#' Showing the residuals when subtracting the values from one group from
#' another on a SNE plot
#' This function is used to visually compare groups of individuals from whom
#' comparable cytometry or other complex data has been generated, but where the
#' number of individuals does not permit any statistical comparisons.
#' @param xYData A dataframe or matrix with two columns. Each row contains
#' information about the x and y positition in the field for that observation.
#' @param groupVector Vector with the same length as xYData containing
#' information about the group identity of each observation.
#' @param clusterVector Vector with the same length as xYData containing
#' information about the cluster identity of each observation.
#' @param densContour If density contours should be created for the plot(s) or
#' not. Defaults to TRUE.
#' @param plotName The main name for the graph and the analysis.
#' @param groupName1 The name for the first group
#' @param groupName2 The name for the second group
#' @param maxAbsPlottingValues If multiple plots should be compared, it might
#' be useful to define a similar color scale for all plots, so that the same
#' color always means the same value. Such a value can be added here. It
#' defaults to the maximum Wilcoxon statistic that is generated in the analysis.
#' @param title If there should be a title displayed on the plotting field. As
#' the plotting field is saved as a png, this title cannot be removed as an
#' object afterwards, as it is saved as coloured pixels. To simplify usage for
#' publication, the default is FALSE, as the files are still named, eventhough
#' no title appears on the plot.
#' @param bandColor The color of the contour bands. Defaults to black.
#' @param dotSize Simply the size of the dots. The default makes the dots
#' smaller the more observations that are included.
#' @param plotDir If different from the current directory. If specified and
#' non-existent, the function creates it. If "." is specified, the plots will be
#' saved at the current directory.
#' @param createOutput For testing purposes. Defaults to TRUE. If FALSE, no
#' plots are generated.
#' @seealso \code{\link{dColorPlot}}, \code{\link{dDensityPlot}},
#' \code{\link{dWilcox}}
#' @return A sne based plot showing which events that belong to a cluster
#' dominated by the first or the second group.
#' @examples
#' # Load some data
#' data(testData)
#' \dontrun{
#' # Load or create the dimensions that you want to plot the result over.
#' # uwot::umap recommended due to speed, but tSNE or other method would
#' # work as fine.
#' data(testDataSNE)
#' # Run the clustering function. For more rapid example execution,
#' # a depeche clustering of the data is inluded
#' # testDataDepeche <- depeche(testData[,2:15])
#' data(testDataDepeche)
#' # And finally run the function
#' dResidualPlot(
#' xYData = testDataSNE$Y, groupVector = testData[, 16],
#' clusterVector = testDataDepeche$clusterVector
#' )
#' }
#' @export dResidualPlot
dResidualPlot <- function(xYData, groupVector, clusterVector,
densContour = TRUE,
groupName1 = unique(groupVector)[1],
groupName2 = unique(groupVector)[2],
plotName = "default", title = FALSE,
bandColor = "black", plotDir = ".",
dotSize = 400 / sqrt(nrow(xYData)),
createOutput = TRUE) {
if (plotDir != ".") {
if (length(unique(groupVector)) != 2) {
stop("More or less than two groups are present. Please correct this.")
if (is.matrix(xYData)) {
xYData <-
if (plotName == "default") {
plotName <- paste0(groupName1, "_vs_", groupName2)
# Here, the residuals are identified. A
# table with the percentage of cells in
# each cluster for each group is created.
clusterTableRaw <- table(clusterVector, groupVector)
# In the case where the groups do not occur in order in the groupVector,
# the order of the table is changed here
clusterTable <- clusterTableRaw[, as.character(unique(groupVector))]
countTable <- table(groupVector)
clusterPercentagesForGroups <- clusterTable
for (i in seq_len(length(countTable))) {
x <- 100 * clusterTable[, i] / countTable[i]
clusterPercentagesForGroups[, i] <- x
# Now the residual matrix is constructed
residualVector <- as.vector(clusterPercentagesForGroups[, 1] -
clusterPercentagesForGroups[, 2])
names(residualVector) <- as.numeric(row.names(clusterPercentagesForGroups))
# Here, the maximum values for the
# plotting is defined if not added by the
# user.
if (missing(maxAbsPlottingValues)) {
maxAbsPlottingValues <- max(abs(clusterPercentagesForGroups))
# It might be that the
# maxAbsPlottingValues defined by the
# user are lower than the most extreme
# values in the residual data. Then, the
# data is truncated to fit the range.
residualVector[residualVector > maxAbsPlottingValues] <-
residualVector[residualVector < -maxAbsPlottingValues] <-
# Here, a vector with the same length as
# the cluster vector is generated, but
# where the cluster info has been
# substituted with the statistic.
residualVectorLong <- clusterVector
for (i in seq_len(length(residualVector))) {
residualVectorLong[clusterVector ==
names(residualVector)[i]] <- residualVector[i]
# Here the data that will be used for
# plotting is scaled.
colnames(xYData) <- c("V1", "V2")
# Make a color vector with the same
# length as the data
residual.df <-
# make a breaks vector to define each bin
# for the colors
brks <- seq(-maxAbsPlottingValues, maxAbsPlottingValues, length.out = 10)
# assign each value to a bin
grps <- with(residual.df, cut(residual.df[, 1],
breaks = brks,
include.lowest = TRUE
colors <- colorRampPalette(c("#FF0000", "white", "#0000FF"))(9)
xYData$col <- colors[grps]
colorVariable = xYData$col, plotName =
paste0(plotName, "_residuals"),
xYData = xYData, title = title,
densContour = densContour, bandColor = bandColor,
dotSize = dotSize, plotDir = plotDir,
createOutput = createOutput
# Create a color legend with text
yname <- "Residual values"
topText <- paste0(groupName1, " is more abundant")
bottomText <- paste0(groupName2, " is more abundant")
if (createOutput) {
pdf(file.path(plotDir, paste0(plotName, "_residual_scale.pdf")))
par(fig = c(0.35, 0.65, 0, 1), xpd = NA)
z <- matrix(seq_len(9), nrow = 1)
x <- 1
y <- seq(-maxAbsPlottingValues, maxAbsPlottingValues, len = 9)
image(x, y, z, col = colors, axes = FALSE, xlab = "", ylab = yname)
text(1, maxAbsPlottingValues * 1.2, labels = topText, cex = 1.1)
text(1, -maxAbsPlottingValues * 1.2, labels = bottomText, cex = 1.1)
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