#' Display third variable as color on a 2D plot
#' Function to overlay one variable for a set of observations on a field
#' created by two other variables known for the same observations. The plot is
#' constructed primarily for displaying variables on 2D-stochastic neighbour
#' embedding fields, but can be used for any sets of (two or) three variables
#' known for the same observations. As the number of datapoints is often very
#' high, the files would, if saved as pdf of another vector based file type
#' become extremely big. For this reason, the plots are saved as jpeg and no
#' axes or anything alike are added, to simplify usage in publications.
#' @importFrom gplots rich.colors
#' @importFrom parallel detectCores makeCluster stopCluster
#' @importFrom doSNOW registerDoSNOW
#' @importFrom foreach foreach %dopar%
#' @param colorData A numeric matrix or dataframe or a vector, be it numeric,
#' charater or factor, that should be used to define the colors on the plot.
#' A pre-made vector of colors is also accepted.
#' @param controlData Optional. A numeric/integer vector or dataframe of values
#' that could be used to define the range of the colorData. If no control data
#' is present, the function defaults to using the colorData as control data.
#' @param xYData These variables create the field on which the colorData will
#' be displayed. It needs to be a matrix or dataframe with two columns and the
#' same number of rows as the colorData object.
#' @param plotName The name(s) for the plot(s). 'default' returns the column
#' names of the colorData object in the case this is a dataframe and otherwise
#' returns the somewhat generic name 'testVariable'. It can be substituted with
#' a string (in the case colorData is a vector) or vector of strings, as long as
#' it has the same length as the number of columns in colorData.
#' @param colorScale This argument controls the colors in the plot. See
#' \code{\link{dColorVector}} for alternatives.
#' @param densContour If density contours should be created for the plot(s) or
#' not. Defaults to TRUE. If a density object, as generated by dContours, is
#' included, this will be used instead.
#' @param title If there should be a title displayed on the plotting field. As
#' the plotting field is saved a jpeg, this title cannot be removed as an object
#' afterwards, as it is saved as coloured pixels. To simplify usage for
#' publication, the default is FALSE, as the files are still named, eventhough
#' no title appears on the plot.
#' @param plotDir If different from the current directory. If specified and
#' non-existent, the function creates it. If "." is specified, the plots will be
#' saved at the current directory. By default, a new directory is added if the
#' created plots will be more than 1.
#' @param truncate If truncation of the most extreme values should be performed
#' for the visualizations. Three possible values: TRUE, FALSE, and a vector
#' with two values indicating the low and high threshold quantiles for
#' truncation.
#' @param bandColor The color of the contour bands. Defaults to black.
#' @param dotSize Simply the size of the dots. The default makes the dots
#' maller the more observations that are included.
#' @param multiCore If the algorithm should be performed on multiple cores.
#' This increases the speed if the dataset is medium-large (>100000 rows) and
#' has at least 5 columns. Default is TRUE when the rows exceed 100000 rows and
#' FALSE otherwise.
#' @param nCores If multiCore is TRUE, then this sets the number of parallel
#' processes. The default is currently 87.5 percent with a cap on 10 cores, as
#' no speed increase is generally seen above 10 cores for normal computers.
#' @param createOutput For testing purposes. Defaults to TRUE. If FALSE, no
#' plots are generated.
#' @seealso \code{\link{dDensityPlot}}, \code{\link{dResidualPlot}},
#' \code{\link{dWilcox}}, \code{\link{dColorVector}}
#' @return Plots showing the colorData displayed as color on the field created
#' by xYData.
#' @examples
#' # Load some data
#' data(testData)
#' \dontrun{
#' # Load or create the dimensions that you want to plot the result over.
#' # uwot::umap recommended due to speed, but tSNE or other method would
#' # work as fine.
#' data(testDataSNE)
#' # Run the function for two of the variables
#' dColorPlot(colorData = testData[2:3], xYData = testDataSNE$Y)
#' # Now each depeche cluster is plotted separately and together.
#' # Run the clustering function. For more rapid example execution,
#' # a depeche clustering of the data is included
#' # testDataDepeche <- depeche(testData[,2:15])
#' data(testDataDepeche)
#' dColorPlot(
#' colorData = testDataDepeche$clusterVector,
#' xYData = testDataSNE$Y, plotName = "clusters"
#' )
#' }
#' @export dColorPlot
dColorPlot <- function(colorData, controlData, xYData,
colorScale = "rich_colors", plotName = "default",
densContour = TRUE, title = FALSE, plotDir = "default",
truncate = TRUE, bandColor = "black",
dotSize = 500 / sqrt(nrow(xYData)),
multiCore = "default",
nCores = "default", createOutput = TRUE) {
if (is.matrix(colorData)) {
colorData <-
if (is.matrix(xYData)) {
xYData <-
if (plotDir == "default") {
if (is.vector(colorData)) {
plotDir <- "."
