##' Creates a DiffLogo object
##' @title DiffLogo object
##' @param pwm1 representation of the first position weight matrix (PWM) of type pwm, data.frame, or matrix
##' @param pwm2 representation of the second position weight matrix (PWM) of type pwm, data.frame, or matrix
##' @param stackHeight function for the height of a stack at position i
##' @param baseDistribution function for the heights of the individual bases
##' @param alphabet of type Alphabet
##' @param align_pwms if True, will aling and extend pwms.
##' @param unaligned_penalty is a function for localPwmAlignment.
##' @param try_reverse_complement if True, alignment will try reverse complement pwms
##' @param base_distribution is a vector of length nrow(pwm) that is added to unaligned columns of pwms for comparing. If NULL, uniform distribution is used
##' @param length_normalization If true, will minimize the average divergence between PWMs. Otherwise will minimize the sum of divergences between positions. In both cases unalignes positions are compared to base_distribution and are counted when computing the alignment length.
##' @param unaligned_from_left the number of unaligned positions on the left
##' @param unaligned_from_right the number of unaligned positions on the right
##' @return DiffLogo object
##' @export
##' @exportClass DiffLogo
##' @author Martin Nettling
##' @examples
##' motif_folder= "extdata/pwm"
##' motif_names = c("HepG2","MCF7","HUVEC","ProgFib")
##' motifs = list()
##' for (name in motif_names) {
##' fileName = paste(motif_folder,"/",name,".pwm",sep="")
##' file = system.file(fileName, package = "DiffLogo")
##' motifs[[name]] = getPwmFromPwmFile(file)
##' }
##' pwm1 = motifs[[motif_names[[1]]]]
##' pwm2 = motifs[[motif_names[[2]]]]
##' diffLogoObj = createDiffLogoObject(pwm1 = pwm1, pwm2 = pwm2)
##' diffLogo(diffLogoObj)
createDiffLogoObject = function (pwm1, pwm2,
baseDistribution= normalizedDifferenceOfProbabilities,
alphabet=DNA, align_pwms=FALSE,
length_normalization = FALSE,
unaligned_from_left = 0,
unaligned_from_right = 0) {
pwm1 = preconditionTransformPWM(pwm1,alphabet);
pwm2 = preconditionTransformPWM(pwm2,alphabet);
if (align_pwms) {
alignment = localPwmAlignment(
pwm1, pwm2,
divergence = stackHeight,
unaligned_penalty = unaligned_penalty,
try_reverse_complement = try_reverse_complement && alphabet$supportReverseComplement,
base_distribution = base_distribution,
length_normalization = length_normalization);
aligned_extended_pwms = extendPwmsFromAlignmentVector(list(pwm1, pwm2), alignment$vector, base_distribution);
unaligned_from_left = max(alignment$vector[[1]]$shift, alignment$vector[[2]]$shift);
alignment_length = max(alignment$vector[[1]]$shift+ncol(pwm1), alignment$vector[[2]]$shift+ncol(pwm2));
unaligned_from_right = max( alignment_length-ncol(pwm1)-alignment$vector[[1]]$shift, alignment_length-ncol(pwm2)-alignment$vector[[2]]$shift);
pwm1 = aligned_extended_pwms[[1]]
pwm2 = aligned_extended_pwms[[2]]
# init needed variables
letters = list(x = NULL, y = NULL, id = NULL, fill = NULL)
npos = ncol(pwm1)
ylim.negMax = 0;
ylim.posMax = 0;
npos = ncol(pwm1)
wt = 1.0 # the width of one letter
x.pos = 0.5 + unaligned_from_left # initial position on x axis is 0.5; Letter is one right from this point
heights = rep(0,npos); ymins=rep(0,npos); ymaxs=rep(0,npos);
for (j in (unaligned_from_left+1):(npos - unaligned_from_right)) {
heightObj = stackHeight(pwm1[,j],pwm2[,j]);
