pathname <- system.file("demoScripts", "001.setup.R", package="DEGraph")
## Parameters
NP <- 500
NN <- 500
k <- 3 ## true number of Fourier components
kRs <- 2:4 ## number of Fourier components retained
n1 <- 20
n2 <- 20
# shift <- 0.5 ## Amplitude of the shift
ncp <- 0.5
print("[toy] Building data")
## Get graph
nnodes <- 20
nedges <- 20
G <- randomWAMGraph(nnodes=nnodes,nedges=nedges)
A <- G@adjMat
#A <- rbind(c(0,1,0,0,1,0),
# c(1,0,1,0,1,0),
# c(0,1,0,1,0,0),
# c(0,0,1,0,1,1),
# c(1,1,0,1,0,0),
# c(0,0,0,1,0,0))
p <- nrow(A)
##D <- diag(rowSums(abs(A)))
##L <- D - A # Unormalized version
iDs <- diag(1/sqrt(rowSums(abs(A))))
L <- diag(rep(1,p)) - (iDs %*% A %*% iDs)
##edL <- eigen(L,symmetric=TRUE)
##U <- fliplr(edL$vectors)
##l <- fliplr(edL$values)
lfA <- laplacianFromA(A,ltype="unnormalized")
U <- lfA$U
l <- lfA$l
sigma <- diag(p)/sqrt(p)
sigma[1:k,1:k] <- sigma[1:k,1:k] + 0.5/sqrt(p)
diag(sigma)[1:k] <- diag(sigma)[1:k] - 0.6/sqrt(p)
## Build and test examples
scores = rep(NA,NN+NP)
uscores = matrix(NA, NN+NP, length(kRs))
pcascores = rep(NA,NN+NP)
anscores = rep(NA,NN+NP)
ant = rep(NA,NN+NP)
ank = rep(NA,NN+NP)
cqscores = rep(NA,NN+NP)
cqq = rep(NA,NN+NP)
bsscores = rep(NA,NN+NP)
bsz = rep(NA,NN+NP)
print("[toy] Starting tests")
for(ii in 1:(NP+NN))
##X <- twoSmoothSampleFromGraph(n1,n2,shiftM2=ncp*as(ii<NP,"integer"),sigma,U=U,l=l)
X <- twoSampleFromGraph(n1,n2,shiftM2=ncp*as(ii<NP,"integer"),sigma,U=U,k=k)
## Raw T-square
t <- T2.test(X$X1,X$X2)
scores[ii] <- t$p.value
## Filtered T-squares
for (kk in seq(along=kRs)) {
kR <- kRs[kk]
tu <- graph.T2.test(X$X1,X$X2,lfA=lfA,k=kR)
##tu <- T2.test(X$X1%*%U[,1:kR],X$X2%*%U[,1:kR])
uscores[ii, kk] <- tu$p.value
## PCA T-square
edX <- svd(rbind(X$X1,X$X2))
E <- edX$v
tpca <- T2.test(X$X1%*%E[,1:k],X$X2%*%E[,1:k])
pcascores[ii] <- tpca$p.value
## Adaptive Neyman (Fan)
tan <- AN.test(X$X1%*%U,X$X2%*%U,p)
anscores[ii] <- tan$p.value
ant[ii] <- tan$statistic
ank[ii] <- tan$kstar
## Chen & Qin
##tcq <- CQ.Test(X$X1,X$X2)
##cqscores[ii] <- tcq$p.value
##cqq[ii] <- tcq$q
## Chen & Qin
tbs <- BS.test(X$X1,X$X2)
bsscores[ii] <- tbs$p.value
bsz[ii] <- tbs$statistic
print("[toy] Tests done")
## ROC
# Empirical
thr = seq(0,1,0.001) # c(0.00001,0.0001,0.001,0.01,0.1)
nT <- length(thr)
tpower = rep(NA, nT)
tlevel = rep(NA, nT)
utpower = matrix(NA, nT, length(kRs))
utlevel = matrix(NA, nT, length(kRs))
pcatpower = rep(NA, nT)
pcatlevel = rep(NA, nT)
anpower = rep(NA, nT)
anlevel = rep(NA, nT)
cqpower = rep(NA, nT)
cqlevel = rep(NA, nT)
bspower = rep(NA, nT)
bslevel = rep(NA, nT)
for(cc in seq(along=thr))
i <- thr[cc]
tpower[cc] <- mean(scores[1:NP]<i)
tlevel[cc] <- mean(scores[NP+1:NN]<i)
for (kk in seq(along=kRs)) {
utpower[cc, kk] <- mean(uscores[1:NP, kk]<i)
utlevel[cc, kk] <- mean(uscores[NP+1:NN, kk]<i)
pcatpower[cc] <- mean(pcascores[1:NP]<i)
pcatlevel[cc] <- mean(pcascores[NP+1:NN]<i)
anpower[cc] <- mean(anscores[1:NP]<i)
anlevel[cc] <- mean(anscores[NP+1:NN]<i)
cqpower[cc] <- mean(cqscores[1:NP]<i)
cqlevel[cc] <- mean(cqscores[NP+1:NN]<i)