} else {
plotDir <- paste0("Marker tSNE distributions")
if (plotDir != ".") {
if (plotName == "default") {
plotName <- if ( {
plotName <- colnames(colorData)
} else {
plotName <- "Ids"
if (missing(controlData)) {
controlData <- colorData
# Create the density matrix for xYData.
if (is.logical(densContour)) {
if (densContour) {
densContour <- dContours(xYData)
if (is.vector(colorData) || is.factor(colorData)) {
wasFactor <- FALSE
colorDataIsColVec <- FALSE
if (is.numeric(colorData) && length(unique(colorData)) > 50) {
colorDataRound <- round(dScale(colorData,
control = controlData,
scale = c(0, 1),
robustVarScale = FALSE,
center = FALSE,
multiplicationFactor = 50,
truncate = truncate
} else {
if (is.character(colorData)) {
# Here, we make an exception for pre-made color vectors
if (nchar(colorData[1]) %in% c(7, 9) &&
substr(colorData[1], 1, 1) == "#") {
colorVector <- colorData
colorDataIsColVec <- TRUE
colorData <- as.factor(colorData)
if (is.factor(colorData)) {
plotNames <- as.character(unique(colorData))
colorData <- as.numeric(colorData)
wasFactor <- TRUE
colorDataRound <- colorData
uniqueNumsRaw <- unique(colorDataRound)
uniqueNums <- uniqueNumsRaw[order(uniqueNumsRaw)]
if (wasFactor) {
plotNames <- plotNames[order(uniqueNumsRaw)]
} else {
plotNames <- uniqueNums
if (colorDataIsColVec == FALSE) {
colorVector <- dColorVector(colorDataRound,
colorOrder = uniqueNums,
colorScale = colorScale
colorVariable = colorVector, plotName = plotName,
xYData = xYData, title = title,
densContour = densContour, bandColor = bandColor,
dotSize = dotSize, plotDir = plotDir,
createOutput = createOutput
} else {
colorDataRound <- round(dScale(
x = colorData, control = controlData,
scale = c(0, 1), robustVarScale = FALSE,
center = FALSE, multiplicationFactor = 50,
truncate = truncate
colorVectors <- apply(colorDataRound, 2, dColorVector,
colorScale = colorScale, colorOrder = c(0:50)
if (multiCore == "default") {
if (nrow(colorData) > 1e+05) {
multiCore <- TRUE
} else {
multiCore <- FALSE
if (multiCore) {
if (nCores == "default") {
nCores <- floor(detectCores() * 0.875)
if (nCores > 10) {
nCores <- 10
cl <- makeCluster(nCores, type = "SOCK")
i <- 1
return_all <-
i = seq_len(ncol(colorVectors)),
.packages = "DepecheR"
) %dopar%
colorVariable = colorVectors[, i],
plotName = plotName[i], xYData = xYData,
title = title, densContour = densContour,
bandColor = bandColor, dotSize = dotSize, plotDir = plotDir,
createOutput = createOutput
} else {
mapply(dPlotCoFunction,, stringsAsFactors = FALSE),
MoreArgs = list(
xYData = xYData,
title = title,
densContour = densContour,
bandColor = bandColor,
dotSize = dotSize, plotDir = plotDir,
createOutput = createOutput
# Create a suitable legend for the task
if (createOutput) {
if (is.vector(colorData)) {
pdf(file.path(plotDir, paste0(plotName, "_legend.pdf")))
} else {
pdf(file.path(plotDir, "Color_legend.pdf"))
if (is.vector(colorData) && length(uniqueNums < 50)) {
if (colorDataIsColVec) {
colorIdsDataFrame <- data.frame(colorData)
colorIdsDataFrame <- data.frame(
dColorVector(uniqueNums, colorScale = colorScale), plotNames,
stringsAsFactors = FALSE
legend = colorIdsDataFrame[, 2],
col = colorIdsDataFrame[, 1], cex = 7.5 / length(uniqueNums),
pch = 19
} else {
yname <- "Expression level"
topText <- "Highly expressed"
bottomText <- "Not expressed"
par(fig = c(0.35, 0.65, 0, 1), xpd = NA)
z <- matrix(seq_len(49), nrow = 1)
x <- 1
y <- seq(0, 1, len = 49)
image(x, y, z,
col = dColorVector(, 50),
colorScale = colorScale
axes = FALSE, xlab = "", ylab = yname
text(1, 1.1, labels = topText, cex = 1.1)
text(1, -0.1, labels = bottomText, cex = 1.1)
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