preconditionStackHeight(heightObj); # check for correctness
heights[j] = heightObj$height;
ylab = heightObj$ylab;
distr = baseDistribution(pwm1[,j],pwm2[,j]);
preconditionBaseDistribution(distr); # check for correctness
hts = distr*heights[j];
letterOrder = order(abs(hts)) # reorder letters
yneg.pos = 0
ypos.pos = 0
# adds all letters as polygons to the list of letters
for (i in 1:length(hts)) {
ht = hts[letterOrder[i]]
ht_total = sum(hts);
if (ht >= 0){
y.pos = ypos.pos;
ypos.pos = ypos.pos + ht
} else if(ht < 0 ) {
y.pos = yneg.pos;
yneg.pos = yneg.pos + ht
char = alphabet$chars[ (letterOrder[i]-1)%%alphabet$size+1 ]
col = alphabet$cols[ (letterOrder[i]-1)%%alphabet$size+1 ];
letters = addLetter(letters, letterPolygons[[char]], x.pos, y.pos, ht, wt*0.99, col=col)
x.pos = x.pos + wt
ylim.negMax = min(ylim.negMax, yneg.pos)
ylim.posMax = max(ylim.posMax, ypos.pos)
# remember values for plotting
ymins[j] = yneg.pos
ymaxs[j] = ypos.pos
diffObj = list();
diffObj$ylab=ylab; # should be set by the stackHeight function
diffObj$npos = npos;
diffObj$heights = heights;
diffObj$ymins = ymins
diffObj$ymaxs = ymaxs
diffObj$ylim.negMax = ylim.negMax
diffObj$ylim.posMax = ylim.posMax
diffObj$letters = letters;
diffObj$pwm1 = pwm1
diffObj$pwm2 = pwm2
diffObj$distance = sum(abs(heights)) # TODO as function
diffObj$alphabet = alphabet
diffObj$unaligned_from_left = unaligned_from_left
diffObj$unaligned_from_right = unaligned_from_right
class(diffObj) = "DiffLogo"
##' Draws the difference of two sequence logos.
##' @title Draw DiffLogo
##' @param diffLogoObj a DiffLogoObject created by the function createDiffLogoObject
##' @param ymin minimum value on the y-axis
##' @param ymax maximum value on the y-axis
##' @param sparse if TRUE margins are reduced and tickmarks are removed from the logo
##' @param diffLogoConfiguration list of configuration parameters (see function diffLogoTableConfiguration(...))
##' @return none (draws difference logo)
##' @export
##' @importFrom graphics plot axis polygon rect text lines
##' @author Martin Nettling
##' @examples
##' motif_folder= "extdata/pwm"
##' motif_names = c("HepG2","MCF7","HUVEC","ProgFib")
##' motifs = list()
##' for (name in motif_names) {
##' fileName = paste(motif_folder,"/",name,".pwm",sep="")
##' file = system.file(fileName, package = "DiffLogo")
##' motifs[[name]] = getPwmFromPwmFile(file)
##' }
##' pwm1 = motifs[[motif_names[[1]]]]
##' pwm2 = motifs[[motif_names[[2]]]]
##' diffLogoObj = createDiffLogoObject(pwm1 = pwm1, pwm2 = pwm2)
##' diffLogo(diffLogoObj)
diffLogo = function (diffLogoObj, ymin=0, ymax=0, sparse=FALSE, diffLogoConfiguration = list()) {
if(!is(diffLogoObj, "DiffLogo")) {
msg = paste("Expected DiffLogo, but got ", class(diffLogoObj), ". Use #createDiffLogoObject to get an DiffLogo from two PWMs.",sep="")
if(ymin == 0) {
ymin = diffLogoObj$ylim.posMax
if(ymax == 0) {
ymax = diffLogoObj$ylim.negMax
# set ylab
ylab = diffLogoObj$ylab
if(sparse) {
# the sparse plot has small ticks, small y-labels, no x-labels, no xlab, no ylab
plot(NA, xlim=c(0.5,diffLogoObj$npos + 0.5), ylim=c(ymin,ymax), xaxt="n", ylab="", mgp=c(0, .35, 0), tck=-0.02, cex.axis=0.8, frame.plot=FALSE,xlab="")
} else {
plot(NA, xlim=c(0.5,diffLogoObj$npos + 0.5), ylim=c(ymin,ymax), xaxt="n", ylab=ylab, xlab="Position", frame.plot=FALSE, )
if(sparse) {
axis(1,labels=c(rep("",diffLogoObj$npos)), at=(1:diffLogoObj$npos),tck=-0.02)
