### USECASE: Download all gene expression data from BLUEPRINT samples
### and build a heatmap
# Load dependencies
# List all BLUEPRINT samples
blueprint_samples <- deepblue_list_samples(
extra_metadata = list("source" = "BLUEPRINT Epigenome"))
# Extract their ids
blueprint_samples_ids <- deepblue_extract_ids(blueprint_samples)
# Select gene expression data. We assign gene names using Gencode 22
gene_exprs_query <- deepblue_select_expressions(sample_ids =
expression_type = "gene",
gene_model = "gencode v22")
# We request the data and define the output format
request = deepblue_get_regions(query_id = gene_exprs_query,
# We download the data
gene_regions <- deepblue_download_request_data(request)
# We retain a table mapping sample ids to bisources
sample_names <- dplyr::select(gene_regions, `@BIOSOURCE`, `@SAMPLE_ID`) %>%
# We filter out duplicated gene entries
genes_one_sample <- dplyr::filter(gene_regions, `@SAMPLE_ID` == "s10678")
duplicated_genes <- genes_one_sample[
which(duplicated(genes_one_sample$`@GENE_ID(gencode v22)`)),
"@GENE_ID(gencode v22)"]
# We convert the gene expression from a list to a data frame and subsequently...
genes_matrix = dplyr::filter(gene_regions,
!(`@GENE_ID(gencode v22)` %in% duplicated_genes)) %>%
dplyr::select(-`@BIOSOURCE`) %>%
tidyr::spread(key = `@SAMPLE_ID`, value = FPKM)
# a numeric matrix
genes <- genes_matrix[,1]
genes_matrix <- data.matrix(genes_matrix[,-1])
rownames(genes_matrix) <- genes
### genes_matrix : The gene expression matrix for all BLUEPRINT samples
### sample_names : A mapping table from sample id to cell type / biosource
### Generate a HEATMAP and to cluster samples by gene expression
# Select a unique color for each biosource
# We replace positive with + and negative with - to save some space
sample_names$`@BIOSOURCE` <- str_replace_all(sample_names$`@BIOSOURCE`,
"-positive", "+")
sample_names$`@BIOSOURCE` <- str_replace_all(sample_names$`@BIOSOURCE`,
"-negative", "-")
# We remove 'terminally differentiated' to save some space
sample_names$`@BIOSOURCE` <- str_replace(sample_names$`@BIOSOURCE`,
", terminally differentiated", "")
# RColorBrewer palettes typically have around 9 colors. We need more
# and thus build a custom color scale based on the Set1 color scheme.
getPalette <- colorRampPalette(brewer.pal(9, "Set1"))
# We build a color map, i.e. for each cell type we assign a unique color
color_map <- data.frame(biosource = unique(sample_names$`@BIOSOURCE`),
color = getPalette(length(unique(sample_names$`@BIOSOURCE`))))
# We now use the color map to assign the colors to each experiment
# according to its cell type / biosource
biosource_colors <- dplyr::left_join(sample_names, color_map,
by = c("@BIOSOURCE" = "biosource"))
# We transform this data frame into a vector
color_vector <- as.character(biosource_colors$color)
names(color_vector) <- biosource_colors$biosource
# We compute row variance
filtered_score_matrix <- genes_matrix
#filtered_score_matrix[filtered_score_matrix < 1] <- NA
filtered_score_matrix <- log2(filtered_score_matrix + 0.000000001)
filtered_score_matrix_rowVars <- rowVars(filtered_score_matrix, na.rm = T)
filtered_score_matrix_medians <- rowMedians(filtered_score_matrix, na.rm = T)
# We retain only genomic regions with variance > 0.05 for plotting
filtered_score_matrix <- filtered_score_matrix[
which(filtered_score_matrix_rowVars > 70 &
filtered_score_matrix_medians > -10),]
# We remove regions that have missing values in at least one of the experiments
#filtered_score_matrix <- filtered_score_matrix[
# which(complete.cases(filtered_score_matrix)),]
# Order matrix by experiment names in sample map - this is important to make
# sure you assign the correct cell type to each sample!
filtered_score_matrix <- filtered_score_matrix[,sample_names$`@SAMPLE_ID`]
# We set the margins for plotting. These values are optimized for plotting on A4
par(mar=c(5.1, 8.1, 4.1, 4.1), xpd=TRUE)
# We plot a heatmap in which the variable regions are shown across all samples
# On top of the columns we create a dendrogram based on Spearman correlation
# More precisely, we convert the Spearman correlation which is a similarity
# measure to a distance such that it can be used with hierarchical clustering.
heatmap.2(filtered_score_matrix,labRow = NA, labCol = NA, trace = "none",
ColSideColors = color_vector,
hclust=function(x) hclust(x,method="complete"),
distfun=function(x) as.dist(1-cor(t(x), method = "pearson")),
Rowv = TRUE, dendrogram = "column", scale = "row",
key.xlab = "scaled log2(FPKM) value", denscol = "black", keysize = 1.5,
key.par = list(mar = c(8.5, 2.5, 1, 1)), key.title = NA)
# Next, we add a legend showing which cell type has which color
par(lend = 1) # square line ends for the color legend
legend("bottomleft", # location of the legend on the heatmap plot
legend = color_map$biosource, # category labels
col = as.character(color_map$color), # color key
text.width = 0.28,
lty= 1,
lwd = 8,
cex = 0.7,
y.intersp = 0.7,
# Finished!
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