Man pages for ELMER
Inferring Regulatory Element Landscapes and Transcription Factor Networks Using Cancer Methylomes

addDistNearestTSSCalculate the distance between probe and gene TSS
addMutColAdds mutation information to MAE
calcDistNearestTSSCalculate distance from region to nearest TSS
calculateEnrichementCalculate motif Erichment
createBigWigDNAmetArrayCreate a bigwig file for IGV visualization of DNA methylation...
createIGVtrackCreate a junction track for IGV visualization of interection
createMAEConstruct a Multi Assay Experiment for ELMER analysis
createMotifRelevantTfsGet family of transcription factors
createSummaryDocumentCreate summary document for TCGA.pipe function
createTSVTemplatesCreate examples files for Sample mapping and information used...
ELMERELMER (Enhancer Linking by Methylation/Expression...
findMotifRegionUse Hocomoco motif and homer to identify motifs in a given...
get450Kget450K to download HM40K DNA methylation data for certain...
getClinicgetClinic to download clinic data for certain cancer types...
get.diff.methIdentify hypo/hyper-methylated CpG sites between two groups...
get.enriched.motifget.enriched.motif to identify the overrepresented motifs in...
getExpGet Gene expression object from MAE
getExpSamplesGet Gene expression object samples from MAE
get.feature.probeget.feature.probe to select probes within promoter regions or...
getGeneIDgetGeneID to report gene id from symbol
getMetGet DNA methylation object from MAE
getMetSamplesGet DNA methylation object samples from MAE
GetNearGenesGetNearGenes to collect nearby genes for one locus.
get.pairget.pair to predict enhancer-gene linkages.
get.permuget.permu to generate permutation results for calculation of...
Get.Pvalue.pCalculate empirical Pvalue
getRandomPairsGet random pairs
getRegionNearGenesIdentifies nearest genes to a region
getRNAseqgetRNAseq to download all RNAseq data for a certain cancer...
getSymbolgetSymbol to report gene symbol from id
get.tabsummarize MR TF as a binary table with 1 if TF was found in...
get.tabsCreating matrix for MR TF heatmap
getTCGAgetTCGA to download DNA methylation, RNA expression and...
getTFGet human TF list from the UNiprot database
getTFBindingSitesGet MR TF binding regions infered by ELMER
get.TFsget.TFs to identify regulatory TFs.
getTFtargetsGet TF target genes
getTSSgetTSS to fetch GENCODE gene annotation (transcripts level)...
heatmapGeneHeatmap for correlation between probes DNA methylation and a...
heatmapPairsHeatmap of pairs gene and probes anti-correlated
lm_eqnlable linear regression formula
metBoxPlotscatter.plot to plot scatter plots between gene expression...
motif.enrichment.plotmotif.enrichment.plot to plot bar plots showing motif...
preAssociationProbeFilteringFiltering probes
promoterMethpromoterMeth to calculate associations of gene expression...
render_reportBuild report for TCGA.pipe function
scatter.plotscatter.plot to plot scatter plots between gene expression...
schematic.plotschematic.plot to plot schematic plots showing the locations...
Stat.nonparaU test (non parameter test) for permutation. This is one...
summarizeTFMake MR TF binary table
TCGA.pipeELMER analysis pipeline for TCGA data.
TF.rank.plotTF.rank.plot to plot the scores (-log10(P value)) which...
TFsurvival.plotCreates survival plot of based on the expression of a TF
ELMER documentation built on Nov. 8, 2020, 4:59 p.m.