axis(1,labels=c("",""), at=c(0,(diffLogoObj$npos+1)),tck=-0.00)
} else {
axis(1,labels=c("",""), at=c(0,(diffLogoObj$npos+1)),tck=-0.00)
polygon(diffLogoObj$letters, col=diffLogoObj$letters$col, border=FALSE)
if (!is.null(diffLogoObj$unaligned_from_left) && diffLogoObj$unaligned_from_left>0) {
rect(0.5, -ymin, diffLogoObj$unaligned_from_left+0.5, -ymax, col="gray", border="gray")
if (!is.null(diffLogoObj$unaligned_from_right) && diffLogoObj$unaligned_from_right>0) {
rect(diffLogoObj$npos-diffLogoObj$unaligned_from_right+0.5, -ymin, diffLogoObj$npos+0.5, -ymax, col="gray", border="gray")
if(!is.null(diffLogoObj$pvals)) {
leftOffset = 0;
if(!is.null(diffLogoObj$unaligned_from_left)) {
leftOffset = diffLogoObj$unaligned_from_left;
if(!is.null(diffLogoObj$unaligned_from_right)) {
rightOffset = diffLogoObj$unaligned_from_right;
npos = ncol(diffLogoObj$pwm1);
for (j in (leftOffset+1):(npos - rightOffset)) {
if( diffLogoObj$pvals[j] < 0.05 ) {
text(j, ymin, "*");
lines(c(0,diffLogoObj$npos), c(0,0) ) # the line at y = 0
##' Draws the difference of two sequence logos.
##' @title Draw DiffLogo from PWM
##' @param pwm1 representation of the first position weight matrix (PWM) of type pwm, data.frame, or matrix
##' @param pwm2 representation of the second position weight matrix (PWM) of type pwm, data.frame, or matrix
##' @param ymin minimum value on the y-axis
##' @param ymax maximum value on the y-axis
##' @param stackHeight function for the height of a stack at position i
##' @param baseDistribution function for the heights of the individual bases
##' @param sparse if TRUE margins are reduced and tickmarks are removed from the logo
##' @param alphabet of type Alphabet
##' @param align_pwms if true, DiffLogo will align pwms before plotting
##' @param unaligned_penalty is a function for localPwmAlignment.
##' @param try_reverse_complement if True, alignment will try reverse complement pwms
##' @param base_distribution is a vector of length nrow(pwm) that is added to unaligned columns of pwms for comparing. If NULL, uniform distribution is used
##' @param length_normalization If true, will minimize the average divergence between PWMs. Otherwise will minimize the sum of divergences between positions. In both cases unalignes positions are compared to base_distribution and are counted when computing the alignment length.
##' @return none (draws difference logo)
##' @export
##' @author Martin Nettling
##' @examples
##' motif_folder= "extdata/pwm"
##' motif_names = c("HepG2","MCF7","HUVEC","ProgFib")
##' motifs = list()
##' for (name in motif_names) {
##' fileName = paste(motif_folder,"/",name,".pwm",sep="")
##' file = system.file(fileName, package = "DiffLogo")
##' motifs[[name]] = getPwmFromPwmFile(file)
##' }
##' pwm1 = motifs[[motif_names[[1]]]]
##' pwm2 = motifs[[motif_names[[2]]]]
##' diffLogoFromPwm(pwm1 = pwm1, pwm2 = pwm2)
diffLogoFromPwm = function (
pwm1, pwm2, ymin=0, ymax=0,
sparse=FALSE, alphabet=DNA, align_pwms=FALSE,
try_reverse_complement=TRUE, base_distribution=NULL,
length_normalization = FALSE) {
diffLogoObj = createDiffLogoObject(
pwm1, pwm2, stackHeight=stackHeight,
base_distribution=NULL, length_normalization = length_normalization);
diffLogo(diffLogoObj, ymin=ymin, ymax=ymax, sparse=sparse)
##' Prepares a DiffLogoTable and generates an object that contains the hirarchical clustering and a matrix of prepared difference logos.
