## Copyright 2010 Laurent Jacob, Pierre Neuvial and Sandrine Dudoit.
## This file is part of DEGraph.
## DEGraph is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
## it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
## the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
## (at your option) any later version.
## DEGraph is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
## but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY without even the implied warranty of
## GNU General Public License for more details.
## You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
## along with DEGraph. If not, see <>.
## @RdocFunction plotValuedGraph
## @title "Plots a graph with nodes colored according to a quantitative variable"
## \description{
## @get "title".
## }
## @synopsis
## \arguments{
## \item{graph}{A \code{\link[=graph-class]{graph}} object.}
## \item{values}{A named @vector of @numeric values according to which the
## graph nodes should be colored.}
## \item{nodeLabels}{A @character @vector of the same length and in the
## same order as 'nodes(graph)': node labels to be displayed. Defaults
## to 'nodes(graph)'.}
## \item{qMax}{A @numeric value, fraction of the data to be truncated in order
## to avoid outliers.}
## \item{colorPalette}{A @character vector, the set of colors to be used.}
## \item{adjustColorRange}{A @logical value. If @TRUE, the color range is
## adjusted to the range of values of nodes actually present in the graph.
## Defaults to @FALSE, i.e. the color range spans range(values) regardless
## of which nodes are present in the graph.}
## \item{symmetrizeArrows}{A @logical value. If @TRUE, arrow tails are
## drawn as the corresponding arrow heads. Defaults to @FALSE.}
## \item{height}{A @numeric value, the (common) size of nodes.}
## \item{lwd}{A @numeric value, the (common) width of edges.}
## \item{cex}{A @numeric value, the relative size of the text for gene names.}
## \item{...}{Further arguments to be passed to 'edgeRenderInfo' and
## 'nodeRenderInfo'.}
## \item{verbose}{If @TRUE, extra information is output.}
## }
## \value{
## A @list containing the following components:
## \describe{
## \item{graph}{The 'graph' object as plotted.}
## \item{breaks}{The break points in the supplied values (can be used for
## plotting a legend).}
## }
## }
## @author
## \seealso{
## @see "plotKEGGgraph"
## @see "plot"
## }
## @examples "../incl/testOneGraph.Rex"
plotValuedGraph <- function(graph, values=NULL, nodeLabels=nodes(graph), qMax=0.95, colorPalette=heat.colors(10), adjustColorRange=FALSE, symmetrizeArrows=FALSE, height=1, lwd=1, cex=1, ..., verbose=FALSE){
##par(oma=c( 0,0,0,4))
## Validate arguments
## Argument 'graph'
if (!inherits(graph, "graph")) {
throw("Argument 'graph' should derive from class 'graph'")
gnodes <- nodes(graph)
nnodes <- length(gnodes)
## Argument 'values'
values <- Arguments$getNumerics(values)
vnodes <- names(values)
if (length(values) && is.null(vnodes)) {
throw("Names of argument 'values' should be non NULL")
## Argument 'nodeLabels'
nodeLabels <- Arguments$getCharacters(nodeLabels)
if (length(nodeLabels) != nnodes) {
throw("Length of argument 'nodeLabels' should match the number of nodes in the graph")
nLabels <- nodeLabels
names(nLabels) <- gnodes
## Argument 'qMax'
qMax <- Arguments$getNumeric(qMax)
## Argument 'colorPalette'
colorPalette <- Arguments$getCharacters(colorPalette)
## Argument 'adjustColorRange'
adjustColorRange <- Arguments$getLogical(adjustColorRange)
## Argument 'symmetrizeArrows'
symmetrizeArrows <- Arguments$getLogical(symmetrizeArrows)
## Argument 'verbose':
verbose <- Arguments$getVerbose(verbose)
if (verbose) {
cat <- R.utils::cat
