## pv_model.R -- make pv object ##
## 20 October 2009 ##
## 3 February 2011 -- packaged ##
## Rory Stark ##
## Cancer Research UK ##
## pv.peakset -- add a peakset to the model
pv.peakset <- function(pv = NULL,peaks, sampID, tissue, factor,condition, treatment, replicate,
control, peak.caller, peak.format, reads = 0, consensus =FALSE,
readBam, controlBam, scoreCol = NULL, bLowerScoreBetter = NULL,
bRemoveM = TRUE, bRemoveRandom = TRUE,
minOverlap = 2,bFast = FALSE,bMakeMasks = TRUE,
skipLines = 1, filter = NULL, counts = NULL, spikein) {
zeroVal <- -1
bLog <- FALSE
if (missing(peaks)) {
peaks <- NULL
if(length(peaks) == 0) {
peaks <- NULL
# if (!is.null(pv$peaks) && length(peaks) == 0) {
# peaks <- 1:length(pv$peaks)
# }
if (missing(counts))
counts <- NULL
if (!is.null(counts)) {
res <- pv.peaksetCounts(
pv = pv,peaks = peaks,counts = counts,
sampID = sampID,tissue = tissue,factor = factor,
condition = condition, treatment = treatment,replicate = replicate
if (missing(peak.format))
peak.format <- NULL
if (missing(scoreCol))
scoreCol <- NULL
if (missing(bLowerScoreBetter))
bLowerScoreBetter <- NULL
if (missing(filter))
filter <- NULL
bConsensus <- FALSE
if (is.numeric(consensus)) {
## Add a set of consensus peaksets
bConsensus <- TRUE
pv <-
pv.consensusSets(pv,peaks = peaks,minOverlap = minOverlap,
attributes = consensus, tissue,factor,condition,treatment,
replicate,control,peak.caller, readBam, controlBam,
} else {
## add a specific consensus peakset
if (is.vector(peaks) && length(peaks) > 1) {
# consensus
bConsensus <- TRUE
pv <-
pv.consensus(pv,peaks,minOverlap = minOverlap,bFast = bFast)
if (!is.null(minOverlap)) {
nset <- length(pv$peaks)
if (!missing(sampID)) {
pv$class[PV_ID,nset] <- sampID
colnames(pv$class)[nset] <- sampID
if (!missing(tissue))
pv$class[PV_TISSUE,nset] <- tissue
if (!missing(factor))
pv$class[PV_FACTOR,nset] <- factor
if (!missing(condition))
pv$class[PV_CONDITION,nset] <- condition
if (!missing(treatment))
pv$class[PV_TREATMENT,nset] <- treatment
if (!missing(replicate))
pv$class[PV_REPLICATE,nset] <- replicate
if (!missing(control))
pv$class[PV_CONTROL,nset] <- control
if (!missing(peak.caller))
pv$class[PV_CALLER,nset] <- peak.caller
if (!missing(readBam))
pv$class[PV_BAMREADS,nset] <- readBam
if (!missing(controlBam))
pv$class[PV_BAMCONTROL,nset] <- controlBam
if (!missing(spikein))
pv$class[PV_SPIKEIN,nset] <- spikein
if (bConsensus) {
if (bMakeMasks) {
pv$masks <- pv.mask(pv)
if (missing(tissue))
tissue <- ''
if (missing(factor))
factor <- ''
if (missing(condition))
condition <- ''
if (missing(treatment))
treatment <- ''
if (missing(replicate))
replicate <- ''
if (missing(control))
control <- ''
if (missing(peak.caller))
peak.caller <- ''
if (missing(readBam)) {
readBam <- NA
#warning("No bam file specified.",call.=FALSE)
if (length(readBam) == 0) {
readBam <- NA
#warning("No bam file specified.",call.=FALSE)
if (missing(controlBam))
controlBam <- NA
if (length(controlBam) == 0)
controlBam <- NA
if (missing(spikein))
spikein <- NA
if (length(spikein) == 0)
spikein <- NA
