## function to call DMRs from the DML test results
callDMR <- function(DMLresult, delta=0, p.threshold=1e-5,
minlen=50, minCG=3, dis.merge=100, pct.sig=0.5) {
## remove the NA entries
ix.keep = !$stat)
if(mean(ix.keep) < 1) ## with NA entries in the results
DMLresult = DMLresult[ix.keep,]
flag.multifactor = FALSE
if(class(DMLresult)[2] == "DMLtest.multiFactor")
flag.multifactor = TRUE
if(dis.merge > minlen)
dis.merge = minlen
## deal with delta
if( delta > 0 ) {
if(flag.multifactor) { # multifactor, doesn't support delta
stop("The test results is based on multifactor design, 'delta' is not supported")
p1 <- pnorm(DMLresult$diff-delta, sd=DMLresult$ ## Pr( > delta)
p2 <- pnorm(DMLresult$diff+delta, sd=DMLresult$, lower.tail=FALSE) ## Pr( < -delta)
postprob.overThreshold <- p1 + p2
DMLresult <- data.frame(DMLresult, postprob.overThreshold=postprob.overThreshold)
scores <- 1 - postprob.overThreshold
## modify the test statistics according to postprob - this seems make the results worse
## DMLresult[,"stat"] <- qnorm(scores) * sign(DMLresult[,"stat"])
} else {
scores <- DMLresult$pval
## bump finding
dmrs <- findBumps(DMLresult$chr, DMLresult$pos, scores,
cutoff=p.threshold, sep=5000, dis.merge=dis.merge,
pct.sig=pct.sig, minCG=minCG)
## compute average methylation levels in two groups
if(is.null(dmrs)) {
warning("No DMR found! Please use less stringent criteria. \n")
## Looping seems to be very slow.
nCG <- dmrs[,""] - dmrs[,""] + 1
ix.good <- dmrs$length>minlen & nCG>minCG
if(sum(ix.good) == 0) {
warning("No DMR found! Please use less stringent criteria. \n")
dmrs <- dmrs[ix.good,]
nCG <- dmrs[,""] - dmrs[,""] + 1
## create final result data frame
if(flag.multifactor) { ## multifactor
areaStat = rep(0, nrow(dmrs))
for(i in 1:nrow(dmrs)) { ## this part is kind of slow when number of DMRs is large
areaStat[i] = sum(DMLresult[ii,"stat"])
result <- data.frame(dmrs[,1:4], nCG=nCG, areaStat=areaStat)
} else { ## single factor
meanMethy1 = meanMethy2 = areaStat = rep(0, nrow(dmrs))
for(i in 1:nrow(dmrs)) { ## this part is kind of slow when number of DMRs is large
meanMethy1[i] = mean(DMLresult[ii,"mu1"])
meanMethy2[i] = mean(DMLresult[ii,"mu2"])
areaStat[i] = sum(DMLresult[ii,"stat"])
result <- data.frame(dmrs[,1:4], nCG=nCG, meanMethy1, meanMethy2,
diff.Methy=meanMethy1-meanMethy2, areaStat=areaStat)
## sort by areaStat
ix = sort(abs(result$areaStat), decreasing=TRUE, index.return=TRUE)$ix
## seperate data into blocks according to chr and pos
findRegion <- function(chr, pos, sep=1000) {
pos.diff <- abs(c(as.integer(0), diff(pos)))
idx.jump <- which(pos.diff>sep)
regions <- rbind(c(1, idx.jump), c(idx.jump-1, length(pos)))
## Bump finding, given score and cutoff.
## This is slow. Need to rewrite in C.
findBumps <- function(chr, pos, x, cutoff, sep=1000, dis.merge=200, pct.sig=0.3, minCG) {
flag <- as.numeric(x<cutoff)
if(sum(flag) == 0) ## none
## find regions
regions <- findRegion(chr, pos, sep)
## loop on regions
initn <- 100000 ## initialze number of DMRs. Allocate enough rows to start with.
result <- data.frame(chr=rep("chr1",initn), start=rep(0,initn),
end=rep(0, initn), length=rep(0, initn),, initn),, initn))
levels(result[,1]) <- unique(chr)
result.idx <- 0
for(i in 1:ncol(regions)) {
idx <- regions[1,i]:regions[2,i]
if(length(idx) <= minCG) next
pos.region <- pos[idx]
nn <- length(idx)
flag.region <- flag[idx]
## get start/end position
startidx <- which(flag.region[-nn]==0 & flag.region[-1]==1)+1
startidx <- c(1, startidx)
endidx <- which(flag.region[-nn]==1 & flag.region[-1]==0)
endidx <- c(endidx, nn)
## skip if there are less than minCount probes
## idx.keep <- (endidx-startidx+1)>=minCG
## startidx <- startidx[idx.keep]
## endidx <- endidx[idx.keep]
## if(length(endidx)==0) next
## merge if they are really close
nbump <- length(startidx)
if(nbump>1) {
bumppos <- cbind(pos[idx][startidx], pos[idx][endidx])
dis <- bumppos[-1,1]>(bumppos[-nbump,2]+dis.merge)
idx.start <- which(c(1,dis)==1)
idx.end <- which(c(dis,1)==1)
## merged
startidx <- startidx[idx.start]
endidx <- endidx[idx.end]
## after merging, make sure certain % of CG sites being significant is enough.
## this is not easy!!!
ix.good <- NULL
x.thisregion <- x[idx]
for(ibump in 1:length(startidx)) {
ii <- startidx[ibump]:endidx[ibump]
pp <- x.thisregion[ii] < cutoff
if(mean(pp) > pct.sig)
ix.good <- c(ix.good, ibump)
if(length(ix.good) == 0) next
else {
startidx <- startidx[ix.good]
endidx <- endidx[ix.good]
nbump <- length(startidx)
ll <- pos.region[endidx] - pos.region[startidx] + 1
tmpn <- length(ll)
## make result
result[result.idx+(1:tmpn),] <- data.frame(chr=as.character(chr[idx][startidx]),
end=pos[idx][endidx], length=ll,[startidx],[endidx])
result.idx <- result.idx + tmpn
if(result.idx >= 1)
result <- result[1:result.idx,]
else return(NULL)
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