## some utility functions for BS-seq data
## make an object of BSseq given count data from several replicates
## The input is a list of data frames with columns: chr, pos, N, X.
makeBSseqData <- function(dat, sampleNames) {
n0 <- length(dat)
sampleNames <- paste("sample", 1:n0, sep="")
alldat <- dat[[1]]
if(any(alldat[,"N"] < alldat[,"X"], na.rm=TRUE))
stop("Some methylation counts are greater than coverage.\n")
ix.X <- which(colnames(alldat) == "X")
ix.N <- which(colnames(alldat) == "N")
colnames(alldat)[ix.X] <- "X1"
colnames(alldat)[ix.N] <- "N1"
if(n0 > 1) { ## multiple replicates, merge data
for(i in 2:n0) {
thisdat <- dat[[i]]
if(any(thisdat[,"N"] < thisdat[,"X"], na.rm=TRUE))
stop("Some methylation counts are greater than coverage.\n")
ix.X <- which(colnames(thisdat) == "X")
ix.N <- which(colnames(thisdat) == "N")
colnames(thisdat)[c(ix.X,ix.N)] <- paste(c("X", "N"),i, sep="")
alldat <- merge(alldat, thisdat, all=TRUE)
## make BSseq object
ix.X <- grep("X", colnames(alldat))
ix.N <- grep("N", colnames(alldat))
alldat[] <- 0
M <- as.matrix(alldat[,ix.X, drop=FALSE])
Cov <- as.matrix(alldat[,ix.N, drop=FALSE])
colnames(M) <- colnames(Cov) <- sampleNames
## order CG sites according to positions
idx <- split(1:length(alldat$chr), alldat$chr)
M.ordered <- M
Cov.ordered <- Cov
pos.ordered <- alldat$pos
for( i in seq(along=idx) ) {
thisidx = idx[[i]]
thispos = alldat$pos[ thisidx ]
dd = diff(thispos)
if( min(dd)<0 ) { # not ordered
warning( paste0("CG positions in chromosome ", names(idx)[i], " is not ordered. Reorder CG sites.\n") )
iii = order(thispos)
M.ordered[thisidx, ] <- M[thisidx, ][iii,]
Cov.ordered[thisidx, ] <- Cov[thisidx, ][iii,]
pos.ordered[thisidx] <- alldat$pos[thisidx][iii]
result <- BSseq(chr=alldat$chr, pos=pos.ordered, M=M.ordered, Cov=Cov.ordered)
## result <- BSseq(chr=alldat$chr, pos=alldat$pos, M=M, Cov=Cov)
## naive estimates of dispersion, give X and N
est.phi.naive <- function(X, N) {
p = X/N
mm = rowMeans(p)
mm[mm==0] = 1e-5
mm[mm==1] = 1-1e-5
vv = rowVars(p)
phi = vv/mm/(1-mm)
phi[phi>=1] = 1-1e-5
phi[phi==0] = 1e-5
## Merge two sets of counts.
## This is the version without smoothing
mergeData.counts <- function(BS1, BS2) {
n1 <- getBSseq(BS1,"Cov"); x1 <- getBSseq(BS1,"M")
n2 <-getBSseq(BS2,"Cov"); x2 <- getBSseq(BS2,"M")
gr1 <- getBSseq(BS1,"gr"); gr2 <- getBSseq(BS2,"gr")
allchr1 <- seqnames(gr1); allpos1 <- start(gr1)
allchr2 <- seqnames(gr2); allpos2 <- start(gr2)
colnames(x1) <- paste(paste("X", 1:ncol(x1), sep=""), "cond1", sep=".")
colnames(n1) <- paste(paste("N", 1:ncol(n1), sep=""), "cond1", sep=".")
colnames(x2) <- paste(paste("X", 1:ncol(x2), sep=""), "cond2", sep=".")
colnames(n2) <- paste(paste("N", 1:ncol(n2), sep=""), "cond2", sep=".")
dat1 <- data.frame(chr=as.character(seqnames(gr1)), pos=start(gr1), x1, n1)
dat2 <- data.frame(chr=as.character(seqnames(gr2)), pos=start(gr2), x2, n2)
alldat <- merge(dat1, dat2, all=FALSE) ## only keep the ones with data in both samples
alldat[] <- 0
## Merge two sets of counts.
## This is the version with smoothing
mergeData.counts.smooth <- function(BS1, BS2, mu1.smooth, mu2.smooth) {
n1 <- getBSseq(BS1,"Cov"); x1 <- getBSseq(BS1,"M")
n2 <-getBSseq(BS2,"Cov"); x2 <- getBSseq(BS2,"M")
gr1 <- getBSseq(BS1,"gr"); gr2 <- getBSseq(BS2,"gr")
allchr1 <- seqnames(gr1); allpos1 <- start(gr1)
allchr2 <- seqnames(gr2); allpos2 <- start(gr2)
colnames(x1) <- paste(paste("X", 1:ncol(x1), sep=""), "cond1", sep=".")