if (!is.null(peaks) && length(peaks) <= 1) {
if ( || length(peaks)==0) {
peaks <- NULL
} else {
if (is.character(peaks)) {
if (peaks == "" || peaks == " ")
peaks <- NULL
if (is.null(peaks)) {
peaks <- matrix(0,0,4)
} else {
if (is.character(peaks)) {
# Read in peaks from a file
if($size > 0) {
pcaller <- strtrim(peak.caller,6)
if (is.null(peak.format)) {
peak.format <- pcaller
if (is.null(scoreCol)) {
scoreCol <- pv.defaultScoreCol(peak.format)
peaks <- pv.readPeaks(peaks,peak.format,skipLines)
} else {
peaks <- matrix(0,0,4)
scoreSave <- scoreCol <- 0
} else {
peaks <- pv.peaksort(peaks)
if (is.null(scoreCol))
scoreCol <- 0
if (is.null(bLowerScoreBetter))
bLowerScoreBetter <- FALSE
scoreSave <- scoreCol
if ( (nrow(peaks) > 0) &
( (ncol(peaks) < scoreSave) | (ncol(peaks) == 3))){
peaks <- cbind(peaks[,1:3],1)
colnames(peaks)[ncol(peaks)] <- "score"
scoreCol <- 0
if (is.null(bLowerScoreBetter)) {
if (peak.caller == "report") {
bLowerScoreBetter <- TRUE
} else {
bLowerScoreBetter <- FALSE
if (is.null(filter) && peak.caller == "bayes") {
filter <- 0.5
if (scoreCol > 0) {
if (!missing(filter)) {
if (!is.null(filter)) {
if (bLowerScoreBetter) {
tokeep <- peaks[,scoreCol] <= filter
} else {
tokeep <- peaks[,scoreCol] >= filter
peaks <- peaks[tokeep,]
peaks[,scoreCol] <-
pv.normalizeScores(peaks,scoreCol,zeroVal = zeroVal,bLog = bLog)
if (bLowerScoreBetter) {
peaks[,scoreCol] <- 1 - peaks[,scoreCol]
peaks <- peaks[,c(1:3,scoreCol)]
if (bRemoveM) {
idx <- peaks[,1] != "chrM"
peaks <- peaks[idx,]
if (sum(!idx) > 0) {
peaks[,1] <- as.factor(as.character(peaks[,1]))
if (bRemoveRandom) {
for (i in c(1:22,"X","Y")) {
ch <- sprintf("chr%s_random",i)
idx <- peaks[,1] != ch
peaks <- peaks[idx,]
if (sum(!idx) > 0) {
peaks[,1] <- as.factor(as.character(peaks[,1]))
newchrs <- as.character(peaks[,1])
pv$chrmap <- sort(unique(c(pv$chrmap,newchrs)))
# peaks[,1] <- factor(peaks[,1],pv$chrmap)
peaks[,1] <- as.character(peaks[,1])
colnames(peaks)[1:4] <- c("Chr","Start","End","Score")
pv$peaks <- pv.listadd(pv$peaks,peaks)
if (missing(sampID)) {
if (is.null(pv)) {
sampID <- 1
} else if (is.null(pv$peaks)) {
sampID <- 1
} else {
sampID <- length(pv$peaks)
clascol <-
colnames(clascol) <- sampID
pv$class <- cbind(pv$class,clascol)
rownames(pv$class) <-
"ID","Tissue","Factor","Condition", "Consensus",
"Peak caller","Control","Reads","Replicate","bamRead",
"bamControl","Treatment", "Spikein"
pv$merged <- NULL
pv$binding <- NULL
if (bMakeMasks) {
pv$masks <- pv.mask(pv)
## pv.vectors -- build the binding expression vectors and do clustering/PCA
pv.vectors <- function(pv,mask,minOverlap = 2,attributes,bAllSame = FALSE,
merge = TRUE) {
if (missing(attributes)) {
if (is.null(pv$attributes)) {
attributes <- PV_ID
} else {
attributes <- pv$attributes
if(missing(mask) && merge) {
mask <- 1:length(pv$peaks)
called <- SN <- NULL
if (!missing(mask)) {
if (is.logical(mask)) {
mask <- which(mask)
peaks <- NULL
for (i in mask) {
#if(nrow(pv$peaks[[i]]) > 0) {
peaks <- pv.listadd(peaks,pv$peaks[[i]])
class <- pv$class[,mask]
chrmap <- pv$chrmap
