setMethod("show", "DEGSet",
cat("Comparisons:" , .get_contrast_name(object))
cat("\nResults in comparison:",
collapse =","))
cat("\nDefault is:", degDefault(object))
#' Method to get the default table to use.
#' @param object [DEGSet]
#' @author Lorena Pantano
#' @rdname degDefault
#' @export
setMethod("degDefault", signature("DEGSet"),
function(object) {
slot(object, name = "default")
#' Method to re-calculate the padj column.
#' It can accept a list of new padj values matching the
#' same dimmensions than the current vector.
#' It can calculate the `lfdr` based on [fdrtool::fdrtool] function.
#' @param object [DEGSet]
#' @param fdr It can be `fdr-stat`, `fdr-pvalue`, vector of new padj
#' @author Lorena Pantano
#' @rdname degDefault
#' @examples
#' library(DESeq2)
#' library(dplyr)
#' dds <- makeExampleDESeqDataSet(betaSD=1)
#' colData(dds)[["treatment"]] <- sample(colData(dds)[["condition"]], 12)
#' design(dds) <- ~ condition + treatment
#' dds <- DESeq(dds)
#' res <- degComps(dds, contrast = list("treatment_B_vs_A"))
#' # library(fdrtools); degCorrect(res, fdr = "lfdr-stat")
#' @export
setMethod("degCorrect", signature("DEGSet"),
function(object, fdr) {
res <- lapply(names(object), function(n){
.correct_fdr(object[[n]], fdr)
names(res) <- names(object)
new("DEGSet", res,
default = degDefault(object))
#' Method to get all table stored for an specific comparison
#' @inheritParams degDefault
#' @param value Character to specify which table to use.
#' @param tidy Return data.frame, tibble or original class.
#' @param top Limit number of rows to return. Default: All.
#' @param ... Other parameters to pass for other methods.
#' @author Lorena Pantano
#' @rdname deg
#' @references
#' * Testing if `top` is whole number or not comes from:
#' @export
setMethod("deg", signature("DEGSet"),
function(object, value=NULL, tidy = NULL, top = NULL, ...) {
df <- NULL
stopifnot(value %in% c(NULL, names(object)))
if (is.null(value))
df <- object[[degDefault(object)]]
else df <- object[[value]]
if (is.null(top))
top <- nrow(df)
stopifnot(top%%1 == 0)
if (is.null(tidy))
return(df %>% .[order(.[["padj"]]),] %>%
if (tidy == "data.frame")
return( %>%
.[order(.[["padj"]]),] %>%
if (tidy == "tibble")
return( %>%
rownames_to_column("gene") %>%
.[order(.[["padj"]]),] %>%
.[1:top,] %>%
stop("Not supported format, ", tidy)
.filterTable <- function(df, direction, fcn, fc , fdr, padj){
filterOut <- NULL
if (is.null(direction))
filterOut <- abs(df[[fcn]]) > fc & df[[fdr]] < padj
else if (direction == "up")
filterOut <- df[[fcn]] > fc & df[[fdr]] < padj
else if (direction == "down")
filterOut <- df[[fcn]] < (-1L * fc) & df[[fdr]] < padj
stop("Value ", direction, " is not valid: NULL, down, up.")
#' Method to get the significant genes
#' Function to get the features that are significant
#' according to some thresholds from a [DEGSet],
#' [DESeq2::DESeqResults] and [edgeR::topTags].
#' @author Lorena Pantano
#' @inheritParams degDefault
#' @param padj Cutoff for the FDR column.
#' @param fc Cutoff for the log2FC column.
#' @param direction Whether to take down/up/ignore. Valid arguments are
#' down, up and NULL.
#' @param full Whether to return full table or not.
#' @param newFDR Whether to recalculate the FDR or not.
#' See
#' Only used when a list is giving to the method.
#' @param ... Passed to [deg]. Default: value = NULL.
#' Value can be 'raw', 'shrunken'.
#' @rdname significants
#' @return a [dplyr::tbl_df] data frame. `gene` column has the feature name.