##' @title Prepare a table of difflogo objects
##' @param PWMs a list/vector of position weight matrices (PWMs) each of type pwm, data.frame, or matrix
##' @param alphabet the alphabet of the given PWMs
##' @param configuration list of (probably part of) of configuration options. See diffLogoTableConfiguration.
##' @return matrix of difference logos
##' @importFrom utils modifyList
##' @importFrom stats dist
##' @importFrom stats hclust
##' @export
##' @author Martin Nettling
##' @examples
##' motif_folder= "extdata/pwm"
##' motif_names = c("HepG2","MCF7","HUVEC","ProgFib")
##' motifs = list()
##' for (name in motif_names) {
##' fileName = paste(motif_folder,"/",name,".pwm",sep="")
##' file = system.file(fileName, package = "DiffLogo")
##' motifs[[name]] = getPwmFromPwmFile(file)
##' }
##' sampleSizes <- c(100, 150, 200, 250)
##' diffLogoTableObj = prepareDiffLogoTable(motifs);
prepareDiffLogoTable = function (
) {
configuration = modifyList(diffLogoTableConfiguration(alphabet), configuration)
enableClustering = configuration$enableClustering
stackHeight = configuration$stackHeight
baseDistribution = configuration$baseDistribution
multiple_align_pwms = configuration$multiple_align_pwms
align_pwms = configuration$align_pwms
unaligned_penalty = configuration$unaligned_penalty;
try_reverse_complement = (configuration$try_reverse_complement && alphabet$supportReverseComplement)
length_normalization = configuration$length_normalization
numberOfPermutations = configuration$numberOfPermutations
dim = length(PWMs);
similarities = matrix(0,dim,dim);
names = extractNames(PWMs);
diffLogoTableObj = list();
for ( i in 1:dim) {
PWMs[[names[i]]] = preconditionTransformPWM(PWMs[[names[i]]],alphabet);
if (multiple_align_pwms) {
multiple_pwms_alignment = multipleLocalPwmsAlignment(PWMs, try_reverse_complement = try_reverse_complement);
originalPwmLengths = lapply(PWMs, ncol);
PWMs = extendPwmsFromAlignmentVector( PWMs, multiple_pwms_alignment$alignment$vector);
align_pwms = FALSE
diffLogoObjMatrix = list();
for ( i in 1:dim) {
motif_i = names[i];
diffLogoObjMatrix[[ motif_i ]] = list()
# alignment size in columns is always equal
alignment_length = ncol(PWMs[[motif_i]]);
for ( k in 1:dim) {
if( i != k ) {
motif_k = names[k];
unaligned_from_left = 0
unaligned_from_right = 0
if (multiple_align_pwms) {
# the number of unaligned left positions is the maximum of the two shifts of the motifs
unaligned_from_left = max( multiple_pwms_alignment$alignment$vector[[i]]$shift,
# the number of unaligned right positions is the length of the alignment minus the orignal pwm length
rightShiftMotif_i = alignment_length - originalPwmLengths[[ motif_i ]] - multiple_pwms_alignment$alignment$vector[[i]]$shift;
rightShiftMotif_k = alignment_length - originalPwmLengths[[ motif_k ]] - multiple_pwms_alignment$alignment$vector[[k]]$shift;
unaligned_from_right = max(rightShiftMotif_i, rightShiftMotif_k)
diffLogoObjMatrix[[motif_i]][[motif_k]] =
createDiffLogoObject( PWMs[[ motif_i ]],
PWMs[[ motif_k ]],
stackHeight = stackHeight,
baseDistribution = baseDistribution,
alphabet = alphabet,
align_pwms = align_pwms,
unaligned_penalty = unaligned_penalty,
try_reverse_complement = try_reverse_complement,
length_normalization = length_normalization,
unaligned_from_left = unaligned_from_left,
unaligned_from_right = unaligned_from_right);
similarities[i, k] = diffLogoObjMatrix[[motif_i]][[motif_k]]$distance;
similarities[k, i] = diffLogoObjMatrix[[motif_i]][[motif_k]]$distance;
if(enableClustering) {
distance = dist(similarities);
hc = hclust(distance, "average");
opt = order.optimal(distance,hc$merge);
diffLogoTableObj$hc = hc;
leafOrder = diffLogoTableObj$hc$order;
diffLogoTableObj$diffLogoObjMatrix = diffLogoObjMatrix;
diffLogoTableObj$PWMs = PWMs;
diffLogoTableObj$leafOrder = leafOrder;
diffLogoTableObj$configuration = configuration;
diffLogoTableObj$alphabet = alphabet;
return (diffLogoTableObj);
##' Draws a table of DiffLogos.