config <- pv$config
samples <- pv$samples
if(!is.null(pv$called)) {
if(length(mask)<=ncol(pv$called)) {
called <- pv$called[,mask]
if(!is.null(pv$SN)) {
if(length(mask)==length(SN)) {
SN <- pv$SN[mask]
score <- pv$score
summits <- pv$summits
minCount <- pv$minCount
#contrasts <- pv$contrasts
blacklist <- pv$blacklist
greylist <- pv$greylist
peaks.blacklisted <- pv$peaks.blacklisted
resultObject <- pv$resultObject
#annotation <- pv$annotation
pv <- NULL
pv$peaks <- peaks
pv$class <- class
pv$chrmap <- chrmap
pv$config <- config
pv$samples <- samples
pv$called <- called
#pv$contrasts <- contrasts
pv$score <- score
pv$SN <- SN
pv$summits <- summits
pv$minCount <- pv$minCount
pv$blacklist <- blacklist
pv$greylist <- greylist
pv$peaks.blacklisted <- peaks.blacklisted
pv$resultObject <- resultObject
#pv$annotation <- annotation
if (is.vector(pv$class)) {
pv$class <- matrix(pv$class,length(pv$class),1)
colnames(pv$class) <- pv$class[1,]
peaks <- pv$peaks
numvecs <- length(peaks)
ncols <- numvecs + 3
if (minOverlap > 0 && minOverlap < 1) {
minOverlap <- ceiling(numvecs * minOverlap)
npeaks <- 0
defval <- -1
if (!bAllSame) {
if (sum(vapply(peaks,nrow,1)) > 0) {
if (merge) {
allp <-lapply(peaks,
function(x) {
y <- x[,1:3]
colnames(y) <- c("chr","start","end")
allpeaks <- NULL
for(el in allp) { # check for empty peaksets
if(nrow(el)>0) {
allpeaks <- pv.listadd(allpeaks,el)
allpeaks <- bind_rows(allpeaks)
} else {
allpeaks <- data.frame(pv$merged)
allpeaks[,1] <- pv$chrmap[allpeaks[,1]]
} else {
allpeaks <- matrix(0,0,4)
allnames <- NULL
if (nrow(allpeaks) > 0) {
res <- pv.merge(allpeaks,peaks,pv$class)
pv$called <- res$included
pv$totalMerged <- nrow(res$merged)
rownames(res$merged) <- 1:nrow(res$merged)
allnames <- res$chrmap
pv$merged <- res$merged[,1:3]
if ((ncol(res$merged) > 4) && (minOverlap > 1)) {
pv$binding <- res$merged[pv.overlaps(pv,minOverlap),]
} else {
pv$binding <- res$merged
} else {
pv$merged <- matrix(0,0,3 + length(pv$peaks))
pv$overlaps <- NULL
colnames(pv$merged) <- colnames(allpeaks)
pv$binding <- pv$merge
pv$totalMerged <- 0
pv$called <- NULL
} else {
result <- matrix(0,nrow(pv$peaks[[1]]),length(pv$peaks) + 3)
if (is.character(pv$peaks[[1]][1,1])) {
result[,1] <- match(pv$peaks[[1]][,1],pv$chrmap)
result[,2] <- pv$peaks[[1]][,2]
result[,3] <- pv$peaks[[1]][,3]
for (i in 1:numvecs) {
result[,i + 3] <- pv$peaks[[i]][,4]
colnames(result) <-
pv$binding <- result
pv$merged <- pv$binding[,1:3]
pv$totalMerged <- nrow(pv$binding)
pv$called <- called
allnames <- pv$chrmap
pv$attributes <- attributes
pv$minOverlap <- minOverlap
if (is.null(allnames)) {
allnames <- pv$chrmap[pv$binding[,1]]
pv$binding <- pv.check1(pv$binding)
if (nrow(pv$binding) > 0) {
vnames <- allnames[pv$binding[,1]]
if (!is.null(allnames)) {
newmap <- sort(unique(allnames))
} else {
newmap <- NULL
if (nrow(pv$binding) > 0) {
pv$binding[,1] <- match(vnames,newmap)
if (is.unsorted(unique(pv$binding[,1]))) {
pv$binding <- pv.peaksort(pv$binding)
rownames(pv$binding) <- 1:nrow(pv$binding)
pv$merged <- pv.check1(pv$merged)