#' In the case of using this method with the results from [degComps],
#' `log2FoldChange` has the higher foldChange from the comparisons, and
#' `padj` has the padj associated to the previous column. Then, there is
#' two columns for each comparison, one for the log2FoldChange and another
#' for the padj.
#' @examples
#' library(DESeq2)
#' library(dplyr)
#' dds <- makeExampleDESeqDataSet(betaSD=1)
#' colData(dds)[["treatment"]] <- sample(colData(dds)[["condition"]], 12)
#' design(dds) <- ~ condition + treatment
#' dds <- DESeq(dds)
#' res <- degComps(dds, contrast = list("treatment_B_vs_A",
#' c("condition", "A", "B")))
#' significants(res, full = TRUE) %>% head
#' significants(res, full = TRUE, padj = 1) %>% head # all genes
#' @export
setMethod("significants", signature("DEGSet"),
function(object, padj = 0.05, fc = 0,
direction = NULL, full = FALSE, ...){
fc <- abs(fc)
df <-, ...))
filterOut <- .filterTable(df, direction,
"log2FoldChange", fc,
"padj", padj)
df <- df %>%
rownames_to_column("gene") %>%
subset(., filterOut) %>%
.[order(abs(.[["log2FoldChange"]]), decreasing = TRUE),]
if (full)
#' @rdname significants
#' @export
setMethod("significants", signature("DESeqResults"),
function(object, padj = 0.05, fc = 0,
direction = NULL, full = FALSE, ...){
fc <- abs(fc)
df <-
filterOut <- .filterTable(df, direction,
"log2FoldChange", fc,
"padj", padj)
df <- df %>%
rownames_to_column("gene") %>%
subset(., filterOut) %>%
.[order(abs(.[["log2FoldChange"]]), decreasing = TRUE),]
if (full)
#' @rdname significants
#' @export
setMethod("significants", signature("TopTags"),
function(object, padj = 0.05, fc = 0,
direction = NULL, full = FALSE, ...){
fc <- abs(fc)
df <-
filterOut <- .filterTable(df, direction,
"logFC", fc,
"FDR", padj)
df <- df %>%
rownames_to_column("gene") %>%
subset(., filterOut) %>%
rename(padj = FDR, log2FoldChange = logFC) %>%
.[order(abs(.[["logFC"]]), decreasing = TRUE),]
if (full)
.supported <- function(x){
return(class(x)[1] %in% c("DEGSet", "DESeqResults"))
.get_contrast_name <- function(x){
if (class(x)[1] == "DEGSet"){
table = deg(x)
}else if (class(x)[1] == "DESeqResults"){
table = x
stop("Format not supported: ", class(x)[1])
contrast <- slot(table, "elementMetadata") %>%
.[["description"]] %>%
str_split(contrast, ": ")[[1]][2] %>%
.summarise_res <- function(df, cutoff){
df[,c("gene", names(df)[grepl("log2", names(df))])] %>%
gather("comparison", "value", -gene) %>%
mutate(comparison = gsub("log2FoldChange_", "", !!!sym("comparison"))),
df[,c("gene", names(df)[grepl("padj", names(df))])] %>%
gather("comparison", "value", -gene) %>%
mutate(comparison = gsub("padj_", "", !!!sym("comparison"))),
by = c("gene", "comparison"), suffix = c("_fc", "_fdr")
) %>% group_by(!!!sym("gene")) %>%
filter(value_fdr < cutoff) %>%
summarise(log2FoldChange = value_fc[which.max(value_fc)[1L]],
padj = value_fdr[which.max(value_fc)[1L]]) %>%
right_join(df, by = "gene")
#' @rdname significants
#' @export
setMethod("significants", signature("list"),
function(object, padj = 0.05, fc = 0,
direction = NULL, full = FALSE,
newFDR = FALSE, ...){
if (!full){
if (newFDR){
selected <- lapply(object, significants,
padj = 1, fc = 0,
full = TRUE) %>%
bind_rows() %>%
mutate(fdr = p.adjust(padj, "fdr")) %>%
subset(., .filterTable(., direction,
"log2FoldChange", fc,
"fdr", padj)) %>%
.[["gene"]] %>%
selected <- lapply(object, significants,
padj = padj, fc = fc,
direction = direction) %>%
unlist() %>%
object <- object[sapply(object, .supported)]
if (length(object) == 0){
message("Only DEGSet and DESeqResults objects are used.")
