## methods
### the "as.list", "rbind(a thin wrapper of bindROWS)"
### will realize all lazyIndexes and construct a new DelayedDataFrame
### (with initial lazyIndex of NULL).
setMethod("getListElement", "DelayedDataFrame", function(x, i, exact=TRUE)
i2 <- normalizeDoubleBracketSubscript(
i, x, exact = exact,
allow.NA = TRUE,
allow.nomatch = TRUE)
if (
index <- .get_index(x, i2)
elt <- x@listData[[i2]]
if (!is.null(index))
elt <- extractROWS(elt, index)
### "as.list" function is called in lapply("DelayedDataFrame", ) and
### names("DelayedDataFrame")...
#' DelayedDataFrame related methods.
#' @rdname DelayedDataFrame-method
#' @description \code{as.list}, \code{rbind} would incur realization
#' of the \code{lazyIndex} slot in \code{DelayedDataFrame} object.
#' @param x \code{as.list,DelayedDataFrame}: a \code{DelayedDataFrame}
#' object. OR, \code{[,DelayedDataFrame}: \code{DelayedDataFrame}
#' object to be subsetted.
#' @param use.names \code{as.list,DelayedDataFrame}: whether to use
#' the colnames of \code{DelayedDataFrame} as the names for the
#' returned list. OR, \code{bindROWS,DelayedDataFrame}: whether to
#' use rownames of the input arguments. Default is TRUE.
#' @aliases as.list,DelayedDataFrame-method
#' @export
setMethod("as.list", "DelayedDataFrame", function(x, use.names=TRUE)
ans <- lapply(seq_along(x), function(j) x[[j]])
if (use.names)
names(ans) <- names(x)
#' @return colnames of \code{DelayedDataFrame}
#' @rdname DelayedDataFrame-method
#' @aliases names,DelayedDataFrame-method
#' @exportMethod names
setMethod("names", "DelayedDataFrame", function(x)
### cbind,DDF will keep and cbind the old lazyIndexes.
.cbind_DDF <- function(x, objects = list())
lazyIndex_objects <- lapply(objects, lazyIndex)
new_lazyIndex <- .cbind_lazyIndex(lazyIndex(x), lazyIndex_objects)
listData_objects <-, lapply(objects, function(x) x@listData))
new_listData <- c(x@listData, listData_objects)
ans <- BiocGenerics:::replaceSlots(x, listData = new_listData,
lazyIndex = new_lazyIndex)
#' @rdname DelayedDataFrame-method
#' @description \code{cbind} for DelayedDataFrame inherits the
#' lazyIndex's if inputs have any DelayedDataFrame
#' objects. Otherwise, return a new DelayedDataFrame with NULL
#' lazyIndexes.
#' @param ... \code{cbind,DelayedDataFrame}: One or more vector-like
#' or matrix-like objects. These can be given as named
#' arguments. OR, \code{[,DelayedDataFrame}: other arguments to
#' pass.
#' @param deparse.level See ‘?base::cbind’ for a description of this
#' argument.
#' @aliases cbind,DelayedDataFrame-method
#' @export
#' @importMethodsFrom BiocGenerics cbind
setMethod("cbind", "DelayedDataFrame", function(..., deparse.level = 1)
objects <- list(...)
isDDF <- vapply(unname(objects), is, logical(1), "DelayedDataFrame")
for (i in which(!isDDF)){
a <- as(objects[[i]], "DelayedDataFrame")
objects[[i]] <- a
x <- objects[[1]]
objects <- objects[-1]
.cbind_DDF(x, objects)
#' bindROWS is the lower-level function for \code{rbind}.
#' @rdname DelayedDataFrame-method
#' @aliases bindROWS,DelayedDataFrame-method
#' @param objects the \code{DelayedDataFrame} objects to be passed
#' into \code{bindROWS}.
#' @param ignore.mcols Logical. This argument is ignored for
#' \code{bindROWS,DelayedDataFrame}.
#' @param check Logical. This argument is ignored for
#' \code{bindROWS,DelayedDataFrame}.