pv$called <- pv.check1(pv$called)
pv$chrmap <- newmap
pv$hc <- NULL
pv$pc <- NULL
pv$masks <- pv.mask(pv)
pv$config <- as.list(pv$config)
## pv.model -- build model, e.g. from sample sheet
pv.model <- function(model,mask,minOverlap=2,
caller="raw",format, scorecol, bLowerBetter, skipLines=0,bAddCallerConsensus=TRUE,
bRemoveM=TRUE, bRemoveRandom=TRUE,filter,
attributes, dir) {
if(missing(format)) format <- NULL
if(missing(scorecol)) scorecol <- NULL
if(missing(bLowerBetter)) bLowerBetter <- NULL
if(missing(filter)) filter <- NULL
ChIPQCobj <- model$ChIPQCobj
} else ChIPQCobj <- NULL
if(!missing(model)) {
if(missing(attributes)) {
if(is.null(model$attributes)) {
attributes <- PV_ID
} else {
attributes <- model$attributes
config <- as.list(model$config)
allsame <- pv.allSame(model)
model <- pv.vectors(model,mask=mask,minOverlap=minOverlap,
model$config <- as.list(config)
model$ChIPQCobj <- ChIPQCobj
model$class[DBA_REPLICATE,$class[DBA_REPLICATE,])] <- ""
if(!missing(mask)) {
if(length(model$config$fragmentSize) > 1) {
model$config$fragmentSize <- model$config$fragmentSize[mask]
if(missing(attributes)) {
attributes <- PV_ID
if(is.character(samplesheet)) {
if(!missing(dir)) {
samplesheet <- file.path(dir,samplesheet)
ext <- file_ext(samplesheet)
if (ext %in% c("xls","xlsx")) {
if (requireNamespace("XLConnect",quietly=TRUE)) {
samples <- XLConnect::readWorksheetFromFile(samplesheet,sheet=1)
} else {
stop("Package XLConnect is needed to read Excel-format sample sheets.",call.=FALSE)
} else {
samples <- read.table(samplesheet,sep=',',stringsAsFactors=FALSE,header=TRUE,
samples <- stripSpaces(samples)
} else samples <- samplesheet
samples$SampleID <- 1:nrow(samples)
samples$Tissue <- ""
samples$Factor <- ""
samples$Condition <- ""
samples$Treatment <- ""
samples$Replicate <- ""
if(sum($SampleID))) samples$SampleID[$SampleID)]=""
if(sum($Tissue))) samples$Tissue[$Tissue)]=""
if(sum($Factor))) samples$Factor[$Factor)]=""
if(sum($Condition))) samples$Condition[$Condition)]=""
if(sum($Treatment))) samples$Treatment[$Treatment)]=""
if(sum($Replicate))) samples$Replicate[$Replicate)]=""
# prepend working directory to file paths
if(!missing(dir)) {
if(!is.null(samples$Peaks)) {
samples$Peaks <- sapply(samples$Peaks,
if(!is.null(samples$bamReads)) {
samples$bamReads <- sapply(samples$bamReads,
if(!is.null(samples$bamControl)) {
samples$bamControl <- sapply(samples$bamControl,
if(!is.null(samples$Spikein)) {
samples$Spikein <- sapply(samples$Spikein,
model <- NULL
if(is.character(config)) {
if(!is.null(config)) {
config <- read.table(config,colClasses='character',sep=',',header=TRUE)
x <- config$DataType
if(!is.null(x)) {
if(x=="DBA_DATA_FRAME") {
config$DataType <- DBA_DATA_FRAME
} else if(x=="DBA_DATA_RANGEDDATA"){
config$DataType <- DBA_DATA_RANGEDDATA
} else {
config$DataType <- DBA_DATA_GRANGES
x <- config$RunParallel
if(!is.null(x)) {
if(x=="FALSE") {
} else {
config <- as.list(config)
} else if (config$parallelPackage == "DBA_PARALLEL_MULTICORE") {
} else if (config$parallelPackage == "DBA_PARALLEL_RLSF") {