stop("No compatible objects remained.")
different_names <- unique(names(object))
if (length(different_names) != length(object))
different_names <- sapply(object, .get_contrast_name) %>%
if(length(different_names) != length(object))
warning("Contrast names are repeated inside the list.")
names(object) <- different_names
df <- lapply(different_names, function(x){
top <- significants(object[[x]], padj = padj, fc = fc,
direction = direction,
full = full)
top_renamed <- top %>%
.[, c("log2FoldChange", "padj")] %>%
sep = "_"))
top_renamed[["gene"]] <- top[["gene"]]
gather(top_renamed, "variable", "value", -gene)
}) %>% bind_rows() %>%
distinct() %>%
spread(., "variable", "value") %>%
df <- .summarise_res(df, padj)
#' @rdname DEGSet
#' @export
setMethod("as.DEGSet", signature("TopTags"),
function(object, default = "raw", extras = NULL){
name <- paste("contrast_", object[["comparison"]], collapse = "-")
df <- %>% set_colnames(c("log2FoldChange",
"padj")) %>%
news <- lapply(extras, function(e){
if (class(e)[1] == "TopTags")
return( %>% set_colnames(c("log2FoldChange",
"padj")) %>%
stop(class(e)[1], " is not a TopTags object.")
names(news) <- names(extras)
l <- c(list(raw = df), news)
if (!(default %in% names(l))){
message(default, " not found in names of list:", paste(names(l)))
message("Set it up to raw")
default == "raw"
dge <- new("DEGSet", l,
default = default)
attr(dge, "comparison") <- name
#' @rdname DEGSet
#' @export
setMethod("as.DEGSet", signature("data.frame"),
function(object, contrast, default = "raw", extras = NULL){
cols <- c("logFC", "AveExpr", "t", "P.Value", "adj.P.Val")
stopifnot(cols %in% names(object))
name <- contrast
df <-[,cols] %>%
"padj")) %>%
news <- lapply(extras, function(e){
if (class(e)[1] == "data.frame"){
stopifnot(cols %in% names(object))
return([,cols] %>%
"padj")) %>%
names(news) <- names(extras)
l <- c(list(raw = df), news)
if (!(default %in% names(l))){
message(default, " not found in names of list:", paste(names(l)))
message("Set it up to raw")
default == "raw"
dge <- new("DEGSet", l,
default = "raw")
attr(dge, "comparison") <- name
#' @rdname DEGSet
#' @export
setMethod("as.DEGSet", signature("DESeqResults"),
function(object, default = "shrunken", extras = NULL){
name <- slot(slot(object, "elementMetadata"), "listData")[[2L]][2L]
name <- strsplit(name, ":")[[1L]][2L] %>%
gsub(" ", "", .)
df <- DataFrame(object)
news <- lapply(extras, function(e){
if (class(e)[1] == "DESeqResults")
stop(class(e)[1], " is not a DESeqResults object.")
names(news) <- names(extras)
l <- c(list(raw = df), news)
if (!(default %in% names(l))){
message(default, " not found in names of list:", paste(names(l)))
message("Set it up to raw")
default = "raw"
dge <- new("DEGSet", l,
default = default)
attr(dge, "comparison") <- name
# setMethod("DEGSetFromList", signature("list"),
# function(object, default = "shrunken"){
# dgeList <- lapply(object, function(o){
# if (class(o) == "DESeqResults")
# return(DEGSetFromDESeq2())
# else if (class(o) == "TopTags")
# return(DEGSetFromDESeq2())
# else
# message(class(o), " not supported, skipping.")
# })
# if (!is.null(names(list)))
# names(dgeList) <- names(list)
# dgeList
# })
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