##' @title Draws a table of DiffLogos
##' @param diffLogoTableObj the diffLogoTable-Object created by function prepareDiffLogoTable(...)
##' @param ... optional parameters for functon axis
##' @return none (draws difference logo)
##' @importFrom grDevices colorRampPalette rgb
##' @importFrom graphics par plot rect axis
##' @export
##' @examples
##' motif_folder= "extdata/pwm"
##' motif_names = c("HepG2","MCF7","HUVEC","ProgFib")
##' motifs = list()
##' for (name in motif_names) {
##' fileName = paste(motif_folder,"/",name,".pwm",sep="")
##' file = system.file(fileName, package = "DiffLogo")
##' motifs[[name]] = getPwmFromPwmFile(file)
##' }
##' diffLogoTableObj = prepareDiffLogoTable(motifs)
##' drawDiffLogoTable(diffLogoTableObj)
drawDiffLogoTable = function (
) {
alphabet = diffLogoTableObj$alphabet
configuration = diffLogoTableObj$configuration
enableClustering = configuration$enableClustering
uniformYaxis = configuration$uniformYaxis
sparse = configuration$sparse
showSequenceLogosTop = configuration$showSequenceLogosTop
treeHeight = configuration$treeHeight
margin = configuration$margin
ratio = configuration$ratio
PWMs = diffLogoTableObj$PWMs;
diffLogoObjMatrix = diffLogoTableObj[['diffLogoObjMatrix']];
marDiffLogo = getMarginsSeqLogo(sparse);
marSeqLogo = getMarginsSeqLogo(sparse);
ymin = 0; ymax = 0;
if( !enableClustering ) {
st = 0;
if(showSequenceLogosTop) {
st = 0.5;
orderedMotifs = names(diffLogoObjMatrix)[diffLogoTableObj$leafOrder];
dim = length(orderedMotifs);
similarities = matrix(0,dim,dim);
# Filling similarity matrix and computing y axes limits.
# The order of motifs in diffLogoObjMatrix is the same as in orderedMotifs
for ( i in 1:dim) {
for ( k in 1:dim) {
motif_i = orderedMotifs[i];
motif_k = orderedMotifs[k];
if(!is.null(diffLogoObjMatrix[[motif_i]][[motif_k]])) {
similarities[i,k] = diffLogoObjMatrix[[motif_i]][[motif_k]]$distance;
} else {
similarities[i,k] = 0;
if(uniformYaxis) {
ymin = min(diffLogoObjMatrix[[motif_i]][[motif_k]]$ylim.negMax, ymin)
ymax = max(diffLogoObjMatrix[[motif_i]][[motif_k]]$ylim.posMax, ymax)
palette = colorRampPalette(c(rgb(0.9,1,0.9),rgb(1,0.9,0.9)))(100)
colors = matrix(palette[cut(similarities,100)],dim,dim)
# drawing the matrix of DiffLogos;
dimV = c(dim, dim, dim + st + treeHeight, dim + st + treeHeight);
for ( i in 1:dim) {
for ( k in 1:dim) {
motif_i = orderedMotifs[i];
motif_k = orderedMotifs[k];
if(!is.null(diffLogoObjMatrix[[motif_i]][[motif_k]])) {
subplotcoords = c(i-1,i,dim-k,dim-k+1)
par(fig=(subplotcoords / dimV) * c(1-margin,1-margin,1-margin*ratio,1-margin*ratio) + c(margin,margin,0,0), new=TRUE, mar=c(0,0,0,0))
par(fig=(subplotcoords / dimV) * c(1-margin,1-margin,1-margin*ratio,1-margin*ratio) + c(margin,margin,0,0), new=TRUE, mar=marDiffLogo)
diffLogo(diffLogoObjMatrix[[motif_i]][[motif_k]], sparse=sparse, ymin=ymin, ymax=ymax);
# draw sequence logos
if(showSequenceLogosTop) {