verbose && cat(verbose, "Nodes and their labels")
verbose && str(verbose, nLabels)
## Associate values to the corresponding nodes on the graph
graphValues <- rep(NA, nnodes)
names(graphValues) <- gnodes
cnodes <- intersect(vnodes, gnodes)
graphValues[match(cnodes, gnodes)] <- values[cnodes]
if (length(values)) {
if (adjustColorRange) {
cs <- graphValues
} else { ## color range from all the values
cs <- values
cs <- abs(cs) ## enforce color scale symmetry
MM <- quantile(cs, qMax, na.rm=TRUE) ## try to avoid outliers
## truncate outliers
graphValues[graphValues< -MM] <- -MM
graphValues[graphValues> MM] <- MM
breaks <- seq(from=-MM, to=MM, length=length(colorPalette))
verbose && cat(verbose, "Color scale breaks")
verbose && str(verbose, breaks)
nodeCols <- level.colors(graphValues, at=breaks, col.regions=colorPalette)
names(nodeCols) <- names(graphValues)
verbose && cat(verbose, "Node colors")
verbose && str(verbose, nodeCols)
} else {
##par(mar = c(5, 0, 0, 5))
##image(cbind(1L:length(pal)), col = pal, axes = FALSE)
##par(mar = c(0, 0, 0, 0))
ed <- edgeData(graph)
ke <- ed[[1]]$KEGGEdge
if (!is.null(ke)) { ## only way to know if graph is KEGGgraph-compliant
## BEGIN code borrowed from plotKEGGgraph
subdisplay <- subtypeDisplay(graph)
eLabel <- subdisplay["label", ]
eCol <- subdisplay["color", ]
eTextCol <- subdisplay["fontcolor", ]
eLty <- subdisplay["style", ]
eArrowhead <- subdisplay["arrowhead", ]
eArrowhead[eArrowhead=="normal"] <- "normArrow"
if (ncol(subdisplay) == 1) {
tmp <- colnames(subdisplay)[1]
names(eLabel) <- names(eCol) <- names(eTextCol) <- tmp
names(eLty) <- names(eArrowhead) <- tmp
edgeRenderInfo(graph) <- list(lty=eLty, col=eCol, textCol=eTextCol,
label=eLabel, arrowhead=eArrowhead, label=eLabel)
if (symmetrizeArrows) {
edgeRenderInfo(graph) <- list(arrowtail=eArrowhead)
if(is.NCIgraph(graph)) ## NCIgraph
eTypeDictionnary <- c('normal','tee')
eColDictionnary <- c('red','blue')
names(eTypeDictionnary) <- names(eColDictionnary) <- c('activation','inhibition')
eTypes <- unlist(lapply(graph@edgeData@data,FUN=function(e) tolower(e$edgeType)))
ERIarrowhead =eTypeDictionnary[eTypes]
ERIcol =eColDictionnary[eTypes]
eNames <- sapply(names(graph@edgeData@data),FUN=function(e) gsub(e,pattern='\\|',replacement='~'))
names(ERIarrowhead) <- names(ERIcol) <- eNames
edgeRenderInfo(graph) <- list(arrowhead=ERIarrowhead,col=ERIcol)
## graphAM
if (inherits(graph, "graphAM")) {
ahd <- rep("normal", length(ed))
names(ahd) <- names(ed)
adjMat <- graph@adjMat
## not useful: adjacency matrix is not signed...
graph <- layoutGraph(graph)
nodeRenderInfo(graph) <- list(label=nLabels, height=height, cex=cex, ...)
if (length(values)) {
nodeRenderInfo(graph) <- list(fill=nodeCols,textCol="black")
edgeRenderInfo(graph) <- list(lwd=lwd, ...)
## END code borrowed from plotKEGGgraph
##par(oma=c( 0,0,15,1))# reset margin to be much smaller.
##image.plot(legend.only=TRUE, zlim=range(breaks), col=colorPalette, legend.shrink=0.3, legend.width=0.8, legend.lab="t-scores", legend.mar=5)
##set.panel() # reset plotting device
invisible(list(graph=graph, breaks=breaks))
## 2010-10-08
## o Now validating argument 'verbose'.
## 2010-09-17
## o Fixed node labels.
## 2010-09-16
## o Removed dependency on KEGGgraph.
## o Added option 'symmetrizeArrows'.
## 2010-09-07
## o Added option 'translateGeneIDs'.
## o Added Rdoc.
## o removed brewer.pal to avoid depending on RColorBrewer.
## o renamed 'shift' into 'values' for more general applicability.
## 2010-08-05
## o Color scale is now symmetric / 0.
## o Legend is not drawn within plotDERes anymore.
## 2010-08-04
## o BUG FIX: colors were wrong (due to a factor/character problem).
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