#' @title Select the best classification model
#' @description This function selects the bestmodels learned by the
#' \link{DaMiR.EnsL_Train} and a tested by
#' \link{DaMiR.EnsL_Test}.
#' @param df A data frame of performance metrics. At least two columns
#' representing a specific classification metrics (e.g., Accuracy) and
#' the number of predictors must be provided. Additionally,
#' other classification metrics (e.g., MCC, Sensitivity,
#' Specificity,PPV, NPV, AUC, ...) can be appended (from the third
#' column onwards) and used for the evaluation, by correctly setting
#' the 'metric.idx' parameter.
#' @param type.sel The method to select the best models. Only
#' "mode","median" and "greater" values are allowed.
#' For a specific classification metrics, "mode" selects all models
#' whose score is the mode of all scores; "median" selects all
#' models whose score is the median of all scores; and, "greater"
#' selects all models whose score is greater than the value
#' specified in "th.sel". Default: "mode".
#' @param th.sel Threshold for the evaluation of the performance
#' when "type.sel" is equal to "greater". Default: 0.85
#' @param npred.sel The method to select the best model. Only
#' "min" and "rnd" values are allowed. Taking into account the subset
#' of models found by 'type.sel', this parameter selects one single
#' model with the minimum number of predictors ("min") or randomly
#' ("rnd"). Default: "min".
#' @param metric.idx The index of the 'df' column (i.e., classification
#' metrics) to be considered for the models evaluation. Default: 1.
#' @param npred.idx The index of the 'df' column representing the
#' number of predictors. Default: 2.
#' @return The index of df (row), representing the model selected and a
#' bubble chart
#' @details
#' This function finds the best model, taking into account specific
#' classification metrics.
#' @author Mattia Chiesa, Luca Piacentini
#' @examples
#' # use example data:
#' set.seed(1)
#' @export
DaMiR.ModelSelect <- function(df,
# check missing arguments
if (missing(df))
stop("'data' argument must be provided")
if (missing(type.sel)){
type.sel <- "mode"
if (missing(npred.sel)){
npred.sel <- "min"
# check the type of argument
stop("'df' must be a data frame")
stop("'metric.idx' must be numeric")
stop("'th.sel' must be numeric")
# specific checks
if (ncol(df) < 2)
stop("df must have at least 2 columns:
the first must represent a classification metrics and
the second th number of predictors")
if (th.sel > 1 | th.sel < 0)
stop("'th.sel' must be between 0 and 1")
if (metric.idx > ncol(df) | metric.idx <= 0)
stop("'metric.idx' must be at least equal to ncol(df)")
if (metric.idx <= 0)
stop("'metric.idx' must be positive")
if (metric.idx %% 1 != 0)
stop("'metric.idx' must be integer (i.e. the index of a df column)")
if (!(all(type.sel %in% c("mode", "median", "greater"))))
stop("'type.sel' must be one of 'mode', 'median', 'greater'")
if (!(all(npred.sel %in% c("min", "rnd"))))
stop("'npred.sel' must be one of 'min', 'rnd'")
# check the presence of NA or Inf
if (any(
stop("NA values are not allowed in the 'df' matrix")
if (any(is.infinite(as.matrix(df))))
stop("Inf values are not allowed in the 'df' matrix")
# funtion to implement the mode
getmode <- function(v) {
uniqv <- unique(v)
uniqv[which.max(tabulate(match(v, uniqv)))]
df <- df[,c(metric.idx,npred.idx)]
df <- round(df,2)
if(type.sel == "mode" & npred.sel == "min"){
idx_opt_model <- which(df[,metric.idx] == getmode(df[,metric.idx]) & df[,npred.idx] == min(df[which(df[,metric.idx] == getmode(df[,metric.idx])),npred.idx]))
idx_opt_model <- idx_opt_model[sample(length(idx_opt_model),1)]
}else if(type.sel == "mode" & npred.sel == "rnd"){
idx_opt_model <- which(df[,metric.idx] == median(df[,metric.idx]))
idx_opt_model <- idx_opt_model[sample(length(idx_opt_model),1)]
}else if(type.sel == "median" & npred.sel == "min"){
idx_opt_model <- which(df[,metric.idx] == median(df[,metric.idx]) & df[,npred.idx] == min(df[which(df[,metric.idx] == getmode(df[,metric.idx])),npred.idx]))
idx_opt_model <- idx_opt_model[sample(length(idx_opt_model),1)]
}else if(type.sel == "median" & npred.sel == "rnd"){
idx_opt_model <- which(df[,metric.idx] == median(df[,metric.idx]) )
idx_opt_model <- idx_opt_model[sample(length(idx_opt_model),1)]
}else if(type.sel == "greater" & npred.sel == "min"){
if (length((which(df[,metric.idx] >= th.sel))) == 0)
stop("no models selected")
idx_opt_model <- which(df[,metric.idx] >= th.sel & df[,npred.idx] == min(df[which(df[,metric.idx] == getmode(df[,metric.idx])),npred.idx]))
idx_opt_model <- idx_opt_model[sample(length(idx_opt_model),1)]
}else if(type.sel == "greater" & npred.sel == "rnd"){
if (length((which(df[,metric.idx] >= th.sel))) == 0)
stop("no models selected")
idx_opt_model <- which(df[,metric.idx] >= th.sel )
idx_opt_model <- idx_opt_model[sample(length(idx_opt_model),1)]
} else{
stop("this type.sel does not exist")
# Plot results
data_summary <- function(data, varname, groupnames){
summary_func <- function(x, col){
c(counts = length(x[[col]]))
data_sum<-ddply(data, groupnames, .fun=summary_func,
# data_sum <- rename(data_sum, c("counts" = varname))
df.plot <- data_summary(df,"Accuracy",c("Accuracy","N.predictors"))
print(ggplot(aes(x = Accuracy,y = N.predictors), data = df.plot) +
geom_point(aes(alpha = counts,size=counts),color = "blue", alpha = 0.2) +
scale_size(range = c(4, 10))+
geom_point(aes(x = df[idx_opt_model,1], y = df[idx_opt_model,2]),
shape=120, size=8, color="red") +
# scale_y_continuous(
# breaks = function(y) unique(
# floor(pretty(seq(0, (max(y) + 1) * 1.1)))))+
# scale_y_continuous(breaks = seq(min(df.plot$N.predictors),
# max(df.plot$N.predictors)+1,
# 1)) +
# scale_x_continuous(breaks = seq(0.5,1,0.01)) +
scale_y_continuous(limits = c(min(df.plot$N.predictors),
max(df.plot$N.predictors)+1)) +
scale_x_continuous(limits = c(0.5,1)) +
ggtitle("Bubble Chart")
# # Print histograms
# print(ggplot(aes(df[,metric.idx]),data=df) +
# geom_histogram(aes(y=..density..),
# colour="black",
# fill="blue",
# alpha=0.2,
# breaks=seq(0.5, 1, by = 0.01))+
# geom_density(alpha=0.4,
# fill="orange") +
# # geom_vline(aes(xintercept=df[90,1]),
# # color="red",
# # linetype="dashed", size=2)+
# theme_bw()+
# xlab(colnames(df)[metric.idx])+
# ylab("Counts") +
# ggtitle(paste0("Histogram of models performance: by ",
# colnames(df)[metric.idx]))
# )
cat("In your df, the 'optimal model' has index:",idx_opt_model, "\n")
cat(colnames(df)[metric.idx], "=",df[idx_opt_model,1],"\n")
cat(df[idx_opt_model,2], "predictors","\n")
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