for(i in 1:dim) {
subplotcoords = c(i-1, i, dim, dim + st)
par(fig=(subplotcoords / dimV) * c(1-margin,1-margin,1-margin*ratio,1-margin*ratio) + c(margin,margin,margin*ratio,margin*ratio), new=TRUE, mar=marSeqLogo)
seqLogo(PWMs[[ orderedMotifs[i] ]],sparse=sparse, alphabet=alphabet)
# draw cluster tree
if(treeHeight > 0 && enableClustering) {
par(fig=c(0 + 0.5, dim - 0.5, dim + st, dim + st + treeHeight) / dimV * c(1-margin,1-margin,1-margin*ratio,1-margin*ratio) + c(margin,margin,margin*ratio,margin*ratio), new=TRUE, mar=c(.0,.0,.1,.0))
plot(diffLogoTableObj$hc, xaxt="n",yaxt="n",xaxs="i",yaxs="i",bty="n", labels=rep("",dim), main="" )
# add names
par(fig=(c(0,dim,0,dim) / dimV) * c(1-margin,1-margin,1-margin*ratio,1-margin*ratio)+ c(margin,margin,0,0), new=TRUE, mar=c(0,0,0,0))
plot(NA,ylim=c(0,dim),xlim=c(0,dim),xaxs="i",xaxt="n",yaxt="n",yaxs="i", bty="n", mar=c(0,0,0,0))
axis(2, pos=0, at= (1:dim) - 0.5, labels = rev(orderedMotifs), tick = FALSE, mgp = c(3, 0, 0), ...)
axis(3, pos=dim, at= (1:dim) - 0.5, labels = orderedMotifs, tick = FALSE, mgp = c(3, 0, 0), ...)
##' Draws a table of DiffLogos.
##' @title Draw DiffLogo-table
##' @param PWMs a list/vector of position weight matrices (PWMs) each of type pwm, data.frame, or matrix
##' @param sampleSizes the number of sequences behind each PWM
##' @param alphabet the alphabet of the given PWMs
##' @param configuration list of (probably part of) of configuration options. See diffLogoTableConfiguration.
##' @param ... set of parameters passed to the function 'axis' for plotting
##' @return none (draws table of difference logos)
##' @export
##' @importFrom cba order.optimal
##' @importFrom utils modifyList
##' @author Martin Nettling
##' @examples
##' motif_folder= "extdata/pwm"
##' motif_names = c("HepG2","MCF7","HUVEC","ProgFib")
##' motifs = list()
##' for (name in motif_names) {
##' fileName = paste(motif_folder,"/",name,".pwm",sep="")
##' file = system.file(fileName, package = "DiffLogo")
##' motifs[[name]] = getPwmFromPwmFile(file)
##' }
##' diffLogoTable(motifs)
diffLogoTable = function (
) {
if(sum(names(configuration) %in% names(diffLogoTableConfiguration(alphabet))) != length(configuration)) {
stop(paste("Unknown arguments passed to diffLogoTable:", paste(names(configuration[ !(names(configuration) %in% names(diffLogoTableConfiguration(alphabet)))]), sep=",")))
if(is.null(names(PWMs))) {
names(PWMs) = sapply((1:length(PWMs)), toString)
configuration = modifyList(diffLogoTableConfiguration(alphabet), configuration)
diffLogoTableObj = prepareDiffLogoTable(PWMs, alphabet, configuration, ...);
if(!is.null(sampleSizes)) {
diffLogoTableObj$diffLogoObjMatrix = enrichDiffLogoTableWithPvalues(diffLogoTableObj$diffLogoObjMatrix, sampleSizes, configuration$stackHeight, configuration$numberOfPermutations)
drawDiffLogoTable(diffLogoTableObj, ... );
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