config$AnalysisMethod <- DBA_DESEQ2
} else if(is.character(config$AnalysisMethod)){
x <- strsplit(config$AnalysisMethod,',')
if(length(x[[1]])==1) {
} else if (length(x[[1]])==2) {
#config$AnalysisMethod <- c(pv.getMethod(x[[1]][1]),pv.getMethod(x[[1]][2]))
config$AnalysisMethod <- pv.getMethod(x[[1]][1])
model$config <- as.list(config)
for(i in 1:nrow(samples)) {
if(is.null(samples$PeakCaller[i])) {
peakcaller <- caller
} else if($PeakCaller[i])) {
peakcaller <- caller
} else {
peakcaller <- as.character(samples$PeakCaller[i])
if(is.null(samples$PeakFormat[i])) {
peakformat <- format
} else if($PeakFormat[i])) {
peakformat <- format
} else {
peakformat <- as.character(samples$PeakFormat[i])
if(is.null(samples$ScoreCol[i])) {
peakscores <- scorecol
} else if($ScoreCol[i])) {
peakscores <- scorecol
} else {
if(is.factor(samples$ScoreCol[i])) {
peakscores <- as.integer(as.character(samples$ScoreCol[i]))
} else {
peakscores <- as.integer(samples$ScoreCol[i])
if(is.null(samples$LowerBetter[i])) {
peaksLowerBetter <- bLowerBetter
} else if($LowerBetter[i])) {
peaksLowerBetter <- bLowerBetter
} else {
peaksLowerBetter <- as.logical(samples$LowerBetter[i])
if(is.null(samples$Filter[i])) {
peakfilter <- filter
} else if($Filter[i])) {
peakfilter <- filter
} else {
if(is.factor(samples$Filter[i])) {
peakfilter <- as.integer(as.character(samples$Filter[i]))
} else {
peakfilter <- as.integer(samples$Filter[i])
controlid <- pv.controlID(samples,i,model$class,curcontrol)
if(is.numeric(controlid)) {
curcontrol <- controlid+1
controlid <- sprintf("Control%d",controlid)
counts <- samples$Counts[i]
if(!is.null(counts)) {
if( {
counts =NULL
} else if (counts == "") {
counts =NULL
if(!is.null(counts)) {
peakcaller <- 'counts'
if(is.null(samples$Peaks[i])) {
peakid <- NULL
} else {
peakid <- as.character(samples$Peaks[i])
message(as.character(samples$SampleID[i]),' ',
as.character(samples$Tissue[i]),' ',
as.character(samples$Factor[i]),' ',
as.character(samples$Condition[i]),' ',
as.character(samples$Treatment[i]),' ',
as.integer(samples$Replicate[i]),' ',peakcaller)
model <- pv.peakset(model,
peaks = peakid,
sampID = as.character(samples$SampleID[i]),
tissue = as.character(samples$Tissue[i]),
factor = as.character(samples$Factor[i]),
condition = as.character(samples$Condition[i]),
treatment = as.character(samples$Treatment[i]),
consensus = FALSE,
peak.caller = peakcaller,
peak.format = peakformat,
scoreCol = peakscores,
bLowerScoreBetter = peaksLowerBetter,
control = controlid,
reads = NA,
replicate = as.integer(samples$Replicate[i]),
readBam = as.character(samples$bamReads[i]),
controlBam = as.character(samples$bamControl[i]),
spikein = as.character(samples$Spikein[i]),
filter = peakfilter,
counts = counts,
bRemoveM=bRemoveM, bRemoveRandom=bRemoveRandom,
model$samples <- samples
model <- pv.add_consensus(model)
model <- pv.vectors(model,mask=mask,minOverlap=minOverlap,
bAllSame <- (peakcaller=="counts"))
model$config <- as.list(model$config)
model$ChIPQCobj <- ChIPQCobj
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