bspower[cc] <- mean(bsscores[1:NP]<i)
bslevel[cc] <- mean(bsscores[NP+1:NN]<i)
# Theoretical
kR <- k
#ncp <- (n1*n2/(n1+n2)) * shift^2*sqrt(p)
ncp <- (n1*n2/(n1+n2)) * ncp
df1 <- p
df2 <- n1+n2-p-1
nullquant <- qf(1-thr, df1, df2, 0)
thtpower <- 1-pf(nullquant, p, df2, ncp)
## thutpower <- sapply(kRs, FUN=function(kR) {
## df1 <- kR
## df2 <- n1+n2-kR-1
## unullquant <- qf(1-thr, df1, df2, 0)
## df1 <- k
## df2 <- n1+n2-k-1
## 1-pf(unullquant, df1, df2, ncp)
## })
thutpower <- sapply(kRs, FUN=function(kR) {
if (kR==k) {
df1 <- k
df2 <- n1+n2-k-1
unullquant <- qf(1-thr, df1, df2, 0)
res <- 1-pf(unullquant, df1, df2, ncp)
} else if (kR>k) {
df1 <- kR
df2 <- n1+n2-kR-1
unullquant <- qf(1-thr, df1, df2, 0)
res <- 1-pf(unullquant, df1, df2, ncp)
} else {
res <- rep(NA, length(thr))
## plot parameters
lim <- c(0,1)
txt <- paste("Graph of size ", nnodes, " Shift in the first ", k, " Fourier components", sep="")
lgd <- paste("T2, k=", kRs, sep="")
lgd <- c("T2", lgd)
lgd <- c(paste("theoretical", lgd), paste("simulated", lgd))
lgd <- c(lgd, paste("simulated", k, "first PC"), "simulated AN")
nn <- length(kRs)+1
cols <- seq(nn+2)
ltys <- c(rep(1:2, each=nn), 3, 3)
## Plot: power vs threshold
plot(thr,tpower,type='s', col=cols[1], xlab="Threshold", ylab="Test power", xlim=lim, ylim=lim, lty=2)
lines(thr,thtpower, col=cols[1])
for (kk in seq(along=kRs)) {
lines(thr, utpower[, kk], col=cols[1+kk], lty=2, type='s')
lines(thr,thutpower[, kk], col=cols[1+kk])
lines(thr, pcatpower, col=cols[2+kk], lty=3, type='s')
lines(thr, anpower, col=cols[3+kk], lty=3, type='s')
legend("bottomright", lgd, col=cols, lty=ltys, ncol=2)
mtext(txt, side=3, adj=1)
if (FALSE) {
## Plot: level vs threshold
plot(thr,tlevel,type='s', col=cols[1], xlab="Threshold", ylab="Test level", xlim=lim, ylim=lim)
for (kk in seq(along=kRs)) {
lines(thr, utlevel[, kk], col=cols[1+kk], lty=1, type='s')
lines(thr, pcatlevel, col=cols[1+kk]+1, lty=3, type='s')
lines(thr, anlevel, col=cols[1+kk]+2, lty=3, type='s')
lines(thr, bslevel, col=cols[1+kk]+3, lty=3, type='s')
legend("bottomright", lgd[nn+(1:(nn+2))], col=cols, lty=c(ltys[1:nn],3,3))
mtext(txt, side=3, adj=1)
## Plot: power vs level
plot(tlevel,tpower,type='s', col=cols[1], xlab="Test level", ylab="Test power", xlim=lim, ylim=lim)
for (kk in seq(along=kRs)) {
lines(utlevel[, kk], utpower[, kk], col=cols[1+kk], lty=1, type='s')
lines(pcatlevel, pcatpower, col=nn+1, lty=3, type='s')
lines(anlevel, anpower, col=nn+2, lty=3, type='s')
##lines(cqlevel, cqpower, col=nn+2, lty=4, type='s')
lines(bslevel, bspower, col=nn+2, lty=4, type='s')
legend("bottomright", lgd[nn+(1:(nn+2))], col=c(cols,nn+2), lty=c(ltys[1:nn],3,3))
mtext(txt, side=3, adj=1)
## Plot: theoretical power vs threshold
plot(thr,thtpower,type='l', col=cols[1], xlab="Threshold", ylab="Theoretical test power", xlim=lim, ylim=lim)
for (kk in seq(along=kRs)) {
lines(thr,thutpower[, kk], col=cols[1+kk])
legend("bottomright", lgd[1:nn], col=cols, lty=1)
mtext(txt, side=3, adj=1)
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