setMethod("bindROWS", "DelayedDataFrame",
function(x, objects = list(), use.names = TRUE,
ignore.mcols = FALSE, check = TRUE)
ans <- callNextMethod()
lazyIndex(ans) <- LazyIndex(vector("list", 1), rep(1L, ncol(x)))
## subsetting methods
#' @importFrom methods slot
.extractROWS_DelayedDataFrame <- function(x, i)
i <- normalizeSingleBracketSubscript(
i, x, exact = FALSE, allow.NAs = TRUE, as.NSBS = FALSE)
rownames <- rownames(x)[i]
if (!is.null(rownames))
rownames <- make.unique(rownames)
initialize(x, lazyIndex = lazyIndex(x)[i,],
nrows = length(i), rownames = rownames)
#' @importFrom stats setNames
#' @aliases extractROWS,DelayedDataFrame-method
#' @rdname DelayedDataFrame-method
#' @export
setMethod("extractROWS", "DelayedDataFrame",
.extractCOLS_DelayedDataFrame <- function(x, i)
if (!is(i, "IntegerRanges")) {
xstub <- setNames(seq_along(x), names(x))
i <- normalizeSingleBracketSubscript(i, xstub)
new_listData <- extractROWS(x@listData, i)
new_mcols <- extractROWS(mcols(x, use.names=FALSE), i)
new_lazyIndex <- lazyIndex(x)[i]
x <- initialize(x,
lazyIndex = new_lazyIndex,
listData = new_listData,
elementMetadata = new_mcols)
if (anyDuplicated(names(x)))
names(x) <- make.unique(names(x))
setMethod("replaceROWS", c("DataFrame", "ANY"),
function (x, i, value)
## browser()
nsbs <- normalizeSingleBracketSubscript(i, x, as.NSBS = TRUE)
if (length(nsbs) == 0L) {
x <- S4Vectors:::.subassign_columns(x, nsbs, value)
lazyIndex(x) <- .update_index(lazyIndex(x), i, NULL)
#' @aliases extractCOLS,DelayedDataFrame-method
#' @rdname DelayedDataFrame-method
#' @export
setMethod("extractCOLS", "DelayedDataFrame",
#' @rdname DelayedDataFrame-method
#' @aliases replaceCOLS,DelayedDataFrame-method
#' @param value the new values in the \code{i,j} subscripts of
#' \code{DelayedDataFrame} object.
#' @export
setMethod("replaceCOLS", c("DelayedDataFrame", "ANY"),
function(x, i, value)
stopifnot(is.null(value) || is(value, "DataFrame"))
if (!is(i, "IntegerRanges")) {
xstub <- setNames(seq_along(x), names(x))
i <- normalizeSingleBracketSubscript(i, xstub)
new_listData <- x@listData
## truncate if `value` is longer than the nrow(x).
## only replace the ith item in @listData.
if (nrow(value) < nrow(x)) {
stop("The new value doesn't match the row dimension of 'x'")
} else if (nrow(value) > nrow(x)) {
message("the dimension of new value doesn't match the",
" row dimension of 'x' and will be truncated!")
value_listData <- as.list(value[seq_len(nrow(x)), , drop=FALSE])
} else {
value_listData <- as.list(value)
if (missing(i)) {
new_listData <- value_listData
new_lazyIndex <- .LazyIndex(
vector("list", as.numeric(as.logical(length(x)))),
index=rep(1L, length(x)))
else {
new_listData[i] <- value_listData
new_lazyIndex <- .update_index(lazyIndex(x), i, NULL)
## disable the `fill_short_columns` since columns could be `DelayedArray` objects.
## max_len <- max(lengths(new_listData), nrow(x))
## sl <- S4Vectors:::.fill_short_columns(sl, max_len) ## no need to change.
max_len <- nrow(x)
## disable the .make_columns for now since it cares about if appending...
## names(new_listData) <- S4Vectors:::.make_colnames(new_listData, i, length(x), value)
ri <- seq_len(max_len)
initialize(x, listData = new_listData, lazyIndex = new_lazyIndex,
rownames=S4Vectors:::.make_rownames(x, ri, ri, value)
## keep temporarily.
## .make_rownames called "replaceROWS", will check later
## nrows=max_len
#' @rdname DelayedDataFrame-method
#' @aliases mergeROWS,DelayedDataFrame-method
#' @export
setMethod(mergeROWS, "DelayedDataFrame", function (x, i, value)
nsbs <- normalizeSingleBracketSubscript(i, x, allow.append = TRUE,
if (length(nsbs) == 0L) {
x <- S4Vectors:::.subassign_columns(x, nsbs, value)
lazyIndex(x) <- .update_index(lazyIndex(x), i, NULL)
i_max <- max(as.integer(nsbs))
x_nrow <- nrow(x)
if (i_max > x_nrow) {
x@rownames <- S4Vectors:::.make_rownames(x, i, nsbs, value)
x@nrows <- i_max
#' @rdname DelayedDataFrame-method
#' @aliases "[" "[,DelayedDataFrame-method"
#' @param i row subscript
#' @param j col subscript
#' @param drop if drop with reduced dimension, default is TRUE.
#' @export
#' @importFrom stats setNames
#' @importFrom methods callNextMethod
setMethod("[", c("DelayedDataFrame", "ANY", "ANY", "ANY"),
function (x, i, j, ..., drop = TRUE)
if (!isTRUEorFALSE(drop))
stop("'drop' must be TRUE or FALSE")
if (length(list(...)) > 0L)
warning("parameters in '...' not supported")
list_style_subsetting <- (nargs() - (!missing(drop))) < 3L
if (list_style_subsetting || !missing(j)) {
if (list_style_subsetting) {
if (!missing(drop))
warning("'drop' argument ignored by list-style subsetting")
if (missing(i))
j <- i
x <- extractCOLS(x, j)
if (list_style_subsetting)
if (!missing(i)) {
x <- extractROWS(x, i)
if (missing(drop))
drop <- ncol(x) == 1L
if (drop) {
if (ncol(x) == 1L)
if (nrow(x) == 1L)
return(as(x, "list"))
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