colnames(n1) <- paste(paste("N", 1:ncol(n1), sep=""), "cond1", sep=".")
colnames(x2) <- paste(paste("X", 1:ncol(x2), sep=""), "cond2", sep=".")
colnames(n2) <- paste(paste("N", 1:ncol(n2), sep=""), "cond2", sep=".")
dat1 <- data.frame(chr=as.character(seqnames(gr1)), pos=start(gr1), x1, n1, mu1=mu1.smooth)
dat2 <- data.frame(chr=as.character(seqnames(gr2)), pos=start(gr2), x2, n2, mu2=mu2.smooth)
alldat <- merge(dat1, dat2, all=FALSE) ## only keep the ones with data in both samples
alldat[] <- 0
## the rowVars function
## I'll use the one in R
## rowVars <- function (x, center = NULL, ...) {
## n <- !
## n <- rowSums(n)
## n[n <= 1] <- NA
## if (is.null(center)) {
## center <- rowMeans(x, ...)
## }
## x <- x - center
## x <- x * x
## x <- rowSums(x, ...)
## x <- x/(n - 1)
## x
## }
## function to compute means when there's no smoothing.
## Just compute the percentage of methylation.
## adding a small constant could bring trouble when there's no coverage!!!
compute.mean.noSmooth <- function(X, N) {
p <- X/N
##rowSums <- DelayedArray::rowSums
const <- mean(p, na.rm=TRUE)
p <- (rowSums(X)+const)/(rowSums(N)+1)
nreps <- ncol(N)
res <- matrix(rep(p, nreps), ncol = nreps)
## function to compute means when there's smoothing.
## Currently it doesn't do anything except calling smooth.collapse.
## Might add things later.
compute.mean.Smooth <- function(X, N, allchr, allpos, ws=500) {
## rowSums <- DelayedArray::rowSums
## collapse the replicates and smoothing
nreps <- ncol(N)
p1 <- X / N
const <- mean(p1, na.rm=TRUE) ## small constant to be added
if(nreps>1) { ## multiple replicate, collapse them. Add a small constant to bound away from 0/1
N <- rowSums(N)+1
X <- rowSums(X)+const
} else {
N <- N+0.4
X <- X+0.4*const
## smooth and compute p <- smooth.chr(as.double(X), ws, allchr, allpos) <- smooth.chr(as.double(N), ws, allchr, allpos)
p <- /
res <- matrix(rep(p, nreps), ncol = nreps)
## Function to perform collapsed smoothing,
## that is, to collapse counts on replicates and then smooth
## This works for one object.
## 2/5/2015:
## Need a little more thinking here. How to deal with regions with no coverage???
## adding a small constant could bring trouble when there's no coverage!!!
## 3/2/2015: This function is not in use now. I'll remove it later.
smooth.collapse <- function(BS, method, ws, ...) {
## grab counts and collapse
n1 <- getBSseq(BS,"Cov")
x1 <- getBSseq(BS,"M")
nreps <- ncol(n1)
p1 <- x1 / n1
const <- mean(p1, na.rm=TRUE) ## small constant to be added
if(nreps>1) { ## multiple replicate, collapse them. Add a small constant to bound away from 0/1
n1 <- rowSums(n1)+1
x1 <- rowSums(x1)+const
BS <- BSseq(chr=seqnames(BS), pos=start(BS), M=as.matrix(x1), Cov=as.matrix(n1))
} else {
n1 <- n1+0.4
x1 <- x1+0.4*const
## smooth, and then return smoothed values
if(method == "BSmooth") { ## use BSmooth method for smoothing. This is very slow
res <- BSmooth(BS, h=ws, ...)
a <- getMeth(res)[,1]
} else { ## moving avarege. This is fast and will be default = smooth.chr(as.double(x1), ws, as.character(seqnames(BS)), start(BS)) = smooth.chr(as.double(n1), ws, as.character(seqnames(BS)), start(BS))
a = /
## estimate dispersion for BS-seq data, given means
est.dispersion.BSseq <- function(X, N, estprob, BPPARAM) {
prior <- est.prior.BSseq.logN(X, N)
dispersion.shrinkage.BSseq(X, N, prior, estprob, BPPARAM)
## A function to estimate dipersion prior for BS-seq, assuming log-normal prior.
## It takes X and N, and only use the sites with big coverages,
## then return the mean and sd of prior distribution.
## For single rep data: will use logN(-3,1) as prior.
est.prior.BSseq.logN <- function(X, N) {
## rowMeans = DelayedArray::rowMeans
## rowSums = DelayedArray::rowSums
if(ncol(X) == 1) ## single rep
return(c(-3, 1))
## keep sites with large coverage and no missing data
ix = rowMeans(N>10)==1 & rowSums(N==0)==0
if(sum(ix) < 50) {
warning("The coverages are too low. Cannot get good estimations of prior. Use arbitrary prior N(-3,1).")
