normalize(as.matrix(data))[[2]]
if ( norm == "y" || norm == "sample") {
Data <- t(isa.normalize(as.matrix(data))[[1]])
if ( norm == "raw" ) {
Data <- as.matrix(data)
Data[] <- 0
Data <- Data[sampleMaps[[1]], geneMaps[[1]]]
Data <- as.vector(Data)
Data <- normalize(Data, cutoff)
Data <- as.integer(round(Data * 100, 0))
writeLines("", con)
## data
writeLines("\t<data>", con)
temp <- base64encode(writeBin(Data, raw(), size=1))
cat(base64cut(temp), file=con)
writeLines("\t</data>", con)
writeLines("</evf>", con)
setMethod("ExportEV", signature(biclusters="list"), ExportEV.list)
normalize <- function(data, cutoff) {
data.min <- min(data, na.rm=TRUE)
data.max <- max(data, na.rm=TRUE) <- data.max - data.min
if ( data.min < 0 && data.max > 0 ) {
data[data < 0] <- - data[data < 0] / data.min
data[data > 0] <- data[data > 0] / data.max
} else {
data <- (data - data.min) / * 2 - 1
## scale data if necessary
h<-hist(abs(data), plot=FALSE, breaks = 500)
h <- h$counts
total <- sum(h)
for ( i in 1:length(h) ) {
if ( sum(h[1:i]) > cutoff*total ) {
data <- data / (i / length(h))
## get rid of unallowed characters in XML output
xmlconf <- function(s) {
res <- gsub("<", " .lt. ", s)
res <- gsub(">", " .gt. ", res)
## format numbers
formatter <- function(x) {
if ( ! ) {
if ( abs(x) < 1e-2 ) {
res <- formatC(x, digits=2, format="e")
} else {
res <- formatC(x, digits=2, format="f")
} else {
res <- formatC(0., digits=2, format="f")
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For more information on customizing the embed code, read Embedding Snippets.