return(c(-3, 1))
X = X[ix,,drop=FALSE]
N = N[ix,,drop=FALSE]
## compute sample mean/var
p = X/N
mm = rowMeans(p)
mm[mm==0] = 1e-5
mm[mm==1] = 1-1e-5
vv = rowVars(p)
phi = vv/mm/(1-mm)
## exclude those with vv==0. Those are sites with unobservable phis.
## But this will over estimate the prior.
## What will be the consequences????
phi = phi[vv>0]
lphi = log(phi[phi>0])
prior.mean = median(lphi, na.rm=TRUE) = IQR(lphi, na.rm=TRUE) /1.39
## It seems this over-estimates the truth. Need to use the tricks in
## my biostat paper to remove the over-estimation. To be done later.
## Dispersion shrinkage based on log-normal penalized likelihood.
## Takes X, N, estimated mean and prior.
## The shrinakge is done in log scale. So data will be shrink to the
## logarithmic means.
dispersion.shrinkage.BSseq <- function(X, N, prior, estprob, BPPARAM) {
## penalized likelihood function
plik.logN <- function(size, X,mu,m0,tau,phi)
-(sum(dbb(size, X, mu, exp(phi))) + dnorm(phi, mean=m0, sd=tau, log=TRUE))
## for CG sites with no coverage, use prior
## deal with estprob, make it a matrix if not.
estprob <- as.matrix(estprob)
## skip those without coverage
ix <- rowSums(N>0) > 0
X2 <- X[ix, ,drop=FALSE]; N2 <- N[ix,,drop=FALSE]; estprob2 <- estprob[ix,,drop=FALSE]
shrk.phi2 <- rep(0, nrow(X2))
## setup a progress bar
nCG.pb = round(nrow(X2)/100)
if(bpworkers(BPPARAM) == 1) { ## use single core, no parallelism
pb <- txtProgressBar(style = 3)
for(i in 1:nrow(X2)) {
## print a progress bar
if((i %% nCG.pb) == 0)
setTxtProgressBar(pb, i/nrow(X2))
## I can keep the 0's with calculation. They don't make any difference., size=N2[i,], X=X2[i,], mu=estprob2[i,], m0=prior[1], tau=prior[2],
interval=c(-5, log(0.99)),tol=1e-3)
setTxtProgressBar(pb, 1)
} else { ## use multiple cores.
foo <- function(i) { <- optimize(f=plik.logN, size=N2[i,], X=X2[i,], mu=estprob2[i,], m0=prior[1], tau=prior[2],
interval=c(-5, log(0.99)),tol=1e-3)
## Set progress bar
BPPARAM$progressbar = TRUE
shrk.phi2 <- bptry(bplapply(1:nrow(X2), foo, BPPARAM = BPPARAM))
if (!all(bpok(shrk.phi2))) {
stop("Shrinkage estimator in parallel computing encountered errors: ",
sum(!bpok(shrk.phi2)), " of ", length(shrk.phi2),
" smoothing tasks failed.")
} else {
shrk.phi2 <- unlist(shrk.phi2)
## shrk.phi2 = foreach ( i=1:nrow(X2), .combine=c ) %dopar% {
## ## print a progress bar
## if((i %% nCG.pb) == 0)
## setTxtProgressBar(pb, i/nrow(X2))
## ## I can keep the 0's with calculation. They don't make any difference.
## = optimize(f=plik.logN, size=N2[i,], X=X2[i,], mu=estprob2[i,], m0=prior[1], tau=prior[2],
## interval = c(-5, log(0.99)),tol=1e-3)
## exp($minimum)
## }
## stopImplicitCluster()
## setTxtProgressBar(pb, 1)
## cat("\n")
shrk.phi[ix] <- shrk.phi2
## beta-binomial (BB) density function.
## The BB distribution is parametrized by mean and dispersion.
dbb <- function (size, x, mu, phi, log=TRUE) {
## 'size' and/or 'x' could be DelayedArray objects so turn them into
## ordinary arrays
## first convert mu/phi to alpha/beta
beta=tmp - alpha
v=lchoose(size,x)-lbeta(beta, alpha)+lbeta(size-x + beta,x+alpha)
else return(v)
## sort according to chr and pos.
## Return the index
sortPos <- function(chr, pos) {, list(chr, pos))
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